Friday, August 29

Sniff Sniff

From now on... mai au ramas doar vreo 5 formatii romanesti cu adevarat bune... ( speram ca the side projects o sa fie la fel de bune ca Hotel Fetish)

In cu totul alta ordine de idei...m-am angajat... and it's a pain in the back... no,really...literary, it is...

Wednesday, August 27

Moi, je kiffe le rap aussi...maaaais....

...sau cum Lagerfeld ... ba nu, Lagerfeld mi-a demonstrat ca he's lost it de la faza cu ursuletul de plus care ii seamana... But I still had some expectations de la Harper's Bazaar...

Thursday, August 14

And just when one thought Ting Tings were all Britain had to offer us...

...Gillespie and Mani are back. So what the new album, Beautiful Future, is not perfect head to bottom, so what Zombie Man isn't all that brillinat and a bit of a filler, so what Glory Of Love is jsut harmless pop? Eu tot vreau sa le ascult cel mai recent efort artistic pe repeat.

Saturday, August 2

This is a song, a song to break yr heart to

All of my sins are attempts to fill the voids.


In alta ordine de idei, boredom (the utter, complete boredom that makes you not wanna get outta bed in the morning) has kicked in. Luni plec la Londra. Poate ca acolo o sa imi treaca this boredom... But really, all I wanna do is walk around Bucharest with my Mary Poppins shoes and my black lace umbrella.


Ca tot mai am ceva de punctat, si hai sa facem un post n in 1. (Observati utlizarea uber-fitoasei Oxford Comma in romana... eh, are fite). Stirea asta ma deprima. Numele viitoarei reviste nu imi spune nimic. Iar chestia cu onlineu' ma deprima si mai tare.