Tuesday, July 31

I have a sick mind

Ana had never fancied the idea of writing fiction. In fact, the idea scared the hell outta her. She was not a brilliant fiction writer. She lacked all the things her favourite writers had: she could not master Hornby's wit, she did not have the power to capture feelings like Zeller, she could not even write a thrilling story like Ballard did... However, when she realised that this was exactly what she was supposed to do to get in at Journalism, Ana decided to write lots of fiction. Not the usual crappy Journalism subject "oh, a lion ran away from the zoo of a big town. Write a story"... No, band fic... slashy at times... not this time...

Title: I suck at finding titles for my fics...
Pairing: ewwww.... none.... no one.....
Rating: R... only because that seems to be the rating of my blog....oO
Author: Le Nancy....
Disclaimer: I have a sick imagination and it usually runs free... It so happened that last evening I wrote a Horrors fanfic... Today, I wondered around city with Boske and I decided to write a fiction about our band-to-be... And I did so while we were sitting our arses at Motoare waiting for Bican to show up... It does not contain sex or other ichy things... I am writing about how I imagine things between my and my buds as a band... Sex would be wrong among us... Healthy with others though... Right, shut up now....

"Bican, I'll kill you!". Samy was staring at the beer spilled all over her drums.

Bican licked the last bit of chocolate of his thumb. "Why?".

Samy realised there was no point in arguing whit the idiot.

"I think a shell attacked me", Nancy was jumping around on one leg.

"A SEASHELL cannot attack you, dude", Bican said taking off his Ozzy sunglasses.

"You know, the sun is ruining my hair. I need to take care of my hair!!!". Adina was already complaining, much to Bican's annoyance

"Shut up! I need silence in order to creeeate", he said angrily.

"Oh, we trust Bican's creativity. Like that time he sang that tune we all thought was in Chinese", Boske said thoughtfully taking another sip of water.

Boske's new habits made Nancy utterly sad. She could not understand why Boske would drink THAT and not beer. She snatched the bottle from Boske's hand, causing Boske to spill water all over her blue dress. Than, she placed a bottle of beer in front of Boske.

"Here, that's more like you" and got back to the shell that was stuck in her foot. Boske started to cry.

"Oh, you're so girlish", Bican yelled. "I cannot concentrate with you around"

"You can't concentrate because you have ADD, you moron! And of course we act like girls. That's what we are. And... and so are you", Adina pointed out.

Without paying attention to her, Bican got up from his chair. "Somebody has got to take care of our guests. And I am the one fit to do that".

"You twat. You don't even know their family names. I DO! Now, the one to take GOOD care of them is I... their fan", Nancy was satisfied by her reply. She understood The Strokes. She was the one to show them the wonders - if any- of Vama.

"Oh, dear, who did that?". Fab was awe struck at the sight of the drums soaked in beer.

"HE!!!". Samy was happy at the thought that Bican was about to get his ass fucked and he'd understand that drums were a sacred instrument and required special attention.

"No... no, I did not. She did" Bican pointed towards Nancy who lowered her aviator shades.

"How could I have spilled beer on the drums when I have this in my foot." and pointed at the piece of seashell. "Besides, I could never spill beer. I am a follower of Boske's life philosophy"

They all looked at Boske who was still sobbing, the beer still untouched.

"oh, take a sip already. We all know you want to. Oh, dear God, I cannot concentrate with you people. I cannot focus. I cannot create!!!!", Bican yelled raising his hands in the air and acting all gayish.

"Oh, Seba, you and me, my room, in an hour." Fab gave Bican a wink that made him pull away almost instantly.

"I am not cheating on Mihnea with you". This caused waves of laughter followed by a moment of silence. However, the silence was quickly broken by Julian's voice.

"Hey, dudes and dudettes. Hey, Boske, what's going on?". He looked at the beer. "Why won't you drink it? You know warm beer's now good". He smiled. Boske rose her look at Julian. She wanted to kick him in the balls and her look made Julian understand that.

"So," he spoke moving away from Boske, 'ready for the gig?".

"NO!!!", Samy yelled with despair.

"That's it. You're impossible. I've had enough!" Bican turned around and walked away as Julian watched him.

"Oh, he's so gay! When will he ever admit it?", he wondered.

"Hey, he is not gay. A girl who likes guys cannot be gay".

"Hahaha", Nancy laughed loudly at Adina's reply. "The woman's right".

"Now", Samy rolled her eyes, "I'll go talk to him. Someone HAS to", Samy gave a sigh and went after Bican.

"Aha!". Nancy was now carefully examining the little piece of seashell between her fingers. "Okay, I guess now we can go talk to the others about tonight. In a shady place", she pointed out to Adina's great satisfaction. "Boske, you coming?"

Boske was still sobbing.

"Poor girl. Do you think she's alright?". Julian seemed worried. But Boske gave him again that I-am-going-to-hit-you-down-there look so Julian just said "I guess we should go".

"Okay, we'll be back in a sec", Adina said a bit scared.

Boske was alone now with the beer in her front exactly where Nancy had placed it a bit earlier. As soon as the four were completely out of her sight, she grabbed the beer and drank it all.

"Okay, so who are we playing why? Kentucky Headhunters?" sh
e finally uttered.

Monday, July 30

Din ciclul "Suntem inconjurati de manelisti asa ca ne omoram intre noi"

Am un coleg de suferinta in blocul de langa... Well, nu stiu exact daca e un el su o ea, stiu doar ca exista... Ah, si nu, nu e indie-ot... Daca era, lucrurile ar fi devenit exagerat de cheesy, ne trimiteam avionase din postits pe care am fi scris 'yr musical taste is a total win!" "no, yours is!" and so on... E metalist... sau numetalist... sau a combo... Either ways, imi zgarie timpanul cand da muzica la maxim... Metalica, Guns, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Korn si alte formatii de metale ale caror nume nu ma intereseaza... De cateva zile, il atac si eu fonic. Pana acum, nu am putut sa concurez cu volumul lui... Deh, boxele mele de la calculator de abia se mai tin pe picioare. In schimb mi-am amintit ca am un CD player... "Haha!" i said raising an imaginary magic wand in the air. Din nefericire, nu am cine-stie-ce cduri audio la mine (toate sunt la Lyon, intr-o geanta, intr-o sala de stocaj...)... Am doar SImian Mobile Disco, Sunshine Underground, Justice si Shy Child. Asa ca de cate ori il aud punand muzica nitel mai tare, I turn my Cd player on cu cdul cu Sunshine Underground in... Maine ma gandesc sa pun Justice... MUHAHAHA

Speaking in clichees,,,

*bashes head against wall* E fantastic how much I can suck at short stories and how great (scuzati modestia) are my gig reviews... Nu ca as fi in stare sa right some decent stories pentru mizeria aia de exam de la Jurnalism... Yes, thank you! *takes bow, the crowd cheers* Asa ca, being in great need of something to keep my nasty mind busy, ma apuc de scris slashy fanfic cu The Horrors and Klaxons...
(Faris sat in the dark hotel room. He tried to keep off his mind the memories of Joshua, his soft pale skin, that night Joshua came in his hotel room... )

Sunday, July 29

Lastfm weekly chart 22-29 july

Because I haven't done it in a while... and it's fun

1. The Horrors - i'm going on a slashy fanfic diet... Horrors are top of the list... besides, Excellent Choice is a perfect track...

2. Devendra Banhart - yes, among my nu rave moments, i have bits of neo-folk... I found the video from "A Ribbon" and I thought the song was brill and that led to a few hours of Devendra...

3. Klaxons - take a look at my blog... ask my friends...

4. Japanther - love 'em... *points a few post down*

5. The Bishops - the only thing that bothers my about these lads is that two of them are twins... and they dress the same... well, at least in pics and vids...

6. My Darling YOU! - swedish... that says enough

7. The Libertines - i just found out that Kate Moss has a bio in romana se numeste 'Dependenta de dragoste'... eu cred ca e de altele dependenta... read some Doherty-related fragments today in Cora... no relation to the fact that i've been listening to the Libs... just thought it was funny... also, saw a news on MTV romania... about Petey, Kate and the sex tapes... presented by that twat, Zara... he's such a lame creature...

8. Cut Copy - i have my moments... when I listen to 'Autoban Music Box' on repeat...

9. Long Blondes - saw this video with the photo shoot for NME's cool list 06... and remembered how much I love these guys

10. Muse - rumours, baby...

How Does It Feel Now?

Daca e vreo formatie care sa concureze cu The Horrors la titlu "Band with the biggest hairdos and most eyeliner" aia sunt Neils Children... desi la capitolul gayness, Horrors ii iau lejer... Si, cu tot Cure meets Bauhaus meets Joy Division-ul, Neils Children sunt pe aceasi unda cu Horrors, melodii usor scary, un vibe spooky (heh, nu or avea ei synthul-turned-orga cum au Horrors, dar o reusesc pe alte cai), iar intrarea pe scena de punk-goth-rockabilly le-a fost facilitata si de faptul ca au fost opening act pentru cei atotmentionati... So we might as well all have a blast...
I like the vid... e simplu si melodia e bloody catchy, la o adica...

Neils Children - I Hate Models

Friday, July 27

Do the D.A.N.C.E.

I know what you're wondering... How the bloody hell can he move his pelvis area like that? Oh, he being the oh-so-perfect-cheeckbones Horrors drummer, Coffin Joe... and how can he be so perfect? *points two posts down*

M-am plictisit, asa ca ma apuc de ascultat noise-rock

Caut cu disperarea specifica-mi The Good Good... Am dat de numele lor intr-un mic/mizer bar din Lyon, scris intr-un fel de memories book... In timp ce comunistii din jurul meu discutau politica, eu salvam in mobil numele lor... The Good Good, desi au un nume atat de banal, sunt cam greu de gasit... Asa ca nu o sa va spun ce misto/cool suna cei doi newyorkezi(ha, nu am muzica lor, dar Lastfm provided important info...). In schimb, spre deliciul urechiuselor mele, am dat in lista de 'Similar Artist' de alt duo newyorkez...

Japanther vin din Brooklyn si fac punk rock. Si nu numai. Trec de la punk la noise la tape loops/hip-hop beats, uneori chiar in aceasi melodie. Trec de la momente de melodicitate la sounduri ciudat de abrazive. Tot in aceasi melodie. Desi asta ar putea sa deruteze, Japanther reusesc sa faca aceste treceri destul de usor incat muzica lor e bloody captivating. Si asta o zice o persoana care a reusit sa asculte 3 albumele ale unei singure formatii unul dupa altul, lucru care mi se intampla foarte rar.

Japanther - Andre, My Love

Si revenim la the oh-so-loved Similar Artists list. Asa mi-am adus aminte de The Chinese Stars. De ei am 'citit' pe tricoul unui indie-ot de vreo 40 de ani (judging by the lack of hair) la concertul Deerhoof. Am uitat de ei, dar mi-au revenit in atentie dupa ce i-am vazut la SA pe pagina Japather. Aparuti post-Arab On Radar(doi membri provinm de la aceasta formatie ) si Six Finger Satellite (de unde vine un alt memmbru.. despre al patrulea nu se stie nimic), cei patru fac o muzica carre ar putea fi usor catalogata ca noise-dance-funk. Adaugati o line de bass cu un sound suficient de funky si a trbly voice. Mi-a placut miserupismul fonic(... doar ei au declarat ca o sa reinventeze tot ce a fost deja inventat) care le face muzica cu totul speciala...

The Chinese Stars - Electrodes In Captivity

Thursday, July 26

I've told you I'm obsessed with The Horrors...

Which Horror are you?

Image and video hosting by TinyPicYou are the petite, and charming Coffin Joe. You're the drummer of the band. The funny one! You tend to over do just about everything, especially when it comes to getting wasted, and you're most likely the one to do something very silly, like dancing in a wrap around skirt--simply for the attention! How can you not like someone like that?
Take this quiz!

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Heeey... i'm my fave Strokes song... *does victory dance*

What Lovely Strokes Song Are You ?

You are "New York City Cops".. "Even though it was only one night, it was...fucking strange." You like taking off when things don't work out.. "I swear one day I'm gonna leave this town."
Take this quiz!

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What Strokes member are you?

Julian Casablancas
Take this quiz!

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I have two new obsessions... The Horrors and slashy fanfiction (The Horrors and Klaxons... )... due to my Horrors obsession, I give you this

oh, wait... wrong pic... still, good gathering...

yes, good pic... wanna bet the granny used to be a Buzzcocks fan back in the day and now she's just wandering where did all the wannabies come from? haha....

Wednesday, July 25

All Fired Up

I've been planing to write about a number of very nice bands... However, i haven't... I would say I've been really busy, but I don't thing that sitting in yr pj's all day, drinking alarming amounts of coffee and smoking qualify as busy.... So, yeah, once again, I'm a lazy-ass... Acum sa revenim la muzica...

Tralala e o formatie pe care o stiu de cateva luni, dar deabia acum cateva zile am ascultat mai pe indelete. Vin din New York, sunt 7 (4 domnisoare foarte dragute care se ocupa de vocals si 3 baieti care se ocupa de bass/chiatra/tobe) si fac o muzica so cute&adorable cum numai la I'm From Barcelona am mai auzit. Asa cum zic si pe situl oficial, cei 7 nu incearca sa faca ceva pretentios: their music is about having fun and shaking yr hips. Si, sincer, sunt atat de hyper si happy, so 50s girl band meets rock'n'roll (care pe alocuri aduce a Stereolab si Slits) incat mi se pare incredibil de greu sa nu te trezesti smiling and singing along with the 4 ladies.

Tralala - All Fired Up

Tuesday, July 24

Ro. something

Ceva nu e bine... sau, culmea, ceva e bine... Catharsis scrie luna asta bout romanian indie bands... a ajuns la al saselea post... si din ce am ascultat de pe blogul lui, mi s-a parut mizerabile toate melodiile... eh, exagerez, nu toate... mi s-a parut acceptabila melodia celor de la Boeuf... Stau si ma gandesc ca poate Bican was right (that would be a second time)... Poate ca suntem cu totii orbiti de demonul indieului romanesc....ah, okay, la faza asta exagereaza... poate vrem prea tare sa credem in ceva care...erm... e praf... Adica, The Amsterdams nu pot sa zic ca's GENIIIIALI... sunt okay si, avand in vedere ca's romani si ca fac ceva pe scena asta muzicala imputita, ii iubesc... Daca as face ce face Bican, adica sa ii compar cu ce am in cap si ce stiu de la other bands (cea ce e complet gresit... for all the know reasons), The Ams wouldn't stand a chance... Si nici Guillotines nu sunt de dat de colo... Okay, Hotel Fetish sunt sublimi... imi port cu mandrie acel tee verde... Dar, in afara de astia, eu nu vad ce mai avem... to my mind, it's not enough to want to make a change, you have to have the means... And I can't see the 'means' when it comes to these acts...

Besides... some sing in English and their accent is like crap...

Anyways, idea era ca ma indoiesc ca we have something to stand for besides 3 or 4 bands... Care uneori nu reusesc sa fie asa de buni ca alde AB4 si OCS...

Offtopic: ceea ce , in vizunea lui Bican va fi THE ONE TRUE AND COOL INDIE BAND, adicatelea trupa noastra *rolls around laughing* might have suffered a band name change... De la Split Infinitve, trecem la Artial Marts (vb bateristei, asta suna a Arctic Monkeys)... and also, maine incep meditatiile pentru jurnalism... I'm so nervous ca I misspell every single word... Shit! Scheisee! Merde! (to quote one band)

I got bored

I am bored and have nothing better to do... So, I say "mixtape"...

Mixtape 1

1. 586 - We Got Bored (mental song, mental video, tragi-comic, you say?)

2. BoNO Must DIE - We're Better Than You (nu mai stiu de unde am auzit, dar erau mentionati in aceasi fraza cu SHITDISCO... nu prea departe de stilul scotienilor... dupa nopti de cautat, am gasit BoNO MUST Die.... sunt buni si merita sa fie semnati)

3. I Was A Cub Scout - Oh! What A Fiasco!

4. Mumm-Ra - Clocks Tick Louder At The Dead Of Night ( melodia datorita careia am ajuns sa ascult eu un pic prea mult Mumm-Ra... )

5. Jamie T - Salvador (una dintre melodiile cele mai reusite a lui Jamie, the boy has got class )

6. The Holloways - Generator (noul single al grupului britanic, videoclipul e o mizerie, iar melodia nu da pe diafara de originalitate dar o salveaza the bubbling sound )

7. Interpol - No I In Threesome (e o melodie monumentala, probabil my fave (Interpol) track of the moment... )

8.The Bishops - The Only Place I Can Look Is Down (punkish, catchy, cu un sound solid, good vocals... )

9. Digitalism - I Want I Want (Digitalism merita toate laudele posibile, iar melodia asta e una dintre preferatele mele de ceva timp... I just want the world to listen to it at the same time)

10.The Twang - Wide Awake ( zic ca's influentati de the baggy movement... aduc nitel a Happy Mondays &co. Poate prea mare hype-ul facut de NME pe seama lor,,dar they do have that certain thing )

11.Tilly And The Wall - Freest Man

12.Justice feat Uffie - The Party ( justice... what more can you ask?)

13.The Whip - Muzzle No. 1 (suna sexy, suna al naibii de bine si pe alocuri al naibii de popish...)

14.Hadouken! - Liquid Lives ( intr-o descriere a formatiei, ziceau ca vocalul se ocupa de 'mouth mistakes'... eu zic ca's foarte reusite those mouth mistakes si ca merita ascultate pe repeat)

15.Matt Pond P.A. - City Song ( am citi despre ei in Mojo Mag acum vreo 2 ani... nu i-am ascultat prea mult desi mereu mi-am dorit, in special dupa ce am facut o obsesie pentru melodia asta)

16. Scissors For Lefty - Lay Down Your Weapons

17. Special Needs - Motorbikin'

She's a special kinda girl...

Monday, July 23


In the words of Destiny's Child: 'The clothes I 'm wearing, I bought them'

and to continue with the 80s revivalists... I bring to you The Swan, Steffan of Klaxons....

Sunday, July 22

I need something to keep my mind busy

O intrebare ma machina de cateva zile... Actually, de one week... Saptamana trecuta s-au facut 40 si de ani de cand a murit bunica mamei - adica, strabunica mea... ca in fiecare an, mama a impartit si evident am mers la cimitir, la mormant... Cimitirul unde e ingropata strabunica e in comuna Afumati.... si, as we were exsiting the wonderfull Afumati, o intrebare m-a lovit....


This is pure nonsense

Eu chiar nu ma prind... Why is everyone complaining abvout the heat? dom'ne, asa's eu.... nu transpir, nu mor de cald, nu simt nevoia sa beau tone de apa... Singurul lucru care ma deranjeaza e ca nu pot sa imi port hanoracul mov... I want to wear it! I need to! e asa gigea cu tricou meu cu Klaxons si cu blugii drepti (atentie! nu skinny... ci drepti... aia skinny are overused... aia drepti sunt cool)... si cu my grey and black squares vans... si asa vreau sa pot sa ma imbrac asa... pentru asta am ascultat Test Icicles... As a way of celebrating the idea of hoodies and straight jeans...
Si de bucurat urechiusele... as i go back to the last 8 chapters of my Harry...

Test Icicles - Dancing on pegs

Saturday, July 21

At the back of the room...

Whenever i hear '5 o'clock' i instantly think of tea - how British of me... and when you put 'heroes' after those words, I instantly see the four Brits having their own private tea party... The kinda Elvis-Costello-Joe-Jackson-Clash-Cars-Police-all-in-one-band kinda party... Where the music is provided by a band that plays angular-riffs-reggae jerk-pop... Enough words formed outta other words and lines between those words... I've been 'hunting' this band for the past 2 years... and now I have their music and I can indulge in it...
The Five O'Clock Heroes - At The Back Of The Room

Give up all you suckers, they the tightest motherfuckers

I'm so quote-able....

Here is what Bican did after reading my blog...

agree on the whole Bon Jovi thingy... yes, Kate Nash is very nice... and, yes, Nancy's right most of the time... you will accept the fact that you're in a band... well... soon enough... we'll talk about that ethno thingy... and I thought you dated Wendy... Pheonix o sug... *coughs*... Editors, you say? what you like them now?.... oh, and I who thought you digged yr own hole... silly me...

In alta ordine de idei... I love Ballard and Hornby and Borroughs (the three writers I am currently reading books by), however... There are 6 characters who die in teh last Harry Potter and I wanna know who... and one is NOT harry... there, spoiling the surprise... so, today I'll be busy reading the last book... Ma inclin cu respect, in iau iaurtelul cu visine si ma duc in pat unde ma asteapta Harry...

Friday, July 20

Just a drawing Part. 2

Just a drawing Part. 1

By Banksy

Thursday, July 19

Street... erm... something

heh... isn't he a very klaxons-esque persona?... in this pic... ah... the Ballard book (my book, by the way) is the final touch to the look as a whole, a look based on the "Do something with yr life. Get me a beer" white and green almost nurave tee and the South Park cap...

Wednesday, July 18

Mercury... for the masses

Bat For Lashes: Fur And Gold
The Young Knives: Voices Of Animals And Men
Arctic Monkeys: Favourite Worst Nightmare
Fionn Regan: The End Of History
Maps: We Can Create
Klaxons: Myths Of The Near Future
Basquiat Strings: Basquiat Strings With Seb Rochford
New Young Pony Club: Fantastic Playroom
Amy Winehouse: Back To Black
The View: Hats Off To The Buskers
Dizzee Rascal: Maths + English
Jamie T: Panic Prevention

Yes, these are the albums up for a Mercury Award.... And I just hate it... they should give more than one award... I mean, there's Monkeys... and their brilliant sophomore album... and they should totally take the award this time as well... However... there's Klaxons... and they are so great, so literate, so weird, so alcoholic that they have "Winners Of A Mercury" written all over them... Then there's two brilliant debuts... Imagine, if either NYPC or Jamie T win the award, it would be a way to recognize their incredible talent... and i'd have even more reasons to rave about the music...
aaand then again... Where are Bloc Party, Maximo Park, Simian Mobile Disco, Patrick Wolf?... I mean, Patrick's album is fooking mindblowing... oO... and, who knows?... maybe a wee better than View's album...or even The Good The Bad And The Queen...

Because I am bored and I feel like acting all retarded...

1. What are you listening to right now?
The Dandy Warhols -Minnesotter

2. What song makes you sad?
Smiths – Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now… then again.. most of their songs make me sad…

3. What is the most annoying song in the world?

4. Your all time favorite band?
The Strokes, Arctic Monkeys… Klaxons… Smiths… Placebo… Velvet Underground…

5. Your newly discovered band is?
GoodBooks… I love them so much

6. Best female voice?
Lily Allen, just because she’s such a oppiniated bitch

7. Best male voice?
Alex Turner, Julian Casablancas, the dudes form Klaxons… and many more

8. Music type you find yourself listening to most?
Alternative, Indie, Punk…

9. What do you listen to, to hype you up?
erm… Nurave?

10. What do you listen to, to calm down?
i have no ide4a

11. Last gig/concert you went to?
Nouvelle Vague

12. Band you find yourself listening to the most right now?
Maximo PArk

13. Most hated band?
romanian crap

14. Song that makes you think?
the music I listen to usually makes me think…

15. Band that you think the world should love as much as you do?

16. Coolest music video?
Klaxons – Golden Skans…it’s soooo gay

17. Music video with the most babe watch?
beats me.

18. What do you play/would you play in the bedroom to spice things up?

19. Can you play a musical instrument?
let’s not talk about that… will know bass… soon… really soon

20. Ever been in a mosh pit?
Yes… and it was scary

21. Are you in a band?
Well… not exactly… I’m in a band-to-be

22. If yes, what kind of music does your band play and what is your role in it?
I’d be the bassist… and the music would be really eclectic

23. Ever dated a musician?
In my dreams….

24. If yes, what kind of music did he/she/they play/instrument/band?

27. If no, would you consider?
Never, never… nooooo….

28. Do you wish yourself that you were a musician?
Yes… and one day, I’ll take over the world… MUHAHA

29. Best chick band you know of?
Girls Aloud…

30. Best guy band you know of?
oh… there’s a difference between „guy band” and ‚boy band’….hm…

31. Last song that you heard on the radio?
when I’ll be listening to the radio, I’ll answer

32. What do you think of Classical music?

33. What do you think of Country music?
god was good and kept me away from it///

34. What do you think of Death metal?

35. Last BIG band that you saw live?
Nouvelle Vague counts as BIG?

36. Are you a groupie?
yes, please

37. Do you listen to music in foreign languages?
oooo… Romanian… and I listen to music in English (mostly), French, Spanish, Portugese… and whatever language Sigur Ros use…

38. What famous musician would you like to have sex with?
I am not going to answer… just because the list is waaaaaay toooo long…

39. Worst concert moment?
Seeing Johnny Borrel up on stage…

40. Funny Concert moment?
erm… seeing Alan Donhoe dance…

41. Sad Concert moment?
Borrel ruinning my love for Razorlight’s music…

42. Best local act you can think of?
erm… Hotel Fetish, Amsterdams… OCS… AB4

43. If you were a musical instrument what would you be?
Drums… or synths…

44. Do you listen to the radio?

45. Do you watch music TV?
Damn them… they took away my VH1… so, no

46. Do you follow the music charts, like the top 40?
if i’m really bored… yeah, I wanna see JT shaking his ass at the top of the charts… i think

47. Have you met any famous musicians?

48. Are any of your friends/family etc musicians?
Yeah.. sort of

49. Song that best describes your feelings right now?
Strokes… I have this strange feel of huge dissapointment… so, yeah.. Strokes… songs like Ize Of The World and Razorblade and Electricityspace

50. Song that describes your life?
haha… X-press 2 feat David Byrne – Lazy *starts dancing*

51. Do you know the names of all the band members that you listen to?
yeah.. got something agaisnt that?

52. Does a musician’s physical attractiveness play a role in the music that you listen to?
I usually hear the music first… so, no

53. What famous musician do you want to marry?
damn….. julian casablancas and nich valensi are married… merde… Oh, prince Monkey’s single… And James of Kalxons… just to spite Lindsay Lohan…

54. Favorite movie sound track?
Maire Antoinette

55. Any musician pet hates?
Pete Wentz… I secretly… well, not so secretly blame him for all that is wrong in the world

56. What do your parents listen to?
My mom likes Beatles and Queen and Romanian oldies… and my dad likes Pink Floyd and Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin…

57. What are you listening to right NOW?
Rapture – Pieces Of The People We Love

58. Do you wear band etc T-shirts?
yes… i love those thingies… I get to show off my music tastes

59. What do you think of people who do?
If the band suck… go shoot yrself!

60. What music sub-culture do you feel like you belong to?

61. What song is stuck in your head right now?
Maximo Park’s Girls Who Play Guitars

62. Do you sing in the shower?
Is it wrong?

63. If so, why? If not, why not?
Because I’m a music freak…

64. Would you rather marry a musician or be one yourself?
Can I do both?:D

65. What is in your walkman/discman right now?
Fuck off with the mp3 player…My headphones got fucked up and I can’t fiind new ones…

66. How important is your partners taste in music to you?

67. Hanson moves in next door to you, do you go introduce yourself, or do you arrange to beat them up?
I don’t arrange to beat them up… I lock them in a room and make them listen to their own crap…

68. Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll, you dig?
yeah… whatever, dude!

69. Do you cook to music?
ha… I don’t cook

70. Do you sing in the toilet?
God, the people who made this thingy are sick, sick, sick…

Din ciclul "Pass it on"

Hi, my name is Nancy, I'm a blogger and I need to sell a kidney in order to buy myself a uber-hip pair of vans... Please help...

Tuesday, July 17

We used to talk about plans in tiny bars

People are made to dissapoint you... And it's not even their fault... You have way too high hopes and dreams... and pattrens.. and people don't usually fit those patterns and you are awoken from your daydreaming and you end up dissapointed when seeing the gap between what you think and what is real... And what's worse is that you fall back intpo the daydreaming and don't pay attention to the dissapointment...

Anyways, here's a song I feel like listening to on repeat at this moment....

Maximo Park - Gilrs who play guitars

Sunday, July 15

Din ciclul 'Stuart Little is my brother'

Ma simt ca Snowball... Mama vrea sa ma trimita la un... *coughs*.... 'specialist'... pentru ca ascult all day muzica si pentru ca nu ii ud florile. De parca eu le-as fi cumparat si i le-am lasat acum in grija... Anyways, nu de asta ma simt ca un ghem de blana frustrat... ooooo... nu, daca era din cauza asta... Erm, nici nu o bag in seama la faze din astea... Dar hai sa incep cu... erm... inceputul... Desi nici nu stiu cand a inceput totul... Intamplarea a facut sa nu fiu pe acasa cand s-a stricat bazinul de la wc... Anyways, motanul meu are obiceiul... sau mai bine zis, avea obiceiul sa bea apa de la robinet... adica, se urca pe chiuveta din baie si ii dadeam drumul la robinet si el lipaia... De cand s-a stricat bazinul, s-a invatat sa bea din bazin... De vreo 2 weeks , mama a reparat bazinu' asa ca acum animalul nu mai are cum sa bea apa de acolo... asa ca nu mai bea apa... Asta pana ieri dimineata, cand mama si-a 'dat seama' ca pisicul vrea sa ii faceam lac de accumulare in chiuveta... oO...
Si eu sunt aia care trebuie sa vorbeasca cu cineva... I rest my case...


Best group on Lastfm to date....

Saturday, July 14


Dandy Warhols, here I come...


My ears hurt... it's awful... oO

I'm a little behind with new releases...

However, I do not apologize... So, sipping my lemon-gin combo (still, orange-vodka sounds better) I'll tell you I've discovered recently that there will a new... erm... New Pornographers album... Bloody 'ell... Why was I not told about it earlier? Anyways, the album is intitled 'Challengers'... it will be released in August, on teh 21th at Matador... It's pop, it's powerfull, it sounds great, grand and songs like 'Myriad Harbour' (I took a plane, I took a train. Ah, who cares, you always end up in the city) and "My Rights Versus Yours" are definite highlights. To my mind, it does not have that something that "Sing Me Spanish Disco" has, but it's still a bloody good album...

New Pornographers - Myriad Harbour

And, another quickie on Klaxons...

aaaaa.... poor Jamie... still... the reindeer costume is the best ever....

Friday, July 13


Yourcodenameis:Milo have one of the things that I look for in a band: a weird name... long, sentence-long one... I was completely blown away by their song "All Roads To Fault". And recently I have discovered one of their albums, an album that is ace. It's called "Print Is Dead" and it is a collaboration album... Hot Club De Paris, Bloc Party's Gordon Moakes, The Fields, Tom Vek, Ross Millard of The Futureheads, The Automatic, Get Cape.Wear Cape.Fly and Lukas Wooller from Maximo Park are a part of the artists who appear on this album. Also, YCNI:M have done a cover to QOTSA's "Feel Good Hit Of The Summer" (which unfortunetly I have not found) and... get ready... "Death Of A Disco Dancer"(aham, the man with a big nose who knows and co.... The Smiiiiiiiths).....

Tracklist "Print Is Dead Vol 1"
1.Captain of Lies (ft. Reuben)
2.Deborah Bow (ft. Field Music)
3.Greetings (ft. Hot Club De Paris)
4.I Remember The Summer Isles (ft. Ross Millard)
5.Noah (ft. Lukas Wooller)
6.Ordinary Day (ft. Lethal Brizzle)
7.Roots/Branches (ft. Tom Vek)
8.Tiny Vessels (ft. Get Cape.Wear Cape.Fly)
9.Trapese Artists (ft.The Automatic)
10.Wait A Minute (ft. Gordon Moakes)
11.We Hope You Are What You Think You Are (ft. Martin Grech)

Somebody stop me from this Youtube frenzie!

It is wrong, you know... I just keep on posting vids... But, what the hell... three more vids, just for the hell of it...

Datarock - I Used To Dance With My Daddy (these guys really seems to me as the Norwegian Daft Punk... mostly due to their red tracksuits... )

Hadouken! - Liquid Lives

Maximo Park - Books From Boxes (new vid, great song... yes, I think Maximo Park are the ones to save me from my nurave obsession...)

Kingdom come

Yes, I have reached the point when I am fully aware of my issues... I listen to too much nurave-scented music... My new found love for Shy Child tops it... And Page France did not last for long in my world... Although they are a very nice band... I've tried listening to Blur but it did not work... Don't know why... I've been planing for the last couple of days to listen to The Smiths but for some unkonwn reason I never really got myself to actually add them to my playlist... So, there is but one thing to do... Listen to some rave... I've got my hands on all Prodigy albums and some KLF... and as soon as the huge queue in my player will end, my ears will hear some Prodigy... Oh, and I almost forgot to mention how much I love Maximo Park's 'Russian Literature'... I'll leave you with it and get back to my Ballard book...

Maximo Park - Russian Literature

Thursday, July 12

Sick like Sid and Nancy

Because this video is just sweet... No, really...

Wednesday, July 11

Is that a balloon sticking outta Jamie's arse?

I have a bag full of goodies... here they are...

Klaxons - Golden Skans (Glastonbury 2007)

Klaxons - Atlantis To Interzone (Glastonbury 2007)

Tuesday, July 10

The Band strikes again

Well, it's around 10 pm and a half and I'm sitting in the kitchen, waiting for the water to boil in order to make meself a tea... Earl Grey... Am gasit niste relicve din acest mirific ceai printre the ichy ones of my mother... Medicinale, picioare usoare si digestie nu-mai-stiu-cum, rozmarin si scortisoara, somn linistit si busuioc, menta si ... erm, ma opresc, as I do not wish to vomit... I have this perfect tea cup, from Carturesti, given to me on my 18th anniversary... E usor transparenta si pe ea scrie "Black tea"....So cute... And, guess what, I'm thinking bout the talk I had today with one of my best friend... The drummer of my band... Yes, as all punks my age, I dream of being in a band... We even have a name... It's a very fitzi-in-a-literate-kinda-way one... Split Infinitive... chech it out... the name, not the band... as for now, we don't even have the covers we wanna do in order to see if we can play as a group... Speaking of covers, they're gonna be after the likes of Britney and Nsync... Ha, imagine, our lead... a guy.... singing Britney's "Toxic".... Fabulous... And me and the drummer, well... we were picturing ourself touring with Arctic Monkeys, Strokes or Klaxons... we were thinking of the labels we should send demos to (Domino? or maybe Rough Trade?) and what will the press say about us... (Re:But? -fereasca sefu!... Re:Miza?- pentru inceput, we don't mind... Re:GAl? oh, behave).... Well,such things happen when the band-to-be is formed outta A.D.D people, bipolari,. ipohondri and... erm.. Boske...). Hey, we know people, we could get a vid.... and maybe some promotion... After I'll learn to play bass and become the best fooking bass player in the world (to quote Oasis).. And you just have to admit that the formula is so original and hot... Four chicks and un dud... Doua indioate care se dau culte-n cap (subsemnata si tanti Adina...), o bluesista suparata (tanti Boske), o tanti cu gusturi cam dubios de eclectice (Smaranda...) si un dud cu voce de wannabe crooner si aere de jazz player(Bican)... Pana una alta... hai, ca ma fute la icre (nuj de ce, but I just love this expression) baterista ca isi face blog.... So.. good night and good luck

P.S.: si eu si dudu ne facem si revista DIY in care o sa ne dam aere si o sa folosim rom-gleza atat de iubita.... notwithstanding...


Melodia asta a croonerului suedez parca iesit dintr-o melodie Portishead reuseste sa ma bantuiasca cum numai Jay Jay Johanson stie sa o faca, cum numai "The Girl I Love Is Gone" o facea acum cateva luni cand ii descopeream muzica. Vocea lui, instrumentatia, aura care invaluie maelodia... It's all beyond perfect. And I am sure that this track has to receive the 'musical obsession of the week' award....

Jay Jay Johanson - She Doesn't Live Here Anymore

I didn't get bored

the video is mental... the song is incredibly fun that you might start beliving 'fun' is actually named 586...

Sunday, July 8

Holly Moe....

This is old (26th of June....), but hey, better latter than never...
Remember the gloriuos pic of Alex Turner and James Righton? Well, it's not all about booze and popping pills... or so it seems... According to the music press, Alex, James, Ms. Lily I-am-an-oppiniated-bitch Allen and Mr. Dizzee I've-got-a-Mercury Rascal have recorded/will be recording some songs together....
Also, this morning I was in the mood for some Strokes vids... thought I had a laugh... Well, that did notlast too long, as I soon realized that Strokes do not swallow even half of the amount of alcohol Klaxons do, thus they are not as funny... Yes, Klaxons strike back in full force...

(old, but hilarious.. from Glastonburry... forgot to post it right away... but, hey)

(T in the park... Not as drunk as the first one, but stil funny)

(I would like to underline the fact that it's spinach, not beef... they are vegetarians... *rolls around laughing*

Simon: No no no no it's not beef- we're all friends.
Jamie: No no it's not beef it's spinach.
Simon: It's not beef I'm a vegetarian.
Jamie: It's not beef it's spinach. I took a spoon full of spinach and I gently placed it upon the shoulder, and he was upset with me, I hope, I haven't seen him since and I hope that today is the day for making up.
Simon: I tried to explain to him the incident that happened between me and him and he didn't remember.
Jamie: That's why I made up for it by placing the spinach.
*courstesy of a Simon's Hair member*)

Aaaand, becuase this morning I was confirmed that I am not entirely insane... It exists... Mercury Rev DO have a song intitled "In A Funny Way"... which I happen to adore and have been singing for the past two weeks...
mercury rev - in a funny way.mp3

Saturday, July 7


That has to be the smartest title I have ever given a blog... Anyways, nu stiu daca e bine sa o zic acum sau aici... cert e ca de cand am hotarat, about a week ago, i'm all hyper si as vrea sa dau acum examenul ala... My mother uttrely distrusts me... I am not suprised at all... She has always been like this concerning such matters... Erm, yeah... *coughs**hands behind her back**rocks on her feet nervously*...

Dau la jurnalism... adica... aici... adica... in Romania... vorba lu' boske... "Acum esti a noastra"

Friday, July 6

Eurosport music, baby!

Melodia imi place enorm de mult(desi it does not haunt me like 'Yr Brother Is My Only Hope') iar vidul e destul de sympa. Le Sport era un duo suedez (God bless Sweden!) de electropop rather gayish... Am aflat si eu de cateva zile ca cica de ceva timp (juma de an... or less...) nu mai exista as a band... Pacat... MP3s are available on their Lastfm page...

Thursday, July 5

Looking for an antidote

oi, this is good...

We Each Talk About What We Wanna Talk

I was having a talk on the phone with my best friend... He has to stay indoors so I stress him daily... He said one thing today and, God damn it, he was right(and that does not happen too often with him)... Our talks are like talking to robots... or by ourselves as a matter of fact... We talk about what we want to talk, even if the other one listens... He talks about... erm... how he needs to scratch himself... I talk about Klaxons... Just about what I'ma do now...Suprize, surprize (cum era genericu' de la tanti Banica Jr.?)

First: something useless, but soooo fun.... Just click... and take a look at the cover boy...

Second: I have a fuzzy warm feeling that Klaxons (Mr. James I-look-like-a-Spanish-soap-opera-star-with-this-fake-tan Righton in particular) are the wrong kind of influence for young and naive people like Arctic Monkeys... (not that Dizzee Rascal would be safer...erm... so to say). Here is why....

The guy in the white suit is the Justice cover boy and, yes, James Righton ... guess who's the dragon... a rather pissed dragon, one might think...
You see, i'm just afraid little Turner will end up drink orange juice vodka all day and do popping pills like the klaxoning gang... and James is wearing a swan costume, just for the record...

Third thingy... well, actually two thingies... so that makes it 3 and 4... One from Klaxons and one from Monkeys....

The b-side off the new Klaxons single, It's not over yet (it's a cover, but can't remember the band who did the original...irrelevant anyway)
Klaxons - The Night

And Monkeys do it again...

Arctic Monkeys - You know i'm no good (amy winehouse cover)

Wednesday, July 4

It's Great To Be Home

Today, at about half past 4 pm, I put on my red shoes (well... Converse... but it was really nice to say 'shoes'... makes me think of Bowie's "Let's Dance") and got out of my flat to get the bus to TNB... well... Motoare, alea-alea... anyways... As I was coming out of the block, singing my latest obsession (GoodBooks "Humphrey Bogart"),I was violently disturbed... by a.... weeeel... cum sa explic... eu sed in Baicului... mirifica zona... Manelistii feteuiau in plina strada... Cu niste ditamai boxele mai inalte decat mine... So, instantly, my mind created some bigger stereo system and started playing Arctic Monkeys at max volume... oO...

As a bonus to clear yr mind... As I was saying earlier, my new oh-my-god-this-song-is-outta-this-world obsession... what made me love it so much? Well, the 'but you walk like humphery bogart' vocal part... It's dazzling...

GoodBooks - Humphrey Bogart.mp3

No no no

Well... it's weird... I don't like it... And it ain't cause I might have something against the genre of music Timabaland does... which is not true.. or cause I might have a repulsion towards Timbaland... which I have... I mean... where is the Hives part of this? And it just does not capture your attention in any way...

Timbaland-throw it on me (feat. the hives)