Tuesday, September 30

I was looking for some action... and all I could find were

....NME cover goodies... As it says on the cover, well... Strokes 'will be doing stuff early next year'....yes, yes, I know there were statements issused about a new album on Wikipedia (teh kewlest thing next to myspazz .. 4REAL!!!) ... but then came a new Albie album and Fab's solo project and Nikolai's solo and ... well, that was it. And for fuck's sake, it's been 4 years... and, no, I don't give a fuck about yr holidays and shiat.... I want my Strokes... just as I want my Klaxons and my Horrors... And my Placebo... and fast...

In other news, I hear Razorlight are still alive... OH, SHI!!!!!

Friday, September 19

Kids These Days

I strongly believe Mark Ronson should get the fuck off my lawn...

Saturday, September 6

Random Firl

I have pins... I love my pins... Got them from the merchandise stand at various gigs or from the cities I've been to... I've been dreaming of a Echo and the Bunnymen pin ever since I read that book 'Meat Is Murder' and the main character had one that kept falling and he kept freaking put he's lost it. And now I have one. And I also freak out at the sheer thought of losing one. I once lost a Klaxons pin (one of the four I had bought at the gig) on the bus and I got back again on that bus (noticed it was missing when I got off the bus) just to get it back... Anyways, yesterday I was leaving work and I looked at my pins... and my mostly-beloved Mod pin was missing...My perfect checkered black and white pin with some mods (doooh) with their perfect tailored suits and two-tone hats on it and a 'Mod' with that The Who's logo-like 'O' ... I loved it... I remember seeing it in that shop in Soho and going all hyper cause it was some perfect. And it just looked so perfect on my black M&S dress. Went back but didn't find it... and now I'm just praying it's somewhere in that office.. and not under some car or in a trash can or something like that, with bags of chips and empty plastic bottle...


Something music-related... Why have I waited so long to get myself Insipral Carpets? Brilliant band, brilliant...
Inspiral Carpets - Directing Traffik

I've also been listening to a shitload of Manics, Suede, Primal Scream, Oasis, Pulp, Happy Mondays and Brett Anderson. Discovered the greatness of Late Of The Pier's 'Fantasy Black Channel' (although I still think they should pretend 'Focker' was never written) and Metronomy's 'Nights Out'. Remembered how great Rage Against the Machine are. Realised I'd gladly do Damon Albarn's brain (God, the music for Monkey: A Journey to the West is brilliant... well, you might wanna skip 'Confessions of a Pig' but the rest is just pure love). And was completely blown away by the new Slipknot (I might mention now the I love their Vermilion Part 1&2). I agree, the masks are a bit of a turn off (come to thing about it, they are a great turn off), but once you get passed them (if you can... ), you get a pretty good band.

Oh, and I hate my job...

Wednesday, September 3

Best Blog In The Fookin' World...Galaxy...Universe

"Mr. Gallagher your brother seems to have collapsed in the aisle!" (YES! AT LAST!!!) And sure enough....there he is, face down in the aisle unconscious. "Shall I wake him?" asks the attendant. "Nah, leave him there..he's only looking for attention!"
Boredom is easily killed by a freshly made Oasisnet account and some blogs written by Noel "I'm the biggest fookin rock star in the world and Liam is just a useless bitch" Gallagher
Also, NME seem to be financed by Teh G Brothers and make a headline outta every random thought this lot have. Not that it makes for bad enternaiment. In fact, it brings the lolz as much as McCain, Pallin and her pregnant teenage daughter. I mean, Liam moving to New York in about a decade? Just imagine it, Noel will definitely move there too, even if he hates it, just to piss off his brother. Surely that will be epic.

Monday, September 1

You used to speak the truth, but now you're clever

Am momentant niste dileme... they are on my mind and they are bugging me...

1. How in the name of Lou Reed can The Independent use the word 'recovered' to describe Alex James (cum, nu stiti cine e Alex James? - a se vedea ultimul comment - Da' voi pe ce lume traiti?). He is farming sheep, for Bowie's sake! And he tot looked better when he WAS spending 1 million quid on heroin... 4REAL

2. Cum se face ca Lars Ulrich e fan Oasis?

3. How can one ( and by saying 'one', i mean Mike Skinner) say they are the "Picasso of geezer garage'?

4. When is the new Klaxons material coming out? What are they doing now? Are they still in Italy getting pissed? And what's with the gigs... playing Urkaine, but not Romania...? Fuckheads.

5. How long can I put up with the whole work-work-work-pub-club-sleep schedule?

6. De ce Mediafax pune o stire despre noul album Cure la Life-Inedit si nu la Cultura? Sau o stire despre albumul Muse? (De fapt, intrebarea ar trebui pusa asa... De ce o suge Mediafax?... dar am o vaga impresie ca e retorica...)