Sunday, September 30

Down In The Tube Station

Tomorrow...erm... is my first day of school... university.... oO

Also, I do not see what the whole fuzz around Kate Nash is all about. I thought her music might grow on my.... but.... neeeeaaaaah...I don't like her... she's boooooring... not original... sounds like everything else...(to quote Bican...)

Saturday, September 29


This is a hate post. I hate Bican for his stupid answer to the question "How do you fing CSS?"... "Unoriginal, they sound like everything else. They suck"... I also hate him for the fact that he also said (when i said he is an idiot for saying that) "well, you said the same about Whomadewho"... which I did not... I only told him that I do not like Whomadewho...even better, the 3 tracks Bican send me... I might like other tracks by Whomadewho, the music might grow on me... the difference between our answers is easy to see... You, the reader, might like Whomadewho... (oh, by the way, good graphics on the site)...

Friday, September 28

Every Inch Of My Love

Bican's not around to stress... actually, given the fact that he loves Horrors like I do (well, almost), the trem used should be 'share with'.... anyways, here are two bloody good Horrors lives...

Jack The Ripper

Death At The Chapel

aaand... another one of a B-side I do not own (yet!).... if you do have it and happen to drop by, please let me know (yes, Nancy desperate... Nancy needs)

Sister Leonella

Up In The Morning

Ah, after a long break (2 days is a lot in the world of blogs), I am back. With a band. Agaskodo Teliverek - that's Hungarian for 'roaring stallions". Hungarian/Japanese London-based trio. Recommended on Lastfm by Sebastian. Wonderful, noisy,electro, frantic and sick. Music for and by sick people. No, I do not have any mp3's, but you can check them out on their Lastfm page. And you can download songs off their myspazz page...

Wednesday, September 26

I used to dream about this when I was a kid

i just wanna love you baby

Monday, September 24

Big Day Out

We joining... we wantz... I have a wonderful pair of boots from Zara which will be perfect for the occasion... will figure out the rest of me Horrors outfit for this wonderful day...

Sunday, September 23

I like the way you work it, I got to bag it up

Nu Diggity

The Way To Mother Blog

Simon amazed us with this little shiny thing and now we find James is quite familiar with blogging... yes, Klaxons variety hour time.

Oh, heard Simon and Lovefoxx got engaged and plan to have new-rave babies... Annoyingly adorable, reckon?

Tag, i'm it!

Cica ne jucam leapsa pe telefoane... sau ceva de gen. La mine a ajuns de la Trifoi. ...

Aaaand... Proud to present Moto. Un Motorola V360 cu clapeta (de cand am descoperit telefoanele mobile mi-am dorit unul asa...), cu camera (asa, pentru poze naspa) si mp3 player (ca sa ascultam indie pe strada asa cum asculta manelarii... erm... manele.... adica fara casti, ca ale mele s-au stricat... la el ascultam eu pe holurile fostului liceu Sonic Youth si Strokes si Libertines si Lcd Soundsystem si Arcade Fire. Cu Bican, evident). Cica ar mai face si altele, dar avand in vedere ca am dat cu el de toti peretii de nshpe mii de ori, ma indoiesc ca mai e in stare de multe. Are multe zgarieturi. De la peretii aia. Si se ia vopseaua de pe el... E argintiu dar cand suna zice "Golden Skans". Ma enerveaza la culme acel 'Hello moto' care se aude cand il deshid. Nu il mai tine mult bateria (il am de un an jumate deja... si eu vorbesc muuult la telefon.... ). And... cred ca are tendinte suicidale. Nu de alta, dar cred ca vrea sa scape de mine. L-as tagui pe Bican, dar ma indoiesc ca e o alegere buna....

Slow night, so long


Tuesday, September 18

From Atlantis To Interzone

De maine pana sambata o sa fiu la shopping (vai, fata!) la Lyon... H&M and stinky cheese. Plus adus back aaaaall my stuff. And not to make this post completely pointless, here's a vid...

and yes, i know what that is... ieri am ascultat in prostie... asta si Sober de la Tool... si niste Deftones... acum Bican ma sfatuieste sa pun in my perfect playlist (Tool, SOAD, CSS, New Young Pony Club, LCD Soundsystem, Digitalism, Justice) si niste Raku si Cheloo... eu am pus deja Raku... da' imi e frica sa pun Cheloo ca aude mama...

Band, band, band

Bands moment... 3 juicy ones....

1. White Williams.
Diverse little fuckers from the US of A. Actually, don't really know much about them, just that they're touring with Girl Talk and Battles. Song that impressed me:
New Violence

2. The Florists.
Indie/reggae/ska band from Sussex. Good vibe and nice lyrics. Bubbly music.
Stolen Love

3. Elle Milano.
Cynical bastards from Leicester. They make fun of the shallow and full of cliches pop world and the waaaay too pretentious indie universe. Good vocals (yelling, singing and speaking... all included), sharp rhythms, even melodic pop parts. Darlings of independent music zines like ArtRocker.
Swearing's For Art Students

Monday, September 17

It always seemed enticing

Sambata seara mi-am dat seama ca, vai!, nu am Placebo in calculator. OHMIGOSH! Asa ca mi-am luat frumos Placebo de pe unde s-a putut si m-am pus pe ascultat Placebo... this morning. Dar vai!(yet again) se pare ca si Bican asculta Placebo. Evident! Doar azi am fost la liceu (ne-am imbracat frumos, Bican might've washed... ). A fost deshiderea anului scolar. Ne-am intalnit cu pusti care erau a 9a cand noi eram a 12a, cu fosti colegi de generatie, cu profi, ne-am amintit ce tare era in a 11a, cand faceam cunostiinta cu aia de a 9a si ne pareau asa mici si noi ne simteam asa mari (acum aia sunt a 12a si noi ne simtim asa batrani)... Am baut cafea de la automatul de la cancelarie si ne-am amintit de cafelele dinaintea orelor de mate. Am stat la the infamous scarita. Am realizat ca liceul nostru iubit e plin de oameni hip si misto imbracati (ah, cate poze pentru the fashion blog am facut ... pacat ca's pe aparatu lui Bican si poate le vedem si noi pe la anu)... si evident ca am fost mega-emo si depremati gandindu-ne ca noi nu mai suntem al liceu. Si, ca sa fie totul si mai deprimant.... hai de la mine, one of my fav Placebo lives...

Saturday, September 15

I'm still lost in the supermarket

E o chestie sa auzi Supergrass si Ampop la Mobexpert. Hai, treaca de la mine, inteleg sa iti dai seama ca se aud Manic Street Preachers la Cora. Pana si peste Klaxons (in aceasi vesnica Cora) pot sa trec. Dar cand auzi Klaxons, CSS, The Cribs si Reverend And The Makers intr-un interval de doua ore (Cora yet again)... eh, this is too much to take... oO

Tuesday, September 11


look how nervous and shy Faris is ...

About Green and Libs

It all started with this:

bikn: cea mai tare frate! i used to luv it
nancy: cover dupa libertines
bikn: waster?
*nancy sends "what a water" to bican"
nancy: a fost their first single
nancy: interzis, frate
nancy: nu-i asa ca versurile sunt monumentale???
bikn: frate
bikn: u iz right
bikn: poate i missed out on libertines
nancy: sunt pe cdurile de la mine
nancy: doherty is a genius....!!!!
bikn: am downloadat 24 hour party ppl si mult indie...u were wrong : there are way indie ppl on romanian hubs!
nancy: nu in cazul in care cauti bands ca eight legs si blondelle

You have sent 1 file to biki.
The Libertines - What a Waster.mp3

bikn: baa...ce tare e finalu la jessica asta live de la vezi ce tampit e
bikn: adorable
nancy: seamana cu casablancas
nancy: the hair
bikn: da...pai se vede ca s-au copiat...e si normal la cat or fi impartit patu
bikn: love Libs!
bikn: well this song i do....
nancy: u see...
nancy: u see

and this is how, after almost 2 years (and some "Up The Bracket" listened on my mobile on the hallways of our high school back in 12 grade),Bican realized he should listen to The Libs

Pai nu?

Pe la 0:15, Nancy incerca sa faca nani... Se aude Golden Skans si Nancy se enerveaza... Primise SMS... "Daca e Bican, il trimit undeva!" , isi zice. Dar nu, e Smaranda. "Ai vazut?". "ce sa vad? teh darkness of the room while having my eyes closed?", se intreaba Nancy dar tasteaza simplu "What?". Raspunsul ii vine imediat: "The horrors pe MTV!!! cu she is the new thing!". Usor nervoasa ca a pierdut momentul, Nancy zice "Vesnica pomenire!" si se culca la loc.

later edit: I told you, I told you...

Monday, September 10

Oh, the emoness of it all

will have to thank bican for this one...

Sunday, September 9

Still lazy

For about 3 weeks, I've been trying to get myself to write about Black Lips... Fuck that! Just listen to them.

Black Lips - Katrina
Black Lips - Veni Vidi Vici
Black Lips - Good Bad Not Evil

Saturday, September 8

The Last Testament

Being extremely lazy the last week, I never really got myself to write about some acts I like... Now's a good time (I'm wearing a fluffy robe and am very close to a cold while Bican's talking fabrics...oO)

First in line: Cricket Spin... I know these New York act for about half a year. Good stuff, really dreamy and light like a breeze. Kind enough to have free downloads on their lastfm page.

Next are Blondelle. Discovered them in Similar artists on the Eight Legs lastfm page. Fresh, mature (just like Eight Legs, they never show their young age), Blondelle deserve all the attention. Sure, they might look like 14 year-olds (they are actually 20) and , hey, maybe one of them looks like a girl... but we are all mature people and can get over the looks... and listen to the music....
Blondelle - Other Peoples Cars.mp3


Dap, puteti sa imi spuneti tanti ziarista... (bine,mah, inteleg ca am intrat... Da' prima?!?! Dupa doar o luna de meditatii... altii au facut 2 ani... :|)

Music: The Horrors
Mood: Hyper

Friday, September 7

Hou ciute....

Seems like we have the Mercury this year... *big grin*... Where me glowsticks at???

Later edit: And I guess this is a very nice photo...

Thursday, September 6

Clap Your Hands And Say "Doherty!"

nancy: melodia babyshambles e bloody brilliant *hearts!hearts!hearts!*
adine s: babyshambles are *hearts!hearts!*

Wednesday, September 5

I'm addicted to electric pulses

Sunt momente in care imi zic ca ar trebui sa citesc zilnic sectiunea de news de pe This Is Fake DIY... now is such a moment.... Klaxons covered "No Diggity" de la Blackstreet pentru BBC... another clasic is on the way... Aici, lista completa cu melodiile de pe albumul aniversar BBC....

Tuesday, September 4

Parca uitasem cat imi plac baietii astia....

imi amintesc si acum cum o faceam prin a 10a pe teenage housewife cu melodia asta pe fundal... those were the days...

Can't Stop This Feeling I've Got

Mi-a trebuit sa merg la gig Razorlight (asta prin februarie)... I hated every bit of that gig... and plecat asa de despressed de la acel gig. And so my love for Razorlight's music was fucked... Nu am mai putut asculta Razorlight... not to mention the unlimited hate for MR. BORRELL!THE GREATEST ROCK STAR IN THE WORLD!...

Sambata am simtit ca vreau sa ascult Razorlight... and I did so... acum ascult Razorlight... I guess ca acum pot sa le ascult din nou melodiile (nu fara a face nitel misto de Borrell's egomania... )... Do not worry, I still wanna torture Borrell and see him burn in hell... The whole point is that it feels weird/strange listening to these song again after *counts* 7 months.. fara sa ma simt o ura profunda... hm

Monday, September 3

She goes and she gets drunk, she gets off...

Gata! S-a terminat... azi am dat that bloody exam... I am free like a bird in the sky... Si pe urma am ars-o cu stil la Motoare (have some very cool pics of meself... will post on fashion blog when boske gets home... Boske sta la Branesti... long way home) si in Jack ( unde am stabilit ca my extremely worn-out sex pistols tee era de fapt cu motorhead...)... si Bican a ajuns la concluzia ca we and dogs are alike (aveam two eyes... two ears... fata de organismele unicelulare... ).. lame Bican... but so funny Bican...

Time for some music news... I got me Muse ticket... aaaaand... something that really amazed me... Peter, Bjorn & John cancelled some Canadian dates to preform at the VMAs... well, no Amy so we could at least get the other Europeans...lame MTV... and so not funny... read it all here

Sunday, September 2

I'm all lost in the supermarket, can no longer shop happily....

Azi am fost din nou in Cora... si am auzit Reverend and the makers...oO

Maine am examen la Facultatea de chimie... life is, once again, mocking me!

I'll send a nasty text....

The 6th Spoon album, Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga, sounds like Spoon: impeccable indie-pop with strong Motown bass lines (which make the album completely addictive at times). However, it doesn't have an edge, and though it might be Spoon's commercial breakthrough, it seems to be holding the band down. It is a great album because the details are sharp (a must listen is "Don't Make Me A Target" with its intro) and the lyrics are , as always, witty and bloody well written ("You've got to know what's on yr sleeves" says Britt Daniel on "You Got Yr Cherry Bomb", making this song the best moment of the album) .
You Got Yr Cherry Bomb

Another comeback comes from quirky Aussie group Architecture In Helsinki. Not much to say... it is weird, we are talking about AIH... it has great pop tunes... and it's a good listen...
Red Turned White

A Wilhelm Scream are the kinda band I don't usually listen to a lot. They yell a lot and you need to look up the lyrics to actually understand what they are saying. But their experimental post-screamo-whatever is fairly good and I do believe they deserve a listen...
Me Vs. Morrissey In The Pretentiousness Contest

This has to be the cookie of the week... I've discovered Eight Legs while doing some research on Hedi Slimane, the former chief designer of Dior Homme. He played used their music for one of his runway shows. Eight Legs are young (19 and 20), but that is nothing new. New is the experience and nostalgia, sometimes bitterness their songs have. Eight Legs sound much older than their really are...
These Grey Days

Erm... and this has to be the second cookie of the week... The Holloways are one of the many pop-punkish guitar rock bands out there... Erm,, actually, no. They mostly have fuuuuuun songs(the kinda songs that don't really make you... erm, think...), but "Reinvent Myself" is not one of those songs... It's immensely sad... "Why should I reinvent myself/When the world that I see/ It will not change for you and me?"
Reinvent Myself

Saturday, September 1

So why should I reinvent myself?

In the news today:

motanul meu a mancat o conserva de ton... you kmow, catfood cu ton... idea e ca el in general (a se citi ALL THE TIME) nu se atinge de asa ceva... oh, well...

I hate Bican's ass and I will beat the hell outta him as soon as I see him... Asta e veche... Motivul e mai nou... TOT nu si-a reparat netu'... de vreo 3 weeks (cam pe atunci si-a reparat clacul dupa vreo luna si) tot zice ca isi face si netu'... daaaar nu... and now I want him to post those pics we made Monday in Green... pe that fucked up fashion blog we have... si sunt asa nice those pics... aaaaargh.. feeling frustrated.

I am working on two short stories... a Klaxons fan fic and band fic... was feeling creative yesterday dar se pare ca iar m-a parasit inspiratia... but hey, vorba aia... a cynic told me the best is yet to come... so cheer up!

Flat Beat

Nu mai imi e lene! Sa scriu, that is... ca in rest, am lene pentru aaaaall of you... The treatment? Vreo 6 ore de french electro ieri seara si o discutie about my exam (ala de luni) cu mama in Cora azi (in timp ce se auzea pe fundal Klaxons... aham, de la aia din Cora, nu din castile mele)... Asa ca I bring to you my fave tracks de aseara + azi... adicatelea... French house.... fuckery, ain't it?

Daft Punk - Something About Us

Mr. Oizo - Flat Beat *classic, classic, I tell you... and you must remember the video... *

SebastiAn - Ross Ross Ross

Cassius - The Sound Of Violence

Para One - Les soleils artificiels

Busy P - Chop Suey

Mr. Flash - Champions (feat TTC)

Surkin - And You Too

...and a bonus...

Teki Latex - Disco Dance With You (spank rock remix)