Tuesday, May 27

Glazed the blazed

Am cateva probleme lately...

1. Literatura de specialitate scrisa de americani, pentru prosti si numa' buna ca pretext sa te dai cu capu de pereti dupa ce dai peste vreo 10 pagini numai cu exemple...ok, WE GOT IT!

2. Examenul la publicitate de pe 6...pe langa faptul ca o sa fie o mare tristete (cica o sa avem intrebari inteligente...da' io de asta am dat la UniBuc?), e chiar in dimineata ce urmeaza concertului Goldfrapp (eh, veti spune, si? oricum nu iti place ultimul album... in fine...)

3. Plec la Londra...nu asta in sine e o problema doar cand te gandesti la the money i shall spent there. Plec la Londra in perioada 4-10 august. Nici asta nu ar fi o problema...maybe the heat. Pe 8 august e Underage Fest (pentru pustii intre 14 si 18 ani...) . Ghici cine canta.... daaa....The Horrors... ei, asta e o problema. Pe scurt, I need a fake id saying I am ...let's say almost 18... That is a first, ladies and gents. Someone pretending they are younger in order to get in a gig venue. FAIL!

4. Nu gasesc pe nicaieri Dandi Wind... adica, albumele. ca am si eu acolo de un repeat. Dar vreau mai mult....Sunt sublim de haotici.

Dandi Wind - Mafu Cage

p.s.: credeti ca daca I hang around the fest venue and I wait untill The Horrros show up and I try to get their autographs...and, like, explain the situation....they'll feel pitty for me and like take me backstage with them?


Sunday, May 25

I Hear A New World

Isi spune Billy Trivial si inventeaza o poveste assez sympa despre ale sale origini. Seamana izbitor cu un fanatic Horrors. It's good to capitalize on the success of the 5 Southenders, especially when you don't really sound like them.Probabil, ca si Horrors, a ascultat prea mult Joe Meek si BBC Radiophonic Workshop. De fapt, suna pe alocuri a varianta cu vocals a Spider and the Flies (care, cum poate stiti, sunt varianta imbunatatita a melodiei Gil Sleeping de pe albumul de debut a celor 5 amintiti mai sus...)....Adica tot la Horrors ajungem. Trist, nu? Noroc ca avem si niste momente mellow si usor acustice ca the Joshua Third hair makes the wrong statement.

Ah, sa nu uit... Insects Indomitable nu va aduce aminte (cu o nesimtire pe care doar la Horrors si al lor 'A Knife In Their Eye' - cover Monks mascat sub un alt nume - o mao au) de Just Like Honey-ul fratilor Reid?

Billy Trivial and the Penny Dreadfuls - The Ghost

Thursday, May 15

Sinucideri in masa sau prostia mass-media

Banuiesc ca sunteti la curent (alternativ... doi 20 etc) cu stirea care a umflat cu audiente buzunarele posturile romane de teveu'. Una mica de 12 ani s-a sinucis ca avea probleme in familie. Dar nu asta e bomba, doar zilnic se sinucid pusti care au probleme cu mama, cu tata, cu pisica... Pustoaica declara, probabil intr-un puseu de teribilism, ca e emo. Irelevant motivul real al sinuciderii (doar nu e o stire ca un caine a muscat un om), hai sa zicem ca Emo = moda sinucigasa (invers, e insa stire de zile mari si audiente cum numai domnul Vali Stan mai are). A se vedea bataia de joc aka articolul Realitatea. A urmat o tanti de la Libertatea (MARELE! ziar Libertatea, fruncea tarii) care a zis ca emo a dat nastere gothului (informatie verificata din surse sigure... cativa cocalari care se dadeau cu saniuta prin Ploiesti si se credeau emo). Bine ca era Lenti Chiriac langa ea. Dar eu sa fi fost, i would've bitten her her off like Ozzy with that bat. Oricum , am vaga impresie ca de la cati goths care se manifestau vestimentar (n-)aveam in Romania, acum nu o sa mai avem. Au fost ,inevitabil, analizati mari artisti emo, Tokio Hotel. Au aparut cativa care au zis 'E rockeri din-astia' (pe buuuune? hai ca pe asta nu o stiam...). Unii emo au zis ca ei este mai sensibili si mai romantici (sa mori tu... in cazul asta, Morrissey da pe dinafara de ce emo e.... ). Unii s-au cutremurat la gandul ca se fardeaza cu negru, poarta mult nergu si au haine bizare (da, imi pare rau mama, de acum nu mai poti sa porti Vansii aia ai mei, ca's bizari...doar ii poarta toti emo....). Au urmat si massurile de o inteligenta rar intalnita de genul... erm...citez...

'mesaj pentru toti care se cred sau sunt emo:ma pish pe curentu vostru si pe mentalitatea voastra de rahat...o fetita de 12 ani s-a sinucis din cauza voastra ieri si acum cateva luni inca o fata de 14 ani a murit pentru ca sunteti prea handicapati ca sa ganditi normal si ii corupeti si pe altii...treziti-va fratilor la realitate si invatati sa treceti peste probleme k asta e tot sensul vietii:sa inveti din greseli si invatati-va copii sa nu gandeasca la fel si sa nu treaca prin chestii dastea si sa-si distruga viatza la o varsta asa frageda...da mai departe daca ai sange-n coaie!!!DESTROY EMO!! sorry de mass pooooooooop.l-am primit si vi-l dau si voua..mass care merita'

De mare finete compozitia. Ma intreb care-i cocalarul...erm... artistul care i-a dat drumul pe 'piata'.
Am o adaugire de facut... mentalitatea de rahat e a alora care invinuiesc o miscare, un curent muzical, un artist etc de faptele unor oameni cu probleme. Oameni care chiar daca ar asculta Rhianna sau Take That are fi la fel de labili psihic. Pot sa asculte si muzica clasica, domnilor. Tot isi trag un glonte in cap, se arunca de la etaj sau impusca un liceu.

Inchei cu un citat din Guy Picciotto de la Fugazi si Rites of Spring (formatii considerate intemeiatoarele genului emo)

"I don't recognize that attribution. I've never recognized 'emo' as a genre of music. I always thought it was the most retarded term ever. I know there is this generic commonplace that every band that gets labeled with that term hates it. They feel scandalized by it. But honestly, I just thought that all the bands I played in were punk rock bands. The reason I think it's so stupid is that - what, like Bad Brains weren't emotional? What - they were robots or something? It just doesn't make any sense to me."

Monday, May 12

Hush, hush, my love

Daca Pete o face, o face si Carl. Sau invers...given the fact that Carl was the one who first annouced the free download. Pete l-a pus direct. Si dupa ce a anuntat Carl. Da, ladies and gents... Dirty Pretty Things....aka formatia aia nu foarte diferita de Libertines dar care ne place oricum... si-au lansat single pe net. Free download...

si simt ca in sfarsit Carl a reusit sa treaca peste Libertines...

Dirty Pretty Things - Hippy's Son

De asemenea, citeam o stire de prin februarie bout The Chavs ( aka formatia aia din care fac parte Carl, Jamie si Steff de la Klaxons si Tim Burgess) si cica ar scoate album la sfarsitul anului... Dar vai... asta inseamna ca o sa avem album Klaxonesque before November?

Saturday, May 10

Said she's going to L.A.

I like Manson.... as in Marilyn...not Charles... i mean, I don't if I'd like Charles. I never did try and see the pro's.... only the con's and that is not a good thing. Anyways, there was a point to all this... as in this post. I remembered I had a Misfits version of Ramones' 'The KKK Took My Baby Away' ... which in fact I don't have anymore. Well, I might have but I have no idea where it is. And I can't find it anywhere on the interwebs. Soooo... yeah, you get the point. On the other had, I found a version Manson did. Which gets us back to the beginning of tis post and my statement 'I like Manson'... and I like his cover of 'The KKK Took My Baby Away'. It was in fact the first time I actually understood what the lyrics say...besides the part with 'KKK took my baby away' ... yeah... this really makes me think of Exploited. Cause you never really understand what they say unless it's in the song's title....

oh, a mp3 of Manson's cover...yeah, suuuuure....

Marilyn Manson - The KKK Took My Baby Away

I also remembered how much I love Big Black's 'Kerosene'... and Misfits... so i'll throw two other songs... the named Big Black one and a song that was covered at a certain point by Metallica... yeah

Big Black - Kerosene
Misfits - Die, Die My Darling

Wednesday, May 7

I got it! The blues...

Mando Diao - Long Before Rock'n'Roll

Tuesday, May 6

Stop me if you've seen this one before

oh, dear...

Saturday, May 3

Boy awaits return of the runaway girl...

Stiu, nu am mai scris nimic de muuult timp... Intre timp m-am lasat de 'Incest'-ul lui Anais Nin, am terminat ultimul Vargas Llosa si mi-am facut cruce incercand sa citesc 'Cum mi-am petrecut vacanta de vara' a lui T.O. Bobe (dar vai, nu o recomand nimanui...).

Am asculat pana la refuz Nuggets si alte muzici care l-ar face pe Bican sa zica 'Nance, dar ce muzica asculti...maine, poimaine te apuci si de jazz...'

Am ascultat pe langa Nuggets&Co. o formatie gigea si extrem de sympa din the much loved 80. Formatie numaita The Fuzztones, probabil specializati in coveruri Sonics, fac un garage psyche-rock de zici ca sunt the reincarnation a vreunei formatii din 60.

The Fuzztones - Green Slime

The Fuzztones - Strychine

Am intrat in posesia albumului din 2007 a unei formatii care o arde cu iubitii mei Horrors si al carui clapar chiar arata ca a a Horrors member, Soho Dolls. Nu sunt garage, punk sau psyche... sunt mai electro de felul lor. Chiar imi amintesc de domnul Corner si al lui proiect IAMX. Bun,bun, bun. As a random fact, au aparut pe coloana sonor a O.C-ului de New York, Gossip Girl. Now, this..i ain't sure it's that good.

Soho Dolls - Pleasures Of Soho

Last Shadow Puppets (da, da...formatia aia a lui Alex Turner) si-au lansat album de debut. L-am ascultat. Nu m-a impresionat. Imi plac unele melodii mult, fara altele as putea sa traiesc. I'll listen to it again someday and maybe i'll like it more.

The Last Shadow Puppets - Standing Next To Me

Ah, Hot Club de Paris are back...asa cum ii stiam pe Drop It Till It Pops... si am o varianta acustica assez sympa.

Hot Club de Paris - Boy Awaits Return Of The Runaway Girl

Si mai ii am pe lista de must listen pe domnii de la The Deadly Symdrome. Fac indie-pop cu piano, sugar, spice and everything nice. Suna bine and they put me in a good mood. They should be higher in my lastfm charts.

Deadly Syndrome - I Hope I Become A Ghost

And last, but not least. The Kabeedies. Or a tamed version of Blood Red Shoes. Dance-y as fuck. Nice boy-girl harmonies.

The Kabeedies Ep