Boredom, Allienation and All The Rest
I love many things... shoes, bags, Topshop, Nicky Wire's thighs... Yeah, aici e problema... The last thing on the list... Which just points out to another... Pana acum I was lurking the livejournal lolz/slashfics/sheer expression of stupidity communities dedicated to Horrors and Klaxons. Ceea ce mi se pare normal. 'Adica, ce poti sa ii ceri altceva unui fan al acestor formatii?' imi ziceam eu. Ah, ca bateria pe 'Sheena...' e geniala... Ca acousticul Klaxons de la Ibiza 2007 e beyond beyond... e, astea sunt detalii...
Veni gigul Manics... Toate bune si frumoase... Ne apucam si de comunitatiile de loluri Manics... Si radem... si we learn all the trivia... si ne tavalim pe jos cand citim mistouri cretine facute la adresa unui om care...well... de care nu stim in ce sant a putrezit sau daca nu cumva e across the street hiding from the British press...
I don't know if what I've just written makes sense... but I guess it shouldn't. Pentru ca ieri... m-a lovit. Nu e normal. I should be focusing on the music, not Wire's passion for female clothing and scrubbing bathrooms and getting pissed on. And my lastfm avatar... well, it just has to go... poate de maine...
Poate de maine, I'll be one of those fans who focuses on what's important and not on fangirling and lolz...
Pana atunci, va las cu un macro gasit pe this wonderful community...