Thursday, February 28

The big Why's

Best Solo: Kate Nash (e kk... she's carp... WHY?)

Best New Band: The Enemy (da' erau altii de 10 ori mai buni... oO)

Best International Artist: The Killers (nu o s-o iau pe ocolite... sunt ferm convinsa ca dupa Hot Fuss, Killers o sug... cu exceptia melodiei Tranquilize, dar asta doar datorita lui Lou Reed)

Best Website: facebook (WRONG! answer... lastfm is the best website...)

The 'I'm okay with it, but not the best choice in my opinion'

Live Band: Muse

Best Video: Arctic Monkeys - Teddy Picker (un Golden Skans era mai bun)

Best Dancefloor Filler: Wombats - Let's Dance to Joy Division (tot Klaxons parca ar fi meritat sa ia)

Best British Band : Arctic Monkeys (Klaxons deserve it!)

Villain of the year: Bush ( I still think Borrell is the one who deserves this award)

Hero of the year: Pete Doherty (nooo.... Noel is our hero)

The 'Yey, they won'

Best Song: Arctic Monkeys - Fluorescent Adolescent

Best Film: Control

Best Tv Show: MIGHTY FOOKING BOOSH *yeah, biatch*

Best Album: Klaxons - Myths Of The Near Future (woot... they rule...)

Sexiest Man and Best Dressed: Noel Fielding

Worst Album: Britney - Blackout

More here

I predict another riot

Dupa ce am aflat THE NEWS, tare as vrea sa pot sa ascult niste Kaiseri. Tot Ramones ascult... Anyways, se pare ca ii voi mai vedea o data...

Tuesday, February 26

Leave your yens at the counter

The Violets sunt o formatie londoneza, din gasca Horrors-Neils Children-Ipso Facto-These New Puritans, care - dooooh- fac un punk de orientare 80ista. In cazul de fata, influentele sunt Souxsie and the Banshees ( cu care au fost si comparati de nshpe mii de ori) si Slits. Se simte in special in vocea solistei.

The Violets - Shade To Be *pe bune, nu va aminteste de Hong Hong Garden melodia asta?*

PS: I must mention that my blog is one year-old... de ieri... am uitat si tin sa ii cer scuze ca nu am sarbatorit properly... promit ca in weekend cel tarziu o sa ma fac praf la targul pentru geeks de la La Scena. Poate o supradoza de cookies, who know...

Monday, February 25

Stick a knife in the public eye

I'm just running in circles, fidgeting and...erm...stuff... Deoarece, deoarece ma omoara gandul ca The Horrors o iau pe cai necurate intr-ale directiei muzicale si eu nu am cum sa aud ce produc creerasele lor... ME WANTS!

Note: ca sa vedeti ce proasta sunt, am inceput sa plang mai devreme cand am citit un review facut pentru concertul de la Astoria in care the reviewer zicea ca nu mai suna so 60s si nu mai sunt centrati pe orga lui Rhys (they should, Rhys's magical fingers are the reason we love Horrors...well, one of the many reasons...)

Ah, si eu si Rhys... suntem facuti unul pentru altul...*dreamy*.. mai ales de cand m-am tuns ca el.. heh...

Thursday, February 21

Disco dancing

Pana acum, Cohen si al lui First We Take Manhattan erau our disco guilty pleasures... Ha! Forget it... Long Blondes au o noua melodie care e pe cat de disco-orientated pe atat de goddamn hot thus giving NYPC a run for their money... Noul album, "Couples", iese pe 6 aprile si e binecuvantat cu atingerea magica a lui Erol Alkan (production).

Long Blondes - Everything I Touch

Don't stand under THAT umbrella...

Sincer, sunt dezamagita... Great laser show, but that was the only Klaxons part in it... They basically ended up being the back-up band.

Later edit: also, Klaxons lost to Take That (Live Act) and Mika (Breakthrough Act)..mdea...ah, si Jamie e my favourite wozzy-fuzzy creature. Ever.

Wednesday, February 20

New sounds

Asa, de nightie night, niste live-uri de calitate buna sau nu cu niscavai melodii noi The Horrors...

Plus mommy and her little naughty boys....

Cu intarziere, avem some juicy news

Cu intarziere, cum suntem obisnuiti... I-auzi, dom'ne, cu cine canta Clacsoanele (not centaurs) la Brit Awards... Cum suntem obisnuiti in urma unei stiri clacsonesti, i'm running around the room, hyperventilating...

Ah, my fave part was this...

"Her people kept sending versions back going 'No, this sounds more like you'.
It's strange when someone thinks they’re better at being you than you are!"

Tuesday, February 19

Commercial breakdown

Don't you just hate bands who are like... 17 and have been playing together for 3 years now?...
One Night Only sunt genul ala de formatie... ce mai ma face sa respir linistita e aroma de formatie de duzina... Solistul are totusi o voce buna si fac melodii memorabile. I for one know I can't get that 'Just for tonight' song outta my head...

One Night Only - Just For Tonight

un P.S. ca da bine: m-am (auto)nominalizat la the long list pentru RoBlogFest... nu intentionam sa zic nimic.. (i mean who's gonna vote for me? eh, make me happy, I wanna be emo... anyways)... dar dupa ce am citit seria de posturi scrise de Andrei si am ma vazut si pasta tot beanahre... deh, ma luasi si eu dupa ei (tot nu imi pun banner.... noooo)

Monday, February 18

The Boosh Is Loose!

Our fave nutjobs, domnul Fielding si domnul Barratt, au semnat un contract cu BBC Films.. Guess what? O sa aveam a big screen Boosh. Nu stiu exact cand, dar stiu ca filmarile vor incepe pe la inceputul lui 2009... *big grin*

Sunday, February 17


Please explain this.... I mean the 'collapsed' photo on the Boys Of Brazil myspace... I mean... is this the end?

Climb, climb on board!

Uk Times says something about the latest types of tribes.... I say I'm going for the membership card in the nu (g)rave one. With out the 9 inch platforms, black lipstick (actually, no lipstick is the best... natural almost unheathy beige lips are the best)... I thing that the main reasons why I should be in this tribe are:

1. My look is getting more and more goth... sure, meets mod.... and in a sligthly 'i've attended a Klaxons gig last evening' way.
2. I like to make meself noticed at a party... especially if I don't like it.
3. My (unheathy) love for the Horrors and Ipso Facto*
4. Spirits on ice is a nice why of getting 'poisoned'
5. I love Bauhaus and other 80s goth bands...

Oh, I must tell you more about Ipso Facto. 4 girls form London. They make gloomy/morose garage rock and own my heart. That's pretty much it... oh, the Adams family organ and the great outfits inlcuded

Ipso Facto - Little Puppet

Murder On The Dancefloor

Prin august anul trecut mi-am luat intamplator Seabear. Nu mai stiu de ce. Poate mi-a placut numele sau poate... habar n-am. Point is, I ignored it. Nu am ascultat albumul, chiar am uitat ca aveam. Mi-a amintit Adina care descoperise formatia pe Lastfm. Eu nici nu mai stiam ca am in calculator. Credeam ca e undeva pe un cd. 'Da-mi si mie' i-am spus. Dar tot nu am ascultat. Ba mai mult, l-am sters due to lack of disk space (my preciousssssss). Acum cateva zile, stergeam disperata muzica din calculator (adica, aveam discografie completa Ash si Iron&Wine and I don't listen to more than a few song from each artist...damn... I even had several Iron&Wine live show) si am vazut ca am Seabear. Asa ca am bagat in Winamp. Sper mare-mi surprindere, nu e fata. Nu stiu ce m-a facut sa cred ca e tipa, probabil poza de pe Lastfm si faptul ca nu ma pricep la nume islandeze. Mai mult, I actually like the guy's music... Asa ca, luati de aici indie-pop via Iceland

Seabear - Good Morning Scarecrow

Saturday, February 16

Monday, February 11

Tiptoe down to the lonely place

A few days ago, I read on the Horrors official forum that Jamie from Klaxons said the new Horrors album sounds shoegaze... First (stupid) reaction: oh, we know Joshua REALLY loves his white winklepinkles, but really now... he's staring at them while playing? Second (stupid) reaction: oh, great, now I can sleep while listening to The Horrors... cause I sleep really well while listening to shoegaze... not that I find it boring, it's just that My Bloody Valentine and Jesus&Mary Chain seem to be really relaxing... I even have dreams...

(and now something so the reader of this post won't get totally pissed off for reading this useless thing)

My Bloody Valentine - Loomer

Saturday, February 9

Of moons, birds and monsters

MGMT vin din Brooklyn si pe alocuri amintesc de Bowie, pe alocuri de Flaming Lips si pe alocuri ma fac sa imi zic 'Asta suna a Bowie... Ba nu, a Flaming Lips... ba nu, Bowie... ba nu, Flaming Lips... Ba, cu ce dracului seamana?'... Anyways,cica au a bunch of prog-rock/space-rock/disco/electronic/britpop/shoegaze influences. Idea e ca they do make lovely anthems si, cam ca in shoegaze, vocea e efemera si se pierde uneori in instrumental. Albumul de debut l-au lansat prin octombrie anul trecut dar doar in format digital si de abia luna trecuta si pe suport... 'Weekend Wars' e melodia aia dupa care imi doresc sa mai ascult nitel Bowie pe repeat... If I'm wrong, forgive me..

MGMT - Weekend Wars

Pe Foals ii iubesc si pentru nebunia de 'Hummer' dar si pentru the imagery of Yannis (the lead, that is) dancing on Bubba Sparxxx's 'Ugly' (asta se intampla la Never Mind The Buzzcocks.. priceless moment). Cand i-am dat si domnului Bican sa asculte, he said 'ne place pentru ca se vrea experimental'... Don'soara Nancy a completat 'and because we can dance to it like an 80s bitch'. Acum, dupa cateva zile de injurat netu' fiindca mergea downloadu cu 999kb/s, am facut rost de debut... All heil... Si, guess what, they truly are a bunch of 80s bitches... Melodia de incheiere, Tron (is a nice movie), confirma acest fapt prin titlu alone... ( a se vedea wikiu'.... plus cam any of Noel Fielding's live routines when he mentions he's an 80s bitch, like Tron)

Foals - Tron (in a nice movie)

In alta ordine de idei si probabil complet irelevant... pentru cei ce nu stiau deja, Moby+NMTB = WIN!... here's why (the part with Moby wearing a sombrero is a classic... ca sa ii parafrazez pe Mighty Boosh... It's impossible to be unhappy in a sombrero)

*note to self: mama, de cand n-am mai scris properly bout a band pe blogu asta

Tuesday, February 5


Here's something fun from Arcade Fire

Monday, February 4

While studying for Introducere in teoria comunicarii, I found this...

Reptilia + Alex Turner + Lighspeed Champion = WIN! (sure, not as 'WIN!' as Strokes... but still a bloody good 'WIN!')

Saturday, February 2

This Is A Travesti, Sir!

Blasfemiile se tin lant... vin una dupa alta si I just can't figure out anymore where is this world standing... nu ca eram capabila de asa ceva inainte.

Mai intai fu melodia aia de 'the eternal mentioning of the eternal mentioning'... colaborarea aia dintre Kanye 'Cunt Boy' West si Chris 'Next Bono' Martin...

Pe urma, Jay-Z si-a confirmat aparitia la Glastonbury.

Acum, aflu ca (scuzati ca-urile) Kanye ar putea fi headliner at the same muddy fest ...


To keep up the wtf? spirit of this post, here's a song from Serj Tankian whom I love... I think this is one of his most pop songs... and it's fab...

Serj Tankian - Lie Lie Lie

Friday, February 1

One Week Of Danger

Am un scaun cu rotile de la IKEA. Acum cateva zile, una dintre rotile a cazut si nu mai reusesc sa o pun la loc... So I have to be carefull not to fall. Tot acum cateva zile am gasit si melodia asta... I know it's about consumerism and... erm... stuff... but hell, everytime I listen to it I feel like saying 'IKEA did a job on ME'

Floor Is Made Of Lava - IKEA did a job on you


FIMOL is a dance-rock'n'roll-whatever trio from Copenhagen... They took out their debut 'All Juice No Fruit' sometimes last year (don't know when.. too lazy to google/lastfm it)... I also really like 'Happy Monday'. I'll let you see for yrselves why...

FIMOL - Happy Monday