Monday, August 13

Weekend stuff...

My computer will have a 'hard attack' and I'm surfing MySpazz/LastFm for new bands... Here are some of my discoveries...

I'm really hyped about The Pan I Am. It's the new musical project of Edward Larrikin... It's kinda electronic, kinda acoustic (kinda Patrick Wolf... *coughs*.. did not mean that!)... and it just confirms the fact that Edward Larrikin is a bloody genius...

I'm also excited bout RipChord... not much, just that they're fuuuuun....they create fun pop songs... listen closely to the lyrics cause they're well written....
Lock Up Your Daughters

Rat Traps are sheer noise... and we like that... You can find the download for "New Flesh" here

The Voom Blooms
are a good garage punk act... They have a punchy guitars-based sound and loads of energy....
The London Heads

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