Friday, October 23
Wednesday, October 21
Ieri de dimineata, la ora 7 jumatate, in RATB (336, in drum spre mirificul Etaj 6 al Complexului Leu din Bucuresti..*), ascultand muzica la telefon, mi-am dat seama de.. o chestie. The National au prostul obicei de a face melodii numai pentru repeat. De cate ori incepe vreo melodie de-a lor, mi se pare parca blasfemie sa nu ii mai dau play macar o data. Stiu, m-am prins cam tarziu.
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5:58:00 pm
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tell me what you see nancy's songs to save yr life
Monday, October 12
The Saga, aham
Stiti si voi ce a leakuit, nu? yes,yes indeed
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11:40:00 am
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tell me what you see nancy's songs to save yr life, ou em gi
Saturday, October 3
Sweet mother of Bowie
He currently is not speaking to Nicky Wire, as the dress wearing, shark-grinned Manic Street Preacher refused his offer of a 'quick one backstage' and called him a shirtlifter before tossing his feather boa around his shoulders and flouncing off with a bottle of Babycham.Am vrea noi... am vrea noi
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9:23:00 pm
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tell me what you see blabla, blagues, i'm medicated how are you?, manics
Thursday, October 1
The Neverending Why
Beibi, Wire... eu pot sa iti iert multe... palariutele de ealderly citizen, the yellow eyeshadow, haina de hamster urias, Pumele alea oribile din care ai 5,982,714 de perechi, the pink-all-over-the-place look, fata aia de emo girl meets Brian Molko, faptul ca tii sa iti arati chilotii (care's vesnic de trei feluri: albi, tartan and animal print. Stiind in ce formatie esti - a se vedea singurul sailor suit al lui james si singurul tricou pe care la purtat in perioada turneului Send Away - tiind sa cred ca ai doar 3 perechi de chiloti). Iti iert si the shite home bleech job si faptul ca pe zi ce trece semeni din ce in ce mai mult cu o femeie de 70 de ani (nu cu domna ma-ta...ea se tine bine pentru 71 de ani). Sa nu uit de the mid-life crisses pe care le aia de 3 ori pe saptamana. Ba mai mult, ca sa vezi (si tu si zice pe Forever Delayed ca us fans bitching about Manics should die) cat te iubi , iti iert si versurile de la Autumnsong... Dar.. this, this is too much....
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12:07:00 am
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tell me what you see manics
Sunday, September 27
Nancy's Life
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5:54:00 pm
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tell me what you see blabla, nancy's songs to save yr life
Wednesday, September 16
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8:37:00 pm
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tell me what you see manics
Monday, September 14
Kiss and swallow
And I who thought only bands like Strokes or Horrors got asked such question... Alas, I was mistaken!
Sean: One. Richey. Larking - it wasn’t on the mouth. On the cheek. I think it was one of his drunken malaises, helping him stand up in a friendly way. It was a very stubbly sort of affair. A brotherly thing.
James: None. I can’t even think of kissing Sean when I was young. I’d need a couple of telephone directories to get to Nick’s level, and to kiss Sean would be incest. I saw Richey kissing a bloke once. Not one of the band. I think it was an experiment.
Nicky: I haven’t kissed any on the lips. I kissed Richey on the cheek. We’re a very touchy band but not a kissy band. Very touchy. I mean, I slept with Richey for six months, in the same bed, when we used to live with Philip [their manager]. Downstairs was the couch and the floor, which everyone wanted, and James and Sean, and me and Richey, would swap alternatively. Upstairs was a double bed, which was a bit planes trains and automobiles sometimes: ‘That’s a really soft pillow my hand’s in’ ‘That’s not a pillow!’ Richey would just get blotto and pass out, really. So it’d be an incredible smell of vodka in the morning. You know the way it kind of pours out of your skin?
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8:14:00 pm
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Tuesday, September 8
Heaven Was Full
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3:20:00 pm
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Wednesday, September 2
Modest Mice
Oh, Jarman, you dedicated follower of fashion, you...
The Cribs - Victim Of Mass Production
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8:07:00 pm
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tell me what you see nancy's songs to save yr life, the new fellas
Saturday, August 29
I'm not gonna say a word about THE big announcement made last night. Altough, in my world, THE big announcement might be the following...
Ipso Facto are going to break up. This really makes me sad. I loved them, they played great music and I would've loved to see them live.
They were an all-female 60s inspired goth group based in London associated with The Horrors and new London scene.
The only good part is that all three members will keep making music. Bassist Samantha Valentine is a new member of R O M A N C E (finger-licking band, dare I say), lead Rosalie Cunningham will start a proggresive-rock influenced band called Ketu and drummer Victoria Smith will be in a band called Blue on Blue. So, I guess I'll keep my eyes peeled and hope these bands will last longer than Ipso Facto.
Also, former keyboardist Cherish Kaya worked with Faris Badwan under the name Lumina and the result was a haunting cover of Back Lips' 'I'll Be With You'.
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2:38:00 pm
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tell me what you see the new thing
Thursday, August 27
At The Discoteque
Mr. Oizo better watch out. Falt Beat has just been reinvented....
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6:23:00 pm
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tell me what you see nancy's songs to save yr life, smd, weird is rave
Wednesday, August 26
Din ciclul 'guess who'
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6:23:00 pm
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tell me what you see blabla, i'm medicated how are you?
Saturday, August 22
Fingerprints and co are so last season
Ex-model's breast implants were key to body's ID
That is all I had to report.
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8:53:00 pm
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tell me what you see blabla, never as tired as when i'm waking up
Friday, August 21
Pretentious Twats
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9:18:00 am
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tell me what you see never as tired as when i'm waking up
Monday, August 17
Coming up beyond belief...
....sau cum the usage of acid is no longer requiered
In alta ordine de idei, am attendat (asta e pe sistem 'zborul celor de la AB4 a fost cancelat') ieri concertul baietilor de la Editors... Front row lejer, ei au rupt, vocalu' e nitel scapat de la balamuc, am urlat, ma usturau mainile de la aplaudat. Dar dupa ce am iesit, ma simteam ca si cand nici nu fusesem la un concert. Nu tu stare de euforie, nu tu hyper mood, nimic. Parca a lipsit ceva. Sad, huh? Maybe I'm just getting old.
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3:09:00 pm
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tell me what you see spooky kids, watch me
Monday, August 10
I am just a patsy
Now, excuse me, I'll be off to watching this on repeat
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7:03:00 pm
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tell me what you see manics
Wednesday, August 5
Today's Lesson
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5:04:00 pm
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tell me what you see blabla, never as tired as when i'm waking up
Monday, August 3
The adult world took it all away
Am realizat* cu (o oarecare) tristete ca Placebo sunt, in mare, a band that embodies teenage angst... mai departe, cand tu treci de angstu' cauzat de explozia de cosuri de pe fata/realizezi ca angstu' ala n-are treaba cu acnea, se cam impute situatia. That's all.
Oh, the new album still suxxx more than a prostitute from Amsterdam.
*sincer, banuiesc ca revelatia am avut-o de mai de mult, dar am negat asa cum neg multe pentru a putea trece peste each day.
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8:02:00 pm
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tell me what you see i'm medicated how are you?
Wednesday, July 22
I Hear A New World
Severed Heads - Petrol (Alternate Version)
The (Hypothetical) Prophets - Person To Person
Kraftwerk - Atherwellen
Model 500 - I See The Light
Grauzone - FIlm 2
Sursa de inspiratie:
Also totally worth it
From Chicago to Bombay
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1:21:00 pm
1 way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see mixed thingies, spooky kids
Monday, July 6
This Is The End, I'll Take A Bow
Deh, m-am pastrat... Click Click Click
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9:13:00 pm
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tell me what you see blabla, weird is rave, weirdos, yr name's down?
Saturday, July 4
Most of the time you are happy
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11:51:00 pm
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tell me what you see weirdos
Golden Skanks
Au fost niste scumpi si fara gig. Thanks, guys! Poate un gig Klaxons next year cand bagati turneu cu yr new album.
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1:44:00 pm
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tell me what you see weird is rave, yr name's down?
Monday, June 29
He had green flippers and sang the blues
I think I love Nick Cave even more... yes,yes indeed
Also, pentru toti cei loviti de evenimentele recente care nu stiu cum sa mai boceasca (desi cu o saptamana in urma nu mai stiau cum sa scuipe pe personajul cu pricina -cel al carui nume nu il vom rosti), de la mine pentru ei si familia lor... aceasta inregistrare. And, biatch, we all know WHO is the real God in that video.
/he is not Jesus though he has the same initials .
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10:32:00 pm
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tell me what you see blabla, never as tired as when i'm waking up, watch me
Friday, June 26
Facing Page: Top Left
*Nancy se inscrie la scoala de soferi. Nancy se duce la testul psihologic.*
Domnisoara psiholog: Ati fost internata?
Nancy: Nu, dar mi-as dori.
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2:04:00 pm
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tell me what you see blabla, never as tired as when i'm waking up
Thursday, June 25
God Save The Nouvelle Vague
Yeah, that band who claims to " take the songs that you adore and make you fall in love with them all over again" are back. Sincer, nu sunt nici pe departe geniul care se vor a fi. Sunt a cover band cu bune (putine) si BIG!meah's (multe). Noul album, nu e diferit. Imi plac the following: "All My Colours" (de fapt, partea lui Ian McCulloch makes me cam atat), "Parade" (care oricum cred ca e orginalul minus vocea 'dubioasa' si nitel domesticit..bah, ce chestie) si vocea lui Martin Gore (ok, si coverul dupa "Master and Servant" merge... asa, daca esti de pe alta lume si n-ai auzit in viata ta originalul). In rest... MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! 'Blister in the sun' e un afront adus amintirilor din clasa a 12a cand ascultam Violent Femmes all day long, 'God Save The Queen' e just another song fara all the range and general stupidity, 'Road to Nowhere' la fel fara Byrne, la 'Ca plaine pour moi' nu imi dau seama ce au schimbat (bine, aud vocea aia enervanta) etc etc. Pot sa scriu tomuri despre cum, de fapt, Nouvelle Vague is not so special like they want us to believe. Nu, nu o sa ascult la nesfarsit coverul vostru dupa M&S cand am originalul. Ce chestie.
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9:51:00 pm
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tell me what you see now really?, waves waves
Monday, June 22
Speak In Tounges
Da, am azi in jurul incheieturii o bratara alba cu negru (checkered, ca-i in trend) de la un anumit concert. Da, ma dor muschii picioarelor. Da, conversii mei mult prea iubiti (si mult prea rupti) sunt si mai rupti acum...
Si, da, sufar... Impresii mai multe, dragii mei, this way.
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5:41:00 pm
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tell me what you see molkoing around, ou em gi
Friday, June 19
I say I'm leaving but it ain't true
Eu cred ca domnul care a scris acest articol thinks the new Placebo album is really great and his fave band is White Lies
/Love the song
//Will be on repeat for a while now
///OMG! Greenhornes yumminess combined with QOTSA yumminess? fap fap
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9:09:00 pm
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tell me what you see dead lovely weather, watch me
Wednesday, June 17
It's just a different lifestyle
Cineva spunea si spunea bine 'Is there something in the water in Manchester'. Ei, da. Soundu' asta tipic cica zonei si the general earcandy te cam face sa iti zici ca tre sa fie ceva, sa fi copilarit pe acolo si sa fi baut apa in care au fost deversate reziduri de la o uzina din zona or something. De ce zic asta? Pentru ca nu prea auzi formatie fara birth certificate de Manchester careia sa ii iasa bine soundu' dom'ne. Si totusi, The Ruling Class, chiar daca nu's pe de-a-ntregul englezi macar (vocalul e din Suedia), te fac sa te uiti in stanga, in dreapta si sa zici 'Tim, is that you?'. Si sa te astepti sa auzi macar vocea lui Ian 'No, it's me'.
The Ruling Class - Sleeping Beauty
Despre domnul de la Champagne Riot nu stiu prea mult. I-am citit blogul si stiu ca e din Danemarca. Adica din Scandinavia, lucru de care ne-am fi prins si dupa una-doua ascultari. Da, indie-popul Scandinavian Warfare e tipic zonei. Ma duce cu gandul ba da Le Sport (remember them?) ba la the dreamy state pe care o ai dupa prea mult Radio Dept. Si e perfect for a not-so-lazy summer day.
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12:20:00 pm
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tell me what you see god bless scandinavia
Tuesday, June 16
Bowie?! Yes, Bowie, Sir
... because we are all unhappy bubbles of anal wind
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11:44:00 am
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tell me what you see watch me
Sunday, June 14
We also do speak politics for you to hear
Creierul meu de gasca imbibat cu o bere la pranz si-ar dori sa scriu despre cat de bun e Duff McKagan. La 44 de ani. Si cum Slash o suge and always has (he's ugly, ugly, i tell ya...) .. dar nu voi face asta. Am si eu limitele mele. In schimb...
Maine am examen la materia numita Politologie. Politics, parties and all that jazz. Ceea ce e chiar foarte funky. I like rants about how American politics are shiat, about how UE will fuck us all. Imi place Generation Terrorists de la Manics ca se inflameaza pe el (pe atunci) pustii aia si o ard in sloganuri naive (desi nu's de acord cu unele faze ... dar ce conteaza). Ma extaziez cand dau de o carte cu anarhismu' si variile lui forme la BCU (aka Biblioteca Central Universitara... la care imi place sa merg ca este multe carti acolo). Rad cu lacrimi cand Raymond Aron face misto de intelighenta britanica/franceza in contextul socialism vs. liberalism. Injur la tot pasu' legile stupide si imi zic ce futut e statu' blablabla. Ma uit over and over again la 'Rude Boy'. Ma apuc si scriu referate despre politics in discurul Manics. Dar cand vine vorba de invatat la materia Politologie... ba, nu pot. Ma ia cu cascat, imi zic 'trai-te-ar, ce tre sa stiu io sistemul de guvernare in Elvetia' (ceea ce nu inseamna ca nu ma iau de fazele cu 'consociationalismul' lor si pluripartidismul dus la extrem..). Ma intreb de ce tre' sa stiu ca exista 6 tipuri de sisteme hibrid care rezulta din variile combinatii intre cel parlamentar si cel prezidential (din care oricum vreo 5 nu se pot pune in practica...). Din astea. Ma pierd in detalii, pentru ca mai stiu si eu ceva pe ici pe colo, si nu pot sa invat. Asa ca stau si ma intreb... nu pot sa o ard azi si sa ii povestesc de Nozick, Chomsky, Orwell, Joe Strummer si Manics stimatului domnului Parvulescu? Oare ma pica daca fac asta?
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1:23:00 pm
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tell me what you see blabla, never as tired as when i'm waking up
Friday, June 12
Learn to live without clutter
Unde i-au gasit? Si pe pustii aia cu platitudinile pe care le spun si pe aia care le-au facut traileru si idea lor incredibil de proasta...
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9:33:00 pm
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Wednesday, June 10
Echos from the other world
Mi-am amintit ca ii vad in some 20+ days... OMGOMGOMGOMG! Desi Klaxons imi par formatia perfecta pentru small venues (and, oh boy, did they rock that venue in Lyon... :D:D:D:D), i'll settle for a small crowd/fest thing this time...
Vin cu completari... pentru cei interesati, desigur....Citeam ca pe setlistul de la gigul din Conventry (a se vedea vidul de mai sus), melodiile noi au fost:
- HOODOO BORER (le place la baieti titlurile dubioase, nu zic nu)
- ECHOS (da, fara e... as in sound... nu ecou...pfffff... )
Deci, poate curand si un albumul ala mult asteptat
Vorbeam acum cateva zile cu a good friend, si el fanatic al clacsoanelor. Evident, amandoi cu aceasi problema: impactul muzicii lor asupra publicului romanesc si cati ca noi mai sunt out there. Eu imi pun teeul luat de la concertul din Lyon, cu blugi rosi skinny si bummed converse...el teeu' lui new rave/80ist cel mai tragem outfituri de descreierati. O sa repetam versurile inainte just in case si alte faze. Dar cativa vor mai fi ca noi? Doi, trei?
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8:39:00 pm
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tell me what you see best hair award goes to...., brand new on repeat shite, watch me, weird is rave, yr name's down?
Tuesday, June 9
I like me some slap bass
Da. Este despre basisti postul de fata. Pentru ca mie imi plac. Retarzi cum sunt. Mai mult decat orice alt membru din formatie. In general, isi baga pufa (sau tiara pufoasa, dupa caz) in tot. Uneori, scot cate una pe sistem 'I understand The Buzz, but why the cocks'. Dar fara ei/ale lor instrumente melodia n-ar fi ce e. Cum ar suna 'Archives of Pain' fara notele cantate de Wire (desi nu si scrise de el)? Cum or fi fost Rage Against The Machine fara Morello? Ar mai fi fost Talking Heads the funkiest white band in town fara basu' Tinei Weymouth? Ce ar fi fost Joy Division fara Peter Hook sau Gang Of Four fara Dave Allen? Hell, cam tot ce misca in post-punk ar fi fost o laba fara basisti... (yes, i've said. take it or leave it).
Si totusi, toata lumea (in frunte cu Rolling 'We-use-1-year-olds-to-write-our-reviews' Stone) makes the fap-fap sound numa' cand aude de chitaristi/bateristi. Nu s-au gandit nici pana in ziua de azi sa faca un top decent cu the greatest bass players ever. Zic decent in sensul 'se iau cativa muzicieni si cativa critici, se baga intr-o camera cu o foaie si un pix - eventual cate una/unu pentru fiecare - si li se cere sa scrie basistii lor preferati'. (Maynard James Keenan probabil s-ar trece pe el...dar asta e alta poveste). Evident ca, dupa publicare, ne-am inflama toti ca nu fu ala de il iubim noi mai mult mai sus in top. Pardon, mint, NME a facut un top cu basisti prin 72... adica acum 37 de ani. Desi pare socant, zic ca lucrurile s-au mai schimbat. Si totusi, se fac toti ca ploua cand vine vorba de basisti. Ba mai mult, un fost basist injura statutul de basist. (Javra de SIR McCartney zicea prin 2007 ca... citez, sa imi bag io ceva in el, "bassists are the fat guys who stand at the back".) Singurul din industrie care pare a fi entuziasmat de basisti (si ii pune sa cante si sa se rupa in figuri pe albumele pe care le produce) e domnul Steve 'I-wrote-a-20-page-essay-about-how-shitty-the-industry-is' Albini.
Sa nu credeti ca n-am dat cotrobait pa gugle. Si inca cum. Mai aveam nitel si dadea peste articole din anii 60. Tot ce am gasit a fost o referinta la Bass Guitar Magazine care a cerut cititorilor sa voteze "The Greatest Bass Player Who Has Ever Lived" prin 2006 (recunoasteti, nu va asteptati chiar de la o revista despre basses sa faca asa ceva) si topul asta. (daca dati click pe 'Best musicians', s-ar putea sa aveti un moment de extaz cand veti vedea ca e ales cate un basist pentru fiecare an din 55 incoace, dar va va trece cand veti vedea ca pe 2008 au fost doi candidati la titlul de best bassist si fara numar,fara numar in rest).
Si cand te gandesti ca all it took was one link on to get me going...
Va las cu un bas that's pure evil...
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10:14:00 pm
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tell me what you see blabla, never as tired as when i'm waking up, watch me, words of wisdom
Monday, June 8
Talkshows on mute
Sincer, cred ca Molko si Osdal should do the exact same thing la gigu din Bucuresti... las la alegerea lor which one will flash us and which one will carry the flasher ...
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGeightpoundjesusonapogostick! a new placebo song i actually lurve...
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2:45:00 pm
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tell me what you see loling mah head off, manics, watch me
Sunday, June 7
Die Young, Stay Beautiful
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12:15:00 pm
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tell me what you see nancy's songs to save yr life
Saturday, June 6
We love reminiscing about the 90s.* Mai ales noi cei ce nu stiam ce sunt alea cosuri pe atunci. Noi cei ce eram too young to fully realise pe ce lume traim si totusi old enough sa ne prindem ca there was something going on somewhere in the world (mai ales in UK). Ne ia cu oftat, cu fraze de gen ‘MTV was cool back then’. Ne entuziasmam la gandul ca Manics erau patru, ca Liam si Noel isi vorbeau, ca Oasis si Blur nu isi vorbeau, ca Damon avea un dintisor de gangsta, ca Suede mergeau in turneu cu Manics, ca Damon si Justine Frischmann erau mai ceva ca Britney si Justin, ca Jarvis was mooning Jacko, ca Placebo si Soundgarden faceau vids cu Chris Cunningham si ca people gave a fuck about Mansun. Noua ne este dedicata inregistrarea de mai jos. Cine s-ar mai gandi acum ca cele trei formatii prezente in filmulet vor mai urca pe scena in cadrul aceleiasi festivitati de premiere, beti ranga si se vor injura ca chiorii?** Not the people who are buying cheese de la Alex James, no.
*nu zic ca nu facem la fel si cu the 60s,70s,80s. Stiu doar de cate ori m-am gandit ca ar fi fost uber-uber sa stand in line in front of CBGB’s waiting for that gig with Blondie, Television, Bad Brains, Richard Hell si Ramones on the bill. Also, nu zic ca prezentul o suge. I am too much of a Klaxons and Horrors whore ca sa zic asa ceva.
** nu e endearing cum Oasis tot incearca sa ii injure pe Manics si Blur si tot ei si-o iau in freza?
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10:06:00 am
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tell me what you see cheesy blur, fookin best band in teh world, manics, ou em gi, watch me
Friday, June 5
Showing them what life is all about
Haide-ti s-o spunem pe aia dreapta: ‘Dark Night of the Soul’, albumul ala facut de Sparklehorse in colaborare cu Dangermouse (sau invers, cum preferati), pare mai mult o compilatie cu melodii ale celor ce canta/ale formatiilor lor. E, probabil, si ce trebuia sa iasa given the fact that the singers also wrote bits of the music (asta si faptul ca e o mare de colaborari... cu oameni cu voci diferite...hence the music had to fit their vocals and all that bollocks...). 'Revenge' e Flaming Lips clar, 'Little Girl' parca e luata de pe albumul ala Strokes pe care tot il astept de vreo n ani de zile (atat timp a trecut ca nici nu mai stiu cand a fost lansat FIOE), 'Jaykub' te face sa crezi ca s-au reunit Grandaddy (desi, de cate ori aud introul am impresia ca’i un anumit b-side Manics), 'Daddy's Gone' e de pe vreun album A Camp, 'Just War' parca e 'Juxtaposed With U' de la Super (super) Fury Animals. (E da' ce nu va mai ajung? Ce fac aici, va povestesc albumul? Auzi nesimtire.) Also, va invit la un dans pe that dark dubious song called ‘Pain’ that's featuring Iggy's vocals…si la o tigara pe melodia 'Dark Night of the Soul' featuring David Lynch's vocals and that jazz gloomy vibe...(da-ma naibii, i've said a song i like has a jazz vibe). Nu o sa va stresez cu cat imi place... ar fi si culmea. Ce, nu va dati singuri seama ca avalansa de colaborari (in speta numele Casablancas) ii garanteaza locul dubioseniei asteia printre mah faves this year? (da, m-am udat toata)
Little Girl (feat. Mr. Casablancas)
And am I the only one caruia i se pare ca David Lynch a cam lost it – dupa all that shit cu ‘how to catch the big fish'? Which, admittingly, is not such a bad thing.
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11:27:00 am
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see dark nights
Thursday, June 4
Someone somewhere soon will take care of you
Din seria 'songs that give you chills'... desi, fata de Follow The Cops, melodia asta brings me to tears si in varianta de pe album... in orice varianta de fapt.
Also... bai, sunteti pe real?
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3:59:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see manics, nancy's songs to save yr life, watch me
Wednesday, June 3
Let's spend the night in Jimmy Choo's
Sunt unele melodii care, live, bring tears to yr eyes si iti par epice. Ca in cazul de fata. Nu stiu cat imi place in varianta de studio dar cand o aud live ma trec fiori (motiv pentru care acum e pe repeat in Songbird). Imi pare rau ca nu am un vid cu liveu' de aseara din Bruxelles... it was beyond!
Legat de asta,ascultandu-i aseara mi-am dat seama ca noul album suna intr-adevar bine live...noul baterist e ca this force of nature si nu ma mai simt unsure about the gig de pe 21 din Bucuresti. Iar Sleeping With Ghosts mi-a lasat un gol in stomac. De asta imi plac asa mult Placebo. I've been reminded. Thank you...
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
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5:26:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see i'm medicated how are you?, molkoing around, nancy's songs to save yr life, watch me
Tuesday, June 2
Tonight we beg the question
Teoria pe care vreau sa v-o prezint in continuare poate soca pe multi. De fapt, cu siguranta o va face. Mai ceva ca niste versuri cum ar fi ‘He’s a boy/you want a girl/so tear off his cock/tie his hair in bunches/fuck him, call him Rita if you want’. Recunosc. Imi place la nebunie sa sochez.
Se intampla prin 1989. Un semiotician pe numele sau Leonard Meyer avansa in cartea sa ‘Style and Music’ o teoria re-vo-lu-tio-na-ra. Cica, CICA compozitia muzicala ar fi influentata de istorie si ideologie. In mare zic. Nu vrea sa intru in detalii. Stiu, e deja prea mult pentru o singura fraza si deja simt cum mi-am pierdut o parte dintre cititori.
In 2007, un adept al acestui Darwin al semioticii muzicale ne spune ca teoria respectiva e cam ignorata, dom’ne. Stiu ce veti spune. Ar fi si revoltator sa fie considerate relevanta!!! Adica, cum? Sa ascultam toti nebunii? Ar fi ca si cum am accepta evolutionismul nebunului alalalt! Dar va rog, lasati-ma sa termin. Amicul nostru ne prezinta cartea si ne implora sa ii dam o sansa. E esential pentru o analiza completa a unei compozitii muzicale sa cunoastem putina istorie, niste ideologii, niste concepte filosofice. Si, desi pare surprinzator, am fost convertita. Acum, si eu cred ca contextul in care a fost creata o piesa muzicala si ideologiile celor ce au scris-o sunt extrem de importante.
Meanwhile, in another world, Legs McNeil, Jon Savage, Nick Kent and Simon Reynolds are all backslapping Meyer and music semioticians in general. The music press is cheering!
Also, as vrea sa primesc o explicatie de ce toti semioticienii pizdii ma-sii, de la Nattiez la Meyer si Barthes s-au blocat toti in muzica clasica… De ce Savage nu s-a apucat sa faca un studiu de caz cu instrumente ale semioticii pe Sex Pistols spre exemplu? Nu ca imi era mai usor sa fac referatu’ ma-sii acuma?
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7:51:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, blagues, nbu' has uttered, never as tired as when i'm waking up
They tell me that i'm sick in the head
Veterani intr-ale bautelor cu The Horrors (prieteni de cam multa vreme.. cica de pe cand vocalul avea formatie cu Rhys Webb de la Horrors), Neils Children au aceasi pasiune bolnavicioasa ca cele cinci orori din Sounthend in a-si arata their makeup skills. Spun asta pentru ca e evident ca aici se termina asemanarile. Neils Children sunt aia cu afinitatea pentru The Jam (pe care au cam dat-o naibii lately) si pentru The Cure (pe care o tin inca aproape de inimioarele lor de englezi nebronzati). X.Enc a iesit pe 11 mai la labelul Structurally Sound (chiar al baietilor de care vorbim aici), e cica numit dupa this experimental sound collage single from the late '70s (daca nu stiti despre ce e vorba, e ok, nu cred ca trebuie. and, if life's fair, probabil doar Rhys Webb stie si el i-a pus numele asta) si, cum ii sta bine unui album scos de o formatie din imediata vecinatate Horrors/de pe scena King's Cross, a fost numit pe diverse siteuri an instant classic (citeam pe undeva chiar ca e pe sistem Velvet Underground dar eu nu m-as intinde in halu' asta). Evident, e tot post-punk ceva mai melodic (doooooh). Evident, miroase... pardon, pute a The Cure pe alocuri (parca nici vocea nu ii ajuta). Evident, bateria se bate tot while standing (aici se cam opresc asemanarile cu VU...). Evident, exista referintele (sonice) obligatorii la Josef K. Evident, ne place si e cam pe repeat (zic 'cam' pentru ca e evident ca nu ma las eu de Manics cu una cu doua) lately...
Neils Children - Indifference Is VITAL
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3:15:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see the new thing
Monday, June 1
Ocean Rain
Drumming while standing and a babyfaced keyboardist are the keys for guaranteed success. Asteptam cu nerabdare pozele de pe prima pagina a Daily Mail.
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12:30:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see the new thing, watch me
Sunday, May 31
We all are of walking abortion
S.C.U.M. - Warsaw from Vice online on Vimeo.
Mai vorbeam eu candva pe aici de pustii astia, dar ar merita sa zic de ei in fiecare post. S.C.U.M., ca orice alta formatie barely legal care e deja garuanteed sa primeasca un Godlike Genius Award (daca va pute NMEu', de la oricine altcineva vreti voi), ma enerveaza. Stiu, socant. Foarte. De ce ma enerveaza? Pai n-am zis intre virgule? Pentru ca industrialu' asta care le iese din instrumente suna prea bine, pentru ca le vin asmenea idei, pentru ca nu sunt White Lies (desi merita de n ori mai multa promovare decat mizeria aia de trupa), pentru ca it's actual art* and not some wankery, pentru ca au la baterie o gagica (stiu, given the name, era mai caterinca cand erau doar tipi - bateristul initial s-a carat prin noiembrie 08) care e prea buna (fiind un blog de muzica - in mare - si nu de pornografie, vorbesc evident de felul in care she bangs her drums). Ah,si many many extra points pentru nume. E demential. Si pagina de MySpazz (cu tot cu its url: scum1968) e beyond cu that quote din 'Of Walking Abortion' ...
*Warsaw, melodie inregistrata in Varsovia, face parte din this artsy-farsty project numit SIGNALS prin care S.C.U.M. vor sa documenteze evolutia lor as artists. Sa fie si sa ne auzim cand Tate Museum o face expo cu vidurile lor.
~postul de fata face parte din incercarea mea futila de a promova over and over again formatiile -mai noi sau nu- care ies la baute cu Horrors. more to come.~
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1:19:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see the new thing
Saturday, May 30
No, no blood just liquid from you
Am o problema cu Placebo. Aveam o problema cu Placebo in sensul bun al cuvantului. Ca multi altii de altfel. Acum am o problema cu ei in sensul ca, daca s-ar putea, as ingropa noul album. Revin. Ca multi altii. It fails in ways unknown to mankind. Hence, one must not be amazed ca la concert voi sta degeaba. Sau poate la o barfa cu mah group. Cam cat dureaza noul album. (De cat era mizeria? Ah, de o ora… Hopa, cam mult.). Revin la Molko (si Osdal si noul baterist… si tunsorile lor). Nu, nu cred ca mizeria scoasa in urma celei mai recente vizite la un studio de inregistrari exista din cauza varstei lui Molko (Manics au cu vreo 5 ani in plus si uite ce bine o duc… muzical vorbind, evident…). Cred totusi ca parte a vinei trebuie luata de turneul jointuit cu Linkin Park si MCR (mama, mama, ma simt ca un urban care abreviaza vreo denumire de muzeu din Bucuresti). Noile melodii suna la fel de generic si au aceleasi shitty chord changes ca noua melodie LP. Also, alta bucata de vina apartine botoxului injectat de Molko in creier de frica ridurilor (everything must look like a baby’s bum). Nu voi prezenta in detaliu albumul (oricum, ce as putea sa spun? Besides ‘crap, crap, crappy’?). Nu de asta suntem aici. Suntem aici pentru a ne pregati ca stam o ora cu our arms crossed pe 21 iunie. Si, eventual, sa facem pronosticuri cam cat le va lua lui Molko si lui Osdal sa il cheme pe Hewitt inapoi in formatie (you were right all along, our ideas were bad). Iar Hewitt, ca un mesia ce e el, va accepta (mai exista si varianta cu scuipatu’ in cap.. dar o vom ignora).
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5:10:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see manics, molkoing around
Tuesday, May 19
I surrender, mah vision has blurred
Sa o luam pe bucati...
1. Remixu facut de Horrors pentru melodia Manics 'Doors Slowly Closing'... de fapt, mai degraba (cred... asta imi indica simtul de fan) remixul facut de Tom si Rhys aka Spider And The Flies...not a conventional little one at all...basic idea: take one element of the song and use it to create a completely different song... Adica, baietii nostrii au preluat un element din the background of the original instrumental si l-au bagat in loop si prin toate nebuniile analogice cu care se joaca ei cand o pun de-o electronica experimentala, au (cam) ignorat tobele grand de pe original, au dissed the vocals, the little sweet distort si hopa a iesit 'DSC Part II' as seen by two extremely creative biatchs.... intra! intra!
2. Coveru' Manics dupa o melodia not-yet-realease 'Vision Blurred'... reactia initiala a yrs fatihfully: sa imi bag pula, ce misto suna!!! ce voce are James!!! (mentionez pe aceasta cale ca nu stiu originalul..yes, i'm a bad Horrors fan) precis o fi ceva pa sistem Killing Joke in original... reactia dupa vreo ora de repeat (adica momentul in care ajungi sa mai descifrezi ceva din ce mormaie James...daca ai noroc...): FARIS E UN GENIU!!! ce imi bag pula, e genial!!!! Sure,varianta Manics suna ca a big hard-rocking sonicly-mindblowing song... that is a lost gem from THB. cum am zis mai devreme, probabil originalul e this Killing Joke based song... sau poate vreo nebunie cu versuri spoken a la Shangri Las (introul din cover ma face sa ma gandesc la cum ar suna Shangri Las as played by JDB, nu ma-ntrebati de ce... )
All wrapped up in a 'Gime moar, gime moar'
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10:08:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see manics, ou em gi, spooky kids
Wednesday, April 29
What The Actual Fuck?
Domnul Steve Albini probabil mi-a citit statusurile disperate de pe Facebook si a hotarat sa scoata din seif singura copie a noului album Manics (sunt ferm convinsa ca Albini era ultimul care mai avea grija de copia aia, cause the Manics are a bunch of culture sluts). Bref, albumul a leak-uit luni seara, marti de dimineata... cu 15 minute inainte de a pleca de acasa, am dat si eu de el (ce ziceam de statusurile alea that reeked desperation?). What followed? Pai, am plecat cu 20 de min mai tarziu decat ar fi trebuit, mi-am uitat portofelul si am intarziat la ore. Ah, si era sa ma calce o masina in timp ce ascultam Journal For Plague Lovers la player. Azi, a doua masina.. am ajuns la timp la seminar, but hey! Era sa ma uit pe acasa.
Problema e ca nu inteleg ..DE CE??? Adica, albumul e sublim, superb, divin ... Peeled Apples si Jackie Collins Exsitential Question Time deja le stiu pe dinafara (Jackie are vreo 500 de palys pe mah Latsfm...pfooooa). This Joke Sport Severed e perfetion (those chords, those drums, the way the voice blends in perfectly... aaaa...m-au omorat). Marlon JD are un beat demential... and I feel like dancing whenever I hear it. Wiliam's Last Words makes me weep like a little kid watching Bambi's mom get killed... Pe sistem: AAAA!! RICHEY BEING EMOTIONAL ABOUT... STUFF!!! AND WIRE SINGING A SONG WITH RICHEY'S LYRICS!!! OMG, WIRE'S VOICE!!! AND IT READS LIKE A POTENTIAL SUICIDE NOTE!!BAAAAAAAAW. (acum mi-am dat seama, melodia care urmaeaza incepe cu 'I am not dead' - *start freaky fan mode*Richey, guys, ce vreti sa ne spuneti???*end freaky fan mode*). Dar la o adica, it's still what Bradfield would write... si pe acoluri sunt asemanari intre melodii de pe Know Yr Enemy (care a fost un album foarte bun, stfu Wire!) sau baaaw... melodii mai vechi, u get the point. And yet, here I am... Going completely mental about this album...
What the actual fuck?
oh, wait
I think I see what Wire did there cu that 'It's The Holy Bible pt.2'. DAMN YOU, WIRE!! (desi nu e, nici ca versuri... *thinks of William's, stars crying like the obsessed bitch she is* si nici ca instrumental... ar fi si stupid)
Ca bonus, I even love the devil blabla *starts crying*
I have this essay something-something for tomorrow... and I HAVE to do it... and yet, I'm just listening to Journal... they've ruined mah life
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7:27:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, manics, nancy's songs to save yr life
Thursday, April 23
Beautiful, Dirty, Rich
This is a masterpiece... Sublime indeed. And Primary Colours is beautiful. Everything NME said in that preview and more. It ain't the old Horrors. It's all the blablabla about evolving as a band... and it's so frickin' great. And when i think they're what? 22-23 years old... Heck, and they've done this... Pfooooa, forget 'i'm drepressed I'm 21 and have done nothing with mah life'... This is instant suicide for yrs truly in MPEG format... aw, pretty babies!!!
In Horrors related seems them ho's and the big old fat culture ho's of Manics have done something together... A sex tape? kekeke
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9:00:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, manics, spooky kids, watch me
Wednesday, April 22
Flesh Mechanic
For What It's Worth
I will have to say... Middle-age ain't good for Molko... no, sir! La shtoarfa de Wire mai e cum mai e ca he's mentally 14, dar lui Molko nu'i prieste... *sigh*
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
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4:49:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see i'm medicated how are you?, molkoing around, wtf
Sunday, April 19
I'd love to hear about Jesus! What's he up to now?
"Joshua's ministry was three years of preaching, sometimes three times a day, and although there were some high and low points, I could never remember the sermons word for word, but here's the gist of almost every sermon I ever heard Joshua give.
You should be nice to people, even creeps.
And if you:
a) believed that Joshua was the Son of God (and)
b) he had come to save you from sin (and)
c) acknowledged the Holy Spirit within you (became as a little child, he would say) (and)
d) didn't blaspheme the Holy Ghost (see c)
then you would:
e) live forever
f) someplace nice
g) probably heaven
However, if you:
h) sinned (and/or)
i) were a hypocrite (and/or)
j) valued things over people (and)
k) didn't do a, b, c, and d,
then you were:
l) fucked"
(Christopher Moore - Lamb: The Gospel According To Biff, Christ's Childhood Friend)
... have a little sense of humour, please...
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6:31:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, blagues, bookareala
Wednesday, April 15
Of cheapness and marketing schemes.
Pe langa faptul ca am o problema cu America Apperal din punct de vedere estetic (pe scurt, nu imi plac hainele lor... mi se par common, boring si lipsite de that spark a piece of clothing needs to help you stand out...), acum am o problema si cu prostia oamenilor in charge .. Adica, cum domne? Unde te crezi tu sa folosesti imagine lui Woody Allen (sau a oricui altcuiva) in one of yr ads asa randomly. Fara o discutie in prealabil. Ca si cum Converse ar fi trantit pozele alea din campania lor 'Connected' pe un panou si asta ar fi fost. Va dati seama ce scandal ar fi fost pe capu lor? Endorsing? Asta e un termen sublim folosit de Allen in fata caruia reprezentantii AA ar trebui sa se cace pe ei de frica. Think about it... Nu imi vreau fata asociata cu firma voastra. Poate ideologia mea nu se potriveste cu valorile promovate de voi. Ca si cum Nike ar folosi imaginea lui Chomsky in one of their ads... sa vezi acolo caterinca. It wasn't cheap to bring Allen's sex life? Asta fiindca vor sa demonstreze ca imagine lui Allen e deja fucked up si ei sunt a bunch of frickin' angels? Acum, poate vorbesc ca un fan al operei lui Allen, dar nu ne intereseaza pe toti (noi, astia cu scaunu la cap, care nu's innebuniti dupa Dorobanti et all) mai mult artistul aici si nu cu cine se fute persoana Allen? Oare aici nu e vorba de THE ARTIST? Nu el isi prezinta credintele si valorile prin intermediul filmelor/cartilor... si voi n-ati folosit o imagine dintr-un film al lui Allen nu una cu el de mana cu Soon-Yi? Nu e vorba aici de arta si nu de viata privata? Si acum sincer, cand un critic face o recenzie de pentru un film de-al lui Allen sau cand un om se duce sa vada un film se gandeste cum s-a futut Allen cu fii-sa adoptiva? Tare m-ar amuza ca avocatii domnului (oh, behave) Allen sa aduca in dicsutie si ei (asa, pentru o caterinca mica) viata sexuala a directoriilor companiei si a celor de la firma de advertising... Sa vad cat de cheap sunt...
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6:59:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla
Tuesday, April 14
But at least you are free
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
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8:46:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, nancy's songs to save yr life
Tuesday, March 31
Oh mommy, what's a Sex Pistol?
This is so much better than Chomsky's Camelot... ah swearz
MSP - Jackie Collins Existential Question Time (XFM rip... no Zane in the background to annoy us...)
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9:51:00 am
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Wednesday, March 25
Refuz, dar zic ceva intelingent... OU EM GI OU EM GI .... Chomsky's Camelot 4REAL!
Manics - Peeled Apples (rippuit de pe Radio 1, cu Zane Lowe mancand cacat in background... )
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11:12:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
Pretentious Overdose
Journal For Plague Lovers
Peeled Apples
Jackie Collins' Existential Question Time
Me and Stephen Hawking
This Joke Sport Severed
Journal For Plague Lovers
She Bathed Herself In A Bath Of Bleach
Facing Page: Top Left
Marlon JD
Doors Slowly Closing
All Is Vanity
Virginia State Epileptic Colony
William's last Words
Coming from any other band, I'd consider these songtitles utter shit... but hey...these lads do have a certain background, don't they?
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8:20:00 am
way(s) to suck an egg
Saturday, March 21
It's like xmas all over again
See, singles are coming out... (p)reviews (ah, NME , ce imi faci tu mie... ) , fake reviews (eventually, o sa imi fac si pe Forever Delayed -forum.oficial.Manics - cont... )... Albums will soon come out(4th of May, 11th of May, 1st of June, 8th of June, God Knows When of '09)....
But first...
Noul single The Horrors... Sea Within A Sea... HUUUUUUGE!!! Indeed, blabla, no more garage gimmicks, blabla, doamne de ce imi amintesc in halul asta de Stone Roses?, blabla, vai sunt geniali, blabla, ce cauta Rhys la bas si Tom la orga, blabla, more MBV plz kthnxbai... Ptr further details, go here (una bucata mp3 pe moca, ca's baieti sympa - ai de capu' meu, Rhys, mama, da' de ce esti atat de bun???)
Noul Placebo... Battle For The Sun..noooooooow, hm, hm... a grower, yes. Like Meds was, yes. Sunt nitel cam enervante repetitiile, ajungea sa zica de 3 ori, sa se auda like an echo, sa fie mai incet, sa nu fie deloc, cum preferati... eu zic 3X, like an echo. Toborasul e bun, saracu, vai de mama lui, tre sa replace Hewitt, how the fuck do you do it when we all still are in grief cause Hewitt left the band? Dar baiatu' e bun. Instrumentalul e divin, liric vorbind, Molko nu mai face ce facea pe vremuri (evident, coae, se putea muuuuult mai bine). Zicea Molko ceva de un album optimism, seeing the light in the darkness blablabla...But, seriously, optimism is not what we want from Placebo (ca doar ne-au invatat cu altele...), intelegem, ce sa say, they are middle-aged, crissis, decapotabile alea-alea.... Bref, mp3 disponibil pe siteu' oficial , ca da bine la CV.
In alta ordine de idei, asteptam cu entuziasm primul single de pe bomba Manics de anu' asta... produs de Steve Albini si cu Wire beat-boxing... 4real!
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10:19:00 am
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see brand new on repeat shite, ou em gi
Sunday, February 8
No Love Lost
Nu mai stiu cand am auzit de el, dar in momentul in care am vazut un Inrock Hors de series cu el mi-am zis imediat ca il vreau... Am reflectat asupra acestui fapt si mi-am zis 'Don't be absurd. Nici macar n-ai citit nici o carte scrisa de el. 15 euro....nooooo' . Asa ca Inrockul respectiv a ramas in raft. La FNAC, mereu vedeam carti de-ale lui. Dar mereu alta carte era prioritara. Mai tarziu, in Romania, cand mi-am facut abonament la biblioteca de la Institut francais, m-am dus direct la H. Si am gasit 'Platforme'.... am luat-o fericita si .... am ajuns sa imi blestem zilele... Michel Houellebecq e un autor mediocru in cele mai bune momente ale lui ... infect, mizerabil, e incapabil sa isi contureze clar personajele, sa te faca sa simpatizezi cu ele, nu poate sa convey emotion nici daca il bati cu parul si scrie cu 5 clisee pe cuvant. Nu il suport. Nici ma-sa nu il suporta... chiar ea a zis...stie femeia ce stie... In schimb, lumea il considera o bomboana de autor. Nenea aia care au facut 1001 books you must read before you die il iubesc la culme... In editia din, 3 carti de-ale astuia...Nu tu Mailer, nu tu Coupland, nu tu Eliade... dar TREI carti de-ale astuia... In 2008, stituatia e si mai imputita... cele 3 mizerii raman... dar dispare Trainspotting... Houellebecq has people fooled... adica ..Trainspotting in puii mei...
Bine, recunosc...poate oamenii de fapt stiu ce petarda e Houellebecq iar aia care au facut cartea sunt cu vaca si se cred la balamuc...
But I still hate Houellebecq's sorry French ass...
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9:05:00 pm
1 way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see bababa, bookareala
Friday, January 30
Evil Dildo
Vorbeam odata cu un prieten despre One Night Only ... eu: 'they're like a boyband just that they have instruments' my friend: 'normal, doar n-or avea dildos'... nu, zice un om normal, ar fi imposbil...
Asculandu-i pe White Lies, realizez ca se poate sa fii si o formatie cu dildos and no intruments... muzica oricum e facuta de Editors... Da,stiu, Death si inca niscavai melodioare de pe album sunt decente... Death chiar iti ramane in cap si stii ca e a lor (ceea ce, venind de la White Lies e chiar de admirat, le-as da un Mercury ptr asta)... Dar 'Unfinished Business' e de-a dreptul horror (sa n-aud ca suna a Nick Cave ca's capabila de murder...)...'A Place To Hide' e probabil furata din cosul de gunoi al alora de la Editors (tema recurenta a acestui post... yes, yes indeed)... ca se nu mai vorbesc de faptul ca, de fapt, toate piesele sunt variatiuni pe aceeasi tema..Le dau totusi un punct pentru versuri... care's chiar bune...In rest.....
.....I'll be in my bunk, listening to Alice In Chains...
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2:39:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla
Monday, January 19
Black Hole Sun
(epicepicepicepicepicepicepicepicepicepicepicepic)^n FAIL!
Videoclipul e de o tristete si mai mare... mai bine fara
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2:38:00 pm
1 way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see wtf
Sunday, January 4
But she ain't messing with no broke, broke
I-as zice 'Untitled' ca n-am nici o idee remotely decent ptr a post title... Also, ar fie si mai PoMo... Dar, fie... Motivul pentru care revin in lumea virtuala, mult iubita de Mircica Badea e... well, nu prea e.
Realitatea zicea de dimineata ca 'Romanii cer ajutor'... adica vreo 7 palestinieni , insurati cu romance, vor sa plece din Gaza. Prelipceanu, costumul ala Armani nu te ajuta si la gandit, nu?
Puya zice pe Apropo TV ca el e prost... nu, nu o zice chiar asa, doar ca el nu intelege arta si teatru si ca oricum generatia asta a noastra nu citeste si e grele chestiile astea artistice pentru creierul lui...
Lori face playback in reluare la Live Revolution...
Si un post de muzica romanesc inca da vidul de la Last Xmas...
Also, am citit recent pe blogul unei colege de la Jurnalism cum ca ea ar vrea un ceai/bere/whatever cu Radu Moraru ca e un super-jurnalist... Hai, sa iti traiasca tie familia, you sure?
Recomand 1001 albums you must hear before you die..mai ales daca nu va plac Beatles...apoplexsie, i tell ya, niggaz...
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
2:31:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, never as tired as when i'm waking up