Thursday, August 9

Not Another Band Fic

Title: Screw you guys (that is NOT the title… guess what it is…)
Author: in the words of Joe (drummer… Horrors)… ME ME ME MEEEEE
Pairing: Adina/Joe… in her dreams… haha
Rating: R… Bican’s fault yet again…
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters presented in the band fic (not even myself).. Some are owned by NME (Horrors), other by… erm… life??? And, if NME makes money outta The Horrors, I doubt life makes money outta Bican’s ass (pun indented).
Notes: I suck! Thank you! *takes bow*

Adina didn’t like touring with The Horrors. It wasn’t due to the fact that they had a habit of getting pissed each night and destroy everything around them. Not even the fact that Faris was a psychotic prick. She didn’t like it because she didn’t like having a crush on a guy with a girlfriend and having to be around him all day… and seeing him in his underwear in the dressing room (an accident… by which Joe didn’t seem bothered at all… ). And she hated being caught staring at Joe’s lips when he talked or getting lost in his blue eyes. What she didn’t know was that this was the thing to worry about least.

They were playing that evening in a little Victorian-like club in Manchester, location chosen by Rhys (everybody accepted because he complained for two day that nobody cares about his desires and needs… ). As they entered the club, an hour before the gig, they all realized that it was going to be packed.

While Bican was having a beer with Faris and Boske was checking her guitar, Nancy was getting up-to-date with the latest gossip.

“I’ve heard Ashlee Simpsons accepted Pete Wentz’s marriage proposal”, Rhys said disgusted.

“Oh, dear… she really loves small thingies!”, Nancy replied.

“Sorry to interrupt the gossip session, but it’s time to get on stage, girls… and boy” the tour manager said looking at Bican.

“Thank you!”, Bican replied smugly and walked on stage. The four girls followed him , Nancy quite unsatisfied that she hadn’t found out ALL the Hollywood hot gossip.
Adina could feel Joe’s eyes watching her. That was something else she did not like.

The crowd was filled with Split Infinitive fans. As soon as Samy hit the drums for the first time, they went wild. And, Adina thought sitting behind her synths, not in a good way.

The second song begun and Faris, who had had a little too much to drink, got on stage. His look made the five kids realize that he was up to no good. Indeed, he started pushing things off stage, throwing them into the public. And the public had something up their sleeves: Faris’ favourite thing, firecrackers. They started throwing them on the stage.

“Ah, screw you guys, I’m going home” Nancy yelled at the sight of the first one and ran off stage. They all knew it was time to go.
Faris on the other hand was thrilled and, to the general surprise, so was Bican.

“Come and get some firecrackers, kids!” he yelled, Samy staring at him thinking of a good psychiatrist for her friend.

Adina’s heart was beating with fear when she felt two arms around her.

“This is it!”, she thought. She looked down at the hands. They were perfect. Then she heard the person behind her.

“We’re gonna die! We’re gonna die!”, Rhys yelled in the gayest way possible.

“Nonsense! It’s alive!”, Adina replied, now frustrated by her idiotic hopes. “Rhys, get off me”, she kicked him aside, now looking on her left. Joe and Joshua were almost drunk, laughing hysterically on a couch and this sight made Adina even more frustrated

All of a sudden, they heard a yell and they saw Bican struggling as he was carried away by a security guard. Faris was carried by 3 but he was quite still.

“What will they do to them? Lock them in the club basement like that time Faris lost it?”, Nancy asked the others.

“Probably!”, Rhys replied quite coldly. “Thank God it’s over and we’re all alive!” .

Everybody rolled their ayes over, tired of Rhys’ habit of overreacting.

“Ah, don’t touch me! No, get yr hands off me!”, they heard Bican yelling again, but this time there was no guard.

“Do you think Faris is touching him?”, Boske said while searching desperately for a bottle of beer in the fridge. She quickly realized that all the beer was in Faris’ stomach.

“Who cares? After what he put as through, he deserves the worse!”, Rhys answered, his voice filled with hate, already seeing an imagery of Bican molested by Faris in the dark of the basement.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.