Friday, October 23
Wednesday, October 21
Ieri de dimineata, la ora 7 jumatate, in RATB (336, in drum spre mirificul Etaj 6 al Complexului Leu din Bucuresti..*), ascultand muzica la telefon, mi-am dat seama de.. o chestie. The National au prostul obicei de a face melodii numai pentru repeat. De cate ori incepe vreo melodie de-a lor, mi se pare parca blasfemie sa nu ii mai dau play macar o data. Stiu, m-am prins cam tarziu.
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
5:58:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see nancy's songs to save yr life
Monday, October 12
The Saga, aham
Stiti si voi ce a leakuit, nu? yes,yes indeed
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
11:40:00 am
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see nancy's songs to save yr life, ou em gi
Saturday, October 3
Sweet mother of Bowie
He currently is not speaking to Nicky Wire, as the dress wearing, shark-grinned Manic Street Preacher refused his offer of a 'quick one backstage' and called him a shirtlifter before tossing his feather boa around his shoulders and flouncing off with a bottle of Babycham.Am vrea noi... am vrea noi
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
9:23:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, blagues, i'm medicated how are you?, manics
Thursday, October 1
The Neverending Why
Beibi, Wire... eu pot sa iti iert multe... palariutele de ealderly citizen, the yellow eyeshadow, haina de hamster urias, Pumele alea oribile din care ai 5,982,714 de perechi, the pink-all-over-the-place look, fata aia de emo girl meets Brian Molko, faptul ca tii sa iti arati chilotii (care's vesnic de trei feluri: albi, tartan and animal print. Stiind in ce formatie esti - a se vedea singurul sailor suit al lui james si singurul tricou pe care la purtat in perioada turneului Send Away - tiind sa cred ca ai doar 3 perechi de chiloti). Iti iert si the shite home bleech job si faptul ca pe zi ce trece semeni din ce in ce mai mult cu o femeie de 70 de ani (nu cu domna ma-ta...ea se tine bine pentru 71 de ani). Sa nu uit de the mid-life crisses pe care le aia de 3 ori pe saptamana. Ba mai mult, ca sa vezi (si tu si zice pe Forever Delayed ca us fans bitching about Manics should die) cat te iubi , iti iert si versurile de la Autumnsong... Dar.. this, this is too much....
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
12:07:00 am
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see manics
Sunday, September 27
Nancy's Life
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
5:54:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, nancy's songs to save yr life
Wednesday, September 16
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
8:37:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see manics