oh. oh. oh.
I feel as if I can't write decent stuff... I really like the way I used to write before... and I sometimes hate the way I write now.
Si un post al unui coleg blogger imi aminteste cu nesimtire de chestia asta.
I feel as if I can't write decent stuff... I really like the way I used to write before... and I sometimes hate the way I write now.
Si un post al unui coleg blogger imi aminteste cu nesimtire de chestia asta.
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
9:29:00 pm
tell me what you see blagues
lucrez la un buton de legatura nou...auzi tu nu mi-ai postat mesajul de la FJSC..? povesteam ca unu' din tipii care a cantat mizeria aia de imn lucreaza cu mine ca secretar de redactie la radio total...
il cheama claudiu popa si e chiampaliu rau.
I mean...how stupid you can be to sing that...
hm... nu am primit nici un mesaj... oO... si nu, nu stiu cat de stupid one can be.. inca ma intreb... dar vai, ne pusesera si foi cu versurile pe banci la deschidere... oO...
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