Tuesday, January 15

If You're Not Living On The Edge You Take Up Too Much Space

Fusesi tag-uita de Bjorker... ar trebui sa fac un top 15 al melodiilor care mi se par mi despresive (desi in momentul de fata mi se pare mai deprimant un outfit aiurea decat o melodie.. deh, shallow little me)... Imi pare rau, nu pot. 15 melodii mi se pare prea putin... asa ca ma enfichez si fac o lista... Here goes nothing... (tin sa mentionez ca asta e selectia selectiei... )

(incepem cu formatiile alea a caror intreaga discografie ma fac sa stau intinsa pe podea holbandu-ma la tavan)

The Smiths/Morrissey
The Strokes (in speta FIOE... dar nici restu' nu-i de colo)
Joy Division
Of Montreal

(and now some songs)

Velvet Underground - The Gift
Ladytron - Seventeen
Arctic Monkeys - 505
Hot Chip - Boy From School
The Libertines - Music When The Lights Go Out
New Order - Crystal
Manic Street Preachers - Motorcycle Emptiness
The Jam - That's Entertainment
Bright Eyes - Happy Bday To Me
The Coral - Bil McCai
JJ Johanson - She Doesn't Live Here Anymore
Grandaddy - Crystal Lake
Siouxsie And The Banshees - Carousel
BRMC - Six Barrel Shotgun
Blond Redhead - Misery Is A Butterfly
Modest Mouse - Bukowski
Arcade Fire - My Body Is A Cage
Maximo Park - Books From Boxes
Radio Dept. - The Worst Taste In Music
Stars - Your Ex Lover Is Dead
Yo la Tengo - Last Days Of Disco
Jesus and Mary Chain - April Skies
System Of A Down - Aerials (yeah, I'm not mistaken...)

(daca nu le-ati ascultat pana acum si le vreti, stiti de unde sa le luati... nu de alta, da imi e lene sa uploadez atatea melodii..)

As da-o mai departe, da nu am cui... sad, innit? almost depressing...

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