Thursday, June 25

God Save The Nouvelle Vague

Yeah, that band who claims to " take the songs that you adore and make you fall in love with them all over again" are back. Sincer, nu sunt nici pe departe geniul care se vor a fi. Sunt a cover band cu bune (putine) si BIG!meah's (multe). Noul album, nu e diferit. Imi plac the following: "All My Colours" (de fapt, partea lui Ian McCulloch makes me cam atat), "Parade" (care oricum cred ca e orginalul minus vocea 'dubioasa' si nitel domesticit..bah, ce chestie) si vocea lui Martin Gore (ok, si coverul dupa "Master and Servant" merge... asa, daca esti de pe alta lume si n-ai auzit in viata ta originalul). In rest... MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! 'Blister in the sun' e un afront adus amintirilor din clasa a 12a cand ascultam Violent Femmes all day long, 'God Save The Queen' e just another song fara all the range and general stupidity, 'Road to Nowhere' la fel fara Byrne, la 'Ca plaine pour moi' nu imi dau seama ce au schimbat (bine, aud vocea aia enervanta) etc etc. Pot sa scriu tomuri despre cum, de fapt, Nouvelle Vague is not so special like they want us to believe. Nu, nu o sa ascult la nesfarsit coverul vostru dupa M&S cand am originalul. Ce chestie.

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