Saturday, August 29


I'm not gonna say a word about THE big announcement made last night. Altough, in my world, THE big announcement might be the following...

Ipso Facto are going to break up. This really makes me sad. I loved them, they played great music and I would've loved to see them live.

They were an all-female 60s inspired goth group based in London associated with The Horrors and new London scene.

The only good part is that all three members will keep making music. Bassist Samantha Valentine is a new member of R O M A N C E (finger-licking band, dare I say), lead Rosalie Cunningham will start a proggresive-rock influenced band called Ketu and drummer Victoria Smith will be in a band called Blue on Blue. So, I guess I'll keep my eyes peeled and hope these bands will last longer than Ipso Facto.

Also, former keyboardist Cherish Kaya worked with Faris Badwan under the name Lumina and the result was a haunting cover of Back Lips' 'I'll Be With You'.

Thursday, August 27

At The Discoteque

Mr. Oizo better watch out. Falt Beat has just been reinvented....

Wednesday, August 26

Din ciclul 'guess who'

Knock knock

Who's there?

*don't own, don't want to...

Saturday, August 22

Fingerprints and co are so last season

De cateva zile, cand intru pe mail vad o faza la news from entertainment cu un model (care era urata cu spume ... cel putin asa reiese din poza atasata articolului) care a fost omorata de her ex sau ceva de genu. Da, nasol, blabla..e plina lumea de nebuni dar avem nevoie de ei ca sa faca AP&co bani din ceva. Evident, follow-ups are essential. Azi (sau poate mai stiu) a venit un titlu care face ca plastic surgeries sa aiba a whole new point...

Ex-model's breast implants were key to body's ID

That is all I had to report.

Friday, August 21

Monday, August 17

Coming up beyond belief...

....sau cum the usage of acid is no longer requiered

In alta ordine de idei, am attendat (asta e pe sistem 'zborul celor de la AB4 a fost cancelat') ieri concertul baietilor de la Editors... Front row lejer, ei au rupt, vocalu' e nitel scapat de la balamuc, am urlat, ma usturau mainile de la aplaudat. Dar dupa ce am iesit, ma simteam ca si cand nici nu fusesem la un concert. Nu tu stare de euforie, nu tu hyper mood, nimic. Parca a lipsit ceva. Sad, huh? Maybe I'm just getting old.

Monday, August 10

I am just a patsy

Now, excuse me, I'll be off to watching this on repeat

Wednesday, August 5

Today's Lesson

Guess the bands... I dare you (ignore the file names)

Monday, August 3

The adult world took it all away

Am realizat* cu (o oarecare) tristete ca Placebo sunt, in mare, a band that embodies teenage angst... mai departe, cand tu treci de angstu' cauzat de explozia de cosuri de pe fata/realizezi ca angstu' ala n-are treaba cu acnea, se cam impute situatia. That's all.

Oh, the new album still suxxx more than a prostitute from Amsterdam.

*sincer, banuiesc ca revelatia am avut-o de mai de mult, dar am negat asa cum neg multe pentru a putea trece peste each day.