Tuesday, March 6

Something To Talk About

Update no j’sais plus

*irrelevant feelings she had after reading “Boys In The Band”….*

P.S.1: I’ve realized that Saturday my playlist was at least sad…Two bands that didn’t survive the outside world (Nirvana and Libertines) and a band that survived only because they taught for survival (Strokes)

P.S.2: I saw the pics from NME Awards this year…A photo of Carl and Pete together…I found it so sad…It is sad…The two of them…In a photo, together….

P.S.3: Despite all these…Libertines…their music does not make me feel sad…Cu toate ca de multe ori da dovada de o tristete lirica specifica lui Moz…But I find it so rejoiceful…It is, surtout, l’histoire of a sublime connection between two people…Two people who understood each other too well, who stood together against the rest of the world…

P.S.4: Still, Strokes, their music, seen by some as superficial and too joyful…Their music is too my mind infinitely sad…The lyrics have little or no hope….Casablancas seems to have lost hope…De asta muzica lor transmite miserupismul acela usor contagios….Because Casablancas has reached that stage where the lack of hope is followed by the “Je m’en fiche” attitude…Not because of some excess of mega-coolness….but because he has nothing(or at least that is how he feels)….Even “Hawaii” seems depressive to me…Why? Because I see Hawaii as the last hiding place from a cruel and intolerant world…

P.S.5: And this is about the time someone told me I need serious help….:|

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