Tuesday, October 30

Random and utterly useless quiz

Lastfm top ten:

1 The Strokes

2 Klaxons

3 The Horrors

4 Arctic Monkeys

5 The Rapture

6 Placebo

7 The Libertines

8 Patrick Wolf

9 Interpol

10 Babyshambles

If there was a concert on the same day and same time and you could only go to one, which would you see?
I’d just kill myself….

Which have you seen live?
Klaxons, Rapture, Placebo

Favourite song by number 9?
NARC, Pioneers To The Fall…

Best looking?
I’m not sure… Strokes or Horrors… Hm…maybe Klaxons? Patrick Wolf? How about can’t pick one…?

How did you get into number 7?
Erm… how did the rest of the world get into The Libertines??? (is it just me or this actually sounds kinky…?)

Genre of number 5?

Is number 2 still alive?

Last time I checked the Klaxons official site (like… 2 minutes ago), everything was just fine

Favourite album by number 3?
You know… the only one they have… dooooh

Which is most likely to not be around in 5 years?
Hurts me to say… Placebo…

Favourite song of 8?
Right now… Bloodbeat

The one you listen to the most?
Right now.. Horrors…

Any of them country?
God! NO!

Which do you think is the least popular?
I’d say Horrors… cause they are still quite new…

How many albums do you own of number 4?

Any local bands?
I’d wish…

Any of them you disliked at first?
Yes… Placebo and… yeah, that’s it…

Finally, which is your absolute favorite?

Shoot me if I know…

Sunday, October 28

Come on ,mood, shift back to 'good' again!

I am tired, incoherent, I have a writer's block... and I want more Mighty Boosh... yes, I'm the perfect blogger...

went to the vintage fair held at La Scena today... had fun, got meself a white with black&orange Mickey vintage tee and some pins... took photos of outfits... with a phone cam... met Zina... took a photo of her outfit... people know our fashion blog... yey...
tomorrow I'll get meself plastic jewelry... yey
got loads of books to read... bought 2 meself (Beigbeder's latest and Julian Barnes), took three Ballard books from British Counsil and a Houllebecq on from Institute Francais and Adina gave me about 20 books. Making a list of them all would be a very difficult/tiresome/tedious process... Should mention that among those books she gave me The Perks Of Being A Wallflower...
however... here's a quote from Ballard's Atrocity Exhibition (which I am reading... or at least trying to)

In the post-Warhol era a single gesture such as uncrossing one's legs will have more significance than all the pages in War And Peace. In 20th-century terms the crucification, for example, would be re-enancted as a conceptual auto-disaster.

Ballard makes me wanna listen to Klaxons...

Saturday, October 27

Klaxons variety hour

Here are two cookies for you... French-scented cookies....

Klaxons - As Above, So Below (Francais)
Klaxons - As Above, So Below (Justice Remix)

... the two songs are b-sides for the new Klaxons single for As Above, So Below...erm, just in case you were curious...

A waste of time

aa mighty game... may I add

Friday, October 26

Love You But You're Green

Mama: Auzi, nu iti placea tie de Pete Doherty? I-a auzi ce a facut...
Nancy: Ce a mai facut de data asta?
Mama: S-a logodit cu o romanca...
Nancy: Da da
Mama: si s-a despartit de ea si acum e din nou cu kate moss

now there goes our chance to see Pete in Romania...
second thing on my mind: how does my mom know i like pete doherty??? *ah, skinny, a junkie... yeah, definitely my daughter likes him...*

Thursday, October 25

That's entertainment

It's all these words, ideas and different arguments

It's a most wonderful thing to walk down the street at 6:45 am and listen to Patrick Wolf's Bloodbeat... however, it's a most frightening thing to hear Up The Bracket's start at the same early hour of the morning... full volume both

In other news... here are some songs I fancy...
and am too lazy to write a decent review...

Vincent Vincent and The Villains - Midnight
*catchy.. in a Wolf Parade kinda way... quite difficult not to sing along while trying to imitate the lead's intonation*

the rumble strips-don't dumb down *60ish... enough said...*

Cazals - Poor Innocent Boys *garage rock... kinda like The Daze... just that Daze are better*

Friday, October 19

oh. oh. oh.

I feel as if I can't write decent stuff... I really like the way I used to write before... and I sometimes hate the way I write now.
Si un post al unui coleg blogger imi aminteste cu nesimtire de chestia asta.

Thursday, October 18

Ancheta continua

Azi la facultate

Un dubios: "Auzi"
Nancy: "Da?!"
Un dubios: "Tu ai intrat prima?"
Nancy: "Da..."
Un dubios: "Si poti sa imi spui si mie ce ai scris?"
*Nancy spune pe scurt*
Un dubios: "Bine, mersi"

Eu am o nelamurire... de ce ii mai arde pe unii acum, dupa trei saptamani, ce am scris? In plus... poate nu e ce am scris... ci CUM am scris...

Tuesday, October 16

Having a cold is definitely not on the "Hip things" list

Yeah... I am sick and I can't really focus... or stand up for a long period of time... Or blog... but I have so many bands I've been meaning to write about... so here I go...

Yeti. Yeti are the third band to come out of Libs (John Hassall, ex-bassist in Libs, is the lead . Yeti are the kinda really chill band, with good, memorable lyrics. Heart felt lyrics. Yeti have sweet music. 60s style sweet. Yeti have something reminescent of the aura around Libertines' music. And, oh, yeah... Yeti are quite of a reminder to why Barat and Doherty chose Hassall instead of Johnny Borrell.

Yeti - In Like With You

erm... aaand that's it... too lazy to write about other stuff

Saturday, October 13

*Big eyes*

Source: The Horrors official site

Long story short... one of my favourite bands, the fashion hOrs, will be touring with another of my favourite bands, man's fave animals... Yes, this is HUGE! And yes, I do hate the Brits ... and yes, we are waiting for some juicy new slash fanfic...

Inmu', frate!

Parca doamna Coman, profa de Introducere in relatii publice - curs, a fost (ca sa folosesc un frantuzism...) etonata ca , vai tu, nu ne stim inmu' facultatii... fiind o fjsc-ista too the bones (not really, dar se hai sa o zic si pe asta... s-o fi asteptand lumea daca am intrat prima... *), va aduc imnul celei mai tari facultati din tara, facultate subventionata in principal din bani privati si nu bani de la stat (cum ne-a repetat de nshpe mii de ori domnul decan), dar care e inca facultate de stat...

Noi suntem fejesecei
Şi avem mereu idei.
Suntem gaşca de nebuni
Pentru tine cei mai buni!

Hai cu noi, vino la FJSC
La FJSC, la FJSC !

Suntem la etajul 6
Poţi să vii cu 336. *daca isi schimba 336 ruta, au pus-o*
Am dat grafuri pe pereţi
Şi-am rămas încă studenţi. *ma, noua ne-a zis domnu decan ca e naspa si sunt multi restantieri, da' chiar asa???*

Refren: …

TV, radio, ziare
PR şi comunicare,
Ne place la facultate
Avem şi publicitate!
Refren de trei ori:…

Linia melodică: Yellow Submarine (Beatles)

* ca un P.S.: probabil lumea asteapta multe lucruri de la mine... sa fiu comunicativa, sa ma implic la ore etc... eu sunt majoritatea timpului apatica cu a hint of ADD si tind sa ma uit urat la aia care intra in vorba cu mine doar pentru ca am intrat prima...

Wednesday, October 10

Blog si actualitate...

Domnul decan al iubitei mele facultati ne spune ca un anume Victor (dar vai, o fi Ciutacu?) zicea la Sinteza Zilei, legat de motiune "Am zis-o de acum 3 zile... sunt destept"... si ca dadea dovada de neprofesionalism.... Eu ma intreb daca nu cumva domnul decan nu ar fi vrut sa fie el in locul lui Victor.
Profa de la seminarul de Introducere in sistemul mass media zice ca sufera de clise-ita si nu vrea sa mai auda clisee si idei comuniste de la noi... Eu ma intreb daca nu cumva e dusa cu vaca.
Un coleg raspunde la intrebarea "de ce sunteti aici?" pusa de aceasi profa, zicand ca a venit la ilustra noastra facultate pentru ca vrea sa faca ce vrea... Eu ma intreb daca ai lui l-au tinut pana acum in lesa in casa.
Alta colega zicea, la aceasi intrebare, ca ea vrea sa "Gandeasca liber"... eu ma/o intreb de ce se uita atat de mult la protv.
Profa de presa si actualitate ne zice ca trebuie sa citim ziarele si sa fim la curent cu ce se intampla.... Eu ma intreb cum poate sa te cheme Ciorba si sa fii implicat intr-un scandal numit "Caltabosul".

Sunday, October 7

About a gig

Da, am fost la Muse... si am stat la coada de la 3 juma... si Seba a aparut fashionably late la 5 fara un sfert... cand trebuia sa ne vedem la 4... Si pe urma am facut misto de the emos de pe acolo...
Bret Anderson l-a facut pe Seba sa se gandeasca la Moz... si a cantat Beautiful Ones...*Hearts!* Desi, nu-i asa ca sonorizarea a fost naspa rau?
Si in pauza dinainte de Muse au pus Klaxons si eu si Seba eram singurii dubiosi care dansau si cantau... *BIG!grin* And as always, eu am stiut almost all the songs puse in pauza. Au pus si Interpol si CSS si Hot Chip... si eu cantam si dansam.
Seba a fost, as always, prost. S-a dus la toilet chiar inainte sa vina Muse. Si mi-a lasat mie ditamai rucsacu' si el nu a mai putut sa intre pana unde eram eu. So, eu i-am lasat rucsacul unde pe jos and we are all happy it hasn't been nicked.
Ah, si m-am intalnit cu amicul Trifoi (care m-a vazut in multime and waved) si dupa concert am dat de Andrei. Care mi-a spus ca nu am mai postat nimic recently pe Cathatic. Mdea.
Si a venit mama sa ma ia. And then, I got home and went to bed....

Saturday, October 6

Quick one before Muse gig...

There was a time when Joshua Third of the Horrors had to pass some exams. So he could not attend dome Horrors gigs... and he was replaced by Tomethy's brother, Freddie... Who now has a band ... The Daze. Quite dance-y, garage-influenced, we like the voice, ... You can download song off their MySpazz page... Just do it...

Friday, October 5

We iz back...

Title: I find titles a lovely… erm… concept… but I suck at picking titles…so Adina came up with it…pam pam… “You label me, I'll poster you”
Pairing: Smaranda and her pillow, probably
Rating: R… Bican’s ass is a character of this fic… a very indecent one, may I add.
Disclaimer: Might seem realistic +other synonyms… but the ‘we are making a promo poster” is soooo fiction…

Notes: wrote on our lovely Yahoo Mess by yr favourite two bloggers, Nancy and Adine.


“No, pork has way too much cholesterol even for our binge drinking fans.”

Adina was looking at the computer screen, straight at a photo for the apparently new Split Infinitive promo poster. Bican was all over the place.

Nancy frowned. She had hoped this would be their last meeting on the subject. She hated having to pick photos and Adina disagreeing with her choices.

Bican walked in the small room, holding a pack of Winston cigarettes and placed them in front of Nancy.

“Here, smoke some REAL ciggies”. And then turning his look to the screen “Damn, that is one of my coolest photos. Perfect poster indeed.”

“If you really want to feel reality, shove them up your arse.” Adina was fascinated by the smoothness of her lit Dunhill Fine Cut. Nancy was wandering where Smaranda was.

“And come on dude, I think even our binge drinking fans are sick of your face.” Nancy was looking for her cell phone. Damn, it always seemed she couldn’t find it when she really needed it.

“Pork has cholesterol. And only looking at you it makes my level go up.”

“Where the hell are you? We have an emergency.” Nancy whispered in her phone.

“What's wrong this time?” Smaranda said on the other phone at the other end of the phone…and it was like you could hear her eyes rolling over her head.

“Well...Adina's already on the rebound with her most recent ex.. and now Bican is in the room. Figure that out!”. In the background, Smaranda could hear Bican’s indefinite mumble and Adina’s rambling

“Ouh, that! Honey, you should've said 911 from your first breath.”

Nancy left her head fall on the desk, making a heavy noise. However, the other two didn’t seem to be bothered by it. Seeing the utter indifference, Nancy got up and headed for the door. But as she was about to lay her hand on the door knob, someone opened the door from the outside and hit Nancy. Now THAT stopped the argument.

“Oh, sorry, love”. Boske’s head appeared from behind the door.


“Erm, got a call from the label. Seems like they want the poster as soon as possible.”

“Got a call from the mental institution. Seems like they want these two lunatics back.”

“She’s the lunatic! Not I! She’s always saying mean stuff about me. I have some dignity…”

“Oh, you know the word. Wander if you know the meaning….” Adina replied before Bican could finish his sentence.

“Ah, no! NO! NOT again.” Nancy yelled. “I have a headache and it ain’t because of the door.”

“Didn’t we agree professionals will take care of this?”.

“Yeah, Boske, but… remember… We also reached the conclusion that we are… what is the word… artistic enough to handle every little thing about our career. And mature enough.” And saying that, Nancy walked out the door. She briefly came back. “Don’t wait up.”

“Now you had to ruin it all up!”

“I did it? You insane idiosyncratic bi...”. But yet again, Bican was interrupted.

Boske uttered a piercing shriek.

“Cut it out you 2 or I'll stop drinking beer for a week and then I'll see you handle some REAL problems! More real then your narcissistic Winston cigars!”

“I'm sick with your insane demands…” Bican said in a low voice.

“Oh don't go all quoty mood on me! I gave you the Allen Ginsberg poem, America”,

Adina said making a face. “You'll forever go to loser town always get drunk never get laid”.

“Had enough of this!” Bican’s voice covered Adina’s.

The sound of “Golden Skans” made them all look around the room. Boske saw Nancy’s mobile on the desk. Bican, who was closer, picked it up and answered.

“Hello”, he said dryly. “No. No, we did not settle upon a photo…. Yes, I know we had promised we’d e done by last week…. Yes, I will try may best…. Eh, no, I do not know where she is… Yes, thank you… Goodbye”.

“Label, huh?”. Adina said smugly.

“Shall we look over the photos again… Maybe we’ll find a better one.” Bican replied, but added in a lower voice “though I doubt it.”

What to write about, what to write about?

Nothing... Here'a a song I like

Wednesday, October 3


zoom... cause Blogger's lame...

Tuesday, October 2

Happy Horrors Day!

As posted on the fuzzy wuzzy Horum (Horrors+forum=Horum)


We did dress up… (and picked Horrors names... Nancy Webb and Fagis Hotter... emoticon )
I think I quite nailed it … though, hell, I’m a girl and I do not have a pair of black skinny/tight jeans… I shall not comment his attire… as I said when I saw him “Well, I don’t wanna question yr decision, in my opinion, you’ve made an excellent choice” (yes, quotes were involved)…

I should mention that my boots had high heels and I can’t wear such things… so I ended up carrying them in one hand and walking barefoot…up and down a avenue and we acted all obnoxious and horrors-like, or at least I like to think so… (but then again, that’s what we do on an average day, no need for the day to be a Horrors one)…
I was thinking about baking some cookies, buuuut… I’m a lazy-ass… so we just bought muffins and gave them horrors names…”oh, noez, you ate faris…how does he tastes?”/”you want a tomethy, a rhys or a joe?” “I’ll have a rhys”
Then, we went to see the latest Harry Potter… at the mall (that’s the only place where they still showcase it…)… which was fun, cause we came up with stuff such as “Ginny is a parasite” and “Voldemort is the new thing”… and naturally “Potter!Rotter!”… (the movie itself was crap)… and that would be it…
Oh, and this photo is intitled "fingers grasping at popcorn"


Also, here's a little something from ...THE MIGHTY BOOSH

Monday, October 1

Soulmates never die

No. No. No. And no. This is just too much.... it is, I tell you.


Placebo have parted company with drummer of 11 years, Steve Hewitt, due to personal and musical differences.

Brian Molko commented "Being in a band is very much like being in a marriage, and in couples - in this case a triple - people can grow apart over the years. To say that you don't love your partner anymore is inaccurate, considering all that you've been through and achieved together. There simply comes a point when you realize that you want different things from your relationship and that you can no longer live under the same roof, so to speak."

The split is amicable and a sad time for both parties. Steve Hewitt replaced Robert Schultzberg behind the drum kit in 1996 whilst the band were promoting Placebo’s eponymous debut album and went on to record the following 4 studio albums ‘Without You I’m Nothing’, ‘Black Market Music’, ‘Sleeping With Ghosts’ and most recently ‘Meds’.

Placebo have just returned from the USA where they were part of the high profile ‘Projekt Revolution Tour’ alongside Linkin Park and My Chemical Romance. The band are now taking a well earned break.

Brian Molko and Stefan Olsdal will begin work on Placebo’s 6th studio album next Spring and are in no rush to find an immediate replacement for Steve.

source: PlaceboWorld

Count In Fives

So, yeah... I declare this the unofficial Horrors week... And here's a song for this Monday afternoon...
The Sonics - Have Love Will Travel.mp3

The Sonics are one of the many proto-punk/60s garage Horrors quote as a huge influence... just in case you were wondering...

Tomorrow, it's dressing-up-as-a-horror day *facepalm*... so stay tuned for more wonderful adventures of Nancy... cause apparently I have to give a speech or something at my university, having the biggest mark for the entrance exam...*facepalm again*