Oh mommy, what's a Sex Pistol?
This is so much better than Chomsky's Camelot... ah swearz
MSP - Jackie Collins Existential Question Time (XFM rip... no Zane in the background to annoy us...)
This is so much better than Chomsky's Camelot... ah swearz
MSP - Jackie Collins Existential Question Time (XFM rip... no Zane in the background to annoy us...)
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
9:51:00 am
way(s) to suck an egg
Refuz, dar refuz...sa zic ceva intelingent... OU EM GI OU EM GI .... Chomsky's Camelot 4REAL!
Manics - Peeled Apples (rippuit de pe Radio 1, cu Zane Lowe mancand cacat in background... )
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
11:12:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
Journal For Plague Lovers
Peeled Apples
Jackie Collins' Existential Question Time
Me and Stephen Hawking
This Joke Sport Severed
Journal For Plague Lovers
She Bathed Herself In A Bath Of Bleach
Facing Page: Top Left
Marlon JD
Doors Slowly Closing
All Is Vanity
Virginia State Epileptic Colony
William's last Words
Coming from any other band, I'd consider these songtitles utter shit... but hey...these lads do have a certain background, don't they?
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
8:20:00 am
way(s) to suck an egg
See, singles are coming out... (p)reviews (ah, NME , ce imi faci tu mie... ) , fake reviews (eventually, o sa imi fac si pe Forever Delayed -forum.oficial.Manics - cont... )... Albums will soon come out(4th of May, 11th of May, 1st of June, 8th of June, God Knows When of '09)....
But first...
Noul single The Horrors... Sea Within A Sea... HUUUUUUGE!!! Indeed, blabla, no more garage gimmicks, blabla, doamne de ce imi amintesc in halul asta de Stone Roses?, blabla, vai sunt geniali, blabla, ce cauta Rhys la bas si Tom la orga, blabla, more MBV plz kthnxbai... Ptr further details, go here (una bucata mp3 pe moca, ca's baieti sympa - ai de capu' meu, Rhys, mama, da' de ce esti atat de bun???)
Noul Placebo... Battle For The Sun..noooooooow, hm, hm... a grower, yes. Like Meds was, yes. Sunt nitel cam enervante repetitiile, ajungea sa zica de 3 ori, sa se auda like an echo, sa fie mai incet, sa nu fie deloc, cum preferati... eu zic 3X, like an echo. Toborasul e bun, saracu, vai de mama lui, tre sa replace Hewitt, how the fuck do you do it when we all still are in grief cause Hewitt left the band? Dar baiatu' e bun. Instrumentalul e divin, liric vorbind, Molko nu mai face ce facea pe vremuri (evident, coae, se putea muuuuult mai bine). Zicea Molko ceva de un album optimism, seeing the light in the darkness blablabla...But, seriously, optimism is not what we want from Placebo (ca doar ne-au invatat cu altele...)...desi, intelegem, ce sa say, they are middle-aged, crissis, decapotabile alea-alea.... Bref, mp3 disponibil pe siteu' oficial placeboworld.co.uk , ca da bine la CV.
In alta ordine de idei, asteptam cu entuziasm primul single de pe bomba Manics de anu' asta... produs de Steve Albini si cu Wire beat-boxing... 4real!
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
10:19:00 am
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see brand new on repeat shite, ou em gi