Monday, June 29

He had green flippers and sang the blues

I think I love Nick Cave even more... yes,yes indeed


Also, pentru toti cei loviti de evenimentele recente care nu stiu cum sa mai boceasca (desi cu o saptamana in urma nu mai stiau cum sa scuipe pe personajul cu pricina -cel al carui nume nu il vom rosti), de la mine pentru ei si familia lor... aceasta inregistrare. And, biatch, we all know WHO is the real God in that video.

/he is not Jesus though he has the same initials .


Mihai Martin said...

i agree

LEECHU said...

dude, asta-i sub centura. let him rest. he was my first crush. you know how a crush feels, don't you? :P

Nancy said...

I did let him rest. The res tof the world on the other hand...