Wednesday, November 28
Tuesday, November 27
De ce sunt naspa Balurile Bobocilor...
Imi plac cluburi in care poti sa scrumezi pe jos... Ninkasi, Ground Zero, Laptarie... NOT Kristal aka locul in care s-a tinut balul FJSC + UNATC... Nu ar fi prea mult de spus doar faptul ca pana pe la ora 22 juma au tinut-o intr-o houseareala de mare efect: juma' de ora bubuitura - what they loosely call a song-, dupa care se schimba intr-alta bubuitura identica...Nu voi mentiona faptul ca era plin de dubiosi care incercau sa danseze pe acea bubuitura... Au urmat primele doua probe de Miss&Mister... una dintre ele (prezentare de lenjerie intima) trebuia sa inchinga atmosfera, dar a frizat ridicolul/penibilul cu mare gratie. A urmat Suie... let me make it clear... Ii apreciez pe Suie, mi se pare ca fac muzica buna etc etc... Dar nu e tocmai visul meu sa dansez pe Suie intr-un club plin de manelari turned houseri conform ultimei mode din Berceni... Asa ca, la 23:45, eram in masina in drum spre casa... Cand am ajuns acasa imi tiuiau urechile (and not in the good way like after the Klaxons or Rapture gig.... nooooo...)
Da, eu sunt sefa grupei si I should set an exemple... Ca urat ca ma plecat asa de repede...
P.S.: am cerut un Heiniken cand am ajuns... raspunsul "Nu avem. Doar Golden Brau".... Ce mai poti sa zici in asemenea situatii? "Un gin tonic, va rog..."
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12:03:00 pm
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tell me what you see words of wisdom
Sunday, November 25
Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are RATT:ATT:AGG
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9:53:00 pm
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tell me what you see indiecore. you say?, watch me
Saturday, November 24
Psychotic Reaction
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8:08:00 pm
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tell me what you see 60s garage, watch me
Wednesday, November 21
The never ending lame-ness-ness of us... part 2
Conform unui articol aparut in aceasta dimineata in ziarul Libertatea, se pare ca trupa Linkin
Park va concerta la Bucuresti, in primavara lui 2008.
Idea e ... ca vom fi lame... eu cu Seba... ne punem frumos cate un tricou cu some hip band si ne asezam strategic in spate si cat mai departe de baterista (care sigur va urla cat o tin plamanii ei de nefumatoare 'I LOOOOOVE YOU!!!!'....)... O sa aruncam priviri compatimitoare pustilor care vor moshpit-ui pe LP gandindu-ne "eram si noi o data asa, dar acum suntem cool". II vom scuipa in fata pe Chester&co in momentul in care vor canta vreo melodie de pe noul album... Da, Doamne, sa nu fie vreo simpla 'bomba' marca Libertatea si sa vina!
As a bonus, Chester said in an interview that he'd like to colaborate with... Arctic Monkeys and The Horrors... his two fave bands at the moment... Ah, ma tavalesc pe jos cu mainile pe burta de atata ras mai ceva ca atunci cand citesc Academia Catavencu
To emphasise our lameness... iata o discutie despre Skins (varianta Brit la Young&Restless.. with actual young people...).. note: adina se uita la skins, eu am vazut tot sezonul unu acum 2 saptamani... si asteptam cu nerabdare season 2... Will Tony die? Will he live?
adine s: eu ma uit la skins
adine s: ep 5
adine s: baai
adine s: deci e
adine s: cand intra tony si sid is jerking intra din nou
nancy: ooo da...
nancy: ))
nancy: e geniala faza
adine s: thought you might need a hand....with your course work
adine s: ba..da..sid nu e cam prost?
nancy: nu...
adine s: academically speaking
adine s: ca numa tony e cu carti din astea smechere in mana
nancy: da da
adine s: cu nietzsche
nancy: saw that
adine s: si..
adine s: ?
nancy: sid e mai simplu de felul lui)
adine s: that doesn't make sid..
adine s: ah oukei
adine s: da da
nancy: he only says bollocks all day
nancy: si de cand cu skins si eu zic all day long bollocks
nancy: bah.. am dat cu galbenus pe mine.. ma simt ca sid...oO
nancy: ah... alta dif dintre sid si bican... daca se pateaza. sid will try to wash the stain..
adine s: acuma facem lista
adine s: cu diferente
adine s: da...sid da cu voma sperma pe el
adine s: chris se pisa pe..literally on his face
nancy: aaaw
adine s: vaaaai
adine s: ce tare e faza cand se auca tony sa scrie
nancy :
adine s: ba
adine s: tie chiiair iti dau lacrimile?
nancy: not now
nancy: dar e foarte sad
adine s: mi se pare f simptaic
adine s: cat de dragut e sid in autobuz
adine s: ce e cu scrisaorea aia?
adine s: pe care o are cassie in mana?
nancy: el ii scrie ei o scrisoare.. si tony i-o da lui cassie
adine s: ei cassie?
nancy: aham
adine s: si...we don;t know..ce e in ea?
nancy: ii spune ca o iubeste
adine s: he doeees?
adine s: aww
adine s: nu vroiam sa stiu asta
adine s: goddamn
nancy: welll
adine s: asta isi ia tee ul cu ren?
adine s: mickey mouse
adine s: I can't believe
adine s: tony kissed the blondee onee
adine s: la cooooooor
nancy: daaaaaa
adine s: vaai ce misto injura
nancy: daaaa
adine s: blonda
nancy: stim si asta
adine s: i;m laughing my eyes off here
adine s: dupa ce il saruta cassie
adine s: BOLOCKS!????
nancy: da da...
nancy: ce spuneam eu mai devreme legat de bollocks?
adine s: ce varza e tony
adine s: la faza cu michelle
nancy: always
nancy: sa iti spun ceva?
adine s: nu
nancy: oki
adine s: well...
adine s: tell me..a little
nancy: mai zice cineva i love you cuiva in ep 9)
adine s: cine?
nancy: guess
adine s: michelle lui sid?
nancy: noooo
adine s: telll me
nancy: tony lui michelle
adine s: come on
nancy: si atunci il calca autobuzul...
adine s: he does that?
nancy: yes
nancy: deci.. ce lame suntem... you do realise this is a soap opera... ceva in gen young and the restless... just that the characters are actually young
adine s: ma..nush
adine s: e tare
nancy: stiiiiiu
adine s: ca nu e deeeloc realist
adine s: rog situatiile in fapt sunt
adine s: dar in rest...
nancy: si e ambalat sub forma unei chestii hip... to atract teens.. punem un gossip pe ost...
adine s: niste tricky
adine s: sa mearga si pt altii
adine s: unii care se fut altii care nu
nancy: facem un cover cat stevens gen videoclip... with one of the main character dying on the pavement yet singing along..
nancy: some drugs
adine s: da
adine s: sa stii ca asta cu drogurile fute rau de tot serialul
adine s: e muult prea prea
adine s: la cat de reale sunt de fapt pb
adine s: sdi fara droguri
nancy: acum... eu nu intelg ceva
nancy: why are we trying to turn this into a bad thing?... de ce ii criticam? ce, nu ne place? ce, nu salivam dupa sid? nu ne amuza his tee and his wanking?)
adine s: ba da
adine s: pai..mie imi palce
adine s: tocmai asta
nancy: exact
adine s: ca tocmai din fazele astea care sunt total fanteziste scoti chestii tari
adine s: like..real feelings
adine s: scoti mai mult de aici
adine s: decat vba ta la surpize surprize
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7:37:00 pm
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Tuesday, November 20
Nothing beats Brit teen drama
Videoclipul asta e un produs massmedia superb... uneste publicul ala eterogen apeland la un lucru pe care il avem cu totii in comun: sentimentul... si o face mai bine decat Surprize Surprize
Ceea ce vreau sa spun e ca imi dau lacrimile de cate ori ma uit la filmuletul asta...*sad sigh*
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8:02:00 pm
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Sunday, November 18
Classic Times
I was obsolete, I couldn't hear the beat!
Staggering about on me old man's feet!
I had one foot in the grave,
Now I'm Nu Rave.
Now I'm Nu Rave.
It's a mashup!
A pie-and-mashup!
Elements of the past,
And elements of the future,
Coming at ya!
I'm the Hitcher!
Let me put you in the picture!
Eels up inside ya,
Finding an entrance where they can.
Eels up inside ya,
Finding an entrance where they can.
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7:32:00 pm
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tell me what you see mighty boosh iz fun fun, watch me
Saturday, November 17
Ah... Saturday evenings... best time for a little trivia... here's a juicy one for you...
What connects the following three: Faris Rotter, James Righton, Alex Turner?
Here is the answer... Alexa Chung... yes, the one on Popworld who , in my opinion, cannot properly present a show and has difficulties finding decent outfits...she used to date Faris , then went on to James.. passed through the bed of Lostprophets' lead singer (I'd like to give a name, but really now, do you find it necessarily to retain useless things?).. only to end up in the same flat as Jon McClure of Reverend (yes, Alex shares a flat with this guy...)... However, you all know this won't last.. relationships between people with matching names never last... like that time Mandy Moore was dating that tennis player.. Andy Whatever...
Alex and Alexa?!...Ha...
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8:28:00 pm
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tell me what you see blabla
Monday, November 12
Nevermind Brit TV
Brit tv shows kick ass... And Youtube's a darling cause you get full episodes of Migty Boosh, Skins and Never Mind The Buzzcocks... erm... and some parts of A Bit Of Fry & Laurie... anyhow, here's a properly funny episode of Never Mind The Buzzcokcs... host: the kaiser bitch, Ricky Wilson... featuring: the man with the E in Happy Mondays, Bezz, and one of the twins from the band that said nasty things bout mainstream indie, Ryan Jarman (yup, he's from the Cribs)...
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9:56:00 pm
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Thursday, November 8
Guess who...
NME has announced the Cool List '07... Yey for Jamie and Lovefoxx and Alex... but, where is Faris? and why is Rhys just no. 50???? And Keith Rechards? Is he like still alive???
1. Frank Carter – Gallows
2. Jamie Reynolds – Klaxons (13)
3. Lovefoxxx – CSS (10)
4. Ryan Jarman – The Cribs
5. Lethal Bizzle
6. Alex Turner – Arctic Monkeys (32)
7. Kate Nash
8. Amy Winehouse (50)
9. Beth Ditto – The Gossip (1)
10. Keith Richards – The Rolling Stones (26)
?11. MIA
12. Thom Yorke – Radiohead (9)
13. Drew McConnell - Babyshambles
14. Prince
15. Tom Clarke – The Enemy
16. Noel Gallagher – Oasis
17. Hayley Williams - Paramore
18. Brandon’s Tache – Brandon Flowers, The Killers
19. Matt Bellamy – Muse (27)
20. James Smith - Hadouken
21. Caleb Followill – Kings of Leon
22. Matt Helders – Arctic Monkeys
23. Eddie Argos – Art Brut
24. Craig Finn – The Hold Steady
25. Morgan Yeah? – Does it Offend You, Yeah?
26. Simon Neil - Biffy Clyro – (28)
27. Simon Taylor - Klaxons
28. Karen O – Yeah Yeah Yeahs (5)
29. Kele Okereke – Bloc Party
30. Meg White – The White Stripes (24)
31. Tim Harrington – Les Savy Fav
32. Gerard Way – My Chemical Romance (8)
33. Jamie T
34. Pete Doherty – Babyshambles (28)
35. Lou Hayter – New Young Pony Club
36. Ian Brown
37. Joe Lean – Joe Lean and the Jing Jang Jong
38. Andy Burrows - Razorlight
39. Kyle Falconer – The View
40. Nicky Wire – Manic Street Preachers
41. Josh Homme - Queens of the Stone Age
42. Cole Alexander - Black Lips
43. Suki - Real Heat
44. Brandon Flowers – The Killers (29)
45. Yannis Philippakis - Foals
46. Patrick Wolf
47. Carlos D - Interpol
48. Santogold
49. Dev Hynes – Lightspeed Champion
50. Spider Webb – The Horrors
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9:32:00 pm
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tell me what you see nme sayz...
Wednesday, November 7
The never ending lame-ness-ness of us...
Cica de acum nu o sa ne mai zicem Split Infinitive in those bandfics sau peste cativa ani cand vom facem si noi ceva as a band (you do realize I still hope that one day I'll get over my laziness and pick up that guitar I own and learn how to play it....?)... Ne zicem TWAB de acuma... oooo, da... nu va zic de la ce vine, ca atunci nu ar mai fi asa kewl
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10:03:00 pm
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tell me what you see blabla, blagues, words of wisdom
Yrs truly...
As dormi incontinuu... honestly...
Ahah... figured it's a good way to post some funky fresh songs... fresh in my Winamp playlist, that is...
Robots In Diguise - Voodoo *utterly mind-blowing... the sheer thought that sometimes their bass player on tour is Noel Fielding makes me wanna play their music on repeat....*
Electrocute - I need a freak *damn, I love band names that spell out what the band is all about...*
Neon Plastix - Prick Tease *Doncaster, UK, electropopdisconuraveindiesomething...*
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7:05:00 pm
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tell me what you see mixed thingies
Friday, November 2
Troblesome Bubblegum
Astazi, dom'soara Nancee a fost in stare sa isi aminteasca ca are teme pentru facultate... adicatelea, are de citit/facut misto de ziarul Gandul la Tehnici de Redactare (apparently e vesnic plin de greseli de stil... )... si timp de vreo trei ore dom'soara Nancee si-a repetat "Cumpara-ti Gandu', tanti!"... Dar a trecut cu nesimtire pe langa toate acele locsoare unde impatimitii cititori de ziare cheltuie mai multi bani than I do at H&M... Faptul ca eram cu un picior in casa si nu imi luasem ziarul binecuvantat de CTPu' m-a lovit asa cum te loveste mirosul toaletelor ecologice cand treci pe langa ele... asta si faptul ca nu aveam paine...
Acum test cu multiple choice...
Care este 'morala' acestui post inutil?
a. lipeste-ti un post-it pe frunte cu "reamintiti-mi sa fac x"
b. uit ce am de facut mai repede ca politicieni dupa terminarea campaniilor electorale
c. Gandu' suge...oO
d. none of the above
Just for the record, mi-am luat pana la urma ziarul (in timp ce fugeam de niste caini care nici nu ma bagau in seama, am trecut pe langa un chiosc de ziare asa de chic incat nu am putut rezista tentatiei de a lua ceva)... si mi-am luat si Popcorn, ca au articol cu Arctic Monkeys... *exits the stage whistling*
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10:39:00 pm
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tell me what you see words of wisdom