Saturday, June 30


Remember how this week i've been really busy packing and cleaning my room and getting ready to go home? Well, now I am home.. My head slightly hurts due to the non-stop attention... and my best friends are not really around... (one's in the countryside, one at the seaside, another one's wasting her time at Bestival and one's...erm... he's got varicela... go figure...)... and I still have things to unpack... i will also be busy these days as now I can download music... whenever I want... which means... all the time... Music, here I come...

Friday, June 29

Dance To The Radio

This has to do with one of my latest visits to FNAC. And with a compilation from Kitsuné Maison. French label. Lovely people. Digitalism are signed there. Anyways, on that compilation I found some lovely band I’ve been desperately wanting to listen to. Foals would be one of those bands. Also Punks Jump High, Thieves Like Us and Guns N'Bombs. And another extremely infectious song from hadouken!

Foals - Hummer

Hadouken! - Tuning In

Guns N'Bombs - Crossover Appeal(Radio Edit)

Punks Jump High - Dance To Our Disco

Thieves Like Us - Drugs In My Body


So... imi intrerup programul obisnuit de impachetare si shopping sprees (coming home and sales in france, baby) to bring you this... O mizerie de articol... bine, poate articolul in sine nu ar fi chiar asa o mizerie.... asta daca you are able to read it, which I was not.... as it is writen in font 5 (if such a thing exists *checks Word...* it does)... Now, where was I? Ah, yes... the article...

Pam pam!!! (erm... you scroll down and look for the Interpol part of it...)

How dare they say that? Editors, a second-rate version of Interpol... and they dare add 'to put it kindly?'.... Stiupid... veri stiupid....

Saturday, June 23

These Days

nancy boyo: o sa ocup doar eu o sala in care se tin lucrurile...
adina: nu vreau sa ma gandesc if you had an apart

Am terminat anu'... Acum, all I have to do is pack. Aaaaaall my stuff. To give you a hint... am 20 de pungi mari de H&M si 10 pungi tot mari de Fnac. Nu, nu sunt pline. Nu acum. Erau odata. Acum ce era in ele has to go intr-o valiza de 30 de kile, una de 25 si doua genti mai mici. Si nu numai ce era in ele, ci si ce mai aveam si eu adus de acasa (to give you another hint: in septembrie, cand am venit aici cu mama am avut doua valize de 50 de kile impreuna, in care mama nu avea mai nimic...). Haine de iarna, all my books, all my bags, the shoes I won't take with me. Perechea mea de hamsteri imputiti si extrem de jegosi (ar trebui sa mentionez ca 'hamsteri' se refera la skate shoes... as le spunem... erm... noi... ). Pe aia unde &#@%&^#^$ ii pun? Ca sa nu mai zic ca am OPT perechi de pantofi pe care nu le iau cu mine. In cutii. Si intr-o cutie sunt conversii mari si grosi de iarna. Tre sa vad ce fac cu ALL the cds (remember the 10 bags from fnac?). Toate posterele pe care le-am dezlipit de pe stalpi de pub. Si cel mai important... tre' sa il scot pe asta micu' *points down* din camera...

Friday, June 22

Yeah, me too.

Yeah, I think I’ll also buy Re:Publik myself. Actually, I’m sure of it. And it will feel great throwing Tuborg plastic glasses at one another again. For the moment I’ll throw just empty Coke cans. In the garbage can. But I won’t throw the one I shared with Bican on Adina’s 18th bday. I’ll keep it. Pack it carefully in colourful wrapping paper and put it among all the things I’ll leave in France for the summer. I know, sweety, everything is a challenge. And challenges are awful. Writing that short ‘thingy’ was hell of a challenge. Having to be here is one. And, oh, I have to write a review for the gig last night. And how I wish I could write one for the Lou Reed gig. I am no longer on a Prozac prescription. I am not sure when it ended. Yesterday. Today. I don’t know. Maybe there will be another cute blonde guy that will spread Visine all around and help us. Cause my eyes sore. Even after a year of staring at another Visine kinda guy. British this time. And he’s been to Bucharest. Hey! Maybe the blonde at Motoare was Brit as well. Here is something you hear quite often from me. But, guess what? This time, I got it. Maybe it was because you weren’t saying anything. Just like you’ll get it and I said nothing. And I do hope I’ll have more than just the words figured out. Oh, and you know how last summer we were thinking of taking my English certificate paper to the magazine. So maybe they’d like it and maybe. Just maybe. And hey, remember I told you I had a nightmare before the presentation of the paper? I dreamt Big , Cretulescu and Leo. Serban were in the jury. Shit! And, yeah. Thanks, sweety, for writing it. Not the mail, the blog. You should try becoming a psychiatrist.

Thursday, June 21

INSA's burning

Off topic again, cause we love them... we'd do off topics for just about everything in our life. Anyways, as I was going to say... Living in a dorm, in a campus is a wonderful thing... I think... School's almost done and the whole of Insa is having a blast getting pissed... So, last night (... she said, oh baby, don't feel so down...), some people thought they'd have some fun and started yelling around the first year dorms... made whole lotta noise... so the people in charge of the two buildings decided to pull the fire alarms at about 10 pm and get everybody out of their rooms... That was not fun... Then, some retard thought of pulling the fire alarm just after the storm started... so we could have a little shower.... Bloody hell...I have a cold, you blatant retards...and I was watching 'Ciggarrettes and Coffee'... again... (and my room mate was watching 'Love Actually'... riiight...) ... I have a gig to attend tonight, so hopefully I won't be here when some other retards pull the fire alarm...

Somewhat on topic: have tagged all my Clash... oh., yeah... now i can listen to 'Lost In the supermarket' and 'overpowered by funk' and 'brand new cadillac' and they'll get scrobbled on lastfm...whoa!

Wednesday, June 20

Boom Boom Boom

The Chavs - a supergroup consisting of members of Klaxons and The Libertines performed a short set tonight (June 19).

The band's first gig in several year's consisted of a five song set at London's exclusive Cuckoo Club venue.

The group of rotating members included Carl Barat and Gary Powell of The Libertines plus Jamie Reynolds and Steffan Halperin of Klaxons.

Lead vocal duties were taken by Tim Burgess of The Charlatans while the group were augmented by Didz Hammond and Anthony Rossomando from Dirty Pretty Things.

They opened with an untitled Velvet Underground-esque tune with Burgess reading off a lyric sheet and revealing: "We wrote this song today."

The group then launched into to version of Klaxons' 'Golden Skans' with Burgess on vocals.

Reynolds then left the stage, introducing Hammond on his way out by saying: "I want to hand over bass duties to a very competent man - Didz Hammond."

The band then launched into a rendition of The Charlatans' 'North Country Boy', which incorporated The Rolling Stones 'You Can't Always Get What You Want' towards the end.

After which Barat shouted to Reynolds: "Oi, Klaxon! Can I have my cigarettes?"

With Reynolds returning to play percussion, the band then played two Dirty Pretty Things tracks - 'Bang Bang, You're Dead' and 'Blood Thirsty Bastards'.

The gig was attended by Oasis cohort Alan McGee, New Young Pony Club keyboardist Lou Hayter and model Agyness Deyn.

The gig was being filmed as part of Alan McGee's new show which will appear on Rockworld TV.

Oh... this makes me feel so much better...

Under Control?

I wish two drinks were always in me,
I'd pretend I had the perfect day

Hell, nu stiu cum, nu stiu de ce... dar new-wave-ul radiant al acestei melodii ma deprima mereu... nu versurile care de altfel au un usor iz de tristete... bateria... si chitara aia... Si uite cum it got to me again... excuse me, I have to nurse my depressive state caused by listening to excessive amounts of Strokes…

P.S.: why doesn't blogger have smileys? Or it does and I can't seem to find them? *insert confused smiley here*

Tuesday, June 19

Nouvelle Vague

Monday, June 18

Sick Sick Sick

I am sick... now, during my final exams... and what's worse is that I have a stupid, bloody cold... I can't breath, can't focus because of the headache, can't drink anything that's cold, sweat due to the fever (as if the 30+ degrees celsius weren't enough...ha...)... and I have to take meds... and tomorrow I have chemistry... Life's just peachy...

Golden Rainbows...

Usually, during the final exams, a normal person does not touch their computer and learns all day... however, I do believe some psychiatrists could prove that I have issues... so, here I am, in front of my laptop, writting a blog... after having visited the Klaxons-related comunities on LiveJournal... where I found two covers... brilliant covers....

Kaiser Chiefs - Golden Skans
The Central Band of the Royal British Legion - Gravity's Rainbow

... naturally, both are Klaxons songs....

Sunday, June 17

Din ciclul 'Ce face matematica din om?' part 2.

- Am luat un paracetamol sinus. Ce sa mai iau?
- Pai acum ia si tu un paracetamol cosinus

Din ciclul 'Ce face matematica din om'....

Soit le polynome Nu-Rave= X^3 – X^2 – X – 3. Montre que Klaxons est racine multiple de ce polynome.

Saturday, June 16

Din ciclul 'Did I Mention....?'

... that the Nouvelle Vague gig I shall attend on the 21st of June is free?

Thursday, June 14

24h bunny people

Declar deschis sezonul la formatii al caror nume incepe cu ‘I Was A…” (I was a cub scout, anyone?)… Trei finlandezi, doi baieti si o fata, s-au gandit sa isi puna un nume care sa te faca sa iti zici ‘and I was a Cradle of Filth fan”… cu atat mai mult daca nu ai ascultat in viata ta COF…. In iubita traditie ‘i’ll pick a band name in order to mislead the public’, I Was A Teenage Satan Worshipper fac un electropop dulce, euro-90s(well, intelegeti voi ce vreau sa zic...), cu sintetizatoare retro si o voce care pluteste usor deasupra muzicii… au probabil in jur de 20 de ani iar melodiile pe care le fac cu o usurinta ingrijoratoare explodeaza de atata energie... imi amintesc de ceva… nu stiu de ce, simt ca imi sta pe limba numele unei formatii necunoscute si pana la urma ma gandesc ca doar am impresia… Poate ma ajuta cineva…

I Was a Teenage Satan Worshipper - Cheaters

I Was a Teenage Satan Worshipper - A Graveyard Chic.mp3

Home sweet home

Brought too you again by Domnul Consul.... It's about a wonderful... erm... thingy in Romania...

  • "Questions only a student at Poli can answer :"
  1. "Why is the sky blue? "
  2. "Why do wet clothes become darker in color, even though water is transparent ? "
  3. "Why doesn't glue stick to the bottom of a glass ? "
  4. "Can blind men see their dreams ? "
  5. "Why do men have nipples?"
  6. "Why aren't airplanes made out of the same material as black boxes?"
  7. "How do subways get underground?"
  8. "It's midnight and it's raining. In 96 hours time, will it still be raining?"
  9. "At what speed does darkness travel?"
  10. "If it's 0 degrees outside today, and tomorrow it will be twice as cold, how cold will it be tomorrow?"
  11. "When you take pictures with Mickey Mouse at Disneyland, is the man inside Mickey smiling?"

You Ride, We Ride In My Ride

Nothin's new forever, can't you see I'm just a sucker? I'm like Stevie Wonder, but I can see things

Me and Ulysses, we like Gene and Dean Ween
We're like brothers making records who can't play things

When the prog hits ya, if you're feeling proggy
Let it get ya in the places most others can't reach you

Cause nothin's new forever - all they suckers undercover - It's like only Stevie Wonder sees the same things

I'm a rollin' a rock up a steep-steep hill
When I reach the it comes right back down

I meet Sisyphus when I hit the top
And we stroll back down together slowly

Then we rock on up to the highest top
Me and Ulysses we make the music

When we're feelin hot 'til where ten feet tall
Y'know you're gonna hear us callin', callin'

Give up all you suckers we the tightest muthafuckas And you never seen us talking shit before now

You peelin' potatoes while we sonic alligators
Makin' records sellin' like we smokin' crack now

'Joe' -'what now'?
'We bad.' -'Bad how'?
'We make a track to shake a cow
and move you like you startin something nasty?

'And then' -What then?
'We do it again, don't make no money for us to spend
on yachts and boats and planes and drugs and scooters?

I, I, I?
I, I, I?
I, I, I?
Keep fallin? Keep fallin? (bis x2)

Told me lately that you have been staring in the mirror - Don't you know that even Stevie Wonder sees things?

You told me that you love a pretty one with ebony eyes - Don't you know that even Stevie Wonder sees things?

Lately I've been staring in the mirror - Don't you ever wonder how the hell does Stevie Wonder see things?

Lately I've been staring in the mirror - Don't you ever wonder how the hell does Stevie Wonder see things?

(Hot Chip - Keep Fallin')

*have I ever mentioned I have an autograph from Alexis Taylor... yeah, I know, just felt like bragging about it... again...*

Wednesday, June 13

Have I ever told you how much I adore these guys?

Din ciclul 'Bienvenu a l'INSA'

Se intampla inaintea primul examen din sesiunea juin 2006... la INSA, evident...

We're sitting on our ass, lying on the grass cause we've got free money...

Colega mea de camera ma deprima enorm... Just like that... Okay, okay, poate suntem in sesiune si tre' sa invatam... dar ea invata incontinuu... dupa ce a invatat non-stop tot anul... that is all she does... I mean, sunt unele momemte cand pur si simplu nu poti sa inveti si mai citesti si tu o carte, un blog... mai o arzi dubious intr-un bar... ea nu... ea o sa fie un inginer perfect, asa cum ne vrea INSA... si eu nu pot sa invat cand o vad cu sta la birou si face aceleasi exercitii over and over again... Asa ca mi-am luat laptopul, tigarile si Beigberderu' si m-am carat pe pajiste... cel putin aici nu trebuie sa ascult muzica la casti ca o deranjeaza pe ea si nu trebuie sa o aud cum se plange ca nu ii ies problemele... sincer, a mea colega de camera are grave tulburari psihice... in comparatie cu ea, I'm disturbingly normal...

In alta ordine de idei, se pare ca pe 21 iunie, in campusul iubitei mele universiti vor canta Nouvelle Vague... and, as a bonus, sunt inca in Lyon pe 30 iunie, cand o sa cante Joan As Police Woman in deshidere la Antony and The Johnsons... and no, I'm already home when Lou Reed will be singing... adicatelea pe 3 iulie...

Tuesday, June 12

OOOO.o yeah...

Azi ma culc devreme... ca un future engineer cuminte ce sunt... Adica, in fine... nu o sa adorm imediat... citesc ceva mai intai... nitel Beigbeder... si maine ma scol devreme... la sapte... tot ca un future engineer cuminte... si o punem pe un invatat la fizica... un dielectric, un gradian, o bobina self, o inductanta, un condensator, niste potentiale...Ah, amuse-toi bien, Nancy!...

Thursday, June 7

Tiny Paintings...

The heat is killing me and so is the rain... I'm having problemes adjusting to the idea of exams... They can all fook off... My laptop's mocking me... my Winamp refuses to play more than one song... And I still don't understand why fruit tea was invented... as I see it, the only kinds of tea that should exist are Earl Grey, classic stuff, Ceylan, English tea... the hell with camomille, fruits, peppermint and other such herbal shite... I say "5 o'clock tea to the world!"... haute-courture cookies included...

Wednesday, June 6

Arsenal v. Stoke City

"What are you thinking about?" she asks.
At this point I lie. I wasn't thinking about Martine Amis or Gerard Depardieu or the Labour Party at all. But then, obsessives have no choice; they have to lie on occasions like this. If we told the truth every time, then we would be unable to maintain relationships with anyone from the real world. We would be left to rot with our Arsenal programmes or our collection of original blue-label Stax records or our King Charles spaniels, and our two-minute daydreams would become longer and longer until we lost our jobs and stopped bathing and shaving and eating, and we would lie on the floor in our own filth rewinding the video again and again in an attempt to memorise by heart the whole of the commentary, including David Pleat's expert analysis, for the night of 26th of May 1989. (you think I had to look the date up? Ha!). The truth is this: for alarmingly large chunks of an average day, I am a moron.
Nick Hornby - Fever Pitch)

Don't know why, but I somehow know what he's talking about...

Saturday, June 2

They come in pairs....

While Klaxons are ploting a new album and Strokes are.. well, I don't know what they're doing... anyway... they're both taking out new vids... Klaxons for their new single "It's Not Over Yet" (the single includes as bsides the justin timberlake 'My Love' cover on cd and a new song 'The Night' on 7" vinyl...) and Strokes a new version for "You Only Live Once"...

Strokes - You Only Live Once

Klaxons - It's not Over Yet

and as a bonus... a reindeer...o.O... aka Jamie Reynolds of Klaxons...