I'm home...and I find it so tiring...
I'm home...and I find it so tiring...
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9:06:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see never as tired as when i'm waking up
Why are all my H&M bags so huuuge? Why do I have so many pairs of Converse? Why does one need so many clothes in order to be hip? Why do I have to wash my towles home, in Romania?
Uptade of previous post: well, Arcade Fire have canceled 9 shows...among which the one on Saturday in, on Saturday I won't have to be depressed...However, I still hate the guts of that fets, Les nuits des fourviers...Lou Reed is playing on the 3rd of july...and I...well, I am NOT in Lyon....nooooo....!!!
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10:31:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see about hipness, c'est moche, ca me fait chier, mine is in yours, nbu' has uttered, never as tired as when i'm waking up, pas des concerts a Lyon, words of wisdom
Life is mocking me...Why, I hear you ask? well...remember the fact that Arcade Fire and Electrelane were playing in Lyon on 31 March and I'm going back to Romania for the Easter holiday on the 30th...well,Arcade fire are playing again here in Lyon at Le Festival "Les Nuits Des Fourvieres"...on the 18th of July...I am NOT in Lyon at that date...I officially hate the guts of this fest...In '06...just 2 weeks before I got to Lyon, The Strokes played during this fest...Now, excuse me...I must crawl in a dark corner and wallow in self-pitty...erm..till next gig, that is...Blood Arm + Second Sex...fancy...*remembers she must wallow in she starts doing it*
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9:43:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see c'est moche, ca me fait chier, pas des concerts a Lyon, singalongs
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10:24:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see singalongs, watch me, weird is rave, yr name's down?
1. Broken Social Scene - ah..apperently, they are perfect for listening to when cleaning yr room...
2. Bromheads Jacket - as I said in earlier posts...
3. Klaxons - aham..
4.The Victorian English Club - read this
5. Voxtrot - ...and this
6.Good Shoes - brill...brill...
7. Louis XIV - fabulous, decadent, glitter-ish..I love these guys...
8. Manic Street Preachers - new album on the way...can't heardly wait...
9. LCD soundsystem - One of the best articles I've read in Les Inrockuptible is one with Mr.Murphy...
10. Sambassadeur - perfect indie pop via Sweden...
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12:07:00 am
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see lastfm, on repeat shite, top artists
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5:46:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see singalongs
They go by the name of Bromheads Jacket(yes, I love bands with weird names). They come from Sheffield and share with their fellow citizens from Arctic Monkeys the love for short-spitted-out lines a la Streets. They do this arty rock that's as social as funny(yes, the cruel sense of humour might give you a rash). They have more adrenaline than an adrenaline rush. They love adolescence, including all the embarassing situations it involves. And, even though they have way to off tune guitars, a slighly disturbing punk energy, a far-too-maniacal-and-with-no-maners rythm, they can produce singalong choruses....
Bromheads Jacket - WhatIfsMaybes.mp3
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11:21:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see i'd like a rash with this laugh please, on repeat shite
God bless The Strokes...Thanks to them, I am now playing Guided By Voices on repeat...I first heard of GBV from a Strokes vid "Someday"...So I listened to their music...The songs are so short...but maybe that's why they are so fab...because you aren't sure were the song went, so you listen to it again and again....and from just loving their end up adoring it....So, in case you don't know their wonderful, wonderful are two songs...My fave and one they sang with Casablancas...
Guided By Voices - My Valuable Hunting Knife
Guided By Voices with Julian Casablancas - Glad Girls
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9:36:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see bull hunting, nyc posie, on repeat shite
When i first heard vaduvaBOB, I wanted to believe they needed time to improve their style, practice, blahblah...shite like that...I have to accept I was wrong...They actually need time to improve their attitude...Here's why.
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12:23:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see mine is in yours, no great expectations
This is a video that marked my childhood...You see, I was 9 or something like that when i first saw it...and in love with Barbie dolls..Go figure...:|...It also happens to be one of the first reasons I used to stay all day on MTV...hopung they'll play it again...I hated it as a Barbie obsessed 9 year-old...but I loved the song...and, as a future-weirdo, the video as well...
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12:42:00 am
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see superknown, watch me, when i was young
*fake British accent*In the indie news today:
1. Iggy Pop was kicked out of The Stooges. It was the beer belly. The remaining members stated that the new singer will be The Colourful Swan, also know for playing drums in neo-rave band Klaxons. Here's a sneak peak at them in the studio....
2. Gus Van Sant is reported to have started work on a movie inspired by Pete & kate's outragious behaviour at the Shockwave Awards...However, the two are not the main characters...Jarvis Cocker and the chick from The Gossip are...Makes sense, i'd say...Pete and Kate weren't even there...:|...What, they were?
3. It seems that Segolene Royal is pregnant with her...What?...Oh, that has nothing to do with indie?...Well...ah...Why doesn't it?
4. The Killers have annouced they will be working with U2...oh, sorry..that ain't indie either....
5. Neo-rave(or was that 'happy hardcore'?) band Klaxons will be singing a duet with girl-band Girls Aloud....yes, GA are indie, if you didn't know it....
6. The international music scene is shocked after Sean Lennon went all 'french' in a live show on American TV and started saying how much he loved the word 'ame'...and that the English equivalent(soul) sucks...
7. Santa won the trial against American weirdo-avantgardist Sufjan Stevens...Santa sued Stevens after hearing one of his songs 'Get Behind Me, Santa'..."Stevens used my name to get rich...."....Really?...
8. Carl Barat was interviewed in a Bucharest bar where he stated his new fave band is Hotel Fetish...shit, he did the same with French dudes The Parisians and look now how many crappy indie-wannabies the french scene has....
9. Chisinau is the new capital of indie...I'm spechless....
10. A Romanian student from Insa Lyon(oh...INSA...merde...) has sliced up aaaaaall her friends on the evening of 31 March. She said to the police they diserved it..they were the reason she got back in Romania for the Easter holiday, thus missing an Arcade Fire+Electrelane gig in Lyon...We'll get back with more details on that...yup, we've got people trying to get interviews with the two bands and find out what they think about this....
These have been the indie news brought to you by Guy Very Rich...Good night and lots of good luck to me...
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10:25:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, pas des concerts a Lyon, words of wisdom
Can you explain...?!:|
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11:32:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see weird is rave, yr name's down?
Ana, do you remember those days when you were 13 and you would sit in yr grandparents living-room, in front of the TV…watching MTV and hoping they’d play that song…that fab, fab song with that video with the huge band…that wasn’t in fact the band…and you were kinda sure it wasn’t the band…yet there was nothing to tell you you were right…And you sang that song all day…Yeah, the one with ‘we’re like crystal, we break easy”…You know the band was called The Killers?…No, not the real band…the band from the video…Aham…And did you know 3 of the members of the real band used to play in one of the biggest bands ever, Joy Division?...Not that the band in question wouldn’t be huge influence for so many other bands…Tell me …Do you remember those days?
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10:48:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see never as tired as when i'm waking up, when i was young
Couldn't help it...hehe...klaxons breakdancing around....hehe...
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12:44:00 am
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see watch me, yr name's down?
*Kill the humble writter of this post now, before she listens more to The Strokes thus stressing everybody else*
why? Well, it's simple...
because they are my great 'failure' from juniour high...Imagine...hearing a song you absolutely adore('01...Last Night...utterly that simplistisc video...Casablancas and his beer) and than not knowing anything else about that band for 3 years...because you live in a stupid country that has no idea who Strokes are and because you don't really have any other ways to hear music besides tv and radio..
because they are a memory of my highschool days...
because they have such a vibe that makes you feel high and low at the same time..
because they have this interior sadness that is worse than any line ever written by Morrissey...
because they have lines that reflect how tiresome/boring modern relationships are...and how complicated the modern world is...even though it's a world based on image and advertising...
because their are normal human beings, despite their effortlessly cool image...yes, normal...shy, insecure, greasy, lost, confused, feeling alone, sometime's happy and content with what this life has to offer...
...and maybe for so many other reasons...
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12:07:00 am
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see nyc posie, oh julian what did you write?, on repeat shite
This is a band with lots of class...and make-up...and weird looks....The picture is here to confirm this....the mp3 as well...
The Horrors - Gloves.mp3
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10:40:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see bandwagon, on repeat shite, spooky kids
To celebrate the fact my laptop is functioning perfectly's a song I adore....hehe....
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9:55:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see bandwagon, on repeat shite
1. !!! - a fab band they are....and a fab new album they have....
2. Klaxons - funny fuckers....hairy...but so funny(just for the fuck of's a pic of James Righton of yr beloved Klaxons)
3.The Strokes
4.Cut Copy - And God said 'There shall be great Ausralian bands!`
5.Queens Of The Stone Age - had a metal moment this week-end...been listening to SOAD and Tool...while Bican was Listening to Klaxons....:|
6.Nouvelle Vague
7.The Rapture
8.Hot Club De Paris - they are wonderful...Do add them to the incredibly long list of bands I adore
9. The Libertines
10.Van She - See no.4
Now....the wallowing part....My Windows had a breakdown...I do believe I'll get it fixed soon...But i do not have Internet in my room(I have to come to the Centre Info...) and....well...i don't have a computer period....And I need it!!!!!
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2:29:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see ca me fait chier, lastfm, never as tired as when i'm waking up, on repeat shite, yr name's down?
France has got itself a shinny new indie scene….The only problem is the half of ‘la nouvelle scene rock française sucks…ça pute! Majoritatea nu ar fi in stare sa faca ceva remarcabil nici daca James Murphy le-ar fi producator, Warhol manager si Morrissey lyricist…And THAT says a lot…
First in line: NAAST…Been dubbed “Libertines of France”…Evident ca muream de curiozitate sa ascult this wonder band…Si am ascultat…And..pam pam…Mi-a lasat impresia unui grup de tanci de 5 ani care se joaca cu p… in tarana…Dezolant..
NAAST - Mauvais Garçon.mp3
Then there’s Plasticines….some kind of a bad French version of The Pipettes who try to be a feminine alternative to The Strokes…’try’ is the key word…They happen to be the most know out of this new wave of acts….not due to their music…but to the fact that they are ‘mignonnes’( NME’s Stephen Worthy said it)…Their debut “LP1” doesn’t get through a first listening…It just sounds like a huge pajamas party held in a pink Cadillac…12 year-old style….
06 (Zazie fait de la) Bicyclette.mp3
Bikini Machine’s music doesn’t make me see things different either….They do make me think of Louis XIV stripped of all the decadence, glamour and energy….And this is usually the problem of all these bands: they try to sound ‘English’…ça veut dire: like the British/American indie scene….but they lack the cultural background…because they are French….doh…
03 La pharmacie anglaise.mp3
I should mention Vanessa and The O’s...But they are just far too easy to forget and sound like…erm…nothing….Completely dull….I read about them in “Rock&Folk” where Busty was praising their music…Busty, honey…I thought you knew good music…being a Libertines fan and everything…
04 Something Is Calling.mp3
I’ve also seen some French acts opening for various bands I’ve seen live…Apple Jelly and Tatiannas(I believe that was the name) are two other examples of bad bad and oh-so-wrong music…Fortunately...I do not have any of their songs….Desolée…
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12:02:00 am
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see allow me to laugh in yr face, c'est moche, ca me fait chier
*running around the room* They're back! They're back!!!!!
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11:27:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see 4 singes, bandwagon, riot van, watch me
To quote Bican: "Funny fucks"....
(Klaxons on the G-couch...Gonzo, baby!)
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6:34:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see brand new on repeat shite, watch me, yr name's down?
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8:19:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see best hair award goes to...., mine is in yours, yr name's down?
I guess I just love pop textures..and teenish UK bands...I came across this one on This Is Fake DIY...a free download...It's funny..I could listen to it all day...The bands name: The WOMBATS...the song: "Patricia The Stripper"'s a funny love-story...He, in love with Patricia...suffering because she doesn't love him back....I love it...I love these guys cause they have so funny lyrics..."She's my coked-up botox girl"....and because there's a certain scent of despair in the lyrics....But hell, they are funny....
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7:01:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see nbu' has uttered, on repeat shite
Klaxons....klaxoning with much eloquence on BBC....
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10:06:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see watch me, yr name's down?
1. Klaxons - obsessed with them...highly eletric week...and here is a nice interview...funny guys...and James is soooo...*drools*
3. The Radio Dept - Bless Sweden...oooo
4.The Libertines
7.The Arcade Fire
8.The Rakes
9.Dirty Pretty Things
10. LCD Soundsystem - He's back...visit his myspace the 'about lcd soundsystem part...have a laugh...
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at around
9:28:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see lastfm, on repeat shite, top artists
Here's a bunch of things I have realised this weekend....
- the new !!!(Chk Chk Chk) album "Myths Taken" is brilliantly infectious
- FNAC could use some help with organising its cds....I mean...Pop Levi in Pop and HIM in indé....?!?!
- If you read about an album in a doesn't mean you're gonna find it in the music store....
- MSTRKRFT's debut makes me wanna dance...I love it...
- Aussie indie bands are even better than I thought(note: I had this only-Australian day somewhere last week....and played Van She on repeat)
- my card works at H&M....and FNAC...bye bye, money...nice meeting you
- a white Klaxons tshirt can be worn all day and is still doesn't even smell from the smoke in a bar...
Good weekend, reckon?
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7:11:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, never as tired as when i'm waking up, words of wisdom
And I'm sick of your tattoos
and the way you always criticize the Smiths.
and Morrissey.
And I know that you're a sucker for anything acoustic.
But when I say let's keep in touch,
I really mean I wish that you'd grow up.
This is the first song for your mix tape.
It's short just like your temper,
But somewhat golden like the afternoons
We used to spend before you got too cool.
You and me were kings over the
parkway tonight
And tonight will go on forever
while we walk around this town
like we own the streets
and stay awake through summer
like we own the heat
Singing "everybody wake up(wake
up)it's time to get down"
And when I pass the bottle back
to Pete on the overpass tonight,
I bet we laugh
I'm gonna stay eighteen forever
(cut me open)
So we can stay like this forever
(sun poisoned)
And we'll never miss a party
(this offer stands forever)
cause we keep them going constantly
And we'll never have to listen
(new haircut)
to anyone about anything
(new bracelet)
cause it's all been done and
it's all been said
we're the coolest kids and we
take what we can get
(wait forever)
Just jealous cause we're
young and in love
You're just jealous cause
we're young and in love
So is that what you call a getaway?
Tell me what you got away with
Cause I've seen more spine on jellyfish
I've seen more guts on eleven-year-old kids
Have another drink and drive yourself home
I hope there's ice on all the roads
And you can think of me when you forget your seatbelt
and again when your head goes through the windshield
Is that what you call tact?
You're as subtle as a brick in the small of my back
So let's end this call and end this conversation
And is that what you call a getaway?
Tell me what you got away with
Cause you left the frays from the ties you severed
when you say "best friends" means friends forever
Is that what you call a getaway?!!
Tell me what you got away with!!
Cause I've seen more spine on jellyfish!!
I've seen more guts on eleven-year-old kids!!
Have another drink and drive yourself home!!
I hope there's ice on all the roads!!
And you can think of me when you forget your seatbelt
then when your head goes through the windshield!!
So I update this almost every single day for you
I begin to hate you for your face and not just the things you do
Go tell him how my wrist is sore
from pulling at your insides all night
Nothing that you do is new to anything or anyone but you.....
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at around
8:46:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see brand new on repeat shite, when i was young
This is a fab song...and a fab vid...Hadouken!'s 'That Boy That Girl'...
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at around
12:49:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see on repeat shite, watch me
The ‘end of the world’ finally came, the day I’ve been waiting for…The Klaxons gig. So I did my routine before each gig that takes place on a school day: cut queue at resto, eat fast, grab tram back to dorm, hyperventilate, get dressed for gig, freak out, run out the door, grab tram to concert location. And I found myself waiting in a queue to enter the venue.
And, yes…At about
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10:53:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see concerts a Lyon, on repeat shite, yr name's down?
Update no j’sais plus
*irrelevant feelings she had after reading “Boys In The Band”….*
P.S.1: I’ve realized that Saturday my playlist was at least sad…Two bands that didn’t survive the outside world (Nirvana and Libertines) and a band that survived only because they taught for survival (Strokes)
P.S.2: I saw the pics from NME Awards this year…A photo of Carl and Pete together…I found it so sad…It is sad…The two of them…In a photo, together….
P.S.3: Despite all these…Libertines…their music does not make me feel sad…Cu toate ca de multe ori da dovada de o tristete lirica specifica lui Moz…But I find it so rejoiceful…It is, surtout, l’histoire of a sublime connection between two people…Two people who understood each other too well, who stood together against the rest of the world…
P.S.4: Still, Strokes, their music, seen by some as superficial and too joyful…Their music is too my mind infinitely sad…The lyrics have little or no hope….Casablancas seems to have lost hope…De asta muzica lor transmite miserupismul acela usor contagios….Because Casablancas has reached that stage where the lack of hope is followed by the “Je m’en fiche” attitude…Not because of some excess of mega-coolness….but because he has nothing(or at least that is how he feels)….Even “Hawaii” seems depressive to me…Why? Because I see
P.S.5: And this is about the time someone told me I need serious help….:|
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at around
11:59:00 am
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see never as tired as when i'm waking up, what became of forever
Blazare...Ma deprima anumite ma obosesc in continuare toti oamenii din gesticuleaza, vorbesc mult prea tare, rad prea tare...Bref...Maine merg la Klaxons...Twisted Charm opening act....Si pana la urma The Blood Arm canta pe 15...yey...I'm in Lyon....No happy dance...too tired....Vreau sa ascult doar Babyshambles....Ah....revin in seara asta cu un blog scris in timpul cursului de fizica...
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9:17:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see concerts a Lyon, never as tired as when i'm waking up, words of wisdom
1. The Libertines - Read "Boys In The Band",,,,so sad...I love it...I love Libertines
2.Babyshambles - Love, love,,,
3.Rapture - Ah...
4.Nirvana - read an article in Inrock bout Cobain...bought his diary...Remembered I had a cd...Go figure...
5.Rakes - oh,I love them....
6.Strokes - Tina just had to say at the end of the comment the *fixes her hair* thingy....
7.Dirty Pretty Things - Carl, marry me...Did I mention I find Barat beautiful...?...He is...Doherty isn't...
8.Sean Lennon - gig...french...we likes
9.Kaiser Chiefs - New stuff...goooood
10.Grandaddy - love them...Love them...
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12:27:00 am
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see lastfm, on repeat shite, top artists
Why do I HATE the so-called Ro punk acts of the likes of EMIL and PCC and Los Pogos…Because they are based on a stupid love for Green Day(it’s just like someone would make a band because they want to be like Borrell)…Because they are nothing like that punk I love…
How’s the punk I love? It belongs in
What is it about? About all these things…Fuck the whole ‘punk is just about being yrself and doing what you like’ thingy…Imagine Rotten not wearing ripped clothes on stage…Or Doherty not listening to the manager of Libertines when she told them to write some tunes that resembled The Strokes’ music…ha…Most times, punk is about what you don’t like…or just not doing EXACTLY what you’d’ve wanted…
So allow yr little child to become a snobbish punker...even if you’re middle class and cultured…
How can those so-called punk acts be real punk…When their music conveys none of those things?…when they limit themselves to rambling about infantile subjects….?
So what they do it out of passion...That does NOT make it punk…And Warhol is still feeling uncomfortable in his grave…
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at around
10:06:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see allow me to laugh in yr face, nbu' has uttered
De cateva zile ma plimb prin muzee si aud aceasi intrebare frustranta "Vous etes etudiante aux artes?"...acelasi raspuns "Non(j'suis etudiante l'INSA, putain! )"...Bref, nu asta era idea blogului...I wanted to say ca m-am simtit bine...Umbland prin muzee cu o carte in mana...cand Beigbeder '99 francs(14,99 euros/6,20 edition folio)....cand biografie Velvet.....Chiar daca am fost singura..pentru ca almost each time I went to a museum of contemporary art(or that had any connection with modern art) I went alone(aici-pentru ca nu intereseaza pe nimeni...acasa - pentru ca se dusesera deja)...But I loved it....M-am simtit cum m-am simtit la Paris la Centre Pompidou(and I have felt like that since then)...hyper, ready to feist on works of modern art....Je me souviens de ces photos que j'ai vu au Centre Pompidou, ces photos avec ces batiments d'une ville ce "Muie Dinamo" ecrit sur l'un de ces batiments...Tipic romanesc, nu? Anyways, did I tell cum mi-am facut de cap la FNAC...imi cadeau cartiile din brate...atat de mult truc-uri aveam...cred ca am lasat dara in urma mea..But I so loved it...Si la Institutul de arta contemporana magazinul institutului..cand am zis cu voce tare fara sa vreau(well...poate...poate nu...) "Oh, Klaxons" cand am vazut un hebdo lyonnais cu Klaxons pe prima pagina...
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7:20:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see mine is in yours, words of wisdom
"Ils sont venus jusqu'à ma porte me questionner sur notre odyssée. Des écrivains, des journalistes, des cinéastes, des documentaristes ou plus simplement des fans. Maintenant que notre aventure est terminée, disent-il, peut-etre pouvons-nous la raconter, l'édudier, comme on le ferait d'un instant historique? Car c'est bien de cela qu'il s'agit. Nous appartenons à l'histoire. A leur fichu patrimoine du rock, à leur conneries de mythes, de jeunesse crucifiée et de héros brulés.
A présent je dois vivre avec ce sentiment étrange: avoir contribué à créer quelque chose de plus grand que moi. Avoir réalisé un reve, perdu un ami - un peu de mon ame et de mes illusions aussi.
Désormais plus personne n'a besoin de moi. Je dois me résigner à cette idée."
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at around
8:46:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see bookareala, what became of forever
No, I'm not attending ALL the gigs in Lyon...Putain....Not only that I'm leaving a day before Arcade Fire and Electrelane will preform here....*maximum frustration*...but the guys from The Blood Arm have changed the date of their gig..It was supposed to be on the 15th of April...perfect...I get back here on the 14th...But noooooooo...Now, they reported it for the 11th of April...I am NOT here the 11th...I can't decide whether i should be heavily depressed, pull the shuters of my room and stay in the dark(after the Kalxons gig and untill the Rakes one, naturally) or just take the attitude "Life's just mocking me again...oh, well, I should mock it, too).....
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
10:54:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see c'est moche, ca me fait chier, pas des concerts a Lyon
Give me a to listen to on repeat..One to help me get over Strokes and Rapture...One that's grand and that overuses distorted that is so popish you'd hate yrself for loving it...One that is so indie that I'd be the only one to know it...One that's all dressed in green...One to turn into a fetish...One that has song which sound like empty Coke cans....One that makes me lay in bed all motivation to get up...One that tries to be like Borrel...One that says 'fookin' more than Oasis....aham..all those in ONE band....Still tired....
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way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see mine is in yours, words of wisdom