Wednesday, April 29

What The Actual Fuck?

Domnul Steve Albini probabil mi-a citit statusurile disperate de pe Facebook si a hotarat sa scoata din seif singura copie a noului album Manics (sunt ferm convinsa ca Albini era ultimul care mai avea grija de copia aia, cause the Manics are a bunch of culture sluts). Bref, albumul a leak-uit luni seara, marti de dimineata... cu 15 minute inainte de a pleca de acasa, am dat si eu de el (ce ziceam de statusurile alea that reeked desperation?). What followed? Pai, am plecat cu 20 de min mai tarziu decat ar fi trebuit, mi-am uitat portofelul si am intarziat la ore. Ah, si era sa ma calce o masina in timp ce ascultam Journal For Plague Lovers la player. Azi, a doua masina.. am ajuns la timp la seminar, but hey! Era sa ma uit pe acasa.

Problema e ca nu inteleg ..DE CE??? Adica, albumul e sublim, superb, divin ... Peeled Apples si Jackie Collins Exsitential Question Time deja le stiu pe dinafara (Jackie are vreo 500 de palys pe mah Latsfm...pfooooa). This Joke Sport Severed e perfetion (those chords, those drums, the way the voice blends in perfectly... aaaa...m-au omorat). Marlon JD are un beat demential... and I feel like dancing whenever I hear it. Wiliam's Last Words makes me weep like a little kid watching Bambi's mom get killed... Pe sistem: AAAA!! RICHEY BEING EMOTIONAL ABOUT... STUFF!!! AND WIRE SINGING A SONG WITH RICHEY'S LYRICS!!! OMG, WIRE'S VOICE!!! AND IT READS LIKE A POTENTIAL SUICIDE NOTE!!BAAAAAAAAW. (acum mi-am dat seama, melodia care urmaeaza incepe cu 'I am not dead' - *start freaky fan mode*Richey, guys, ce vreti sa ne spuneti???*end freaky fan mode*). Dar la o adica, it's still what Bradfield would write... si pe acoluri sunt asemanari intre melodii de pe Know Yr Enemy (care a fost un album foarte bun, stfu Wire!) sau baaaw... melodii mai vechi, u get the point. And yet, here I am... Going completely mental about this album...

What the actual fuck?

oh, wait


I think I see what Wire did there cu that 'It's The Holy Bible pt.2'. DAMN YOU, WIRE!! (desi nu e, nici ca versuri... *thinks of William's, stars crying like the obsessed bitch she is* si nici ca instrumental... ar fi si stupid)

Ca bonus, I even love the devil blabla *starts crying*

I have this essay something-something for tomorrow... and I HAVE to do it... and yet, I'm just listening to Journal... they've ruined mah life

Thursday, April 23

Beautiful, Dirty, Rich

This is a masterpiece... Sublime indeed. And Primary Colours is beautiful. Everything NME said in that preview and more. It ain't the old Horrors. It's all the blablabla about evolving as a band... and it's so frickin' great. And when i think they're what? 22-23 years old... Heck, and they've done this... Pfooooa, forget 'i'm drepressed I'm 21 and have done nothing with mah life'... This is instant suicide for yrs truly in MPEG format... aw, pretty babies!!!

In Horrors related seems them ho's and the big old fat culture ho's of Manics have done something together... A sex tape? kekeke

Wednesday, April 22

Flesh Mechanic

For What It's Worth

I will have to say... Middle-age ain't good for Molko... no, sir! La shtoarfa de Wire mai e cum mai e ca he's mentally 14, dar lui Molko nu'i prieste... *sigh*

Sunday, April 19

I'd love to hear about Jesus! What's he up to now?

"Joshua's ministry was three years of preaching, sometimes three times a day, and although there were some high and low points, I could never remember the sermons word for word, but here's the gist of almost every sermon I ever heard Joshua give.

You should be nice to people, even creeps.
And if you:
a) believed that Joshua was the Son of God (and)
b) he had come to save you from sin (and)
c) acknowledged the Holy Spirit within you (became as a little child, he would say) (and)
d) didn't blaspheme the Holy Ghost (see c)
then you would:
e) live forever
f) someplace nice
g) probably heaven
However, if you:
h) sinned (and/or)
i) were a hypocrite (and/or)
j) valued things over people (and)
k) didn't do a, b, c, and d,
then you were:
l) fucked"

(Christopher Moore - Lamb: The Gospel According To Biff, Christ's Childhood Friend)

... have a little sense of humour, please...

Wednesday, April 15

Of cheapness and marketing schemes.

Pe langa faptul ca am o problema cu America Apperal din punct de vedere estetic (pe scurt, nu imi plac hainele lor... mi se par common, boring si lipsite de that spark a piece of clothing needs to help you stand out...), acum am o problema si cu prostia oamenilor in charge .. Adica, cum domne? Unde te crezi tu sa folosesti imagine lui Woody Allen (sau a oricui altcuiva) in one of yr ads asa randomly. Fara o discutie in prealabil. Ca si cum Converse ar fi trantit pozele alea din campania lor 'Connected' pe un panou si asta ar fi fost. Va dati seama ce scandal ar fi fost pe capu lor? Endorsing? Asta e un termen sublim folosit de Allen in fata caruia reprezentantii AA ar trebui sa se cace pe ei de frica. Think about it... Nu imi vreau fata asociata cu firma voastra. Poate ideologia mea nu se potriveste cu valorile promovate de voi. Ca si cum Nike ar folosi imaginea lui Chomsky in one of their ads... sa vezi acolo caterinca. It wasn't cheap to bring Allen's sex life? Asta fiindca vor sa demonstreze ca imagine lui Allen e deja fucked up si ei sunt a bunch of frickin' angels? Acum, poate vorbesc ca un fan al operei lui Allen, dar nu ne intereseaza pe toti (noi, astia cu scaunu la cap, care nu's innebuniti dupa Dorobanti et all) mai mult artistul aici si nu cu cine se fute persoana Allen? Oare aici nu e vorba de THE ARTIST? Nu el isi prezinta credintele si valorile prin intermediul filmelor/cartilor... si voi n-ati folosit o imagine dintr-un film al lui Allen nu una cu el de mana cu Soon-Yi? Nu e vorba aici de arta si nu de viata privata? Si acum sincer, cand un critic face o recenzie de pentru un film de-al lui Allen sau cand un om se duce sa vada un film se gandeste cum s-a futut Allen cu fii-sa adoptiva? Tare m-ar amuza ca avocatii domnului (oh, behave) Allen sa aduca in dicsutie si ei (asa, pentru o caterinca mica) viata sexuala a directoriilor companiei si a celor de la firma de advertising... Sa vad cat de cheap sunt...

Tuesday, April 14

But at least you are free

No reason for this post...I just think the photo's great
and so is the song it makes me think of