Friday, April 6

Good Things, Proud Men

Sebadoh sunt the quintessential 90s low-fi band. Sebadoh sunt schizoizi. Sebadoh sunt o formatie cult a indieului. Sebadoh exista datorita neintelegerilor ( privind the aesthetics?) dintre Lou Barlow (a sensitive chick dressed-up as a guy?)si restul membrilor Dinosaur Jr. (neintelegeri datorita carora exista the sublime milestone “The Freed Pig”). Sebadoh inseamna trei personalitati diferite: pe de o parte Barlow (extremely sensible, writing songs about disappointment, being low, losers, love, obsessions, immense sadness si indragostit de the pop-folk aesthetics), pe de alta parte Eric Gaffney(cu a lui iubire pentru experimentalul sonicyouth-ian, cu his psychedelic tunes si noisepopul filled with distorted acoustic guiatars) – daca vreti, un fel de duo Lou Reed-John Cale – si pe alocuri versurile ciudate ale bateristului Jason Loewenstein (si iubirea lui pentru squeaky vocals Pixies-style si soundul specific hardcore). Sebadoh e formatia cu care m-a stresat my best friend, Seba, dupa ce a aflat de existenta unei formatii al carui nume contine “Seba” (fara sa ii fi ascultat vreodata). Sebadoh e formatia AIA care m-a fermecat cu “Gimme Indie Rock”, a schizoid combo of Barlow and Gaffney’s ideologies (incepand cu a distorted sound si continuand cu the folk sound so precious to Barlow doar pentru a reveni la the distorts ). Sebadoh sunt the living proof ca Stooges, Velvet Underground, Sonic Youth, Syd Barrett si Joni Mitchell pot convietui pe aceleasi albume fara a fi caraghiosi…fara a starni mila si fara pic de ironie. Sebadoh sunt o explozie de punk ( hardcore ca pe “Crisis”, pixies-ian ca pe “Worst Thing”) de bitter love songs, de mesaje transmise asa cum nu credeai ca se poate (“On Fire” si “Ocean” reusesc sa point out the existence of a generation of confused men care nu stiu cu sa asculte nevoile feminime…fara insa a ii transforma in “victime”), de anthemic moments (din nou, “Gimme Indie Rock” stands out, la fel si “Good Things, Proud Man”) si de experimente duse la extrema (“Cecilia Chime In Melee”, un instrumental de 4:19 minute, filled with distorts and heavy punk drums). Sebadoh e formatia AIA care pare a lua locul Placebo in my mind: nu conteaza ca am chef de new rave, de post-punk, de Smiths, de Velvet Underground…merge si un Sebadoh…asa ca nu ne crizam…After all, this is the truly great thing (well, cel putin one of them)….

06_Truly Great Thing.mp3

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