What The Actual Fuck?
Domnul Steve Albini probabil mi-a citit statusurile disperate de pe Facebook si a hotarat sa scoata din seif singura copie a noului album Manics (sunt ferm convinsa ca Albini era ultimul care mai avea grija de copia aia, cause the Manics are a bunch of culture sluts). Bref, albumul a leak-uit luni seara, marti de dimineata... cu 15 minute inainte de a pleca de acasa, am dat si eu de el (ce ziceam de statusurile alea that reeked desperation?). What followed? Pai, am plecat cu 20 de min mai tarziu decat ar fi trebuit, mi-am uitat portofelul si am intarziat la ore. Ah, si era sa ma calce o masina in timp ce ascultam Journal For Plague Lovers la player. Azi, a doua masina.. am ajuns la timp la seminar, but hey! Era sa ma uit pe acasa.
Problema e ca nu inteleg ..DE CE??? Adica, albumul e sublim, superb, divin ... Peeled Apples si Jackie Collins Exsitential Question Time deja le stiu pe dinafara (Jackie are vreo 500 de palys pe mah Latsfm...pfooooa). This Joke Sport Severed e perfetion (those chords, those drums, the way the voice blends in perfectly... aaaa...m-au omorat). Marlon JD are un beat demential... and I feel like dancing whenever I hear it. Wiliam's Last Words makes me weep like a little kid watching Bambi's mom get killed... Pe sistem: AAAA!! RICHEY BEING EMOTIONAL ABOUT... STUFF!!! AND WIRE SINGING A SONG WITH RICHEY'S LYRICS!!! OMG, WIRE'S VOICE!!! AND IT READS LIKE A POTENTIAL SUICIDE NOTE!!BAAAAAAAAW. (acum mi-am dat seama, melodia care urmaeaza incepe cu 'I am not dead' - *start freaky fan mode*Richey, guys, ce vreti sa ne spuneti???*end freaky fan mode*). Dar la o adica, it's still what Bradfield would write... si pe acoluri sunt asemanari intre melodii de pe Know Yr Enemy (care a fost un album foarte bun, stfu Wire!) sau baaaw... melodii mai vechi, u get the point. And yet, here I am... Going completely mental about this album...
What the actual fuck?
oh, wait
I think I see what Wire did there cu that 'It's The Holy Bible pt.2'. DAMN YOU, WIRE!! (desi nu e, nici ca versuri... *thinks of William's, stars crying like the obsessed bitch she is* si nici ca instrumental... ar fi si stupid)
Ca bonus, I even love the devil blabla *starts crying*
I have this essay something-something for tomorrow... and I HAVE to do it... and yet, I'm just listening to Journal... they've ruined mah life