Everybody Knows
Ziceam, dupa o prima ascultare, ca domnii Turner si Kane nu au reusit sa ma impresioneze... ei, bine, today, I take those words back...
Ziceam, dupa o prima ascultare, ca domnii Turner si Kane nu au reusit sa ma impresioneze... ei, bine, today, I take those words back...
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
10:49:00 pm
1 way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see monkey and the rascal, watch me
...sau cum Timbaland a fost implicat in realizarea unei melodii care chiar imi place (yes, repeat included)
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
6:57:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see Studio 54 meets Gang of 4
Am dat intamplator peste '17' pe some music blog and I realised it had been lying in my computer for ages. Winamp love was long overdue.
YCNI:M - 17
YCNI:M - Empty Feat
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
7:54:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see code names
On today's show...
avem un trio din Kingston Upon Thames (da, ze uk...) care isi spune Tubelord si a caror melodie 'Night of the Pencils' ma obsedeaza de cateva zile. Ei zic ca sunt ca 'Biffy Clyro having fun'...but hell. Biffy hasn't been having this fun in a while now... Aaaand structurile ciudate si all the progressive-hardcore shit invelite intr-un ambalaj pop cu chant-uri gen Wombats really make me feel like a kid in a candy store.
Theirspazz, theirspazz
Tubelord - Night Of The Pencils
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at around
4:39:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see tuuuuubelord
I have a new love.... Say hello to the most perfect thing on Earth.... woot....
Also, I have a second new love.... actually, this new love is a duo... from Ohio... and they play psyche-garage-punk... and have a song called 'Poison Ivy's Chamber'. Can you spell 'we love The Cramps and we are not afraid to show it?'. They say they are influenced by 60's Garage/Psyche and by British Mod ... Really now? Like the fuzzy guitars and raw vocals weren't making the exact same statement. You had to voice it as well for us mortals.
The Black Elevators - Poison Ivy's Chamber
Also, their myspazz page features a live fuzzy-wuzzy cover of Bowie's 'Moonage Dream'. This makes me think i'd love to be a rock'n'roll bitch for them.
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at around
10:04:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see 13th floor black elevators, best hair award goes to...., weird is rave
Avem in programul de azi cateva probleme dureroase si alte puncte nevrelgice...
Blaga la Primarie...da, eu + politica = FAIL! Dar mie mi-au ajuns bordurile, am destule. De 18 ani avem primari PD (-L) si multe borduri. Da, poate Videanu a mai facut ceva in Bucuresti (a se vedea lipsa groapei din fata blocului meu). Dar asa si Ontanu a facut multe pentru sectorul 2 (don't get me started with what Negoita hasn't doen from my point of view).Plus, PD-lu' e partidul lui Basescu...si ala has to go. Oprescu o fi el mai rosu de culoare (politica) - sau nu - dar si eu sunt vreo 48% ...
Maroon 5 meets Ela Ela Ela.... de ce, adam, de ce? (adam il chema pe solist, right?)
Chris Martin care pierde neuroni intr-o rata mai alarmanta ca Madonna (si ale ei idei 'netede' de a lucra cu Timbaland). I-auziti ce declara mititelu'....
"I dreamed about Radiohead last night and Westlife the night before. Which is the perfect blend of what we're trying to do musically. I always dream about other musicians. And they're never interested in hanging out with us"
Deci, Radiohead + Westlife = ....erm....well, something....NOT ON PLANET EARTH!!!! NOT EVER... it is wrongness in its purest form. Si sa mai zica ei ca nu si-au vandut their souls for commercial success... oh, you has..and the spirit of top 40 owns yr souls now (yes, that was a Mighty Boosh reference...parafrazare...ceva....)
As a conclusion...Mircea Badea a luat-o deja pe aratura, nu vi se pare?
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
10:58:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, blagues, never as tired as when i'm waking up