Monday, May 28


I had this carefully planned order of the books I want to read and still haven't... they had a number assigned and I had to read them in the order... 1 2 3 4 5s dance to the b.e.a.t... *must note that most are in French as I bought them here...*

1. Bukowski's 'women'... started it, but just as soon as my Modest Mouse obsession passed so did the desire to read this writer... and the French version is not helping me...

2. Orwell's 'animal farm'... finnished it last night... great book...

3.Apollinaire 'Amorurile unui print'... You know that song from Of Montreal "Art Snob Solution?"... If you don't, then listen to it... it mentions Apollinaire, so, naturally, I wanted to read this guy's work...

4. Burroughs 'Soft Machine'... or how the French put it "La machine molle"... I love burroughs too much for this book to linger around for too long... I give it a week...

5. Vian 'L'automne a Pekin'... god, i really want to read it... it's been in my room for 10 months... and I always forget I have it...

6. Ballard 'Kingdom come'... did not retain the french translation of the name... and please, guess who got me into this writter...

7.Pynchon 'v'... there are two books by Pynchon that one can find in Romania and France... this one and 'the crying of lot 49'... the latter is fab...

8.Truman Capote's 'Breakfast at Tiffany's'... i must read it... it also happens to be in english, so...

9.Kundera 'L'art du roman'... always wanted to read Kundera... so just picked a book randomly from a bookstore...

10. Hornby 'Fever Pitch'... one of the Hornby books I did not read... just started it...

11.Ballard 'Millenium People'... english... the rest is just like no. 6

12.Beigbeder 'Vacances dans le coma'... it's just lying there... and it's so sort

13.Garcia Marquez '100 ans de solitude'... yes, I know... i am lame...

14.Coe 'Testament a l'anglaise'... original 'What A Carve Up!'...he happens to me my fave writter... read all his books... except this one... however, it's this huge thingy... written in small font... and the prospect of reading something like that in french does not brigthen my day...

15.Nothomb 'les catilinaires'... the only book by Nothomb i did not read... loved the other ones... so i am eager to see how thid one is...

anyho'... I never do things how I've I say screw this list... Hornby's gonna be off it by tuesday and Burroughs and Ballard are in danger...

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