Sunday, March 11


Here's a bunch of things I have realised this weekend....

- the new !!!(Chk Chk Chk) album "Myths Taken" is brilliantly infectious
- FNAC could use some help with organising its cds....I mean...Pop Levi in Pop and HIM in indé....?!?!
- If you read about an album in a doesn't mean you're gonna find it in the music store....
- MSTRKRFT's debut makes me wanna dance...I love it...
- Aussie indie bands are even better than I thought(note: I had this only-Australian day somewhere last week....and played Van She on repeat)
- my card works at H&M....and FNAC...bye bye, money...nice meeting you
- a white Klaxons tshirt can be worn all day and is still doesn't even smell from the smoke in a bar...

Good weekend, reckon?

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