Thursday, May 31


I love this song for it's strange energy... for the summer feel it has... for the chorus... for the fact that it makes me wanna jump real high whenever I hear it... for the hand claps... and for the beautiful video...

Digitalism - Pogo.mp3

Wednesday, May 30

I didn’t mean to do it, but I just have to…

… Write about my university (after almost ten months, you kinda need to...) … Which is in fact (en effet) not a university… why? Cause nous sommes français and in France (içi) a university is something with a wider approach on teaching and learning blah blah… No, this is what they call ‘grande ecole’ (high school you mean?). Here, they mock you with their bloody system…Because, you see, dear reader, to be in a ‘grande ecole’ you have to do a ‘cycle preparatoire’… oh, dear… quickie… I forgot to introduce my grande ecole… Institut National de Sciences Appliqués… Insa… if you manage to get through the 5 years of Insa, you get to be an engineer… So, as I was saying… usually, les cycles preparatoires are not part of the grande ecole…you do them before and then you get into a grande ecole… Insa has it as a part of it… now, what exactly is a ‘cycle prepa’? Well, it is something like a high school…ah, desolée… lycee, car nous sommes française… just that you have to work all the time (morning, day and night, how New Order would say). If you don’t work, you get a 5/20… if you do work, you get a 10/20… Insa will basically be the death of you… You have to figure things mostly by yourself… and work, because that’s what an engineer has to do… work work work (maybe sleep) (sorry, Rakes, no pub and no club – prietenii stiu de ce- engineers must has no free time to party). After you’ve worked like a mule… you get to pass this sort of mid-term… yes, normal universities have mid-terms… they usually take place all in the same time, nice and neat… here you have them spread through out the whole semester… these test have been brilliantly named ‘INTERROGATION”… more commonly know as interro… when you have such a thing, you DO NOT have time to think.. You should’ve worked enough in order to apply standard patterns of exercise solutions… like a perfect future-engineer who do things like a little perfect machine… de plus/moreover, these interros are designed so that you do not have the time to finish … Still licking yr wounds after such a massacre, you head towards the wonderful travaux practiques (physiques and chemistry… a true joy) aka the experiments… this turn into a true holocaust… as a foreigner, it is the first time you do it… and you have to do it with a French person… the little prick who’s gonna be yr co-TP is familiar with the horrid techniques… they’ve already dome this at lycee… wankers! The truly fun part is the ‘cahier de TP’… you have to write down what you did during the three hours of sheer hell… and you get graded… and then, they heavily amuse themselves by making you pass a test… you have to do one TP all by yrself… go figure… The fun part comes when you actually think you know… guess what, you don’t! (such a cliché, but so true…)… Il faut que tu bosse plus… Mais je peut plus… Hein? Ah, on s’en fiche… Then you get one week of final exams… each semester… when you work you arse out and still get a mediocre grade… nothing new there… If you didn’t find this frustrating enough, wait till you get to yr language class… because at Insa you have to have 6 hours of sciences d’humanite… I don’t care what the French do during these 6 hours, I am here as a foreigner… so, as a foreigner… if you suck at French, you do 6 hours of French… pas d’probleme… if you have 4/2 hours of French or if you are so good that you don’t have to do French, you do English… it’s a must… and you usually get frustrated… cause you are not English, thus cannot speak as well as an English person, thus the maximum you get as a grade is 15… Bite me! … the true and outstanding entertainment starts for 2 to zero hours of French…you get to do ‘communication’(also known as ‘stupidisation’) with the French… and you have this huge amount of presentations and you end up being fed up with life… however, I cannot guarantee for this one, I have 4 hours… I am sure there are more thrills to come next year… however, right now I still have about 15 more exams… the first is on Friday and is in chemistry… well, it’s thermodynamics… so it’s more like physiques… ah, ça me soule... and I think I smoked a little too much this evening… I need some decent sleep… maybe some foot therapy…

A little late....

In New York Times....

"CANNES, France, May 27 — The message from the Cannes Film Festival juries was clear: Romania rules.

....Additionally the jury for Un Certain Regard, a sidebar to the main competition, gave its highest honor to “California Dreamin,’ ” a first feature by Cristian Nemescu set in Romania during the Kosovo war of 1999. It was a poignant victory, because Mr. Nemescu died in an automobile accident last year at the age of 27."

So... why is this the first time I read about this?

Tuesday, May 29


Adun franturi de conversatii... Fac asta de cand ma stiu... Cel mai mult imi placea sa scriu cu stiloul asta pe copertiile cartilor... acum stiloul nu mai imi place si all I crave for is a book care sa imi zica 'Nu ma lasa din mana'... stau si ma intreb totusi daca ar fi mai bine asa... Raspunsul e intotdeauna 'Nu'... Ce vrei sa spui? Well, can you spell 'nonsense'? No... Se apropie sesiunea... si tot ce imi doresc e sa stau intinsa pe pajistea din fata batimentului meu si sa ascult Patrick Wolf... dar pajistea e prea uda... Nu am chef... dar cine ar avea? Hai, test de imaginatie... Picture my perfect red nails and oversized bags in a factory... You can't, now can you? Am din cand in cand cosmaruri... visez ca incerc sa dezlipesc de pe perete posterul de la gigul Rapturer si el se rupe in bucatele... Simt cum imi cad in cap rafturile verzi de deasupra patului, rafturi pe care's insirate cu minutiozitate atatea nimicuri... Nimicuri pe care o sa trebuiasca la vara sa le inghesui in cutii... all my cds, all my books, all my mags, all my posters, all my empty Coke cans filled with poetry... Nimicuri carora o sa trebuiasca sa le gasesc in septembrie alte locuri carefully piced in noua camera... Mai am doar o intrebare... Cum mama naibii cari un semn mare de interzis prin campus fara sa te fara administratorii batimentelor?

Monday, May 28


I had this carefully planned order of the books I want to read and still haven't... they had a number assigned and I had to read them in the order... 1 2 3 4 5s dance to the b.e.a.t... *must note that most are in French as I bought them here...*

1. Bukowski's 'women'... started it, but just as soon as my Modest Mouse obsession passed so did the desire to read this writer... and the French version is not helping me...

2. Orwell's 'animal farm'... finnished it last night... great book...

3.Apollinaire 'Amorurile unui print'... You know that song from Of Montreal "Art Snob Solution?"... If you don't, then listen to it... it mentions Apollinaire, so, naturally, I wanted to read this guy's work...

4. Burroughs 'Soft Machine'... or how the French put it "La machine molle"... I love burroughs too much for this book to linger around for too long... I give it a week...

5. Vian 'L'automne a Pekin'... god, i really want to read it... it's been in my room for 10 months... and I always forget I have it...

6. Ballard 'Kingdom come'... did not retain the french translation of the name... and please, guess who got me into this writter...

7.Pynchon 'v'... there are two books by Pynchon that one can find in Romania and France... this one and 'the crying of lot 49'... the latter is fab...

8.Truman Capote's 'Breakfast at Tiffany's'... i must read it... it also happens to be in english, so...

9.Kundera 'L'art du roman'... always wanted to read Kundera... so just picked a book randomly from a bookstore...

10. Hornby 'Fever Pitch'... one of the Hornby books I did not read... just started it...

11.Ballard 'Millenium People'... english... the rest is just like no. 6

12.Beigbeder 'Vacances dans le coma'... it's just lying there... and it's so sort

13.Garcia Marquez '100 ans de solitude'... yes, I know... i am lame...

14.Coe 'Testament a l'anglaise'... original 'What A Carve Up!'...he happens to me my fave writter... read all his books... except this one... however, it's this huge thingy... written in small font... and the prospect of reading something like that in french does not brigthen my day...

15.Nothomb 'les catilinaires'... the only book by Nothomb i did not read... loved the other ones... so i am eager to see how thid one is...

anyho'... I never do things how I've I say screw this list... Hornby's gonna be off it by tuesday and Burroughs and Ballard are in danger...

Oh, deary me!

adinutza: on a le palme d'or
nancy boyo: what?
adinutza: mungiuuuu
adinutza: a luat palme d'or!!!!!!
nancy boyo: aaaa

se pare ca, once in a while... in franta se iau si decizii bune...

Saturday, May 26

This is brilliant

Domnul Consul (remember the 'Grand Trou' photo?) shared it with us via mess... I'ma share it with you via my blog... This is even better than a French car...

Thursday, May 24

I Think I Saw You In An Ice-cream Parlour

When I was a kid I thought he was dead... and I was completely fascinated by him... I once watched a movie on tv just because he was in it... Can't remember the name though...

Ground control to major tom
Ground control to major tom
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on

Ground control to major tom
Commencing countdown, engines on
Check ignition and may gods love be with you

Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five,
Four, three, two, one, liftoff

This is ground control to major tom
Youve really made the grade
And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear
Now its time to leave the capsule if you dare

This is major tom to ground control
Im stepping through the door
And Im floating in a most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today

For here
Am I sitting in a tin can
Far above the world
Planet earth is blue
And theres nothing I can do

Though Im past one hundred thousand miles
Im feeling very still
And I think my spaceship knows which way to go
Tell me wife I love her very much she knows

Ground control to major tom
Your circuits dead, theres something wrong
Can you hear me, major tom?
Can you hear me, major tom?
Can you hear me, major tom?
Can you....

Here am I floating round my tin can
Far above the moon
Planet earth is blue
And theres nothing I can do.

Wednesday, May 23

Blaga de real...

Functiile la o petrecere... orgie, curgea bautura...alea alea... doar exponentiala statea suparata intr-un colt... vine la ea prietena ei buna, logaritmica.
"ce ai mah, exponentialo? de ce nu vii cu noi?"
"pai sunt suparata ca nu reusesc sa ma integrez...."

Actually, We're French...

Courtesy of Domnul Consul....

We Are Americans Here....

Hm... tomorrow, I have the oh-so-difficult TOEFLI(the TOEFL for institutions...)... oh, deary me... I'm in two minds about this... Should I haunt down the cute Brit and tell him I need some help with my English? *batts eyelashes*

Tuesday, May 22

Art Snob Solutions

Somewhere between pop aesthetics and strong experimental scents… that’s where you’ll be bound to find Of Montreal... To be honest, they have the same weapons as Flaming Lips or Fiery Furnaces… Hailing from Athens, Georgia and named after a failed romance Kevin Barnes (the leader) had with a woman from Montreal, the band is a part of the Elephant 6 Collective. Discretely, these guys made a name for themselves with quirky, lo-fi, twee songs with a psychedelic touch. Then came 04’s ‘Satanic Panic in the Attic’ with a slightly more electronic sound (God, ‘Disconnect the Dots’ is just fabulous). “Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?” follows this line… Disco keyboards and psychedelic guitars tickle your ears… just that now the lyrical direction differs. The previous albums were full of humorous situations. The new album is more personal and darker… its lyrics revolve around depressions, paranoia, neurosis… it is so complex it scares you... it is hard to tell what direction it will take after the next chorus… in its schizophrenia, it creates Beatles-esque refrains (‘Sink the Seine’), Prince-a-like pop (‘Faberge Falls For Shuggie’), (what seems to be) innocent electro-pop ( ‘Heimdalsgate Like A Promethean Curse’) and stylistic landmarks (‘The Past Is A Grotesque Animal’)… And it’s shinning a ghostly, surreal light… just like a weird dream that haunts you…

Of Montreal - The Past Is A Grotesque Animal

Monday, May 21

Ah... la classe...

*i'ma do a little French talk right now, so excuse me...*

ah, mais regardez-le... classe... l'attitude... le style... il est trop con... Il est James de Klaxons... et il porte un tee-shirt avec Dr. Dre (comme d'hab... je fait de la merde et je mets de n'importe quoi avec ces mecs sur mon blog... il faut que je m'arrete... c'est pas drole... pour les autres, bien sur... moi, je m'amuse bien.... )

aaaaand, a little bonus to drool all over the downloads window... it was bound to happend... it is fantastic... it's the clash of the stars... you'll be saying 'use me, show me the jacuzzi'.... trop con....

The Chemical Brothers feat Klaxons - All Rights Reversed

1. Placebo

2. Modest Mouse

3. The Strokes

4. Jesus and Mary Chain

5. Guided By Voices

6. Pavement

7. Broken Social Scene

8.Wolf Parade

9. Justice

10. Destroyer

This week I've been caught between Canadian stuff, 80s indie, my old passions and some electro stuff... finally got a good listen of Pavement... fucking great... and can't get my ears off Modest Mouse's 'Bukowski'... started reading Bukowski cause of it...

Sunday, May 20

Astia cu hip-hop....

I don't get the ending, but maybe Sebastian does... dude, I told you... hip-hop's bad for you... and for yr dad...:p....:))

P.s.*to seba*: and, no... dude, you were not the cutest baby... I was... end of story

Intrerupem programul obisnuit pentru un blog special....

De cateva zile ma gandesc la faza din 'fight club' cu the single-serving friends... ingenious... and so true... Life's full of them... and not only friends. De la o presoana cu care ajung sa vorbesc la un concert la the guy de la concertul Rapture care statea in spatele meu si isi punea maineile in cap cand il vedea pe Jenner cum se balanseaza pe marginea scenei la my single-serving crushes de pe strazi si muzee la my british ones de la insa... si totul mi se pare excesiv de deprimant... stiu ca asa e viata, but after all, life's immensely sad... Uneori mi se face extrem de dor de liceu... de cum erau lucrurile atunci (atat de bloody simple) si de cum eram noi atunci... de tampeniile pe care le faceam, de inocenta noastra... Hell, mai aveam nevoie de cativa ani de liceu... dar nu ii am... sincer, stiu ca i should get used to it... But, hey, I ain't yr average person... My friends aren't... Sunt inconjurata de oameni de 20 de ani care stiu ce vor de la viata, care se comporta ca la 30... eu nu vreau sa ma schimb si nu vreau sa uit cum eram acum doi ani... imi place my quirky, shy, childish-self... cu momente de utter stupidity si pline de penibilitate... oamenii din jurul meu par nu avea simtul penibilului si le e frica sa faca vreun pas gresit... poate ca si eu sunt asa... nu stiu si nu pot fi obiectiva whem it comes to myself... sau poate pur si simplu nu vreau... Inca mai vreau sa beau o cola la scarita, in curtea liceului, cu Seba si sa ascultam 'Juicebox' la mobilul meu... Or at least I did last time I checked....

Last Night I Dreamt You Were Gay

Last evening we wondered around Lyon... Soiree des musees... Free entrance... Irrevant... what's relevant is that I spotted some single-serving crushes... Especially the guide at the African Museum... *dreamy*... and a gorgeous dude in the metro...

Friday, May 18

I Swallow Words Like A Placebo....

Because I'm in a really Placebo mood... and because I'm too lazy to write a new post about them... and because recycling is so good... and because I consider this a fooking fab post of mine (heh... lack of modesty is always great)... it took me about two hours to write it back them... and people considered me a freak after seeing it... hehe...

I can say I’m a little music maniac… I listen to music all day, I know all those weird indie acts and I read any British(sometimes even French..) mag that falls in my hands… But no matter how many bands I shall discover/listen/put on my “bands I love list”, my favourite will most definitely always be Placebo. Androgynous, glamorous, controversial, with Smiths, Sonic Youth, Pixies, Depeche Mode, Smashing Pumpkins and aforevermentioned Nirvana, the band initially called Ashtray Heart is what I see as a band that embodies the best all that I feel(them and le roi d’indie-pop anglaise, Morrissey, both solo and with The Smiths). I first listened to Placebo when “Special K” came out, back in 2001… My first impression?! WHAT THE FUCK?!?… Who the hell are these guys?!.. And what the hell is that?!(when seeing Brian Molko…great look in this vid, btw…) . The song sounded quite ok and the video had a very nice twist(well, directed by Howard Greenhalgh, as I would find out 5 years later… brilliant director, also did “Black Hole Sun” from Soundgarden… ah?!). Oh, and I also saw the vid from “Every Me And Every You” (yet again… WHAT?!… for those who haven’t paid attention to that vid, both the lead singer, Brian Molko, and the bass player, Stefan Osdal, wear dresses…Molks a black and white one, and Osdal a red one…). As for whatever they were saying in those songs… Come on, I was too small/Linkin Park fan to actually understand/pay attention… Then I heard nothing more about this weird band until 2003 when I was more than satisfied to rediscover what soon became my fav band/my obsession..enter “The Bitter End”… And I was grown up/depressive enough to see what Placebo wanted from their audience…

By the 11 grade, I had three albums and right now… well, I still need 5-6 b-sides… Damn, girl… So, what is Placebo about anyways? Cause it definitely ain’t about hating yr parents…Well, maybe if u rearrange the letters of their lyrics… And the closest Molko reaches this message is “Paycheck”(as I see it…)…. a song off their 1994 demo, guess what, being different….” She's a faker, never makes a sound/Undressed like a soul prayer /Buying shares, pay her by the pound”(maybe a reference to his mother, an extremely religious person, and his dad, a broker….)…. The demo also contains early versions of „Hang on to your Iq”, „Nancy Boy”, „36 Degrees”, „Teenage Angst”, „Bruise Pristine”, an acoustic „Eyesight To The Blind”, and two extremely weird songs, „Kangaroo Died”(bloody sad) and „2468”(extremely funny)….

In 1996 a first single was out… Come Home, the first off a raw and yet so complex album „Placebo”. But the first video was made for „36 degrees”, a song about that state which one has when doing drugs…. The vid, directed by Chris Cunningham(nope, done have any material in front of me…I actually know the bloody names….and all the lyrics…and everything..told u bout that obsession…), saw a very Marilyn Manson-like Molko standing in what apparently was a freezing-water pool and wearing a t-shirt on which it wrote „Lung” an his chest, in the place where the lungs are…Third single, second video, first one directed by genius Howard Greenhalgh….the subversive „Nancy Boy”(i’m planning to talk about it…too much to say..:D…better watch it...and pay great attention, careful not to miss the plastic ass, the cum shot and Molks’ round mouth….)…The song…simple guitar(but,oh,so brilliant),kick ass punk drums ….an hymn to homosexuality and sex…And now we can get to the album…The album revolves around one thing…addiction…To sex(Nancy boy), to other ppl(Bruise Pristine), to drugs(36 Degrees)….Enter the one great hymn of teens…”Teenage Angst”… inspired by what Molks’ mother told him when he was 14, that since we are born we are preparing for death, this song embodies everything a teen is going through…being an introvert, having low self-esteem, feeling that everything goes from bad to worst….”Since I was born I started to decay, now nothing ever, ever goes my way”….Bionic, the 3rd song on the album’s tracklist, is, as Molks puts it, about a robot fuck(„Harder, faster, forever after/None of you can make the grade”)….A fifth song returns to the idea of addiction to drugs…”Hand on to your IQ”(„..and please hang on to me”)….A quite song, „I Know”, talks about the status one has when they are a star, in the position of a spokesperson…”I know you love the song, but not the singer”…The album ends in a brilliant song, with lyrics half spoken, half moaned, and full of ambiguity (but isn’t that what Placebo are all about???)…

And so we reach the storage and so personal „Without You I’m Nothing”… Pure Morning, the first song, is probably the band’s best known… (and a song Molko hates so much because it’s considered to by their best song…)… a song with nonsense lyrics(„A friend in need is a friend indeed, a friend/A friend with weed is better/A friend with breast and all the rest/A friend who's dressed in leather”, but at least they aren’t „I’m feeling supersonic, give me gin and tonic”…as Molks himself puts it..)….”Brickshit House” talks about Molks being in the position of rock star loved by girls and hated by those girl’s boyfriends .”Without You I’m Nothing” made Bowie ask if the band could sing a duet with him at his 50 anniversary in 1998…which they did…”my Sweet Prince” can be seen in two ways…one: Brian’s addiction to heroin(Close up the hole in my vein”)…two: Brian’s relationship with a guy, who used to call him „my sweet prince”, relationship which ended badly….As for the schizoid duo „Burger Queen/Evil Doldo” so much embodies everything Placebo are about…The first one is soft, acoustic, mellow…and it talks about this goth junky…a true Luxemburger queen(btw, Brian used to live in Luxemburg…hm…)..and also burger queen is the slang for transvestite…double hm…the second one, is violent, electronic and contains a threat received by Brian on his phone robot….(„ Hey motherfucker, I'm after you. I know where you live. I will fuck you up the ass and I will sneak into your room and cut your cock off, and stuff it in my mouth and chew it up with my little teeth.”)….The videos are in the dear Placebo fashion…in the one for „Pure Morning”, Molko throws himself of a building…in „You Don’t care about us” the band is fed to sharks, while small diabolical kids are happy to see the bloody scene….The other two, „Without You, I’m Nothing” and „every me and every you” are live vids…(oh, in Every Me, pay attention to that girl-on-girl scene….)….

And so we reach the great year 2000….”Black Market Music”…And the great distorted guitar in „Taste in men”, the comparison between the one u love and a drug in „Special K”, the sink in mental disorders in „Black-eyed”(shizo, borderline, bipolar…hm, sounds familiar…wonder why???), the psychology of today in „Blue American”(„I wrote a book about the self, said I should get expensive help, put my neurosis on a shelf….but I don’t care bout myself…”), the loneliness one feels in „Hemoglobin”, the obsession in „Peeping Tom”….

And then, our little borderline placebo fan is awarded a great album in 2003…”Sleeping with ghosts”(title taken after Don McCullin’s photography book…a very shocking and painful book, because it shows the cruel truth in poor countries and poor areas in big cities…). The band says that when they chose this title they thought of the idea of living through memories of the ones u’ve loved and it revolves around the idea of relations…with another person or with yrself…Whether it’s the fucked up relation in „This Picture”, the feel u found the one in „I’ll Be Yours”, the feeling you’re a bastard in „Second Sight”, the desperate need u had for someone in „Protect me from what I want”, I thing each song on this album is beyond perfect…

In 2005, the trio celebrated 10 years of existence with a singles collection, „Once more with feeling”, on which two new songs were added….”Twenty Years”, a retrospective on Brian’s live and hopes for the future…and a electro-pop love ballad, „I Do”…a song that could make one think Placebo have started to believe in ever-lasting love…The end makes me think twice..”I wanna say I do, the question is do you”(there is still that fear of being turn down…)….2006 saw the launch of Placebo’s most anticipated 5 studio album, „Meds”…. more electronic, but yet returning to the raw sounds on their debut album, the band is clearly more mature and more aware of all their faults….”Staring back from the mirror's a face that you don't recognize/It's a loser, a sinner, a cock in a dildo's disguise”…A song with the ubber-sexual VV from the Kills(Meds) and a duet with Michael Stipe of REM on a song about an affair „Broken Promise”( Brian is the woman in the couple, while Stipe is the man…)…My favourite songs are „Post Blue”( Bite the hand that feeds/Tap the vein that bleeds/Down on my bended knees”), mainly because of its electronic touch and „In The Cold Light Of Morning”….And what more can I say, but the fact that placebo are as good now as they were back in 1996…Oh, and we must not forget Brian’s side projects…with electronic music makers(Alpinestars, Timo Maas, the Metric System),or with adventurous singers like Jane Birkin….just as daring as any other placebo tracks….Cause this is all Placebo is about….daring to play with yr image, with the image people have about you, with sex, with mental diseases….

Later edit no 2

IT WORKS!!! IT SCROBBLES!!! Thank you, God!

Later edit....

It's still not work... What do you mean what? My Lastfm player.... that thing that is so sacred to me... It won't! I did everything... Uninstall, reinstall, delete it from me laptop, download it again from the Lastfm page, install it... I even changed my password (I know what you're thinking, I am so much not getting a new account... I've scrobbled over 30.000 tracks from july... you know how hard is that... I won't start it over again... no way... )... I need it... Take anything else... My messenger... my Myspace account... (okay, I was kidding about the messenger....) ... my cellphone... I don't use it... erm... I meant to say 'I DO use it alot....'.... My... erm... Plasticines cd (stupid cunts, made me buy that stupid, wothless cd...) ... My memories of the Klaxons gig... (you do realise I'll take that back as soon as my lastfm player works, don't you?)... My soup... it's very good actually... instant...but very good... my Inrock mags... (but don't touch the one with the Monkeys on the cover....). Well, now seriously... I am really disturbed by what's happening... o.O.... And I think I'm gonna have a fit....

Huston, We Have A Problem

Now... I am seriously freaking out... It start doing this yesterday and still doesn't work... o.O... my Lastfm player has a nervous breakdown... and I'm not very good at helping... erm... things when they have breakdowns... o.O

Wednesday, May 16

Like Eating Glass

This was supposed to be a review of the Bloc Party gig in Lyon... However, there were no tickets when i went to get one... a month ago, that is... Somebody told me there were none 3 months ago... Putain...

Monday, May 14

Come And Join The Angry Mob

1. Small Town Boys Part 2

Different location this time around (no longer the oh-so-usual Ninkasi, but Transbordeur)... same opening act as for The Rakes gig: Good Shoes (I told you these people ran outta opening acts...) This time, people know the band, danced, sang along and yelled... however, the guys from Good Shoes were still rather cold and it shows they're scared and don't know what to do on stage... besides playing, that is.. which they do extremely well... Each time "Small Town Girl" sounded fucking fantabulous.... and, again... I have to give them thumbs up for coming on stage at 20:00 (the time on the ticket...)

2. Na Na Na Na Na

At 21:00, ladies and gentlemen... The Kaisers got on stage.... It was great... Ricky's stage antics are great: the guy jumped around the stage, got down into the crowd (yes, I did, thank you...hehe), did various 'tricks' with his mic... He was unstoppable... Peanut clapped for us... oh, not to forget, Peanut's hat is missed... The drummer made a bit of fun of Peanut... but the bottom line is that Ricky made all the show... naturally, moshpitting was involved, jumping, smell of sweat, lack of water, singing along… For about an hour and 15 minutes, the Chiefs played songs from both of the albums and the ones off the first one were better received by the audience than the newer ones… at the end of the gig, the drummer threw his sticks in the crowd and some lucky guy right in front off me caught one… damn… And, there it went, Kaiser Chiefs and I was on my way back to the dorm, no tram or metro, but walking (20 minutes till my room…go figure)

Fisrt, LastFm weekly top ten...

1. Interpol

2. Travis

3. Babyshambles


5. Bright Eyes

6. Arctic Monkeys

7. The Teenagers

8. The Coral

9. Tapes'n Tapes

10. The Cribs

next, trying to explain it: yes...i like,fuck off... oddly, most of the bands in this week's top have new albums... not so oddly, Interpol are no. 1...

Thursday, May 10

And The Beat Goes On

Era o gluma tampita despre Romania, cum ca e o tara frumoasa... doar ca e locuita... imi permit sa modific si sa pun in loc de Romania, Franta... exact,bingo... you got it... Ma calca pe nervi astia micii de umbla free prin tara asta... Cred sincer ca dupa *counts* noua luni (it's like a baby... how adorable...) de stat aici am 'adunat' plenty of reasons why nu pot sa ii suport... Lasand la o parte ticuri verbale si faptul ca-s excesiv de miorlaiti... mai au anumite calitati:

-> au nspe mii de markere,creioane colorate, pixuri colorate, creioane ceramice, acuarele tempera cu care subliniaza, coloreaza manuale intregi si scriu... feri-te-ar al de sus sa nu subliniezi cu o ANUMITA culoare sub-sub-sub-subtitlurile din caietul de practica pe care-o faci cu un francez...

-> pentru cel mai mic si neinsemnat calcul.... folosesc calculatorul... mai sa iti dai palme...

-> sterg farfuria cu paine... la restaurant (si dupa iti zic tie ca nu tot ce e in farfurie se mananca...)... Ah, sta-va-r in gat bucata aia de paine cu sos...

-> se scarpina in nas... oricand, oriunde,dar intotdeauna cu mana bagata in nas pana la cot...

-> nu au pic de cultura... nu stiu ce e aia "Trainspotting"... outta all things....

-> nu stiu engleza...sau daca o stiu, o stiu prost... si they're bloody proud of it

-> ragaie in public... and they're bloody proud of it...

-> mentiune speciala: economia care se duce de rapa... daca ai nevoie de o felie ed paine dupa ora opt, duminica sau in zile de sarbatoare, nu ai de unde lua... TOATE-S INCHISE!!! Daca e o zi mai important...hart bibanu, ca nu merg nici mijloacele de transport in comun... Acum, inteleg ca vor sa se menanjeze, sa nu se streseze... dar ma streseaza pe mine!!!

Datorita acestor mirobolante motive si a multor altora ce vor veni... Le doresc sincer sa ii invadeze nemtii... pe care sa ii invadeze englezii... MUHAHA!!!

p.s.: cred ca e evident de ce e postu' asta in romana si nu in engleza... hm... poate ar fi trebuit sa il scriu in franceza....

Wednesday, May 9

I Loved My British Romance

The Teenagers seem to do music for porn movies.... The Teenagers are madly in love with Starlett Johansson… The Teenagers and their ‘fuck Nicole' make me weak in the knees… The Teenagers are three non-teens from Paris who are obsessed with adolescence and snogging in cinemas and all those romantic stuff… who are yet so rude they curse like hell– ‘I fucked my American cunt - and use perverted vocals all over…The Teenagers play with their instruments and create a clash of trance, pop and rock... But what matters is that The Teenagers are simple in a Velvets kinda way and that they are unique… Enjoy….


The Teenagers - starlett johansson

Tuesday, May 8

God, Make Up Yr Mind!

I just did....

Monday, May 7


I don't get it....o_O

Sunday, May 6

No, I don't wanna read yr thoughts anymore

So, I finally listened to some of the new albums I had lying around and waiting to be heard....

First in line: did not impress fact, at times it bored the hell outta me...the voice annoyed me waaaay too much (just like it happens with Joanna Newsom...) and the instrumentals left me cold... One of the few tracks that don't piss me off to much is Japan....and it is below...

Cocorosie - japan

I finally listened to Kings Of Leon's "Because Of The Times" which is pretty good...It'll definetely grow on me...although I can't really say it blew me away... The sound is basically the old style with some new elements... please note that I always thought KOL were a fucking great band...

Kings Of Leon - Knocked Up

The new Bright Eyes is okay as well... There is one track that bores me to tears "Make a plan to love me" just sounds lifeless and it's incredibly boring... and here's the problem with the new album... If you don't have an aquired taste...I bores the hell outta you... I'm not saying the rest of Oberst's music is highly catchy... it just wasn't boring... "Cassadaga" can easily be...

Bright Eyes - Four Winds

The new Black Rebel Motorcycle Club came as a wave of joy... God, these guy are FANTABULOUS!!! Brilliant! Nothing can stop them.... It's the 3rd best album of spring....(first is "Myths of The Near Future", second is "Favourite worst nightmare")...My fave is "Berlin" just has a great energy....

BRMC - Berlin

And here's a cherry from the top of the cake...The first Interpol single of "Our Love To Admire"....I don't have the album yet, but this song, "The Heinrich Maneuver" made me happier than the BRMC album...It's so brilliant I just want to hug Paul,Daniel, Carlos and Sam...

Interpol - The Heinrich Maneuver

Saturday, May 5

This blows

Okay, okay...New Order breaking up... I can handle it... But Larrikin Love *hands to the forehead...theatrical gesture* WHY??? Well, at least now I can be all dramatical and play depressed... and insane... *sad sigh*...

I couldn't pick ONe here's four... FANTABULOUS!!!!

Happy as Annie

Six Queens

Downing Street Kindling


Another one...

Because I'm slightly pissed off these days and because I don't wanna let it get to me, here's a song I really like... from a band that's going to break up...soon...less than a month...

Thursday, May 3

And he's clinging to the nearest passerby , he's lost control again

Cannes..this year....

Wednesday, May 2

Panic On The Streets Of Indieville

Because I have a very "the boy with the thorn in his side" state and because I wrote the thingy below almost a year ago ( 4th of May 2006, on my Y360)... and because I'm a lazy ass... and recycling is good... especially when so wonderfully written blogs are involved....Be at ease... this is just an intro for what's to come... a project of mine that's finally completed... you'll see soon what I have up the sleeves of my purple h&m hoodie... :D

The Smiths are part of the great post-punk wave from England...Desi mai putin abrazivi ca restu' gastii(Cure, Bauhaus, Joy Division, Jesus&Mary Chain, Siouxsie & The Banshhes, Echo&the Bunnymen), dar la fel de sumbri(althought sum songs are quite light, instrumenatal vorbind...and sooooooooo sad), Smiths sunt o reactie la bandurile promovate p MTV in anii la imaginea promovata...imagine a unei lumi decadente, materiale, bazate pe nu pe what's on the inside..Formed in 1982, the band became the embodiment of the audience's feelings. Morrissey, solistul cu nas mare si fara prietena(dap, a ales abstinenta), a devenit poetul multor adolescenti cu a slightly diferent view of life than their chiar daca formatia a existat numai 5 ani, in 87 destramandu-se, Smiths sunt vesnic citati ca influenta pentru all the new bads, iar versurile lui Moz sunt considerate un etalon pentru lirismul(mama, c am grait-o..) insular...Cel mai bun album Smiths este, fara doar si poate, "The Queen Is Dead" la imaginea unei Marii Britanii aflata sub matriarhat( imaginea emasculated a lui Charles este graitoare..."I say, Charles, don't u ever crave to apear on the front of the Daily Mail/Dressed in yr mother's bridal vail?") din melodia care da titlul albumului, la umorul negru de pe "Frankly, Mr, Shankly" si "Vicar In A Tutu", la referintele literare din "Cemetry Gates"("Keats and Yeats are on yr side/But u lose, because Wilde is on mine"), la amestecul din "Bigmouth Strikes Again"("And now I no how Joan of Arc felt/as the flames rose to her roman nose/and her hearing aid started to melt), la superba/suprema declaratie d dragoste din "there is a light that never goes on", la acea intrebare zguduitoare din "I Know It's Over"("if u're so very entertaining why are you on yr own tonight")....Cat despre restul albumelor Smiths, albumul de debut contine great songs, among which "What Difference Does It Make?("oh, the devil makes work 4 idle hands to do") si "Hand In Glove"( a little song considered 2 be one of the most beautiful love songs ever writtem...), ca sa nu uitam "This Charming Man"...Pe compilatia"Hatfull Of Hallow", micutul fan abstinent Smiths este rasplatit cu a myriad of great sonds... 19 la number, mai precis... printre care se afla si monumentalul "How soon is now?"(orgasm instantaneu...)... Iar albumul "Strangeways, Here We Come"(strangeways was a victorian jail) captiveaza prin miciile depresii cauzate de "Last night i dreamt that somebody loved me", "girlfriend in a coma' si "i started something that i couldn't finish"....Cariera lui Morrissey dupa destramarea trupei nu a decurs tocmai grozav...Dar totusi, ultimile doua albume, "You are the quarry"(cu magnificile "i have forgiven Jesus", "first of the gang to die" and "america is not the world") din 2004 si "ringleadre of the tormentors"(2006) confirma importanta lui Moz ptr lumea muzicala....Hey, doar e stiut ca nimic nu poate echivala megalomania, profunzimea si idiosincraziile lui Moz (to quote someone)...

07. The Boy With The Thorn In His Side.ogg

Tuesday, May 1

From Atlantis To Interzone

A muri de rusine este un gest specific indienilor Kwakiult si americanilor; ceilalti spun pur si simplu 'Zut alors' sau 'Son cosas de la vida', 'Allah mi-a tras-o, Atotputernicul'.

William Borroughs - Pranzul dezgolit