Tuesday, July 10

The Band strikes again

Well, it's around 10 pm and a half and I'm sitting in the kitchen, waiting for the water to boil in order to make meself a tea... Earl Grey... Am gasit niste relicve din acest mirific ceai printre the ichy ones of my mother... Medicinale, picioare usoare si digestie nu-mai-stiu-cum, rozmarin si scortisoara, somn linistit si busuioc, menta si ... erm, ma opresc, as I do not wish to vomit... I have this perfect tea cup, from Carturesti, given to me on my 18th anniversary... E usor transparenta si pe ea scrie "Black tea"....So cute... And, guess what, I'm thinking bout the talk I had today with one of my best friend... The drummer of my band... Yes, as all punks my age, I dream of being in a band... We even have a name... It's a very fitzi-in-a-literate-kinda-way one... Split Infinitive... chech it out... the name, not the band... as for now, we don't even have the covers we wanna do in order to see if we can play as a group... Speaking of covers, they're gonna be after the likes of Britney and Nsync... Ha, imagine, our lead... a guy.... singing Britney's "Toxic".... Fabulous... And me and the drummer, well... we were picturing ourself touring with Arctic Monkeys, Strokes or Klaxons... we were thinking of the labels we should send demos to (Domino? or maybe Rough Trade?) and what will the press say about us... (Re:But? -fereasca sefu!... Re:Miza?- pentru inceput, we don't mind... Re:GAl? oh, behave).... Well,such things happen when the band-to-be is formed outta A.D.D people, bipolari,. ipohondri and... erm.. Boske...). Hey, we know people, we could get a vid.... and maybe some promotion... After I'll learn to play bass and become the best fooking bass player in the world (to quote Oasis).. And you just have to admit that the formula is so original and hot... Four chicks and un dud... Doua indioate care se dau culte-n cap (subsemnata si tanti Adina...), o bluesista suparata (tanti Boske), o tanti cu gusturi cam dubios de eclectice (Smaranda...) si un dud cu voce de wannabe crooner si aere de jazz player(Bican)... Pana una alta... hai, ca ma fute la icre (nuj de ce, but I just love this expression) baterista ca isi face blog.... So.. good night and good luck

P.S.: si eu si dudu ne facem si revista DIY in care o sa ne dam aere si o sa folosim rom-gleza atat de iubita.... notwithstanding...

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