Wut? I have to say something intelligent bout it????? NOOOOOO
Wut? I have to say something intelligent bout it????? NOOOOOO
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6:32:00 pm
1 way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see best hair award goes to...., watch me, weird is rave, yr name's down?
....NME cover goodies... As it says on the cover, well... Strokes 'will be doing stuff early next year'....yes, yes, I know there were statements issused about a new album on Wikipedia (teh kewlest thing next to myspazz .. 4REAL!!!) ... but then came a new Albie album and Fab's solo project and Nikolai's solo and ... well, that was it. And for fuck's sake, it's been 4 years... and, no, I don't give a fuck about yr holidays and shiat.... I want my Strokes... just as I want my Klaxons and my Horrors... And my Placebo... and fast...
In other news, I hear Razorlight are still alive... OH, SHI!!!!!
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3:36:00 pm
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tell me what you see nme sayz..., nyc posie, razorbulb
I strongly believe Mark Ronson should get the fuck off my lawn...
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2:46:00 pm
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tell me what you see blagues, c'est moche, ca me fait chier
I have pins... I love my pins... Got them from the merchandise stand at various gigs or from the cities I've been to... I've been dreaming of a Echo and the Bunnymen pin ever since I read that book 'Meat Is Murder' and the main character had one that kept falling and he kept freaking put he's lost it. And now I have one. And I also freak out at the sheer thought of losing one. I once lost a Klaxons pin (one of the four I had bought at the gig) on the bus and I got back again on that bus (noticed it was missing when I got off the bus) just to get it back... Anyways, yesterday I was leaving work and I looked at my pins... and my mostly-beloved Mod pin was missing...My perfect checkered black and white pin with some mods (doooh) with their perfect tailored suits and two-tone hats on it and a 'Mod' with that The Who's logo-like 'O' ... I loved it... I remember seeing it in that shop in Soho and going all hyper cause it was some perfect. And it just looked so perfect on my black M&S dress. Went back but didn't find it... and now I'm just praying it's somewhere in that office.. and not under some car or in a trash can or something like that, with bags of chips and empty plastic bottle...
Something music-related... Why have I waited so long to get myself Insipral Carpets? Brilliant band, brilliant...
Inspiral Carpets - Directing Traffik
I've also been listening to a shitload of Manics, Suede, Primal Scream, Oasis, Pulp, Happy Mondays and Brett Anderson. Discovered the greatness of Late Of The Pier's 'Fantasy Black Channel' (although I still think they should pretend 'Focker' was never written) and Metronomy's 'Nights Out'. Remembered how great Rage Against the Machine are. Realised I'd gladly do Damon Albarn's brain (God, the music for Monkey: A Journey to the West is brilliant... well, you might wanna skip 'Confessions of a Pig' but the rest is just pure love). And was completely blown away by the new Slipknot (I might mention now the I love their Vermilion Part 1&2). I agree, the masks are a bit of a turn off (come to thing about it, they are a great turn off), but once you get passed them (if you can... ), you get a pretty good band.
Oh, and I hate my job...
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1:49:00 pm
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3:39:00 pm
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tell me what you see fookin best band in teh world
Am momentant niste dileme... they are on my mind and they are bugging me...
1. How in the name of Lou Reed can The Independent use the word 'recovered' to describe Alex James (cum, nu stiti cine e Alex James? - a se vedea ultimul comment - Da' voi pe ce lume traiti?). He is farming sheep, for Bowie's sake! And he tot looked better when he WAS spending 1 million quid on heroin... 4REAL
2. Cum se face ca Lars Ulrich e fan Oasis?
3. How can one ( and by saying 'one', i mean Mike Skinner) say they are the "Picasso of geezer garage'?
4. When is the new Klaxons material coming out? What are they doing now? Are they still in Italy getting pissed? And what's with the gigs... playing Urkaine, but not Romania...? Fuckheads.
5. How long can I put up with the whole work-work-work-pub-club-sleep schedule?
6. De ce Mediafax pune o stire despre noul album Cure la Life-Inedit si nu la Cultura? Sau o stire despre albumul Muse? (De fapt, intrebarea ar trebui pusa asa... De ce o suge Mediafax?... dar am o vaga impresie ca e retorica...)
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3:11:00 pm
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tell me what you see blabla, never as tired as when i'm waking up, randomness
From now on... mai au ramas doar vreo 5 formatii romanesti cu adevarat bune... ( speram ca the side projects o sa fie la fel de bune ca Hotel Fetish)
In cu totul alta ordine de idei...m-am angajat... and it's a pain in the back... no,really...literary, it is...
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9:46:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see c'est moche, never as tired as when i'm waking up
...sau cum Lagerfeld ... ba nu, Lagerfeld mi-a demonstrat ca he's lost it de la faza cu ursuletul de plus care ii seamana... But I still had some expectations de la Harper's Bazaar...
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6:49:00 pm
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tell me what you see blabla, c'est moche
...Gillespie and Mani are back. So what the new album, Beautiful Future, is not perfect head to bottom, so what Zombie Man isn't all that brillinat and a bit of a filler, so what Glory Of Love is jsut harmless pop? Eu tot vreau sa le ascult cel mai recent efort artistic pe repeat.
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11:56:00 am
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tell me what you see primal screamadelica
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8:21:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see never as tired as when i'm waking up
I love many things... shoes, bags, Topshop, Nicky Wire's thighs... Yeah, aici e problema... The last thing on the list... Which just points out to another... Pana acum I was lurking the livejournal lolz/slashfics/sheer expression of stupidity communities dedicated to Horrors and Klaxons. Ceea ce mi se pare normal. 'Adica, ce poti sa ii ceri altceva unui fan al acestor formatii?' imi ziceam eu. Ah, ca bateria pe 'Sheena...' e geniala... Ca acousticul Klaxons de la Ibiza 2007 e beyond beyond... e, astea sunt detalii...
Veni gigul Manics... Toate bune si frumoase... Ne apucam si de comunitatiile de loluri Manics... Si radem... si we learn all the trivia... si ne tavalim pe jos cand citim mistouri cretine facute la adresa unui om care...well... de care nu stim in ce sant a putrezit sau daca nu cumva e across the street hiding from the British press...
I don't know if what I've just written makes sense... but I guess it shouldn't. Pentru ca ieri... m-a lovit. Nu e normal. I should be focusing on the music, not Wire's passion for female clothing and scrubbing bathrooms and getting pissed on. And my lastfm avatar... well, it just has to go... poate de maine...
Poate de maine, I'll be one of those fans who focuses on what's important and not on fangirling and lolz...
Pana atunci, va las cu un macro gasit pe this wonderful community...
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10:35:00 pm
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tell me what you see bababa, boredome killed another, never as tired as when i'm waking up
De ceva vreme stau si ma gandesc daca merita sa iau cel mai recent album Offspring.
Offspring sunt pentru mine formatia aia care ma amuza teribil cand auzeam prin 99 'Pretty Fly' si pe care o ascultam prin liceu. De atunci, adica din liceu, nu cred ca am mai ascultat. In seara asta, aveam chef de Nirvana (dar vai) si, intamplator, pe acelasi cd ars ilegal se afla si niste melodii Offspring... printre care si melodia care mi-a rezolvat problema de la inceputul postului.... Voi downloada acel album. S-ar putea sa imi placa...
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10:00:00 pm
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tell me what you see off spring
Maybe I could try to write an actual review and stuff... dar nu. De mentionat ar fi ca AB4 le e si mama si tata astora mici din 'actualul val de formatii indie'. And the pogo... Pogo is good! Si mi-a placut coverul lor dupa 'Love Song'. Desi, tot un Placebo era mai gigea.
Ah, si Doru, Doru was the sweetest...Se vedea ca they weren't expecting all the love we showed them! *big smile on her face*
Oh, si un punct in plus pentru Blister Blue. I actually enjoyed their performance.. mai sa fie.
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11:08:00 am
1 way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see ab4
Vine Mercuryu' peste noi si eu de abia acum ma prind. Nomimalizari... Luati de aici. Tristete mare, din punctul meu de vedere. Nici un album care sa zic ca imi place cap-coada. Estelle si Adele mi se par niste glume. In Rainbows nu am putut sa il ascult (vechea mea problema cu Radiohead, ii admir, dar ii ascult din an in paste si atunci doar Fake Plastic Trees). De Last Shaddow Puppets m-am si plictisit. Laura Marling are o voce ok, un album la fel..La fel pot sa zic si de albumul Neon Neon. Dar nu merita Mercury short list. Elbow and British Sea Power never got me. Dupe ce ca anul trecut, domnii cu short listu' l-au ignorat pe Patrick Wolf si al lui sublim Magic Position, anul asta, they disappoint me again. Hai, nu o fac pe the desperate fan si nu le cer sa ii puna pe Horrors ca stiu ca deh... nu e muzica pentru oricine. You do need a certain acquired taste. Dar cand niste formatii superbe iti vin cu niste albume cu coaie (adica domnii de la Foals si domnii de la These New Puritans cu Antitodes si Best Pyramid...)... ei, eu ii vreau plecand acasa macar cu numele pe short list. Si poate pe domnii de la TNP cu premiul, bocind mai rau ca Clacsoanele anul trecut.
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10:34:00 pm
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tell me what you see blabla, blagues, c'est moche, ca me fait chier, never as tired as when i'm waking up
This is just one of those songs (and bands) that make me think I'll never be able to make music. Cause would the music I'd make really matter in comparison to this?
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3:25:00 pm
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tell me what you see echo echo
Pe langa the really important info this little gem has for us (so, Wire likes getting weed on? 4REAL!), raspunsul la prima intrebare mi se pare de-a dreptul glorios. Da, my winamp is still stuck on some manic street preachers.
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12:06:00 am
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tell me what you see manics
Ma uitam si eu pe blogurile din bookmarks si vad un post cu o leapsa pe blogul lui Rekabu.... de pe 18 iunie... FAIL? y/y
Oricum, leapsa asta goes like this... (un copy-paste mic...aaaaaaaaaaaand)
'list seven songs you are into right now. no matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they’re not any good, but they must be songs you’re really enjoying now, shaping your spring. post these instructions in your blog along with your 7 songs. then tag 7 other people to see what they’re listening to'
Si eu fiind bored si dornica de a mai tranti cateva melodii pe blog.... well, imi cer scuze daca o sa fie prea mult Manics
1. Manics - Born A Girl (pentru ca uneori imi zic 'i wish i were born a boy...')
2. Nicky Wire - Break My Heart Slowly (mi se pare mie sau domnul Jones nu prea are voce? ... totusi, asta nu inseamna ca nu o pot asculta pe repeat...revin... a zambit in directia mea cand urlam 'Niiiicky')
3. James Dean Bradfield - Emigre (in lupta albumelor solo e un 0-1 ptr Bradfield... si melodia asta poate nu o fi geniala si Bradfield e cu siguranta capabil de mult mai mult...dar... )
4. Birthday Party - Dead Joe (daaaaaaaark.... almost post-punk should be)
5. The Horrors - Excellent Choice Alternative Story Version (adica prima varianta, aceasi melodia ca cea de pe album, dar alte versuri...versuri tot in stil reminescent The Gift. Si totusi asta parca imi place mai mult. cele trei voci, feleul in care alterneaza, accentele, refrenul....partea cu 'Leaches!Leaches!')
6. Danny Elfman - Little Things (de pe coloana sonora a Wanted. filmul e o porcarie, just for the record...but this soooong. Zici ca Elfman e un tinerel, nu unu de 50 de ani. Ce voce, domne)
7. Manics - I'm just a pantsy (ma gadeam la melodia NIN de pe OSTul Wanted...but fuck it.... )
Nuj pe cine sa tagguiesc.... Adica, trei cred ca stiu.... Claxoanele, baterista si domnul Red... dar restu' de patru?
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7:53:00 pm
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tell me what you see mixed thingies
Poate ca duminica zambeam ca o idioata, dar de abia acum imi dau seama ca au fost in fata mea. Ascult 'The Everlasting' si imi zic 'Am auzit-o live, l-am vazut pe Bradfield cantant-o'. Nu am patit asta cu nici o formatie. Ba nu, mint. Dupa Rapture era la fel. Dar imi amintesc clar ca dupa concertul Placebo nu i-am ascultat mult timp (whatever happened there? Cause I know for sure I loved that gig...poate ei au venit prea tarziu. Si Manics? Ti se pare putin din 1999 pana acum?). Dupa Klaxons, desi i-am ascultat pana la refuz, nu simteam aceasi bucurie. Nu era nici un sentiment de genul 'Ba, asta stiu cum suna live'. Si, daca la unele formatii as fi vrut sa cante o melodie sau alta, acum sunt multumita cu ce mi-au oferit ei. Poate as fi preferat sa mai cante vreo 5 ore, dar cred ca asta vrei de la any of yr fave bands.
Peste vreo saptamana revin cu detalii despre cum se simte un om care si-a dat seama ca i-a vazut pe Stereophonics.
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10:11:00 am
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tell me what you see manics
Ieri....ieri am stat la o coada pentru autografe de la James Dean Bradfield, Nicky Wire si Sean Moore. Ieri am stat mai mult de o ora lipita de un gard in fata scenei asteptandu-i pe cei trei. Ieri am urlat cat am putut de tare 'Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicky' pana cand, intr-un final, domnul Nicholas Jones s-a uitat in directia mea si a zambit. Ieri am cantat cu alti oameni 'If you tolerate this'... pretty big step de la zilele cand o cantam in fata teveului din sufrageria bunicii dat pe MTV. Ieri... ei, de ieri zambesc intr-una ca o idioata....
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11:18:00 am
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tell me what you see manics
Maine canta Nouvelle Vague la Bestfest. I-am mai vazut anul trecut, pe al sfarsitul lui iunie, la Lyon, la Fete de la musique. Bref, point is... Tipele care au cantat atunci avea niste accente mizereengleza...din alea gen Soko....adica de stupid french chicks. I know some people are crazy about 'em. Not I. Recent am facut ceva ce vroiam sa fac de mult. Am ascultat toate variantele originale. Ale melodiile cover-uite atat de original de NV. Original pe dracu. Stiam de mult ca Human Fly sau Guns of brixton nu sunt too different from the Cramps or Clash songs (intre noi fie vorba, Human Fly e de fapt stripped down de all the kinkiness the original has). Dar ce au facut cu I Melt With You si Sorry For Laughing e de-a dreptul scandalos (just for the record, alea nu mi-a placut nici inainte de a auzi originalele). Asa ca, eu maine nu ma duc la Nouvelle Vague. Prefer sa aud niste melodii relativ mediocre de pe Angry Mob. Cel putin Kaiserii nu se vor mega artsy.
Tot pe subiectul covers... domnul Ronson e un scump. Dar si aici am probleme. Pretty Greenu' cu Santogold e almost identical with Jam's version. Iar Valerie imi place mai mult in original...e mult mai sweet. The Only One I Know-ului ii lipseste ceva. Can't pin-point it....but it's just not there. I mean, The Charlatans one just has this overwehlming sound the floods yr ears. Nu si asta al lui Ronson. Iar LSF si Apply Some Pressure concureaza cu Melt With You si Sorry For Laughing la teh worst covers ever. Energia aia care facea din Apply Some Pressure o melodie pop geniala...well, Ronson takes it all away.... and I hate that.
Ca o concluzie... cum spunea o prietena de faza lui Lennon (da, John) cu 'all u need is love'....bun om, proasta idee... Asa si Collin si Ronson.
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10:53:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, c'est moche, j'aime pas
Ziceam, dupa o prima ascultare, ca domnii Turner si Kane nu au reusit sa ma impresioneze... ei, bine, today, I take those words back...
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10:49:00 pm
1 way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see monkey and the rascal, watch me
...sau cum Timbaland a fost implicat in realizarea unei melodii care chiar imi place (yes, repeat included)
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6:57:00 pm
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tell me what you see Studio 54 meets Gang of 4
Am dat intamplator peste '17' pe some music blog and I realised it had been lying in my computer for ages. Winamp love was long overdue.
YCNI:M - 17
YCNI:M - Empty Feat
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7:54:00 pm
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tell me what you see code names
On today's show...
avem un trio din Kingston Upon Thames (da, ze uk...) care isi spune Tubelord si a caror melodie 'Night of the Pencils' ma obsedeaza de cateva zile. Ei zic ca sunt ca 'Biffy Clyro having fun'...but hell. Biffy hasn't been having this fun in a while now... Aaaand structurile ciudate si all the progressive-hardcore shit invelite intr-un ambalaj pop cu chant-uri gen Wombats really make me feel like a kid in a candy store.
Theirspazz, theirspazz
Tubelord - Night Of The Pencils
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4:39:00 pm
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tell me what you see tuuuuubelord
I have a new love.... Say hello to the most perfect thing on Earth.... woot....
Also, I have a second new love.... actually, this new love is a duo... from Ohio... and they play psyche-garage-punk... and have a song called 'Poison Ivy's Chamber'. Can you spell 'we love The Cramps and we are not afraid to show it?'. They say they are influenced by 60's Garage/Psyche and by British Mod ... Really now? Like the fuzzy guitars and raw vocals weren't making the exact same statement. You had to voice it as well for us mortals.
The Black Elevators - Poison Ivy's Chamber
Also, their myspazz page features a live fuzzy-wuzzy cover of Bowie's 'Moonage Dream'. This makes me think i'd love to be a rock'n'roll bitch for them.
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10:04:00 pm
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tell me what you see 13th floor black elevators, best hair award goes to...., weird is rave
Avem in programul de azi cateva probleme dureroase si alte puncte nevrelgice...
Blaga la Primarie...da, eu + politica = FAIL! Dar mie mi-au ajuns bordurile, am destule. De 18 ani avem primari PD (-L) si multe borduri. Da, poate Videanu a mai facut ceva in Bucuresti (a se vedea lipsa groapei din fata blocului meu). Dar asa si Ontanu a facut multe pentru sectorul 2 (don't get me started with what Negoita hasn't doen from my point of view).Plus, PD-lu' e partidul lui ala has to go. Oprescu o fi el mai rosu de culoare (politica) - sau nu - dar si eu sunt vreo 48% ...
Maroon 5 meets Ela Ela Ela.... de ce, adam, de ce? (adam il chema pe solist, right?)
Chris Martin care pierde neuroni intr-o rata mai alarmanta ca Madonna (si ale ei idei 'netede' de a lucra cu Timbaland). I-auziti ce declara mititelu'....
"I dreamed about Radiohead last night and Westlife the night before. Which is the perfect blend of what we're trying to do musically. I always dream about other musicians. And they're never interested in hanging out with us"
Deci, Radiohead + Westlife = ....erm....well, something....NOT ON PLANET EARTH!!!! NOT EVER... it is wrongness in its purest form. Si sa mai zica ei ca nu si-au vandut their souls for commercial success... oh, you has..and the spirit of top 40 owns yr souls now (yes, that was a Mighty Boosh reference...parafrazare...ceva....)
As a conclusion...Mircea Badea a luat-o deja pe aratura, nu vi se pare?
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10:58:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, blagues, never as tired as when i'm waking up
Am cateva probleme lately...
1. Literatura de specialitate scrisa de americani, pentru prosti si numa' buna ca pretext sa te dai cu capu de pereti dupa ce dai peste vreo 10 pagini numai cu exemple...ok, WE GOT IT!
2. Examenul la publicitate de pe langa faptul ca o sa fie o mare tristete (cica o sa avem intrebari inteligente...da' io de asta am dat la UniBuc?), e chiar in dimineata ce urmeaza concertului Goldfrapp (eh, veti spune, si? oricum nu iti place ultimul album... in fine...)
3. Plec la asta in sine e o problema doar cand te gandesti la the money i shall spent there. Plec la Londra in perioada 4-10 august. Nici asta nu ar fi o problema...maybe the heat. Pe 8 august e Underage Fest (pentru pustii intre 14 si 18 ani...) . Ghici cine canta.... daaa....The Horrors... ei, asta e o problema. Pe scurt, I need a fake id saying I am ...let's say almost 18... That is a first, ladies and gents. Someone pretending they are younger in order to get in a gig venue. FAIL!
4. Nu gasesc pe nicaieri Dandi Wind... adica, albumele. ca am si eu acolo de un repeat. Dar vreau mai mult....Sunt sublim de haotici.
Dandi Wind - Mafu Cage
p.s.: credeti ca daca I hang around the fest venue and I wait untill The Horrros show up and I try to get their autographs...and, like, explain the situation....they'll feel pitty for me and like take me backstage with them?
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6:01:00 pm
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tell me what you see blabla, spooky kids, the new thing
Isi spune Billy Trivial si inventeaza o poveste assez sympa despre ale sale origini. Seamana izbitor cu un fanatic Horrors. It's good to capitalize on the success of the 5 Southenders, especially when you don't really sound like them.Probabil, ca si Horrors, a ascultat prea mult Joe Meek si BBC Radiophonic Workshop. De fapt, suna pe alocuri a varianta cu vocals a Spider and the Flies (care, cum poate stiti, sunt varianta imbunatatita a melodiei Gil Sleeping de pe albumul de debut a celor 5 amintiti mai sus...)....Adica tot la Horrors ajungem. Trist, nu? Noroc ca avem si niste momente mellow si usor acustice ca the Joshua Third hair makes the wrong statement.
Ah, sa nu uit... Insects Indomitable nu va aduce aminte (cu o nesimtire pe care doar la Horrors si al lor 'A Knife In Their Eye' - cover Monks mascat sub un alt nume - o mao au) de Just Like Honey-ul fratilor Reid?
Billy Trivial and the Penny Dreadfuls - The Ghost
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6:14:00 pm
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tell me what you see the new thing
Banuiesc ca sunteti la curent (alternativ... doi 20 etc) cu stirea care a umflat cu audiente buzunarele posturile romane de teveu'. Una mica de 12 ani s-a sinucis ca avea probleme in familie. Dar nu asta e bomba, doar zilnic se sinucid pusti care au probleme cu mama, cu tata, cu pisica... Pustoaica declara, probabil intr-un puseu de teribilism, ca e emo. Irelevant motivul real al sinuciderii (doar nu e o stire ca un caine a muscat un om), hai sa zicem ca Emo = moda sinucigasa (invers, e insa stire de zile mari si audiente cum numai domnul Vali Stan mai are). A se vedea bataia de joc aka articolul Realitatea. A urmat o tanti de la Libertatea (MARELE! ziar Libertatea, fruncea tarii) care a zis ca emo a dat nastere gothului (informatie verificata din surse sigure... cativa cocalari care se dadeau cu saniuta prin Ploiesti si se credeau emo). Bine ca era Lenti Chiriac langa ea. Dar eu sa fi fost, i would've bitten her her off like Ozzy with that bat. Oricum , am vaga impresie ca de la cati goths care se manifestau vestimentar (n-)aveam in Romania, acum nu o sa mai avem. Au fost ,inevitabil, analizati mari artisti emo, Tokio Hotel. Au aparut cativa care au zis 'E rockeri din-astia' (pe buuuune? hai ca pe asta nu o stiam...). Unii emo au zis ca ei este mai sensibili si mai romantici (sa mori tu... in cazul asta, Morrissey da pe dinafara de ce emo e.... ). Unii s-au cutremurat la gandul ca se fardeaza cu negru, poarta mult nergu si au haine bizare (da, imi pare rau mama, de acum nu mai poti sa porti Vansii aia ai mei, ca's bizari...doar ii poarta toti emo....). Au urmat si massurile de o inteligenta rar intalnita de genul... erm...citez...
'mesaj pentru toti care se cred sau sunt emo:ma pish pe curentu vostru si pe mentalitatea voastra de rahat...o fetita de 12 ani s-a sinucis din cauza voastra ieri si acum cateva luni inca o fata de 14 ani a murit pentru ca sunteti prea handicapati ca sa ganditi normal si ii corupeti si pe altii...treziti-va fratilor la realitate si invatati sa treceti peste probleme k asta e tot sensul vietii:sa inveti din greseli si invatati-va copii sa nu gandeasca la fel si sa nu treaca prin chestii dastea si sa-si distruga viatza la o varsta asa frageda...da mai departe daca ai sange-n coaie!!!DESTROY EMO!! sorry de mass pooooooooop.l-am primit si vi-l dau si voua..mass care merita'
De mare finete compozitia. Ma intreb care-i cocalarul...erm... artistul care i-a dat drumul pe 'piata'.
Am o adaugire de facut... mentalitatea de rahat e a alora care invinuiesc o miscare, un curent muzical, un artist etc de faptele unor oameni cu probleme. Oameni care chiar daca ar asculta Rhianna sau Take That are fi la fel de labili psihic. Pot sa asculte si muzica clasica, domnilor. Tot isi trag un glonte in cap, se arunca de la etaj sau impusca un liceu.
Inchei cu un citat din Guy Picciotto de la Fugazi si Rites of Spring (formatii considerate intemeiatoarele genului emo)
"I don't recognize that attribution. I've never recognized 'emo' as a genre of music. I always thought it was the most retarded term ever. I know there is this generic commonplace that every band that gets labeled with that term hates it. They feel scandalized by it. But honestly, I just thought that all the bands I played in were punk rock bands. The reason I think it's so stupid is that - what, like Bad Brains weren't emotional? What - they were robots or something? It just doesn't make any sense to me."
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12:27:00 pm
1 way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see words of wisdom
Daca Pete o face, o face si Carl. Sau invers...given the fact that Carl was the one who first annouced the free download. Pete l-a pus direct. Si dupa ce a anuntat Carl. Da, ladies and gents... Dirty Pretty Things....aka formatia aia nu foarte diferita de Libertines dar care ne place oricum... si-au lansat single pe net. Free download...
si simt ca in sfarsit Carl a reusit sa treaca peste Libertines...
Dirty Pretty Things - Hippy's Son
De asemenea, citeam o stire de prin februarie bout The Chavs ( aka formatia aia din care fac parte Carl, Jamie si Steff de la Klaxons si Tim Burgess) si cica ar scoate album la sfarsitul anului... Dar vai... asta inseamna ca o sa avem album Klaxonesque before November?
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5:37:00 pm
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tell me what you see weird is rave, what became of forever, yr name's down?
I like Manson.... as in Marilyn...not Charles... i mean, I don't if I'd like Charles. I never did try and see the pro's.... only the con's and that is not a good thing. Anyways, there was a point to all this... as in this post. I remembered I had a Misfits version of Ramones' 'The KKK Took My Baby Away' ... which in fact I don't have anymore. Well, I might have but I have no idea where it is. And I can't find it anywhere on the interwebs. Soooo... yeah, you get the point. On the other had, I found a version Manson did. Which gets us back to the beginning of tis post and my statement 'I like Manson'... and I like his cover of 'The KKK Took My Baby Away'. It was in fact the first time I actually understood what the lyrics say...besides the part with 'KKK took my baby away' ... yeah... this really makes me think of Exploited. Cause you never really understand what they say unless it's in the song's title....
oh, a mp3 of Manson's cover...yeah, suuuuure....
Marilyn Manson - The KKK Took My Baby Away
I also remembered how much I love Big Black's 'Kerosene'... and Misfits... so i'll throw two other songs... the named Big Black one and a song that was covered at a certain point by Metallica... yeah
Big Black - Kerosene
Misfits - Die, Die My Darling
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7:20:00 pm
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tell me what you see mixed thingies
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4:31:00 pm
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tell me what you see god bless sweden, watch me
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3:12:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see weird is rave, wtf, yr name's down?
Stiu, nu am mai scris nimic de muuult timp... Intre timp m-am lasat de 'Incest'-ul lui Anais Nin, am terminat ultimul Vargas Llosa si mi-am facut cruce incercand sa citesc 'Cum mi-am petrecut vacanta de vara' a lui T.O. Bobe (dar vai, nu o recomand nimanui...).
Am asculat pana la refuz Nuggets si alte muzici care l-ar face pe Bican sa zica 'Nance, dar ce muzica asculti...maine, poimaine te apuci si de jazz...'
Am ascultat pe langa Nuggets&Co. o formatie gigea si extrem de sympa din the much loved 80. Formatie numaita The Fuzztones, probabil specializati in coveruri Sonics, fac un garage psyche-rock de zici ca sunt the reincarnation a vreunei formatii din 60.
The Fuzztones - Green Slime
The Fuzztones - Strychine
Am intrat in posesia albumului din 2007 a unei formatii care o arde cu iubitii mei Horrors si al carui clapar chiar arata ca a a Horrors member, Soho Dolls. Nu sunt garage, punk sau psyche... sunt mai electro de felul lor. Chiar imi amintesc de domnul Corner si al lui proiect IAMX. Bun,bun, bun. As a random fact, au aparut pe coloana sonor a O.C-ului de New York, Gossip Girl. Now, this..i ain't sure it's that good.
Soho Dolls - Pleasures Of Soho
Last Shadow Puppets (da, da...formatia aia a lui Alex Turner) si-au lansat album de debut. L-am ascultat. Nu m-a impresionat. Imi plac unele melodii mult, fara altele as putea sa traiesc. I'll listen to it again someday and maybe i'll like it more.
The Last Shadow Puppets - Standing Next To Me
Ah, Hot Club de Paris are back...asa cum ii stiam pe Drop It Till It Pops... si am o varianta acustica assez sympa.
Hot Club de Paris - Boy Awaits Return Of The Runaway Girl
Si mai ii am pe lista de must listen pe domnii de la The Deadly Symdrome. Fac indie-pop cu piano, sugar, spice and everything nice. Suna bine and they put me in a good mood. They should be higher in my lastfm charts.
Deadly Syndrome - I Hope I Become A Ghost
And last, but not least. The Kabeedies. Or a tamed version of Blood Red Shoes. Dance-y as fuck. Nice boy-girl harmonies.
The Kabeedies Ep
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3:22:00 pm
1 way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see mixed thingies
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5:11:00 pm
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tell me what you see 60s pshyce
We love Lily Allen and stuff...dar this is the lowest of lows... asa cum spunea cineva... 'lily lily...arata ca Fitza (yes, her actual name)...colega noastra manelista blonda'.... Sad, yes...
Also, this being a music blog si nu unul de mondenitati, vi-l prezint pe Kid Harpoon, un domn din Kent a carui muzica aduce a Larrikin Love si Mystery Jets... in sensul ca are aceleasi influente pshyce-folk. Unde e NME cu scena lor de Thames beat?
Kid Harpoon - Fifty Seven
Ah, si pe aici pe undeva e un cover genial dupa Manhattanu' lui Cohen.
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2:40:00 pm
1 way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see kid harpoon, poor lily poate de data asta se va deplasa toata echipa Fking Mirror pana la fata locului.... pentru concertul Marijuana, evident ... (droguri aveti?)
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4:01:00 pm
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tell me what you see nbu' has uttered
...sau cum NME a lansat o barfa de zile mari care pune la colt orice ar zice vreodata Simona Senzual pe Acasa. Cred ca o stiti pe Peaches Geldof... daca dati un search pe wiki, va zice ca e 'British socialite and occasional broadcaster' ...ah, si fata lui SIR Bob Geldof. Sau cum a zis Bican 'nu e asta ala care a cantat in Boomtown Rats si pe urma s-a basit?'. Ba ala... care daca ar avea mai mult creier, in loc sa organizaze Live Aiduri (unde vine Doherty,Peaches se da la el, el o ciupeste pe Peaches de cur si tot ea se plange), ar putea sa cumpere o tara de prin Africa si sa o transforme in US of A part 2. In fine, nu asta era the whole point. Ci Peaches. Caci Peaches este o fiinta cu adevarat remarcabila. O cheama si Honeyblossom, daca nu stiati. Iese numai cu rock dudes. Donny Tourette (the second greatest punker in the world, after Johnny Borrell), cu Joe Lean, cu unu de la Ox.Eagle.Lion.Man.... Acum e cu Faris Rotter. Dar ziceam de NME. Care zice ca nu mai e cu Faz. Ci cu vocalul/chitaristul de la Tiny Masters Of Today. Ivan il cheama pe al nostru baiat. Pre-puber. Caci aici e tot schepsisu (asa s-o scrie?). E nascut in 94. In urma unui calcul simplu... pen and paper pentru cei care au avut probleme cu matematica... are 14 ani. Peaches are 19. ooooooo...
Vb unuia pe forumul Horrors. 'I thought you'd all be exceedingly happy that she found someone of the same maturity level'... desi cred ca pustu' o depaseste pe Peaches la partea cu maturity level.
Si daca tot zic eu de Tiny Master Of Today, alfati ca's 2 frati, Ivan si Ada (14 si 11 ani), din Brooklyn (c'est la merde, ca!) si fac muzica (suprinzator!) buna. Bowie a zis ca's genii. Karen O si Kimya Dawson au colaborat cu ei. Au chiar un cantecel anti-Bush (unde sunt mascatii romani sa puna bata pe ei?) scris pe vremea cand Ada avea 8,9 ani... Ce faceam noi la 8 ani? Unii ne jucam cu **** in tarana si ni se parea ceva GENIAL! Eu stiu ca ascultam de bunica-mea, aveam parul prins in codite impletite si invatam tot ce trebuia pentru scoala. Si ma jucam cu papusile Barbie aduse de mama din Franta. Dormeam cu ele. Le dadeam nume. Cred ca visam si la un ponei. Sigur visam la casa aia Barbie. Sa ma gandesc macar ca as putea face ce fac Ivan si Ada...NEVER!
TMOT - Bushy
TMOT - Hologram World (feat Karen O)
TMOT - Trendsetter ( feat Kimya Dawson)
Ca o incheiere (plina de simbolistica and deep meaning and shit).... daca ma gandesc mai bine, i too would date this kid... chiar daca am 20 de ani si el 14. De cand e varsta o problema? eeee...
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9:55:00 pm
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tell me what you see blabla, blagues, tiny masters, wtf
De asemenea, ochi-n patru in statiile de tub, copii. Se va intampla inimaginabilul: il veti vedea pe noi.... in metrou... ioi
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10:01:00 pm
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tell me what you see wtf
Dar vai... unde imi e tricoul cu Smiths? (nu de alta, dar n-am cu Moz)
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4:06:00 pm
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tell me what you see best hair award goes to...., watch me
Citesc eu pe blogul lui muzicant de festivalul alora aproape vamaioti (ca sa o parafrazez pe o tanti de la Realitatea... ), Stuf...unde cica ar veni Sex Pistols (speram ca mustata lui Rotten e inclusa)... Se mai zice de Sigur Ros si Tricky dar de aia nu prea ma doare. dEus au confirmat...
In orice caz, ma intreb cum se simte politia romana care a avut atatea probleme cu 'anarhistii' aia 'aproape hipioti'. Acum ne vin in tara alti 'anarhisti' data asta 'cam punkeri'... pfoai
(note: tot ce sper e sa nu fiu plecata in perioada Stufului... desi... Londra... Sex Pistols... which one wins, ha?...exact, nici eu nu stiu)
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7:27:00 pm
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tell me what you see blabla, stufareala
I mean, besides my everyday obsessions....Klaxons, Horrors, ma hair...
It's 8 am and I've been awake for about an hour... e trist, avand in vedere ca zilele astea ar trebui sa dorm pana la 12...
Aaaaaanyways, ca tot ziceam ceva de piticii mei de pe creier... *completely random moment/video*
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8:00:00 am
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tell me what you see jamie's pimp ride, watch me, weird is rave
Inainte de a ma apuca de treburi serioase, vreau sa multumesc oficialilor romani care s-au gandit sa ne dea liber de summit... si astfel mi-au permis sa imi duc viata de pensionar fara sa fiu deranjata de factori externi... adica scoala... u know.
In alta ordine de idei, vroiam sa scriu acest post ieri dar m-am gandit ca e 1 aprilie, nu o sa ma luati in serios etc etc... Despre ce e vorba? Despre cum publicul la un concert Panic at the Disco s-ar putea sa nu mai fie preponderent emo...da, Panic fara !. They dropped it. Si sincer, e mai bine fara ! given the new musical direction. De unde erau fratii mai mici(?) si ceva mai dashtepti ai alora de la Fall Out Boy, PatD au ajuns sa fie comparati cu Beatles. Da, ati citit bine, Beatles. Noul album e dubios de psyche, usor acoustic, cu orchestratii ample (uitati sintetizatoarele omniprezente pe primul album) si cu versuri less...well, emo... Spun 'less' pentru ca, desi melodiile sunt mult mai intelingente(cu exceptia melodioarei cam tampite 'We're so starving'), the writing style e inca tipic lui Ryan Ross si aduce a 'A fever you can't sweat out' (the same wit, same type of word plays) . Alt factor care iti aminteste de semnul de exclamare e vocea lui Brandon Urie care, desi reuseste sa duca melodiile la cap mai mult decat onorabil, e tot 'emo'... Un punct in plus pentru melodia Behind The Sea, pe care Ross preia indatoririle vocale. Stroke of genius, Behind the Sea fiind probabil cea mai buna melodie Panic si una dintre cele mai reusite melodii ale anului so far.
Panic at the Disco - Behind the sea
Panic at the Disco - She's A Handsome Woman
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12:57:00 pm
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tell me what you see panique a la discoteque
In meniul de azi... niscavai melodii numai bune de transformat in obsesii....
The new things de la Hatcham Social imi revin in atentie cu o nebunie de piesa cu chitari baggy si versuri repetate maniacal
Un remix Cheeky Cheeky and The Nosebleeds ma impresioneaza pana la repeat in winamp
Domnisoara George Pringle imi aduce a un LCD minimalist
(gimme moar gimme moar)
Australienii The Death Set ma ridica de pe scaun cu o melodie pretty bouncy and uplifting
Suedezii de la Lacrosse sunt prea sympa si sweet sa nu le mai ascult inca o data piesa de inceput a albumului This New Year Will Be For You And Me (2007)
Iar Louis, Louis Garrel e un dulce cand ii spune lui Gregoire Leprince-Riguet 'j'ai traine comme un cretin'
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5:00:00 pm
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tell me what you see mixed thingies, the new thing
Aud ca s-a lansat la noi 'Chansons d'amour'
O prietena mi-a zis ca merita filmul si din alte motive decat cele...tipice, sa le spunem... Ea, prietena, se referea la subtitrare... Ceva legat de extremitati si frecarea lor. Merg extrem de rar la cinematograf sa vad un film, dar promit ca de data asta ma voi duce...
Louis Garrel - Delta Charlie Delta
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10:57:00 am
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tell me what you see watch me
Spuneam in postul anterior ca ma duc la 'agatat' de emo.... a fost, well, trist. Deprimant... emo.
oh, forget it...
Si acum
1. o melodie care ma obsedeaza de cateva zile.... o melodie numai buna pentru indieotul din voi....
Hatcham Social - Snap My Hands
2. si o melodie pe care o vreau cam de un an, de la concertul Automatic si pe care in sfarsit mi-am amintit sa o downloadez...
The Automatic - Gold Digger (Kanye Kunt Boy West cover)
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8:50:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, never as tired as when i'm waking up, words of wisdom
Daca vedeti maine in zona Universitate - Romana o tipa care intra in vorba cu pusti emo... si le spune... 'Well, I'm doing a study....erm.... for school....erm....on you guys'.... eh, ati vazut-o pe yrs truly.
O sa mai vina doua prietene cu mine... De una imi e frica... Emo kids might end up chasing us with sticks or she might cause a mass suicide... oO
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6:23:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, blagues, never as tired as when i'm waking up, words of wisdom, wtf
... si formatiile ei reprezinta tema unui nou post...
First of all, S.C.U.M (sau cum ne zice Lastfm, nu formatia de black metal din Cehia, S.C.U.M. ) fac post punk minimalist, par a fi fratiorii mai mici ai Electricity In Our Home, sunt aproape imposibil de gasit pe MySpazz (puteti sa va luati gandul de la google-uit...), au numai vreo 100 de plays pe lastfm... si alte nebunii din astea din care reiese ce indie (a se citi 'necunoscuti in afara Londrei') sunt ei ... Singura melodie pe care o am si eu ma face insa sa cred ca in curand plays counts-urile pe lastfm vor ajunge la peste 100 de mii si baietii isi vor muta gigurile din puburile 'mizere' londoneze in cele 'mizere' din restul Marii Britanii.
S.C.U.M - Visions Arise
Futurism Vs. Passeism ar putea sa se redenumeasca These New Puritans... a, ba nu, nu pot. Da, seamana CHIAR atat de bine cu TNP. Nu e bine, stiu... dar nu-i asa ca TNP suna bestial?
Futurisn Vs. Passeism - Motion Answer
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8:17:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see the new thing
Vroiam sa scriu ceva... de fapt, vroiam sa scriu multe...
Incep cu mama. Mama mea. Prin ianuarie, mama a plecat la Paris. Mi-a cerut niste carti. I-am dat 2. The latest Beigbeder was one of 'em. I-a placut. Mai sa fie. Asa ca i-am promis de 8 martie 99 francs/19,90 lei/6,20 euro edition folio/cat o mai costa prin atle tari... She is currently reading that. Prin vara, mama vroia la o piesa pe Motoare. Hell dupa cartea onomina a Lolitei Pille. Am dus-o luna trecuta in Lapatarie la piesa respectiva. I-a placut. Mai vrea la piese de gen. Si vrea si pe Motoare. Acum stau si ma intreb daca s-o gasi in romana cartea. Tot mama umbla prin septembrie 2007 in Vansii mei...prin Lyon...pentru ca's comozi. Si acum ii mai poarta cand iese sa puna masina pe locul de parcare sau pana la paine. Si tot mama mi-a spus sambata ca muzica lui Pop Levi ii se pare pasnica. Eram cat pe ce s-o intreb daca vre un cd. Oricum i-am promis un cd cu Nouvelle Vague. Si un bilet la Cohen. Si o vizita pana in magazinul cu conversi de pe Strada Smardan. Ca i-au placut conversii din vitrina....
Ca tot vorbeam de Pop Levi ... una bucata melodie pasnica....
Pop Levi - (A Style Called) Cryin' Chic
Pop Levi este considerat a fi urmasul de dreot al lui Marc Bolan. Dar asta stiati, i'm sure... Tot urmas de drept al lui Bolan mai e considerat si americanul David Vandervelde... desi, sincer, mie imi miroase mai mult a Arcade Fire/Win Butler... eh, fiecare cu ale lui
David Vandervelde - Feet Of A Liar
Si am o intrebare. Daca Pop Levi e pasnic... cum e Sea Wolf?
Quickie: Cu Sea Wolf a fost dragoste at first play. Stiu, mi se intampla prea des. I am full of love, what can I do? Alex Church, frotmanul acestui outfit indie-pop din LA, face un folk 60ist cu influente usoare de electronica, cu tematici care amintesc ba de morbiditatea Misfits, ba de perioada medievala si care este la fel de trist ca Joy Divison si la fel ce catchy ca Interpol.
Sea Wolf - Black Leaf Falls
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10:03:00 am
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tell me what you see blabla, mixed thingies
Mai, sincer, eu vreau front row and I ain't afraid to kill some people to get there....adica, au facut si 'pustii' astia vreo doua-trei melodii bune. Din umilul meu punct de vedere...merita.
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7:25:00 pm
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tell me what you see blabla
In the news today....
Did I get it right and we're seeing Leonard Cohen on the 14th of July?
(da, da... in Bucuresti, bah...)
I got meself a Ramones tee from Zara... shhhh
Sunt pe UrbanStyle...yes, I rock socks...
However, Rhys, Tom and Josh rock more socks than I do...d'asta si d'asta si d'asta
Faris no longer rocks socks cause he is dating this creature....
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9:28:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, blagues, spooky kids, wtf
So...this a a completely pointless rant about how I hate Kim Stuart and Pixies and Peaches Geldof and how the fact that Klaxons are hanging out with them and going clubbing and stuff really makes me wanna crawl in my dark/emo corner and never come out... I mean... those three persons mentioned at the begining of the post are...well, hateable by default and whores (not h0rs...they probably want to be h0rs, but the real ones are seemingly not so on drugs as klackeys hence make fun of them...) and they are not worth hanging out and drinking and getting high with Klackeys. I honestly think Al Quida should focus all its energy on bombing them and their families and especially those who gave birth to them..end of rant...
Oh, this being a music blog, here are some song I like
The Rascals - Out Of Dreams
The Courteeners - No You Didn't, No You Don't
Amy Macdonald - Poison Prince
Rooney - Where Did Your Heart Go Missing
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6:37:00 pm
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tell me what you see blabla, mixed thingies, weird is rave
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6:35:00 pm
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tell me what you see monkey and rascal, watch me
Timez for some London Scene (and beyond) bands....
Adorati de The Horrors (I swear, this is not why I like them), Ulterior sunt un cvartet londonez a carui muzica e suprarealist de buna. Sincer! Single-ul de debut, Weapons, pare a fi o combinatie intre Prodigy si Suicide (finger-licking, I'd say)
Electricity In Our Homes sunt tot un cvartet londonez al caror stil post-punk minimalist e la fel de naucitor. More Minimal
Membrii Friendly Fires (formatie tot din UK) faceau parte inaite din varii formatii de hardcore. Asta pana au descoperit probabil ce fun e sa faci melodii dance-indie-punk extrem de ca On Board sau Paris
Si, last but not least... I Am The Arm, tot londonezi, sunt probabil urmasii de drept ai celor de la Boys Of Brazil. The same infectous drums, the same screaming... and so on... Daca nu ma credeti, ascultati Russian Industrial Movement
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3:29:00 pm
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tell me what you see the new thing
See, in my humble opinion, this song has some of the best lyrics ever
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10:53:00 am
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tell me what you see watch me
What did Nicky Wire just say bout Horrors??? Ah, ah.... *smug*
oh, and... lookie here...nme's pe mediafax
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10:45:00 pm
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tell me what you see watch me
The big Why's
Best Solo: Kate Nash (e kk... she's carp... WHY?)
Best New Band: The Enemy (da' erau altii de 10 ori mai buni... oO)
Best International Artist: The Killers (nu o s-o iau pe ocolite... sunt ferm convinsa ca dupa Hot Fuss, Killers o sug... cu exceptia melodiei Tranquilize, dar asta doar datorita lui Lou Reed)
Best Website: facebook (WRONG! answer... lastfm is the best website...)
The 'I'm okay with it, but not the best choice in my opinion'
Live Band: Muse
Best Video: Arctic Monkeys - Teddy Picker (un Golden Skans era mai bun)
Best Dancefloor Filler: Wombats - Let's Dance to Joy Division (tot Klaxons parca ar fi meritat sa ia)
Best British Band : Arctic Monkeys (Klaxons deserve it!)
Villain of the year: Bush ( I still think Borrell is the one who deserves this award)
Hero of the year: Pete Doherty (nooo.... Noel is our hero)
The 'Yey, they won'
Best Song: Arctic Monkeys - Fluorescent Adolescent
Best Film: Control
Best Tv Show: MIGHTY FOOKING BOOSH *yeah, biatch*
Best Album: Klaxons - Myths Of The Near Future (woot... they rule...)
Sexiest Man and Best Dressed: Noel Fielding
Worst Album: Britney - Blackout
More here
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8:28:00 pm
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tell me what you see nme sayz...
Dupa ce am aflat THE NEWS, tare as vrea sa pot sa ascult niste Kaiseri. Tot Ramones ascult... Anyways, se pare ca ii voi mai vedea o data...
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7:01:00 pm
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tell me what you see kaisering
The Violets sunt o formatie londoneza, din gasca Horrors-Neils Children-Ipso Facto-These New Puritans, care - dooooh- fac un punk de orientare 80ista. In cazul de fata, influentele sunt Souxsie and the Banshees ( cu care au fost si comparati de nshpe mii de ori) si Slits. Se simte in special in vocea solistei.
The Violets - Shade To Be *pe bune, nu va aminteste de Hong Hong Garden melodia asta?*
PS: I must mention that my blog is one year-old... de ieri... am uitat si tin sa ii cer scuze ca nu am sarbatorit properly... promit ca in weekend cel tarziu o sa ma fac praf la targul pentru geeks de la La Scena. Poate o supradoza de cookies, who know...
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at around
5:33:00 pm
1 way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see the new thing, watch me
I'm just running in circles, fidgeting and...erm...stuff... Deoarece, deoarece ma omoara gandul ca The Horrors o iau pe cai necurate intr-ale directiei muzicale si eu nu am cum sa aud ce produc creerasele lor... ME WANTS!
Note: ca sa vedeti ce proasta sunt, am inceput sa plang mai devreme cand am citit un review facut pentru concertul de la Astoria in care the reviewer zicea ca nu mai suna so 60s si nu mai sunt centrati pe orga lui Rhys (they should, Rhys's magical fingers are the reason we love Horrors...well, one of the many reasons...)
Ah, si eu si Rhys... suntem facuti unul pentru altul...*dreamy*.. mai ales de cand m-am tuns ca el.. heh...
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10:10:00 pm
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tell me what you see spooky kids, watch me
Pana acum, Cohen si al lui First We Take Manhattan erau our disco guilty pleasures... Ha! Forget it... Long Blondes au o noua melodie care e pe cat de disco-orientated pe atat de goddamn hot thus giving NYPC a run for their money... Noul album, "Couples", iese pe 6 aprile si e binecuvantat cu atingerea magica a lui Erol Alkan (production).
Long Blondes - Everything I Touch
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10:24:00 pm
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tell me what you see long blondes
Sincer, sunt dezamagita... Great laser show, but that was the only Klaxons part in it... They basically ended up being the back-up band.
Later edit: also, Klaxons lost to Take That (Live Act) and Mika (Breakthrough Act)..mdea...ah, si Jamie e my favourite wozzy-fuzzy creature. Ever.
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5:45:00 pm
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tell me what you see watch me, weird is rave, wtf, yr name's down?
Asa, de nightie night, niste live-uri de calitate buna sau nu cu niscavai melodii noi The Horrors...
Plus mommy and her little naughty boys....
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9:40:00 pm
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tell me what you see spooky kids, watch me
Cu intarziere, cum suntem obisnuiti... I-auzi, dom'ne, cu cine canta Clacsoanele (not centaurs) la Brit Awards... Cum suntem obisnuiti in urma unei stiri clacsonesti, i'm running around the room, hyperventilating...
Ah, my fave part was this...
"Her people kept sending versions back going 'No, this sounds more like you'.
"It's strange when someone thinks they’re better at being you than you are!"
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10:43:00 am
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tell me what you see best hair award goes to...., weird is rave, wtf, yr name's down?
Don't you just hate bands who are like... 17 and have been playing together for 3 years now?...
One Night Only sunt genul ala de formatie... ce mai ma face sa respir linistita e aroma de formatie de duzina... Solistul are totusi o voce buna si fac melodii memorabile. I for one know I can't get that 'Just for tonight' song outta my head...
One Night Only - Just For Tonight
un P.S. ca da bine: m-am (auto)nominalizat la the long list pentru RoBlogFest... nu intentionam sa zic nimic.. (i mean who's gonna vote for me? eh, make me happy, I wanna be emo... anyways)... dar dupa ce am citit seria de posturi scrise de Andrei si am ma vazut si pasta tot beanahre... deh, ma luasi si eu dupa ei (tot nu imi pun banner.... noooo)
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5:54:00 pm
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tell me what you see just one night, watch me
Our fave nutjobs, domnul Fielding si domnul Barratt, au semnat un contract cu BBC Films.. Guess what? O sa aveam a big screen Boosh. Nu stiu exact cand, dar stiu ca filmarile vor incepe pe la inceputul lui 2009... *big grin*
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7:35:00 pm
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tell me what you see mighty boosh iz fun fun
Please explain this.... I mean the 'collapsed' photo on the Boys Of Brazil myspace... I mean... is this the end?
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9:55:00 pm
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tell me what you see wtf
Uk Times says something about the latest types of tribes.... I say I'm going for the membership card in the nu (g)rave one. With out the 9 inch platforms, black lipstick (actually, no lipstick is the best... natural almost unheathy beige lips are the best)... I thing that the main reasons why I should be in this tribe are:
1. My look is getting more and more goth... sure, meets mod.... and in a sligthly 'i've attended a Klaxons gig last evening' way.
2. I like to make meself noticed at a party... especially if I don't like it.
3. My (unheathy) love for the Horrors and Ipso Facto*
4. Spirits on ice is a nice why of getting 'poisoned'
5. I love Bauhaus and other 80s goth bands...
Oh, I must tell you more about Ipso Facto. 4 girls form London. They make gloomy/morose garage rock and own my heart. That's pretty much it... oh, the Adams family organ and the great outfits inlcuded
Ipso Facto - Little Puppet
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8:40:00 pm
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tell me what you see the new thing
Prin august anul trecut mi-am luat intamplator Seabear. Nu mai stiu de ce. Poate mi-a placut numele sau poate... habar n-am. Point is, I ignored it. Nu am ascultat albumul, chiar am uitat ca aveam. Mi-a amintit Adina care descoperise formatia pe Lastfm. Eu nici nu mai stiam ca am in calculator. Credeam ca e undeva pe un cd. 'Da-mi si mie' i-am spus. Dar tot nu am ascultat. Ba mai mult, l-am sters due to lack of disk space (my preciousssssss). Acum cateva zile, stergeam disperata muzica din calculator (adica, aveam discografie completa Ash si Iron&Wine and I don't listen to more than a few song from each artist...damn... I even had several Iron&Wine live show) si am vazut ca am Seabear. Asa ca am bagat in Winamp. Sper mare-mi surprindere, nu e fata. Nu stiu ce m-a facut sa cred ca e tipa, probabil poza de pe Lastfm si faptul ca nu ma pricep la nume islandeze. Mai mult, I actually like the guy's music... Asa ca, luati de aici indie-pop via Iceland
Seabear - Good Morning Scarecrow
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9:59:00 am
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tell me what you see icelandic noise
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12:04:00 pm
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tell me what you see best hair award goes to...., weird is rave, yr name's down?
A few days ago, I read on the Horrors official forum that Jamie from Klaxons said the new Horrors album sounds shoegaze... First (stupid) reaction: oh, we know Joshua REALLY loves his white winklepinkles, but really now... he's staring at them while playing? Second (stupid) reaction: oh, great, now I can sleep while listening to The Horrors... cause I sleep really well while listening to shoegaze... not that I find it boring, it's just that My Bloody Valentine and Jesus&Mary Chain seem to be really relaxing... I even have dreams...
(and now something so the reader of this post won't get totally pissed off for reading this useless thing)
My Bloody Valentine - Loomer
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7:07:00 pm
1 way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, shoegazing around, spooky kids