Friday, August 31

The greatest rapper of all times.....

This happened last year...

and now, cunt boy expects us to believe him....

Thursday, August 30

Rock'n'roll highschool?

Imi e lene sa scriu... ascult Spoon cu intentia de a scrie bout their latest album... dar half way through, realizez ca nu am chef... Am vrut sa scriu ieri despre asta, dar -ati ghicit- mi-a fost LENE!!! Well, acum e 10:20 am, de abia m-am trezit, did not even have my 2nd morning coffee si am chef sa scriu...

Ieri am fost in HB cu Boske... Hb e o bodega pe langa my ex-highschool... (in "Bagau", personajul principal se ducea intr-un bar... Maguy -parca asa se scria... e, ala e... ).. Si cand spun pe langa inseamna o statie de tramvai. Pe urma am fost la liceu sa imi iau eu de mancare (damn, Fornetti era inchis, ca de acolo vroiam sa imi iau)... si momentul in care imi macam pizza si ne indreptam spre liceu felt so strange, ca mi-a fost frica ca o sa incercam pe urma sa intram pe poarta liceului (era insa inchisa cu lacatu'... damn, they did think of everything!). Arata asa de ciudat liceul gol, fara nenea portaru' (ala care canta la chiatara si fuge dupa tine ca ai intrat pe la profi).... Dupa, am luat-o pe jos spre my place and every minute of our half an hour walk (maybe less) felt like highschool again...
just that it wasn't...

Wednesday, August 29

Joshua Third Strikes Back

Forget the interview... look at ADD boy go wild....=)))))

Monday, August 27

The Quotable Horrors....

Faris Quotes
"No, I hate pink."

"uh and I'm Faris and I sing... in the same band."

"Its probably the best album you'll listen to today, if you listen to it today... and don't listen to any other music." (Talking about Strange House) *BIG lol*

Rhys Quotes
"Good morning, afternoon, or evening, uh I'm Spider Webb, keyboard player with the horrors."

(Talking about their press officer Andy) "He's a bit like a pet dog or cat and he only eats dry food."

"They all smell exactly the same, they remind me of P.E. changing rooms." (On deodorant)

(Talking about Strange House) "Definitely the best album you'll hear for ages."

"Hey hey, check check, one two."

"Turkey roll mental disorder and Joe just sits there not even oblivious to the world."

Joe Quotes
"No, I'm completely oblivious I just don't bother to like... vroom, vroom driving game... fuck off."

"I'm really tired okay...I've got to shower, I feel dreadful."

"tamales, muy bueno... how much? Ten bucks each? God ten bucks, you can take your tamales and stuff them up your... your tamales!"

"I'm a vegan."

"She doesn't know anything about my ass, but she knows she'll hook me up... that was great."

Tomethy Quotes
"Ive come to a conclusion that this country is full of idiots."

"It's like New-Brazilian or something."

"I collect vintage porn."

Joshua Quotes
"Turkey rolls! Lovelies. You want one of the most sumptuous turkey rolls!?! You fucking want one, do ya boy!?!"

"Where's my bag?"

"Hi my names Joshua and I like broccoli."

I've got some album/band reviews coming up next... promise...

Sunday, August 26


Reverend , or better Jon McClure, hails from Sheffield. He is backed by The Makers, a group of unknown musicians. Together, they are Reverend and The Makers. They make funky electronic music, kinda bloody cool. They got a contract in October 06 and their first single, "Heavyweight Champion Of The World"(a baggy-scented track),got pretty good airplay on British radio. It was also the summer anthem for clubber. A new single, "He Said He Love Me"(snazzy electro all the way), should be released any time now and the debut album will be out in September.
Reverend has also worked with a bunch of people such as Tim Hamptom of Bromheads Jacket (he bring a little of his style on "Bandits"), Andy Nicholson ex-Arctic Monkeys (funny, all the photos on the official site are made by Andy) , Tom Rawley of Milburn, and Alex Turner. It was in fact the track with Turner that brought their music to my attention.

The Machine (ft. Alex Turner)


In case you long for something completely experimental, BBC Radio Workshop-based, I recommend the side project of Rhys Webb (organ) and Tomethy Furse(bass) from The Horrors, Spider and The Flies.

Saturday, August 25

Fashion Victims

So... I have a new fashion blog... In colaborare cu porcii aia din our band-to-be...
A fost 'clocit' de mine si madam Smaranda intr-o mirobolanta bodega de pe langa Facultatea de Limbi Straine (sediul de la Patris), Colony... Se numeste Look In The Fucking Mirror. Aici gasiti postul de intro care va cam spune what our blog is about... ca nu e numai de street fashion.. oh, nu... noi la 10 noapte vorbim la telefon de Alexander McQueen si Ovidiu Buta.. ca as suntem noi... culti-n cap.

Friday, August 24

American Skies

Sunt suedezi, s-au cunoscut la Berlin si sunt stabiliti la Nyc . Cu un sunet care aminteste de the dreamy sound al celor de la Hot Chip,Thieves Like Us e una dintre acele formatii care face un electropop optzecist perfect. Probabil, probabil, numele lor vine de la melodia celor de la New Order... asta nu stiu sigur, dar in orice caz TLU reusesc sa creeze o muzica fresh (si imbina ce e mai bun din scenele suedeze si newyorkeze, trecand prin muzica house frantuzeasca), care i-ar face mandri pe New Order... foarte mandri (asta nu inseamna ca ar fi o formatie cut/copy dupa NO... ). Mai mult, TLU e genul de formatie care reuseste sa uneasca multimea din discoteca in one big "cu totii, manutele in aer" moment... So... hai, ce mai asteptati...

Au mai fost pe aici cu:
Drugs in my body



Some vidz

I've already posted a song from Envy & Other Sins and you can find some more here...

And here is another video I quite fancy...

Ai iz bec

As putea face un review al saptamanii petrecute la mare... sa va povetesc about aaaaaaall the fun i had... except... i got really bored! Imi propusesem sa ascult National, Pigeon Detectives si Twang, ca tot nu fac nimic, stau pe plaja pe un sezlong si ma bronzez ... Natioanl am ascultat in masina la intoarcere... si nitel Twang... in schimb, am abuzat de Jamie T... Si nici macar nu's bronzata... am pielea mult prea alba, ca sa-i faci dom'ne... Ah, era sa uit... in caz ca nu stiati... Mamaia e o statiune mega nurave.. Glow sticks, glowing balls, glowing swords, glowing clothes... Everything glows! Plus, animale de plus care danseaza in stil Ian Curtis si catelusi -tot de plus, care latra si au ochii verzi si par a fi a combo between Klaxons and Horrors (without a condom)...

Si acum, ajung si eu azi acasa si gasesc haos total in camera (tanti care face curat mi-a mutat totu' pe aici) si in blogosfera... de aia nu mai vorbesc... cica unii vor sa bloguiasca for cash... Heh... bloguiti voi pe bani, I blog for blog's sake (ai, Dineasco... ce cul estem... )... And guess what... Am admiterea la jurnalism in less than 2 weeks...

Ah, baga-mi-as... I need a week off!

Thursday, August 16


We document it... In jurul orei 21:48, in ziua de joi 16.08.2007, dadura Klaxons pe MTV ROMANIA!!!! o.O Mai lipseste sa dea niste Ze Horrors o.O
bine... dupa, au revenit la Justin Timerlake...


See you next saturday... Me wants not!!!!!

I leave you with this track I found on the Horrors slash site...

Envy & Other Sins - The Company We Keep.mp3

Random acts of boredome

Mozz hates Madge... but that is something so predictable...

Also, I've seen the nominees for this year's VMAs (held in Las Vegas? WHY???? New York!!! They should be held in New York!!!!)... And I have some questions on my mind....
1. How drunk will Amy Winehouse and Lily Allen be at the ceremony (they are both nominated for New Artist and scheduled to preform)?
2. How much did Peter Bjorn and John laugh when they found out they're nominated for Best New Artist?
3. How much did Justice laugh at Klaxons cause they didn't get nominated at the awards but Justice did (video of the year, ladies and gentlemen...)?
4. And really now... How frustrated are Klaxons that they didn't get nominated.... ?"But we are pop perfect....!!!!!"

Later edit:me and Bican came to a conclusion... we strongly believe Klaxons will 'gate crash the party'... Jamie using his snazzy red ribboned wheelchair as a weapon, Simon his hair, James his good looks and Steffan will probably throw money in the face of Timbaland in order for Timba to give him the host part (like that time Steffan threw money in the face of a guy wearing a Bowie tee, just cause Steff wanted the tee)... I am eager to see some Pete Wentz killing... However, do not hurt Jay-Z... he is the owner of Horrors' US label... (WTF???!!!?)

oh... and the drummer also trashed the awards a bit

Wednesday, August 15

Oh, yeah

Trai-ne-ar telenovelele!!!!

Factory Boys

I am part of the team of a Bucharest street fashion blog... Now I can totally look like a weirdo while staring at people's outfits around city... Yes, I am staring and haunting down...

In other news, I want to listen to some Echo & The Bunnymen... Well, go ahead!... Yeah, the thing is I just have like 2 tracks in my pc... the rest are in my laptop... and my laptop broke... Yes, I push the on button and it does nothing... And in the dvd player of the laptop is where I also left my dvd with Factory Girl and Hystory Boys... I wish to musically torture someone...

Monday, August 13

I like it!!!! I like it!!!

Weekend stuff...

My computer will have a 'hard attack' and I'm surfing MySpazz/LastFm for new bands... Here are some of my discoveries...

I'm really hyped about The Pan I Am. It's the new musical project of Edward Larrikin... It's kinda electronic, kinda acoustic (kinda Patrick Wolf... *coughs*.. did not mean that!)... and it just confirms the fact that Edward Larrikin is a bloody genius...

I'm also excited bout RipChord... not much, just that they're fuuuuun....they create fun pop songs... listen closely to the lyrics cause they're well written....
Lock Up Your Daughters

Rat Traps are sheer noise... and we like that... You can find the download for "New Flesh" here

The Voom Blooms
are a good garage punk act... They have a punchy guitars-based sound and loads of energy....
The London Heads

Saturday, August 11


The new Young Knives single sounds just like I'd expect The Young Knives to sound... erm... brilliant... It's really good jerk pop, energetic and one hell of a comeback...

Young Knives - Terra Firma

One new (and really young - one might be tempted to say they are so new acnee doesn't know them) band worthy of yr attention is London-based quartret The Pressure Drop. Its members are something like 16 - 17 , but this doesn't stop them from being a good band. They make this ska-punk-rocknroll and I guess it's pretty obvious what influeneces they've got *points at the two Clash and Strokes -btw, this one sounds brill... download it, they have done a really great job... the 4 kids -covers*... Erm... they are nice enough to give away songs on their website.

Myspazz page


De cateva zile vrea sa ma uit la 24 Hour Party People... dar nu il am la mine...

Friday, August 10


In ultima vreme am ceva cu formatiile care au fost before. Asa cum in momentul asta caut peste tot Hollywood Is A Verb, short-lived band a doi membrii Klaxons. In formatia respectiva mai erau niste baieti care acum au ajuns sa cante sub numele de Pull Tiger Tail. Baieti care, desi canta impreuna doar de la inceputul lui 2006*, au atras imediat atentia prin melodia « Let’s Lightning » (addictive, cu un sound de future guitar pop) si al ei refren, « Aren’t you sick of being automatic ? » - NME sugera sa inlocuim ‘being’ cu ‘the’. Nu, nu fac colourful dance indie ca Klaxons. Au ceva de Smiths meets Fugazi meets grunge , au o anumita sensibilitate pop pe care o combina grozav cu influentele Adam And The Ants si Daft Punk. Soundul este destul de energic, bazat pe tobe rasunatoare si chitari care incearca sa tina pasul. Liric, sunt destul de cinici si mereu vorbesc de not so happy situations, de lipsa de comunicare si dorinta de evadare. Recomand sa aruncati un ochi pe pagina lor de MySpazz… nu de alta, dar mi se pare really funny.

Pull Tiger Tail - Lets Lightning.mp3
Pull Tiger Tail - Animator.mp3

* sau poate tocmai datorita faptului ca exista de scurt timp, considering all the other bands gen Horrors si Klaxons…


I feel like a hypocrite at times.. when i post vids on my blog... Cause I'm the kind of person who doesn't watch vids because they don't get scrobbled on Lastfm... However, I'll keep on posting vids... here are some...

Van She -Kelly

The KBC - Not Anyone

Pull Tiger Tail - Mr 100Percent

Vacances dans le coma

Lacking any ideas about how the hell I could write about Ben Trotter (creatie, dom’ne, m-a mancat sa dau la jurnalism… admiterea!) si brainstorming in speranta ca voi gasi un pesonaj literar care sa imi placa la fel de mult (tema era: “Realizeaza portretul personajului literar favorit”), mi-a venit idea unui Top 5 in iubitul stil High Fidelity (Long Live Hornby!)… Un top 5 books I’d carry with me everywhere I go + reasons why

1. Rotter’s Club (la pachet cu “A Closed Circle”) – Jonathan Coe
De ce?
Pentru ca e o epopee almost Joyce-iana in care Coe analizeaza duritatea adolescentei,its cruelness and bitterness.
Si o face cu un simt al umorului extrem de sharp.
Pentru ca e aproape imposibil sa nu te indragostesti de personajele lui, de their hopes&dreams.

De ce la pachet cu "A Closed Circle ?"
Pentru ca iti arata cum s-au maturizat personajele din "Rotter’s Club", cum s-au naruit their hopes&dreams si ce cruel e viata in general (nu numai adolescenta)

2. Boys In The Band – David Brun-Lambert
De ce?
(Unii ar zice “pentru ca it’s about Libertines!”. Da, de asta mi-am luat-o.
Ma simt nevoita sa fac o mini-recenzie. Cartea se bazeaza pe the Libertines story, the friendship dintre Carl si Pete. Este scrisa sub forma unei fake autobiography scrisa din punctul de vedere al lui Carl. In carte, numele persoanelor, ale melodiilor, ale formatiilor etc sunt pastrate ca in realitate. Dar naratorul si autorul nu se confunda… adica sunt diferiti… adica sentimentele si gandurile lui Carl cel din carte sunt aparute din imaginatia autorului. )
Pentru ca povestea Libertines, poveste pe care e bazata cartea, e doar un pretext folosit de autor pentru a analiza sentimen
tele unui om care isi pierde un prieten si ajunge sa se simta inutil.
Pentru ca iti da un sentiment imens de hopelessness. La finalul cartii, Carl se muta intr-un apartament in Montmatre, de pe geamul caruia vede in fiecare zi o fata.
He ends up falling in love with her and whenever he listens to music (a song in particular – something from Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan, I can’t remember which one right now) he thinks of her. However one day, the girl disappears (history repeated?) and Carl decides never to listen to music (or make music) till he finds her (although he knows nothing about this girl)… I just had to tell the ending and spoil it…

Nota: a NU se citi cu Libertines ca fundal sonor…

3. Naked Lunch – William Burroughs
De ce?
Pentru umorul negru tipic Burroughs.
Pentru imaginile s&m duse la extrema in asa fel incat par doar hilare.
Pentru satira acida adusa societatii moderne.
Pentru faptul ca e controversial si azi.
Pentru Interzone

Nota : a se citi cu Klaxons( si ale lor lumi imaginare influentate de Burroughs ) ca fundal sonor.

4. 99 Francs/14,99 Euro/6,20 Euro edition Folio/9,99 £ /19,9 Lei/etc – Frederic Beigbeder
De ce ?
Pentru cinismul specific lumii post-moderne.
Pentru umorul negru, situatiile absurdo-hialre si replicile dementiale (« Connaissez-vous la différence entre les riches et les pauvres ? Les pauvres vendent de la drogue pour s’acheter des
Nike alors que les riches vendent des Nike pour s’acheter de la drogue. »).
Pentru kitschul asumat.
Pentru critica dura adusa lumii publicitare.

5. Kingdom Come – J.G. Ballard

De ce?
Pentru felul in care Ballard iti construieste o societate perfecta creata de consumerism (aici un orasel de la periferia Londrei) pentru ca mai apoi sa o tear to pieces si sa iti arate ce rotten it it. Si o face incet, fara graba, calm.
Pentru realismul crud al cosmarului climatizat.
Pentru faprul ca nu uita nici o clipa sa analizeze trairile persoanjului principal.

Nota : si va mai intrebati de ce zic Klaxons ca au facut o formatie inspirati fiind de opera lui Ballard…

Thursday, August 9


I'm such an attetion whore...

Recunosc, voi fii lame in seara asta. Am dat peste un cd din clasa a 9a si tre sa fiu lame... adica ca in clasa a 9a... Cu ce e cdul ala? Meteora, Reamination, Under Attack si Hybrid Theory... pe ultimul nu il am si nici nu o sa imi ocup spatiu in calculator (care si asa e plin) luandu-l...

Later edit: albumul l-am luat si ma gandesc ca aceasta escapada fonica a mea e buna for my exponential factor de pe Lastfm... care a ajuns de la 2.78 la 2.81 dupa doar 3 melodii... *rolls around laughing*.. cu ocazia asta, poate trec de 3 and i can pretend I have eclectic musical tastes... desi cu totii stim ca nu e adevarat...

Acid Never Dies

Categoria "Fun tracks of the week":

Riot In Belgium – La Musique (Adam Sky Remix) *as fi pus originalul... da' singura varianta pe care am gasit-o nu merge...O_o*
Pentru simplul fapt ca cei doi australieni reusesc sa faca melodii memorabile, care iti ramana intiparite pe timpan.

Dragonette – The Boys
Pop. Spun ca vor sa faca fun tracks and that’s it.
Nu ne deranjeaza. We’re actually very happy with it.

We Are The Physics – This Is Vanity

Are un aer de anthemic rock track. Half way through te prinzi ca ai deaface cu a bloody brilliant dance-rock band.

Not Another Band Fic

Title: Screw you guys (that is NOT the title… guess what it is…)
Author: in the words of Joe (drummer… Horrors)… ME ME ME MEEEEE
Pairing: Adina/Joe… in her dreams… haha
Rating: R… Bican’s fault yet again…
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters presented in the band fic (not even myself).. Some are owned by NME (Horrors), other by… erm… life??? And, if NME makes money outta The Horrors, I doubt life makes money outta Bican’s ass (pun indented).
Notes: I suck! Thank you! *takes bow*

Adina didn’t like touring with The Horrors. It wasn’t due to the fact that they had a habit of getting pissed each night and destroy everything around them. Not even the fact that Faris was a psychotic prick. She didn’t like it because she didn’t like having a crush on a guy with a girlfriend and having to be around him all day… and seeing him in his underwear in the dressing room (an accident… by which Joe didn’t seem bothered at all… ). And she hated being caught staring at Joe’s lips when he talked or getting lost in his blue eyes. What she didn’t know was that this was the thing to worry about least.

They were playing that evening in a little Victorian-like club in Manchester, location chosen by Rhys (everybody accepted because he complained for two day that nobody cares about his desires and needs… ). As they entered the club, an hour before the gig, they all realized that it was going to be packed.

While Bican was having a beer with Faris and Boske was checking her guitar, Nancy was getting up-to-date with the latest gossip.

“I’ve heard Ashlee Simpsons accepted Pete Wentz’s marriage proposal”, Rhys said disgusted.

“Oh, dear… she really loves small thingies!”, Nancy replied.

“Sorry to interrupt the gossip session, but it’s time to get on stage, girls… and boy” the tour manager said looking at Bican.

“Thank you!”, Bican replied smugly and walked on stage. The four girls followed him , Nancy quite unsatisfied that she hadn’t found out ALL the Hollywood hot gossip.
Adina could feel Joe’s eyes watching her. That was something else she did not like.

The crowd was filled with Split Infinitive fans. As soon as Samy hit the drums for the first time, they went wild. And, Adina thought sitting behind her synths, not in a good way.

The second song begun and Faris, who had had a little too much to drink, got on stage. His look made the five kids realize that he was up to no good. Indeed, he started pushing things off stage, throwing them into the public. And the public had something up their sleeves: Faris’ favourite thing, firecrackers. They started throwing them on the stage.

“Ah, screw you guys, I’m going home” Nancy yelled at the sight of the first one and ran off stage. They all knew it was time to go.
Faris on the other hand was thrilled and, to the general surprise, so was Bican.

“Come and get some firecrackers, kids!” he yelled, Samy staring at him thinking of a good psychiatrist for her friend.

Adina’s heart was beating with fear when she felt two arms around her.

“This is it!”, she thought. She looked down at the hands. They were perfect. Then she heard the person behind her.

“We’re gonna die! We’re gonna die!”, Rhys yelled in the gayest way possible.

“Nonsense! It’s alive!”, Adina replied, now frustrated by her idiotic hopes. “Rhys, get off me”, she kicked him aside, now looking on her left. Joe and Joshua were almost drunk, laughing hysterically on a couch and this sight made Adina even more frustrated

All of a sudden, they heard a yell and they saw Bican struggling as he was carried away by a security guard. Faris was carried by 3 but he was quite still.

“What will they do to them? Lock them in the club basement like that time Faris lost it?”, Nancy asked the others.

“Probably!”, Rhys replied quite coldly. “Thank God it’s over and we’re all alive!” .

Everybody rolled their ayes over, tired of Rhys’ habit of overreacting.

“Ah, don’t touch me! No, get yr hands off me!”, they heard Bican yelling again, but this time there was no guard.

“Do you think Faris is touching him?”, Boske said while searching desperately for a bottle of beer in the fridge. She quickly realized that all the beer was in Faris’ stomach.

“Who cares? After what he put as through, he deserves the worse!”, Rhys answered, his voice filled with hate, already seeing an imagery of Bican molested by Faris in the dark of the basement.

Do It Again!

Acum vreo doua seri eu si tanti baterista ne holbam la teveu'... same time, same channel, different places... de unde stiu? pai, ieri ii spuneam ca am deschis si eu televizorul la 11 noaptea si am dat de vidul asta, videoclip care mi-a reamintit how much i love Brian Molko... reactia: "ha, si eu tot atunci l-am vazut"....

Tot cam acum doua zile, am ramas cu gura cascata ascultand melodia asta
The Chemical Brothers - Battle Scars (Feat. Willy Mason).mp3
Dom'ne, how can I say it? Vocea lui Willy Mason suna bestial pe instrumentalul electro. It is officially my second favourite track from "We Are The Night" (prima va las pe voi sa o ghiciti... *whistles*).

Stirea de la ora 10 (juma')

Eu cum de nu stiam ca Spice Girls s-au reunit?

O ardem dubios pe mess...

nancy: esti si mai dubioasa
nancy: nu bausesi beer that day?
boske: era unu care m-a tot pus sa stau in diverse pozitii
boske: nu
boske: chiar nu bausem
nancy: mi se face rau
boske: bai, pe bune ca m-am lasat
boske: si mie
boske: uite una si mai dubioasa
nancy: corect
nancy: arati ca un manechin din ala de plastic...
boske: astia zic ca parca as fi de pe o coperta de carte siropoasa
boske: sau ca guliver
boske: sau asa
boske: am auzit si varianta "tatulici"
nancy: dear god!!!!!
nancy: da mie nu mi se pare ca arati a tatulici...
nancy: sau poate nu mai stiu eu cum arata tatulici
boske: cica n-are par
nancy boyo: asta stiam si eu
boske: dar in rest seamana cu mine?
nancy: *laughs*
nancy boyo: may i blog?... i have to blog...*smiles*
boske: nu
boske: despre ce?
boske: tatulici?
nancy: si gulliver... si coperta si manechin...
boske: stai sa vad daca mai primesc idei
boske: si eu ma gandeam sa bloguiesc
boske: da putem sa bloguim amandoua
nancy: good..
nancy: de pe blogul meu a ajuns bican faimos...
nancy: it's yr chance... now!!!!
boske: apreciez

nancy boyo: may i blog now?
boske: dap
nancy boyo: good
boske:'x':cu o fata frumoasa desteapta ganditoare si sensibila
boske: asta e cea mai tare
nancy boyo: la desteapta m-a lasat speachless
boske: am mai primit cateva de "cu tine"
boske: sau cu boske
nancy boyo: ooooo

cred ca our discussion is quite sufficient... if you have more ideas, feel free...

Wednesday, August 8

Moartea la Dan Diaconescu

Holbandu-ma ca prostu' la stirile tv, mi-a picat fisa... Moartea lui Pitis a venit tocmai bine pentru posturile de teveu'... Pentru Dan Diaconescu in special (si in direct)... Adica, am terminat-o cu Preafericitul, am epuizat toate subiectele, ne sta inima in loc ca nu mai avem subiecte senzationale (si va trebui sa ne intoarcem la obisnuitele violuri si crime )... Si cand colo, hopa, mai moare un om, mai avem cum sa facem nitel circ in direct... Si uite asa mi-am amintit eu de ce nu pot sa sufar 90% din media romaneasca...

Time for Klaxons pictures now....

look how cute Jamie is in his new red ribbons-on-it wheelchair... and with a signed cast... even Coffin Joe (erm... drummer... Horrors) signed it... Awwwwww!!!!

And this one of James is just funny... Chocolate! My precious!!!!!

Tuesday, August 7

We have stones and pachets of herbal tea!

(ma plictisesc asa ca imi vin idei de cum sa scriu bout bands... categories! they are the new shit! asta voi face acum... behold)

Fun tracks of the week:

Washington Social Club – Jarvis Cocker
Dance you down… its lyrics are funny enough and you can act goofy while dancing… and most importantly, you can dance…

Thieves Like Us – Fass
Optzecista pana la ultima clapa a synthului.
Ca bonus, a whiplash sound.

Xerox Teens – My Favourite Hat

Do I hear something like a muzicuta? Usor maniacali. Coined as ‘nu-rave’… as zice dance-punk. No one can look good while dancing on their music. However, we’ll all do it.

Bands to be high in my weekly chart… erm… this week:

Englezi. 20 -21 de ani. Din prima clipa in care i-am auzit, am stiut ca they are meant for greater things. Cu o combinatie superba de house, disco si rock. Fac genul de muzica care te forteaza sa te ridici de pe scaun si sa dansezi. exact, infectious!

Poisonous Emblem

The Mary Onettes
Sunt suedezi. Suna optzecist, dar nu la modul dance-indie, ci datorita sunetului de guitar pop specific acelor ani.
Ma duc cu gandul al Echo&The Bunnymen, Jesus & Mary Chain si chiar Smiths. Atat vocal cat si instrumental. Sunt grand si dreamy si sunt the closest Labrador will get to stadium rock.


French electro kinkiness:

Teenage Bad Girl
Recunosc, nu mi-au placut cand le-am auzit prima data melodia “Cocotte”. Acum ii ador.
Doi francezi, un mix de Aphex Twin , Daft Punk (pai se putea), chiatri distorstionate si melodii schizoide. Kinky all the way.



Hot Chip – Sanfrandisco
In iubitul stil Hot Chip, dreamy si perfect… all filler, no killer – cum zic chiar cei 5 britanici.

Monday, August 6

It's teh excuse that we're making...

good song, don't you reckon?

Lastfm weekly chart 30 july - 5 august

  1. The Horrors
  2. The Cooper Temple Clause
  3. The Stranglers
  4. Neils Children
  5. Buzzcocks
  6. The Bishops
  7. Hadouken!
  8. Digitalism
  9. Panic! At The Disco
  10. Ramones

A great combo of punk, electro and emo... mostly punk... Horrors are yet again no. 1... Bishops are for the second week in a row in my top ten and I'm starting to listen to P!ATD again... oh, ze memoriez...

Estem cul

Warhol zicea ca in the future we'll all get 15 minutes of fame. Well, here's the future and here are our 15 minutes of fame.
Hopa...pai, if we get 15 minutes, hai sa vedem cum le facem 30....
Uite asa ajung eu sa blogguiesc despre cum am ajuns eu cu blogul meu emo in Re:Publik... Fa-ti cruce, tanti, ca nu credeai ca o sa ti se intample asa ceva. Cica chestiuta asta a mea cu mult prea multe poze cu Klaxons si un nume inspirat de o melodie Rapture ar fi un blog worthy of yr attention... o zice Alex Telibasa...
Langa mine, onorabilii Andrei de la Cathartic Media, Bjorker, Lifesux si Rekabu... Observ cu un smug on my face ca's the only dudette... Heh, daca domnul Telibasa a avut anumite motive sa nu o puna pe Tina in lista, ce sa fac....
Eu nu am (golden) skans ca Bjorker si Andrei... va faceam o poza, dar iesea naspa, frate!.. In schimb va invit sa (mai) cumparati numarul special din Re:publik in care imi apare numele (no... poate le fac vanzare...)

Sunday, August 5

Song With A Mission

I think I am a little frustrated... by everything...
and there are only 2 tracks I find as fit to listen to right now

Patrick Wolf - Overture

The Cooper Temple Clause - Head

in other news... Klaxons (well, at least Simon) have a blog... *shinny eyes*

Update: 3 songs... Klaxons' version of The Night just got on the list

Cum mi-am petrecut vacanta de vara... well... just one weekend

Weekendul asta am fost luata cu forta si dusa la tara.*faris-like faceImage Hosted by*Nu, nu am rude acolo. Prietena cea mai buna din liceu a mamei are o casa in Varbilau (asta e pe undeva pe langa Slanic Prahove)..Irrreeelenvat... Revelant e faptul ca subsemnata a fost sa ia lapte de la vaca... Nu. nu am muls-o... nu am asemenea abilities. Doar am smotocit o mata care imi statea foarte bine in palma in timp ce o tanti mulgea vaca. Evident, eu cu hanoracul mov si my vans... ce vreti, this is my perception of 'sport clothes'... Si pe urma am facut foc pentru gratar...

Friday, August 3


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Your most beloved blogger is having fits, is hyperventilating… Is waking around the house in circles… And she knows exactly what’s on yr lips: “Why?”. Easy! There are rumors. No, forget the Muse ones, although, Muse coming to Romania is an event worthy of all attention. No! Greater things! KLAXONS!!!! It is said they might be opening up for Muse… which, in the words of dear ol’ Bican, is something like Metallica opening for Ozzy… And Nancy is walking around her apartment aimlessly because she needs to know for sure whether Klaxons are coming or not. She has fits, she calls people 10 times a day, yelling in the cell phone “I need to know!”. For she needs to know. There are many things that need to be prepared. The clothes for the special night, the glow sticks, Nancy’s hair, the stinky Converse that shall be thrown on stage (aham, Converse are the new bras), the mosh-pitting must be rehearsed (I summon you, 6 fans of Klaxons from Romania… contact me, we must get ready for the coming of the 4 Horsemen of 2012… in case that will happen), Bican’s nurave tee… her hair… (no, not Bican’s, Nancy’s)… And if they do come, Nancy will haunt them down and fangirl even their staff… She will find out where they are staying, she’ll ask James out for a Blowjob (the cocktail… you pervs!)… And tell them how great they were the first time she saw them… And fangirl them a bit more… NANCY NEEDS TO KNOW!!! (not that knowing will stop Nancy from having fits and hyperventilating…. Noooooo ).

Yours truly, Nancy's mind.

Thursday, August 2

Din ciclul "Do not disturb, I am laughing"

Look closer... closer... I know you knows it.... you know the band... Thank you...

Screaming Like A Banshee "God Save The Queen"

Ton vehicule n'a pas l`air d`avoir de passager
Peux-tu: Veux tu me recevoir
Sans trop te deranger?
Mes bottes ne feront pas trop d`echos dans ton couloir
Pas de bruit avec mes adieux
Pas pour nous les moments perdus
En attendant un uncertain au-revoir
Parce que-j'ai la folie, oui c'est la folie
Il etait une fois un etudiant
Qui voulait fort, comme en literature
Sa copine, elle etait si douce
Qu'il pouvait presque, en la management
Rejeter tous les vices
Repousser tou les mals
Detruire toutes beautes
Qui par ailleurs, n'avait jamais ete ses complices
Parces qu'il avait la folie, oui, c'est la folie
Et si parfois l'on fait des confessions
A qui les raconter - meme le bon dieu nous a laisse tomber
Un autre endroit, une autre vie
Eh oui, c'est une autre histoire
Mais a qui tou raconter?
Chez les ombres de la nuit?
Au petit matin, au petit gris
Combien de crimes ont ete commis
Contre les mensonges et soi disant les lois du coeur
Combien sont la a cause de la folie
Parce qu'il ont la folie

De cateva weeks ma simt dubious de a 12a... adica am chef de punk... cause 12 grade includes my English certificate paper, o chestiuta absolut inutila la care am scris ca disperata 9 luni de zile si pe care am prezenat-o in 10 minute unor oameni carora oricum nu le pasa de Stranglers sau de ideologia proto-punk... Eu m-am stresat, am avut n cosmaruri si am facut un research de zile mari (si asta pentru ca nu aveam enough books la bibliografie... -eu cu o pagina de surse, restul cu 3 siteuri). In camera mea , cu trei zile inainte de ultima corectura, erau imprastiate peste tot foi xeroxate din Simon Reynolds si books about Vivien Westwood , castroane cu cereale si cani goale de cafea. Din boxele mele se auzea everything de la proto-punk la class of '77 la post-punk revival. Scriam si in autobuz. Noaptea, cand nu puteam sa dorm, rescriam pasaje in gand. M-am crizat cand mi-am dat seama ca am returnat o carte bout grafitti in care apareau niste punk-inspired grafitti artists fara sa imi notez titlul, editura si anul aparitiei acele carti. Cand am gasit din nou cartea respectiva la Brit, topaiam de una singura in biblioteca. Faceam scheme cu evolutia punkului si cu genurile influentate de sau nascute din punk. Daca ar trebui sa fac all this again, chiar daca stiu acum cat de useless au fost toate noptiile piedute si toate pixurile consumate, i would do exactly the same thing... over and over again, like a monkey with a miniature cymbal.
Si de vreo spatamana, am o dorinta profunda de a ma certa cu un punker tnb-ist care se crede smecher ca stie si el sex pistols si asculta green day, rancid si expoilted. Unu' ca ala care m-a intrebat in Cismigiu (just because I was wearing a Sex Pistols tee) daca stiu 5 formatii de punk... si eu am zic peste 10... it happened a long time ago, acum i-as zice mult mai multe....
Anyways, pana atunci, mai bine ascult niste Stranglers...

the stranglers - la folie.mp3

Favourite Worst Nightmare

A music freak's worst nightmare... Acum chiar ca tre' sa imi vand un rinichi sa imi iau hard exterm... Simplu gand de a downloada muzica imi da cosmaruri... Vad peste tot calculatoare care se strica and all the music on their hard is lost... Tre sa imi fac dvduri cu muzica before it's too late...

P.S.: ca tot vorbeam de rinichi... un update la un blog mai vechi... Now selling second kidney in order to buy a uber-cool pair of Sex Pistols converse.... In momente ca astea, imi pare rau ca imi fut plamanii fumand...