Saturday, April 21

Wait for me about a year or two

Did I mention I love Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin?....and it isn't just due to the name and the idea it sends (in case you did not know, I was really fascinated by Yeltsin at the tender age of 6...). It also because of 'Oregon Girl', a song of which I just can't seem to get enough...And the rest of the album, Broom, an album that is not inovative, not surprising...well, the rest of the album is something like an acoustic Bloc Party meets an acoustic Interpol meets Of Montreal on their first album meets..well, just about any big indie cult band of the last decade (Elliot Smith, The Shins, Olivia Tremor Control..with some vocals Conor Oberst-style)...even more surprising is the ease the four guys for SSLYBY have when performing...such an ease, you can't posibily not love their girl-named songs....

Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - Oregon Girl.mp3

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