Showing posts with label now really?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label now really?. Show all posts

Thursday, June 25

God Save The Nouvelle Vague

Yeah, that band who claims to " take the songs that you adore and make you fall in love with them all over again" are back. Sincer, nu sunt nici pe departe geniul care se vor a fi. Sunt a cover band cu bune (putine) si BIG!meah's (multe). Noul album, nu e diferit. Imi plac the following: "All My Colours" (de fapt, partea lui Ian McCulloch makes me cam atat), "Parade" (care oricum cred ca e orginalul minus vocea 'dubioasa' si nitel domesticit..bah, ce chestie) si vocea lui Martin Gore (ok, si coverul dupa "Master and Servant" merge... asa, daca esti de pe alta lume si n-ai auzit in viata ta originalul). In rest... MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! 'Blister in the sun' e un afront adus amintirilor din clasa a 12a cand ascultam Violent Femmes all day long, 'God Save The Queen' e just another song fara all the range and general stupidity, 'Road to Nowhere' la fel fara Byrne, la 'Ca plaine pour moi' nu imi dau seama ce au schimbat (bine, aud vocea aia enervanta) etc etc. Pot sa scriu tomuri despre cum, de fapt, Nouvelle Vague is not so special like they want us to believe. Nu, nu o sa ascult la nesfarsit coverul vostru dupa M&S cand am originalul. Ce chestie.

Thursday, July 5

We Each Talk About What We Wanna Talk

I was having a talk on the phone with my best friend... He has to stay indoors so I stress him daily... He said one thing today and, God damn it, he was right(and that does not happen too often with him)... Our talks are like talking to robots... or by ourselves as a matter of fact... We talk about what we want to talk, even if the other one listens... He talks about... erm... how he needs to scratch himself... I talk about Klaxons... Just about what I'ma do now...Suprize, surprize (cum era genericu' de la tanti Banica Jr.?)

First: something useless, but soooo fun.... Just click... and take a look at the cover boy...

Second: I have a fuzzy warm feeling that Klaxons (Mr. James I-look-like-a-Spanish-soap-opera-star-with-this-fake-tan Righton in particular) are the wrong kind of influence for young and naive people like Arctic Monkeys... (not that Dizzee Rascal would be safer...erm... so to say). Here is why....

The guy in the white suit is the Justice cover boy and, yes, James Righton ... guess who's the dragon... a rather pissed dragon, one might think...
You see, i'm just afraid little Turner will end up drink orange juice vodka all day and do popping pills like the klaxoning gang... and James is wearing a swan costume, just for the record...

Third thingy... well, actually two thingies... so that makes it 3 and 4... One from Klaxons and one from Monkeys....

The b-side off the new Klaxons single, It's not over yet (it's a cover, but can't remember the band who did the original...irrelevant anyway)
Klaxons - The Night

And Monkeys do it again...

Arctic Monkeys - You know i'm no good (amy winehouse cover)

Friday, June 29


So... imi intrerup programul obisnuit de impachetare si shopping sprees (coming home and sales in france, baby) to bring you this... O mizerie de articol... bine, poate articolul in sine nu ar fi chiar asa o mizerie.... asta daca you are able to read it, which I was not.... as it is writen in font 5 (if such a thing exists *checks Word...* it does)... Now, where was I? Ah, yes... the article...

Pam pam!!! (erm... you scroll down and look for the Interpol part of it...)

How dare they say that? Editors, a second-rate version of Interpol... and they dare add 'to put it kindly?'.... Stiupid... veri stiupid....

Saturday, June 23

These Days

nancy boyo: o sa ocup doar eu o sala in care se tin lucrurile...
adina: nu vreau sa ma gandesc if you had an apart

Am terminat anu'... Acum, all I have to do is pack. Aaaaaall my stuff. To give you a hint... am 20 de pungi mari de H&M si 10 pungi tot mari de Fnac. Nu, nu sunt pline. Nu acum. Erau odata. Acum ce era in ele has to go intr-o valiza de 30 de kile, una de 25 si doua genti mai mici. Si nu numai ce era in ele, ci si ce mai aveam si eu adus de acasa (to give you another hint: in septembrie, cand am venit aici cu mama am avut doua valize de 50 de kile impreuna, in care mama nu avea mai nimic...). Haine de iarna, all my books, all my bags, the shoes I won't take with me. Perechea mea de hamsteri imputiti si extrem de jegosi (ar trebui sa mentionez ca 'hamsteri' se refera la skate shoes... as le spunem... erm... noi... ). Pe aia unde &#@%&^#^$ ii pun? Ca sa nu mai zic ca am OPT perechi de pantofi pe care nu le iau cu mine. In cutii. Si intr-o cutie sunt conversii mari si grosi de iarna. Tre sa vad ce fac cu ALL the cds (remember the 10 bags from fnac?). Toate posterele pe care le-am dezlipit de pe stalpi de pub. Si cel mai important... tre' sa il scot pe asta micu' *points down* din camera...

Thursday, June 14

Home sweet home

Brought too you again by Domnul Consul.... It's about a wonderful... erm... thingy in Romania...

  • "Questions only a student at Poli can answer :"
  1. "Why is the sky blue? "
  2. "Why do wet clothes become darker in color, even though water is transparent ? "
  3. "Why doesn't glue stick to the bottom of a glass ? "
  4. "Can blind men see their dreams ? "
  5. "Why do men have nipples?"
  6. "Why aren't airplanes made out of the same material as black boxes?"
  7. "How do subways get underground?"
  8. "It's midnight and it's raining. In 96 hours time, will it still be raining?"
  9. "At what speed does darkness travel?"
  10. "If it's 0 degrees outside today, and tomorrow it will be twice as cold, how cold will it be tomorrow?"
  11. "When you take pictures with Mickey Mouse at Disneyland, is the man inside Mickey smiling?"