The song's nice too... but the video, oh the video....
The song's nice too... but the video, oh the video....
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
9:41:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see mighty boosh iz fun fun
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
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10:32:00 am
way(s) to suck an egg
I like the whole "Whatever, so what Xmas is coming?" attitude a domnului Simon Amstell...
Forget Xmas movies/carols... this is what the world should watch every year on Christmas...
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
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at around
4:22:00 pm
1 way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see never mind xmas, watch me
Something the drummer showed me...
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
9:38:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see watch me
In perioada asta, cel mai trist mi se pare cum toti vor sa fii happy/joyful/nu cum sunt eu acum... Si mai trist mi se pare ca nu pot sa ma prefac macar de dragul de a le inchide gura... Nu, nu inteleg mizeria de afara also known as snow si tare mi-as dori ca, in urma incalzirii globale, sa dispara... Nu, nu inteleg mizeria aia pe care unii si-o pun in sufragerie/pe balcon si o imbodobesc cu chestii sclipicioase... Nu, nu inteleg de ce trebuie sa aud in fiecare magazin in care intru colinde cretine si penibile...
Daca nu ar fi familia, cel mai probabil mi-as petrece Craciunul in pijama fumand tigara dupa tigara while reading Horrors slash... Dar deh...
O melodie to cheer you up? why, of course...
Xerox Teens - Ba (Ba-Ba Ba).mp3 [very Pixies this track...]
[poza am gasit-o pe undeva pe livejournal... credits go to the person from whom I nicked it...]
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
8:05:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see bababa, words of wisdom
"Klaxons have topped the NME writers' end of year polls for both Best Track and Best Album, the first band to ever do the double."
Hm... da, da, mega-uber-uber cool ca they did the double... dar nu-i asa ca e nitel dubioasa expresia?
Besides, cand aud Klaxons urmat "to do" nu ma gandesc la lucruri crestine...
aaaa... era sa uit... hai sa vedeti HOW they did the double
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
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7:26:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see best hair award goes to...., electrickery, nme sayz..., weird is rave, yr name's down?
The cheeky bitches of NME have something new rolled up their silky sleeves... The Sexiest Man Of The Year ... erm.. thing... And us, the readers or exaggerately bored can go and vote*... for lolz... erm, beauties like Ian Brown, Matt Bellamy and Jonny Greenwood (yes, they are great musicians... but not exactly the ones to be on a Sexiest Man list...)
*JULIAN BARRATT SHALL BE CHOSEN SEXIEST VIXEN OF 07... you heard that?*bats fangirl eyelashes*
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10:06:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see nme sayz...
Videoclipu e reminescent QOTSA, dar ca sound... mhhhh... Horrors mult mai rock'n'roll...
As always, I seem to forget how great these guys are....
Eighties Matchbox B-line Disaster - Psychosis Safari
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12:17:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see 80's matchbox
Today... ah, today's a special day... Molks turned 35... yes, Molks... Brian Molko
Also, I'm 20 minus one month... oh, the joy! Oh,the "oh-fuck-did-I-just-turn-20?"!
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
7:05:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, words of wisdom
oh, the Boosh slash.....
and I do believe you all know my new favourite song... *blush blush*
IAMX - sailor.mp3
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at around
2:02:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see mighty boosh iz fun fun
You see,this song IS about me...
more info on myface... erm, space
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
8:05:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see oh julian what did you write?
boing ding bom bom ding crimpety crimpety fuck you
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
8:44:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see mighty boosh iz fun fun, watch me
Vans-ii sunt de mare efect...
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
7:14:00 pm
1 way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see, watch me
Am blog, hence I can complain about things...
Le menu du jour : ziua de 1 decembrie... aham, scalambaiala aia nationala...
Nu, nu o sa incep cu idei grandioase bout how a whole people is being hypocrite about this 'thing'... Nu, pe mine ieri m-a enervat altceva...
So,short story long, Nancy avea in schedule un party assez sympa la domnul Bican acasa... Si, pe la ora 6, dom'soara Nancy a iesit din casa. Stupoare in statia de bus... plin... cum nici nu eram aware de data in care ne aflam sau de evenimentele sportive, mi-am zis ca o fi fost vreun meci pe Lia Manoliu... aiurea, se ducea lumea la Universitate. M-am prins de asta cand am coborat din autobuz si am dat cu piciorul intr-o masa de oameni in treninguri din Europa si stegulete cu Ro pe o parte, EU pe alta parte... Mai am si probleme cu multimile dupa concertul ala Klaxons... I just fear it. Cobor la metro si ii multumesc lui Dumnezeu... pe peron aproape gol. Oooo, vine si tubu. Ajung la timp sa le culeg pe baterista si pe Boske si sa mergem la Bican. Aiurea, yet again. Peronul era gol fiindca oamenii s-au prins ca nu are sens sa astepte metroul (vine plin) si au luat-o pe jos pana la Unirii. Bine, eu in momentul ala habar n-aveam ce au pus la cale autoritatile Capitalei. Primu tub, nu intru in el. Hence, mesaj cu o injuratura adresata zilei de 1 dec + un I'll be late. Iau the next tube, si ala mai plin ca pungile cu care ieseam de la H&M. La Unirii, masa iese din tub. Probabil cativa nevinovati care vroiau la Depoul IMGB au fost dusi de val. De acolo pana la destinatie am stat si jos...
Baterista enlightened me... Bradu ma-sii! El e vinovat de toate.
a fost mai fun cand Boske l-a sunat pe Bican, pe la 8 si ceva, plangand ca nu poate sa iasa din masa adunata la Unirii... trebuia sa ne vedem la 7...
Si mai tare a fost cand am aflat cum unii si-au adus si cainii sa vada schelele din fata de la Unirii...
Dar the truly great thing came cand am auzit ca au fost pierduti 45 de copii... One word to their parents: DUMBARSESS!!!
As for the xmas tree... l-am vazut si eu astazi, on my way home... E o chestie din metal, care nici macar nu se vrea arta pomo... Nimic mai mult... O mizerie pe care au fost aruncati multi bani si care poate omora muuulti oameni. Si nu numai in cazul in care cade (just think about the metal gig de aseara)...Macar daca era a real fur tree , mai intelegeam (desi nici in cazul ala in intregime). C'est une blague, ca!
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
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8:29:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
I-am descoperit intamplator pe pagina de Lastfm a… unei personae (doh) si mi s-a parut amuzat/dragut ca se numesc The Horror The Horror… Sunt suedezi. S-au format in 2002, si-au lansat un album de debut in 2006 etc etc… God knows what they’re doing right now (pe site ziceau ceva de work on new material…heh)… Tight, huggable sound is what THTH are all about… Cam prin zona brtipopul 90ist si un iz de Strokes… fair enough…
the horror the horror - counterfeit
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
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3:44:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see the new thing