Sunday, January 27

Sunday's comics

the whole story here

Friday, January 25

My new fave show...

Oh, Julian Barratt, thou art brilliant...

Wednesday, January 23

More :|

Oh, today's just one big fucking straight face... no, no other celebrity has died... However, I was surfing the Horrors official forum (aka Horum) and realised I need to read things more carefully... Yes, they did say something about a producer at a certain moment...

"This might be privileged information, but just before the New Year we spent a week in the studio with Chris Cunningham and cut a couple of new tracks, they sound fantastic and we're very much looking forward to the reactions from both our fans and others. Hats off to Chris."


oh...yeah... sure... ok


This is one of those things that leaves you straight-faced... Heath Ledger is dead... Digest that!

Wrote a song last night while I was sober...

I would love it if this post was about some new Strokes material... cause, quite honestly, I am sick of all "the rumours" saying that the guys are going to go in the studio at the end of 2008... But hey, one can't always have what one wants...

Make Model - The Was
Pete and The Pirates - Bright Lights
Pants Yell! - Magenta and Green
Elle S'appelle - Little Flame
The Kissaway Trail - Smother+Evil = Hurt
Those Dancing Day - Those Dancing Days
The Ting Tings - That's Not My Name
Cut Off Your Hands - Still Fond

Sunday, January 20

Come on now, baby, come with me

I'm really bored and sleepy so here are some klaxons releted news...

1.Klaxons have been nomintaed for two awards in this years Brit Awards - British Live Act and British Breakthrough Artist.

kinky, innit?

2. *as found in this week's NME*

The four-piece have booked studio time with hip-hop producer Focus (Dr. Dre, Beyonce, Destiny's Child, The Game) and long-time David Bowie producer/friend, Tony Visconti. They will record sessions with Visconti in London in February, then with Focus in March.

The band then head to Italy to record the full album with James Ford, who was at the helm for their Mercury Music Prize winner and NME writers’ album of the year 'Myths Of The Near Future'.

Whatever it ends up sounding like, the band are adamant that their second album will be worlds apart from the debut that tagged them ‘new rave godfathers’.

“I read a gig preview for one of our shows the other day,” said guitarist Simon Taylor, “they were still writing that we were kids in fluorescent clothing playing rave revival music. But this time round the most boring thing we could do is make a similar record [to ‘Myths…’]. We’ve never specifically been about fashion or anything ‘now’. We’re going to make an album that’s relevant to us.”

“We’re proud of how the first album did,” added Taylor, “but it’s not going to be hard to completely blow it out of the water.”

The record is expected to be released in September.

Klaxons were speaking as part of NME's albums of 2008 preview issue which is on UK newsstands now.

why not Dre and Bowie, WHY???... i still wonder...

I have some bands I quite like and would like to post some mp3s but I'm too lazy to be bothered. Plus, final exams are on their way... 3... yes, 3 *BIG!grin*

I leave you with this... Enjoy and take notes...

Tuesday, January 15

If You're Not Living On The Edge You Take Up Too Much Space

Fusesi tag-uita de Bjorker... ar trebui sa fac un top 15 al melodiilor care mi se par mi despresive (desi in momentul de fata mi se pare mai deprimant un outfit aiurea decat o melodie.. deh, shallow little me)... Imi pare rau, nu pot. 15 melodii mi se pare prea putin... asa ca ma enfichez si fac o lista... Here goes nothing... (tin sa mentionez ca asta e selectia selectiei... )

(incepem cu formatiile alea a caror intreaga discografie ma fac sa stau intinsa pe podea holbandu-ma la tavan)

The Smiths/Morrissey
The Strokes (in speta FIOE... dar nici restu' nu-i de colo)
Joy Division
Of Montreal

(and now some songs)

Velvet Underground - The Gift
Ladytron - Seventeen
Arctic Monkeys - 505
Hot Chip - Boy From School
The Libertines - Music When The Lights Go Out
New Order - Crystal
Manic Street Preachers - Motorcycle Emptiness
The Jam - That's Entertainment
Bright Eyes - Happy Bday To Me
The Coral - Bil McCai
JJ Johanson - She Doesn't Live Here Anymore
Grandaddy - Crystal Lake
Siouxsie And The Banshees - Carousel
BRMC - Six Barrel Shotgun
Blond Redhead - Misery Is A Butterfly
Modest Mouse - Bukowski
Arcade Fire - My Body Is A Cage
Maximo Park - Books From Boxes
Radio Dept. - The Worst Taste In Music
Stars - Your Ex Lover Is Dead
Yo la Tengo - Last Days Of Disco
Jesus and Mary Chain - April Skies
System Of A Down - Aerials (yeah, I'm not mistaken...)

(daca nu le-ati ascultat pana acum si le vreti, stiti de unde sa le luati... nu de alta, da imi e lene sa uploadez atatea melodii..)

As da-o mai departe, da nu am cui... sad, innit? almost depressing...

Monday, January 14

With a fist and a fall we meet with the floor

Znovurile circula de mult pe The Horum, dar de, lenea e mare in noi... Acum, ca Horrors ne-au promis album noi in Martie al acestui an, stim... Ce e mai gigea (&cute&cuddly&whatever) e faptul ca primul single ar putea fi...erm... o melodie pe care nu o stim (inca) sau un cover dupa minunatia asta...

Suicide -Dance

..ah, si eu inca vreau acel cover facut de Horrors dupa "No Love Lost"... imi vand plamanii pentru el... stiu ca fumez, dar asta e irelevant


In other news(for me)... Faris e producatorul noului ep Hatcham Social.. care va iesi la data de...*googles* 17 februarie.. parca ar conta... oricum, aici, in Romania ne doare fix in paispe de datele de lansare a variilor epuri si albume... tot nu le luam originale...

Buuuun.. tot nu m-am prins cine le produce the sophomore album astora de la Horrors si ma roada... sincer, vreau si nu vreau James Ford (cum se zvonea).. I mean, brilliant producer... but let's look at the facts: i-a corupt si pe Arctic Monkeys cu nu-raveu' (those beats..)... nu vreau niste orori nurave...

Ah, si ca tot vorbeam de nurave... De ce sophomoreu' Klaxons e produs de producatorul lui Bowie, Tony Visconti, and not Bowie himself ma depaseste...

Sunday, January 13

But I dont get what this society wants

Saturday, January 12

Somebody linked me....

Nylon Films presents Counting in Fives, a documentary about Britain's punk seethers, The Horrors, directed by Marvin Scott Jarrett. See the whole movie at the Sundance Film Festival on January 18!


Nancy wants... badly... I mean...

Thursday, January 10

Light touched my hands

Hot Chip basically own me... so, really, I was in the mood for some Hot Chip and I found out they have a new album coming out.... which, btw, is bloody brilliant... and just about anything Hot Chip could be about: quirky, with a certain sweetness to it, catchy, ironical... blablabla...

Hot Chip - Ready For The Floor
Hot Chip - Shake A Fist

PS: I had 2 bottles of champagne with me mum to celebrate my bday... so it's a wonder I can hit the key on the keyboard...

Wednesday, January 9

Here In My Car I Fell Safest Of All

Given the fact that tomorrow I might be too drunk or/and tired to write something... vestea trebuie data acum... Maine fac 20 de ani (vorba melodiei.. 'they sentenced me to 20 years of boredom')... Am o depresie programata si , hopefully un picior rupt pe gheata de afara (it'd be a cheeky bonus)... Cel putin vom fi hip in our red-noelfielding-sexonlegs jeans while we wallow in self pity listening to the song below (my theme song for this day since my 18 bday)

Bright Eyes - Happy Bday To Me

Oh, a little ps... remember this one? Well, turns out I'm now obsessed with the song... si imi place sa dansez ca Noel in acel videoclip... Blugii rosii nu ma ajuta... Si ma apuca dansatu in tramvai la ora 7 fara un sfert am...

Saturday, January 5

The cheeky bastards from Chanel 4....


oh, and... what? Are they trying to make us forget bright colours? Though, one must admit, their new Cure/Horrors look is well fit (have they been doing too much bum-bum with Horrors?oO)

Wednesday, January 2

Big Fat Quiz Timez

Ah, bless those two. Back again to makes us laugh. Wine gums, envy and pieces of rainbow. Besides, it's the only way I like to see Russell Brand... next to Noel Fielding, that is. Yes, it's Big Fat Quiz Of The Year '07... The '06 one was hilarious


Oh, and you get a Lily Allen who didn't know that you can get pregnant from a little bum bum... oh, deary me...