Thursday, June 14

Home sweet home

Brought too you again by Domnul Consul.... It's about a wonderful... erm... thingy in Romania...

  • "Questions only a student at Poli can answer :"
  1. "Why is the sky blue? "
  2. "Why do wet clothes become darker in color, even though water is transparent ? "
  3. "Why doesn't glue stick to the bottom of a glass ? "
  4. "Can blind men see their dreams ? "
  5. "Why do men have nipples?"
  6. "Why aren't airplanes made out of the same material as black boxes?"
  7. "How do subways get underground?"
  8. "It's midnight and it's raining. In 96 hours time, will it still be raining?"
  9. "At what speed does darkness travel?"
  10. "If it's 0 degrees outside today, and tomorrow it will be twice as cold, how cold will it be tomorrow?"
  11. "When you take pictures with Mickey Mouse at Disneyland, is the man inside Mickey smiling?"

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