The song's nice too... but the video, oh the video....
The song's nice too... but the video, oh the video....
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9:41:00 pm
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tell me what you see mighty boosh iz fun fun
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10:32:00 am
way(s) to suck an egg
I like the whole "Whatever, so what Xmas is coming?" attitude a domnului Simon Amstell...
Forget Xmas movies/carols... this is what the world should watch every year on Christmas...
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
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4:22:00 pm
1 way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see never mind xmas, watch me
Something the drummer showed me...
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9:38:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see watch me
In perioada asta, cel mai trist mi se pare cum toti vor sa fii happy/joyful/nu cum sunt eu acum... Si mai trist mi se pare ca nu pot sa ma prefac macar de dragul de a le inchide gura... Nu, nu inteleg mizeria de afara also known as snow si tare mi-as dori ca, in urma incalzirii globale, sa dispara... Nu, nu inteleg mizeria aia pe care unii si-o pun in sufragerie/pe balcon si o imbodobesc cu chestii sclipicioase... Nu, nu inteleg de ce trebuie sa aud in fiecare magazin in care intru colinde cretine si penibile...
Daca nu ar fi familia, cel mai probabil mi-as petrece Craciunul in pijama fumand tigara dupa tigara while reading Horrors slash... Dar deh...
O melodie to cheer you up? why, of course...
Xerox Teens - Ba (Ba-Ba Ba).mp3 [very Pixies this track...]
[poza am gasit-o pe undeva pe livejournal... credits go to the person from whom I nicked it...]
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8:05:00 pm
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tell me what you see bababa, words of wisdom
"Klaxons have topped the NME writers' end of year polls for both Best Track and Best Album, the first band to ever do the double."
Hm... da, da, mega-uber-uber cool ca they did the double... dar nu-i asa ca e nitel dubioasa expresia?
Besides, cand aud Klaxons urmat "to do" nu ma gandesc la lucruri crestine...
aaaa... era sa uit... hai sa vedeti HOW they did the double
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7:26:00 pm
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tell me what you see best hair award goes to...., electrickery, nme sayz..., weird is rave, yr name's down?
The cheeky bitches of NME have something new rolled up their silky sleeves... The Sexiest Man Of The Year ... erm.. thing... And us, the readers or exaggerately bored can go and vote*... for lolz... erm, beauties like Ian Brown, Matt Bellamy and Jonny Greenwood (yes, they are great musicians... but not exactly the ones to be on a Sexiest Man list...)
*JULIAN BARRATT SHALL BE CHOSEN SEXIEST VIXEN OF 07... you heard that?*bats fangirl eyelashes*
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10:06:00 pm
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tell me what you see nme sayz...
Videoclipu e reminescent QOTSA, dar ca sound... mhhhh... Horrors mult mai rock'n'roll...
As always, I seem to forget how great these guys are....
Eighties Matchbox B-line Disaster - Psychosis Safari
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12:17:00 pm
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tell me what you see 80's matchbox
Today... ah, today's a special day... Molks turned 35... yes, Molks... Brian Molko
Also, I'm 20 minus one month... oh, the joy! Oh,the "oh-fuck-did-I-just-turn-20?"!
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7:05:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, words of wisdom
oh, the Boosh slash.....
and I do believe you all know my new favourite song... *blush blush*
IAMX - sailor.mp3
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2:02:00 pm
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tell me what you see mighty boosh iz fun fun
You see,this song IS about me...
more info on myface... erm, space
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8:05:00 pm
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tell me what you see oh julian what did you write?
boing ding bom bom ding crimpety crimpety fuck you
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8:44:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see mighty boosh iz fun fun, watch me
Vans-ii sunt de mare efect...
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7:14:00 pm
1 way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see, watch me
Am blog, hence I can complain about things...
Le menu du jour : ziua de 1 decembrie... aham, scalambaiala aia nationala...
Nu, nu o sa incep cu idei grandioase bout how a whole people is being hypocrite about this 'thing'... Nu, pe mine ieri m-a enervat altceva...
So,short story long, Nancy avea in schedule un party assez sympa la domnul Bican acasa... Si, pe la ora 6, dom'soara Nancy a iesit din casa. Stupoare in statia de bus... plin... cum nici nu eram aware de data in care ne aflam sau de evenimentele sportive, mi-am zis ca o fi fost vreun meci pe Lia Manoliu... aiurea, se ducea lumea la Universitate. M-am prins de asta cand am coborat din autobuz si am dat cu piciorul intr-o masa de oameni in treninguri din Europa si stegulete cu Ro pe o parte, EU pe alta parte... Mai am si probleme cu multimile dupa concertul ala Klaxons... I just fear it. Cobor la metro si ii multumesc lui Dumnezeu... pe peron aproape gol. Oooo, vine si tubu. Ajung la timp sa le culeg pe baterista si pe Boske si sa mergem la Bican. Aiurea, yet again. Peronul era gol fiindca oamenii s-au prins ca nu are sens sa astepte metroul (vine plin) si au luat-o pe jos pana la Unirii. Bine, eu in momentul ala habar n-aveam ce au pus la cale autoritatile Capitalei. Primu tub, nu intru in el. Hence, mesaj cu o injuratura adresata zilei de 1 dec + un I'll be late. Iau the next tube, si ala mai plin ca pungile cu care ieseam de la H&M. La Unirii, masa iese din tub. Probabil cativa nevinovati care vroiau la Depoul IMGB au fost dusi de val. De acolo pana la destinatie am stat si jos...
Baterista enlightened me... Bradu ma-sii! El e vinovat de toate.
a fost mai fun cand Boske l-a sunat pe Bican, pe la 8 si ceva, plangand ca nu poate sa iasa din masa adunata la Unirii... trebuia sa ne vedem la 7...
Si mai tare a fost cand am aflat cum unii si-au adus si cainii sa vada schelele din fata de la Unirii...
Dar the truly great thing came cand am auzit ca au fost pierduti 45 de copii... One word to their parents: DUMBARSESS!!!
As for the xmas tree... l-am vazut si eu astazi, on my way home... E o chestie din metal, care nici macar nu se vrea arta pomo... Nimic mai mult... O mizerie pe care au fost aruncati multi bani si care poate omora muuulti oameni. Si nu numai in cazul in care cade (just think about the metal gig de aseara)...Macar daca era a real fur tree , mai intelegeam (desi nici in cazul ala in intregime). C'est une blague, ca!
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8:29:00 pm
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I-am descoperit intamplator pe pagina de Lastfm a… unei personae (doh) si mi s-a parut amuzat/dragut ca se numesc The Horror The Horror… Sunt suedezi. S-au format in 2002, si-au lansat un album de debut in 2006 etc etc… God knows what they’re doing right now (pe site ziceau ceva de work on new material…heh)… Tight, huggable sound is what THTH are all about… Cam prin zona brtipopul 90ist si un iz de Strokes… fair enough…
the horror the horror - counterfeit
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3:44:00 pm
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tell me what you see the new thing
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8:19:00 pm
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tell me what you see social scenes, watch me
Imi plac cluburi in care poti sa scrumezi pe jos... Ninkasi, Ground Zero, Laptarie... NOT Kristal aka locul in care s-a tinut balul FJSC + UNATC... Nu ar fi prea mult de spus doar faptul ca pana pe la ora 22 juma au tinut-o intr-o houseareala de mare efect: juma' de ora bubuitura - what they loosely call a song-, dupa care se schimba intr-alta bubuitura identica...Nu voi mentiona faptul ca era plin de dubiosi care incercau sa danseze pe acea bubuitura... Au urmat primele doua probe de Miss&Mister... una dintre ele (prezentare de lenjerie intima) trebuia sa inchinga atmosfera, dar a frizat ridicolul/penibilul cu mare gratie. A urmat Suie... let me make it clear... Ii apreciez pe Suie, mi se pare ca fac muzica buna etc etc... Dar nu e tocmai visul meu sa dansez pe Suie intr-un club plin de manelari turned houseri conform ultimei mode din Berceni... Asa ca, la 23:45, eram in masina in drum spre casa... Cand am ajuns acasa imi tiuiau urechile (and not in the good way like after the Klaxons or Rapture gig.... nooooo...)
Da, eu sunt sefa grupei si I should set an exemple... Ca urat ca ma plecat asa de repede...
P.S.: am cerut un Heiniken cand am ajuns... raspunsul "Nu avem. Doar Golden Brau".... Ce mai poti sa zici in asemenea situatii? "Un gin tonic, va rog..."
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12:03:00 pm
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tell me what you see words of wisdom
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9:53:00 pm
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tell me what you see indiecore. you say?, watch me
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8:08:00 pm
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tell me what you see 60s garage, watch me
Conform unui articol aparut in aceasta dimineata in ziarul Libertatea, se pare ca trupa Linkin
Park va concerta la Bucuresti, in primavara lui 2008.
Idea e ... ca vom fi lame... eu cu Seba... ne punem frumos cate un tricou cu some hip band si ne asezam strategic in spate si cat mai departe de baterista (care sigur va urla cat o tin plamanii ei de nefumatoare 'I LOOOOOVE YOU!!!!'....)... O sa aruncam priviri compatimitoare pustilor care vor moshpit-ui pe LP gandindu-ne "eram si noi o data asa, dar acum suntem cool". II vom scuipa in fata pe Chester&co in momentul in care vor canta vreo melodie de pe noul album... Da, Doamne, sa nu fie vreo simpla 'bomba' marca Libertatea si sa vina!
As a bonus, Chester said in an interview that he'd like to colaborate with... Arctic Monkeys and The Horrors... his two fave bands at the moment... Ah, ma tavalesc pe jos cu mainile pe burta de atata ras mai ceva ca atunci cand citesc Academia Catavencu
To emphasise our lameness... iata o discutie despre Skins (varianta Brit la Young&Restless.. with actual young people...).. note: adina se uita la skins, eu am vazut tot sezonul unu acum 2 saptamani... si asteptam cu nerabdare season 2... Will Tony die? Will he live?
adine s: eu ma uit la skins
adine s: ep 5
adine s: baai
adine s: deci e
adine s: cand intra tony si sid is jerking intra din nou
nancy: ooo da...
nancy: ))
nancy: e geniala faza
adine s: thought you might need a hand....with your course work
adine s: ba..da..sid nu e cam prost?
nancy: nu...
adine s: academically speaking
adine s: ca numa tony e cu carti din astea smechere in mana
nancy: da da
adine s: cu nietzsche
nancy: saw that
adine s: si..
adine s: ?
nancy: sid e mai simplu de felul lui)
adine s: that doesn't make sid..
adine s: ah oukei
adine s: da da
nancy: he only says bollocks all day
nancy: si de cand cu skins si eu zic all day long bollocks
nancy: bah.. am dat cu galbenus pe mine.. ma simt ca sid...oO
nancy: ah... alta dif dintre sid si bican... daca se pateaza. sid will try to wash the stain..
adine s: acuma facem lista
adine s: cu diferente
adine s: da...sid da cu voma sperma pe el
adine s: chris se pisa pe..literally on his face
nancy: aaaw
adine s: vaaaai
adine s: ce tare e faza cand se auca tony sa scrie
nancy :
adine s: ba
adine s: tie chiiair iti dau lacrimile?
nancy: not now
nancy: dar e foarte sad
adine s: mi se pare f simptaic
adine s: cat de dragut e sid in autobuz
adine s: ce e cu scrisaorea aia?
adine s: pe care o are cassie in mana?
nancy: el ii scrie ei o scrisoare.. si tony i-o da lui cassie
adine s: ei cassie?
nancy: aham
adine s: si...we don;t know..ce e in ea?
nancy: ii spune ca o iubeste
adine s: he doeees?
adine s: aww
adine s: nu vroiam sa stiu asta
adine s: goddamn
nancy: welll
adine s: asta isi ia tee ul cu ren?
adine s: mickey mouse
adine s: I can't believe
adine s: tony kissed the blondee onee
adine s: la cooooooor
nancy: daaaaaa
adine s: vaai ce misto injura
nancy: daaaa
adine s: blonda
nancy: stim si asta
adine s: i;m laughing my eyes off here
adine s: dupa ce il saruta cassie
adine s: BOLOCKS!????
nancy: da da...
nancy: ce spuneam eu mai devreme legat de bollocks?
adine s: ce varza e tony
adine s: la faza cu michelle
nancy: always
nancy: sa iti spun ceva?
adine s: nu
nancy: oki
adine s: well...
adine s: tell me..a little
nancy: mai zice cineva i love you cuiva in ep 9)
adine s: cine?
nancy: guess
adine s: michelle lui sid?
nancy: noooo
adine s: telll me
nancy: tony lui michelle
adine s: come on
nancy: si atunci il calca autobuzul...
adine s: he does that?
nancy: yes
nancy: deci.. ce lame suntem... you do realise this is a soap opera... ceva in gen young and the restless... just that the characters are actually young
adine s: ma..nush
adine s: e tare
nancy: stiiiiiu
adine s: ca nu e deeeloc realist
adine s: rog situatiile in fapt sunt
adine s: dar in rest...
nancy: si e ambalat sub forma unei chestii hip... to atract teens.. punem un gossip pe ost...
adine s: niste tricky
adine s: sa mearga si pt altii
adine s: unii care se fut altii care nu
nancy: facem un cover cat stevens gen videoclip... with one of the main character dying on the pavement yet singing along..
nancy: some drugs
adine s: da
adine s: sa stii ca asta cu drogurile fute rau de tot serialul
adine s: e muult prea prea
adine s: la cat de reale sunt de fapt pb
adine s: sdi fara droguri
nancy: acum... eu nu intelg ceva
nancy: why are we trying to turn this into a bad thing?... de ce ii criticam? ce, nu ne place? ce, nu salivam dupa sid? nu ne amuza his tee and his wanking?)
adine s: ba da
adine s: pai..mie imi palce
adine s: tocmai asta
nancy: exact
adine s: ca tocmai din fazele astea care sunt total fanteziste scoti chestii tari
adine s: like..real feelings
adine s: scoti mai mult de aici
adine s: decat vba ta la surpize surprize
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7:37:00 pm
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Videoclipul asta e un produs massmedia superb... uneste publicul ala eterogen apeland la un lucru pe care il avem cu totii in comun: sentimentul... si o face mai bine decat Surprize Surprize
Ceea ce vreau sa spun e ca imi dau lacrimile de cate ori ma uit la filmuletul asta...*sad sigh*
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8:02:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
I was obsolete, I couldn't hear the beat!
Staggering about on me old man's feet!
I had one foot in the grave,
Now I'm Nu Rave.
Now I'm Nu Rave.
It's a mashup!
A pie-and-mashup!
Elements of the past,
And elements of the future,
Coming at ya!
I'm the Hitcher!
Let me put you in the picture!
Eels up inside ya,
Finding an entrance where they can.
Eels up inside ya,
Finding an entrance where they can.
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7:32:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see mighty boosh iz fun fun, watch me
Ah... Saturday evenings... best time for a little trivia... here's a juicy one for you...
What connects the following three: Faris Rotter, James Righton, Alex Turner?
Here is the answer... Alexa Chung... yes, the one on Popworld who , in my opinion, cannot properly present a show and has difficulties finding decent outfits...she used to date Faris , then went on to James.. passed through the bed of Lostprophets' lead singer (I'd like to give a name, but really now, do you find it necessarily to retain useless things?).. only to end up in the same flat as Jon McClure of Reverend (yes, Alex shares a flat with this guy...)... However, you all know this won't last.. relationships between people with matching names never last... like that time Mandy Moore was dating that tennis player.. Andy Whatever...
Alex and Alexa?!...Ha...
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8:28:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla
Brit tv shows kick ass... And Youtube's a darling cause you get full episodes of Migty Boosh, Skins and Never Mind The Buzzcocks... erm... and some parts of A Bit Of Fry & Laurie... anyhow, here's a properly funny episode of Never Mind The Buzzcokcs... host: the kaiser bitch, Ricky Wilson... featuring: the man with the E in Happy Mondays, Bezz, and one of the twins from the band that said nasty things bout mainstream indie, Ryan Jarman (yup, he's from the Cribs)...
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9:56:00 pm
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NME has announced the Cool List '07... Yey for Jamie and Lovefoxx and Alex... but, where is Faris? and why is Rhys just no. 50???? And Keith Rechards? Is he like still alive???
1. Frank Carter – Gallows
2. Jamie Reynolds – Klaxons (13)
3. Lovefoxxx – CSS (10)
4. Ryan Jarman – The Cribs
5. Lethal Bizzle
6. Alex Turner – Arctic Monkeys (32)
7. Kate Nash
8. Amy Winehouse (50)
9. Beth Ditto – The Gossip (1)
10. Keith Richards – The Rolling Stones (26)
?11. MIA
12. Thom Yorke – Radiohead (9)
13. Drew McConnell - Babyshambles
14. Prince
15. Tom Clarke – The Enemy
16. Noel Gallagher – Oasis
17. Hayley Williams - Paramore
18. Brandon’s Tache – Brandon Flowers, The Killers
19. Matt Bellamy – Muse (27)
20. James Smith - Hadouken
21. Caleb Followill – Kings of Leon
22. Matt Helders – Arctic Monkeys
23. Eddie Argos – Art Brut
24. Craig Finn – The Hold Steady
25. Morgan Yeah? – Does it Offend You, Yeah?
26. Simon Neil - Biffy Clyro – (28)
27. Simon Taylor - Klaxons
28. Karen O – Yeah Yeah Yeahs (5)
29. Kele Okereke – Bloc Party
30. Meg White – The White Stripes (24)
31. Tim Harrington – Les Savy Fav
32. Gerard Way – My Chemical Romance (8)
33. Jamie T
34. Pete Doherty – Babyshambles (28)
35. Lou Hayter – New Young Pony Club
36. Ian Brown
37. Joe Lean – Joe Lean and the Jing Jang Jong
38. Andy Burrows - Razorlight
39. Kyle Falconer – The View
40. Nicky Wire – Manic Street Preachers
41. Josh Homme - Queens of the Stone Age
42. Cole Alexander - Black Lips
43. Suki - Real Heat
44. Brandon Flowers – The Killers (29)
45. Yannis Philippakis - Foals
46. Patrick Wolf
47. Carlos D - Interpol
48. Santogold
49. Dev Hynes – Lightspeed Champion
50. Spider Webb – The Horrors
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9:32:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see nme sayz...
Cica de acum nu o sa ne mai zicem Split Infinitive in those bandfics sau peste cativa ani cand vom facem si noi ceva as a band (you do realize I still hope that one day I'll get over my laziness and pick up that guitar I own and learn how to play it....?)... Ne zicem TWAB de acuma... oooo, da... nu va zic de la ce vine, ca atunci nu ar mai fi asa kewl
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10:03:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, blagues, words of wisdom
As dormi incontinuu... honestly...
Ahah... figured it's a good way to post some funky fresh songs... fresh in my Winamp playlist, that is...
Robots In Diguise - Voodoo *utterly mind-blowing... the sheer thought that sometimes their bass player on tour is Noel Fielding makes me wanna play their music on repeat....*
Electrocute - I need a freak *damn, I love band names that spell out what the band is all about...*
Neon Plastix - Prick Tease *Doncaster, UK, electropopdisconuraveindiesomething...*
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7:05:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see mixed thingies
Astazi, dom'soara Nancee a fost in stare sa isi aminteasca ca are teme pentru facultate... adicatelea, are de citit/facut misto de ziarul Gandul la Tehnici de Redactare (apparently e vesnic plin de greseli de stil... )... si timp de vreo trei ore dom'soara Nancee si-a repetat "Cumpara-ti Gandu', tanti!"... Dar a trecut cu nesimtire pe langa toate acele locsoare unde impatimitii cititori de ziare cheltuie mai multi bani than I do at H&M... Faptul ca eram cu un picior in casa si nu imi luasem ziarul binecuvantat de CTPu' m-a lovit asa cum te loveste mirosul toaletelor ecologice cand treci pe langa ele... asta si faptul ca nu aveam paine...
Acum test cu multiple choice...
Care este 'morala' acestui post inutil?
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10:39:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see words of wisdom
Lastfm top ten:
2 Klaxons
6 Placebo
9 Interpol
10 Babyshambles
If there was a concert on the same day and same time and you could only go to one, which would you see?
I’d just kill myself….
Which have you seen live?
Klaxons, Rapture, Placebo
Favourite song by number 9?
NARC, Pioneers To The Fall…
Best looking?
I’m not sure… Strokes or Horrors… Hm…maybe Klaxons? Patrick Wolf? How about can’t pick one…?
How did you get into number 7?
Erm… how did the rest of the world get into The Libertines??? (is it just me or this actually sounds kinky…?)
Genre of number 5?
Is number 2 still alive?
Last time I checked the Klaxons official site (like… 2 minutes ago), everything was just fine
Favourite album by number 3?
You know… the only one they have… dooooh
Which is most likely to not be around in 5 years?
Hurts me to say… Placebo…
Favourite song of 8?
Right now… Bloodbeat
The one you listen to the most?
Right now.. Horrors…
Any of them country?
God! NO!
Which do you think is the least popular?
I’d say Horrors… cause they are still quite new…
How many albums do you own of number 4?
Any local bands?
I’d wish…
Any of them you disliked at first?
Yes… Placebo and… yeah, that’s it…
Finally, which is your absolute favorite?
Shoot me if I know…
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6:05:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blagues
I am tired, incoherent, I have a writer's block... and I want more Mighty Boosh... yes, I'm the perfect blogger...
went to the vintage fair held at La Scena today... had fun, got meself a white with black&orange Mickey vintage tee and some pins... took photos of outfits... with a phone cam... met Zina... took a photo of her outfit... people know our fashion blog... yey...
tomorrow I'll get meself plastic jewelry... yey
got loads of books to read... bought 2 meself (Beigbeder's latest and Julian Barnes), took three Ballard books from British Counsil and a Houllebecq on from Institute Francais and Adina gave me about 20 books. Making a list of them all would be a very difficult/tiresome/tedious process... Should mention that among those books she gave me The Perks Of Being A Wallflower...
however... here's a quote from Ballard's Atrocity Exhibition (which I am reading... or at least trying to)
In the post-Warhol era a single gesture such as uncrossing one's legs will have more significance than all the pages in War And Peace. In 20th-century terms the crucification, for example, would be re-enancted as a conceptual auto-disaster.
Ballard makes me wanna listen to Klaxons...
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7:08:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see ballard kicks ass, blabla, words of wisdom
Here are two cookies for you... French-scented cookies....
Klaxons - As Above, So Below (Francais)
Klaxons - As Above, So Below (Justice Remix)
... the two songs are b-sides for the new Klaxons single for As Above, So Below...erm, just in case you were curious...
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10:28:00 pm
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tell me what you see weird is rave, yr name's down?
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8:11:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blagues
Mama: Auzi, nu iti placea tie de Pete Doherty? I-a auzi ce a facut...
Nancy: Ce a mai facut de data asta?
Mama: S-a logodit cu o romanca...
Nancy: Da da
Mama: si s-a despartit de ea si acum e din nou cu kate moss
now there goes our chance to see Pete in Romania...
second thing on my mind: how does my mom know i like pete doherty??? *ah, skinny, a junkie... yeah, definitely my daughter likes him...*
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10:50:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla
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10:01:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see jamming
It's a most wonderful thing to walk down the street at 6:45 am and listen to Patrick Wolf's Bloodbeat... however, it's a most frightening thing to hear Up The Bracket's start at the same early hour of the morning... full volume both
In other news... here are some songs I fancy...
and am too lazy to write a decent review...
Vincent Vincent and The Villains - Midnight *catchy.. in a Wolf Parade kinda way... quite difficult not to sing along while trying to imitate the lead's intonation*
the rumble strips-don't dumb down *60ish... enough said...*
Cazals - Poor Innocent Boys *garage rock... kinda like The Daze... just that Daze are better*
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7:08:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see mixed thingies
I feel as if I can't write decent stuff... I really like the way I used to write before... and I sometimes hate the way I write now.
Si un post al unui coleg blogger imi aminteste cu nesimtire de chestia asta.
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9:29:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blagues
Azi la facultate
Un dubios: "Auzi"
Nancy: "Da?!"
Un dubios: "Tu ai intrat prima?"
Nancy: "Da..."
Un dubios: "Si poti sa imi spui si mie ce ai scris?"
*Nancy spune pe scurt*
Un dubios: "Bine, mersi"
Eu am o nelamurire... de ce ii mai arde pe unii acum, dupa trei saptamani, ce am scris? In plus... poate nu e ce am scris... ci CUM am scris...
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2:16:00 pm
1 way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla
Yeah... I am sick and I can't really focus... or stand up for a long period of time... Or blog... but I have so many bands I've been meaning to write about... so here I go...
Yeti. Yeti are the third band to come out of Libs (John Hassall, ex-bassist in Libs, is the lead . Yeti are the kinda really chill band, with good, memorable lyrics. Heart felt lyrics. Yeti have sweet music. 60s style sweet. Yeti have something reminescent of the aura around Libertines' music. And, oh, yeah... Yeti are quite of a reminder to why Barat and Doherty chose Hassall instead of Johnny Borrell.
Yeti - In Like With You
erm... aaand that's it... too lazy to write about other stuff
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9:31:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see what became of forever
Source: The Horrors official site
Long story short... one of my favourite bands, the fashion hOrs, will be touring with another of my favourite bands, man's fave animals... Yes, this is HUGE! And yes, I do hate the Brits ... and yes, we are waiting for some juicy new slash fanfic...
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
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10:14:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see 4 singes, spooky kids
Noi suntem fejesecei
Şi avem mereu idei.
Suntem gaşca de nebuni
Pentru tine cei mai buni!
Hai cu noi, vino la FJSC
La FJSC, la FJSC !
Suntem la etajul 6
Poţi să vii cu 336. *daca isi schimba 336 ruta, au pus-o*
Am dat grafuri pe pereţi
Şi-am rămas încă studenţi. *ma, noua ne-a zis domnu decan ca e naspa si sunt multi restantieri, da' chiar asa???*
Refren: …
TV, radio, ziare
PR şi comunicare,
Ne place la facultate
Avem şi publicitate!
Refren de trei ori:…
Linia melodică: Yellow Submarine (Beatles)
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6:54:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, words of wisdom
Domnul decan al iubitei mele facultati ne spune ca un anume Victor (dar vai, o fi Ciutacu?) zicea la Sinteza Zilei, legat de motiune "Am zis-o de acum 3 zile... sunt destept"... si ca dadea dovada de neprofesionalism.... Eu ma intreb daca nu cumva domnul decan nu ar fi vrut sa fie el in locul lui Victor.
Profa de la seminarul de Introducere in sistemul mass media zice ca sufera de clise-ita si nu vrea sa mai auda clisee si idei comuniste de la noi... Eu ma intreb daca nu cumva e dusa cu vaca.
Un coleg raspunde la intrebarea "de ce sunteti aici?" pusa de aceasi profa, zicand ca a venit la ilustra noastra facultate pentru ca vrea sa faca ce vrea... Eu ma intreb daca ai lui l-au tinut pana acum in lesa in casa.
Alta colega zicea, la aceasi intrebare, ca ea vrea sa "Gandeasca liber"... eu ma/o intreb de ce se uita atat de mult la protv.
Profa de presa si actualitate ne zice ca trebuie sa citim ziarele si sa fim la curent cu ce se intampla.... Eu ma intreb cum poate sa te cheme Ciorba si sa fii implicat intr-un scandal numit "Caltabosul".
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
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10:39:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, blagues, words of wisdom
Da, am fost la Muse... si am stat la coada de la 3 juma... si Seba a aparut fashionably late la 5 fara un sfert... cand trebuia sa ne vedem la 4... Si pe urma am facut misto de the emos de pe acolo...
Bret Anderson l-a facut pe Seba sa se gandeasca la Moz... si a cantat Beautiful Ones...*Hearts!* Desi, nu-i asa ca sonorizarea a fost naspa rau?
Si in pauza dinainte de Muse au pus Klaxons si eu si Seba eram singurii dubiosi care dansau si cantau... *BIG!grin* And as always, eu am stiut almost all the songs puse in pauza. Au pus si Interpol si CSS si Hot Chip... si eu cantam si dansam.
Seba a fost, as always, prost. S-a dus la toilet chiar inainte sa vina Muse. Si mi-a lasat mie ditamai rucsacu' si el nu a mai putut sa intre pana unde eram eu. So, eu i-am lasat rucsacul unde pe jos and we are all happy it hasn't been nicked.
Ah, si m-am intalnit cu amicul Trifoi (care m-a vazut in multime and waved) si dupa concert am dat de Andrei. Care mi-a spus ca nu am mai postat nimic recently pe Cathatic. Mdea.
Si a venit mama sa ma ia. And then, I got home and went to bed....
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3:10:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see not a review
There was a time when Joshua Third of the Horrors had to pass some exams. So he could not attend dome Horrors gigs... and he was replaced by Tomethy's brother, Freddie... Who now has a band ... The Daze. Quite dance-y, garage-influenced, we like the voice, ... You can download song off their MySpazz page... Just do it...
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2:15:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see dazed
Title: I find titles a lovely… erm… concept… but I suck at picking titles…so Adina came up with it…pam pam… “You label me, I'll poster you”
Pairing: Smaranda and her pillow, probably
Rating: R… Bican’s ass is a character of this fic… a very indecent one, may I add.
Disclaimer: Might seem realistic +other synonyms… but the ‘we are making a promo poster” is soooo fiction…
Notes: wrote on our lovely Yahoo Mess by yr favourite two bloggers, Nancy and Adine.
“No, pork has way too much cholesterol even for our binge drinking fans.”
Adina was looking at the computer screen, straight at a photo for the apparently new Split Infinitive promo poster. Bican was all over the place.
Nancy frowned. She had hoped this would be their last meeting on the subject. She hated having to pick photos and Adina disagreeing with her choices.
Bican walked in the small room, holding a pack of Winston cigarettes and placed them in front of Nancy.
“Here, smoke some REAL ciggies”. And then turning his look to the screen “Damn, that is one of my coolest photos. Perfect poster indeed.”
“If you really want to feel reality, shove them up your arse.” Adina was fascinated by the smoothness of her lit Dunhill Fine Cut. Nancy was wandering where Smaranda was.
“And come on dude, I think even our binge drinking fans are sick of your face.” Nancy was looking for her cell phone. Damn, it always seemed she couldn’t find it when she really needed it.
“Pork has cholesterol. And only looking at you it makes my level go up.”
“Where the hell are you? We have an emergency.” Nancy whispered in her phone.
“What's wrong this time?” Smaranda said on the other phone at the other end of the phone…and it was like you could hear her eyes rolling over her head.
“Well...Adina's already on the rebound with her most recent ex.. and now Bican is in the room. Figure that out!”. In the background, Smaranda could hear Bican’s indefinite mumble and Adina’s rambling
“Ouh, that! Honey, you should've said 911 from your first breath.”
Nancy left her head fall on the desk, making a heavy noise. However, the other two didn’t seem to be bothered by it. Seeing the utter indifference, Nancy got up and headed for the door. But as she was about to lay her hand on the door knob, someone opened the door from the outside and hit Nancy. Now THAT stopped the argument.
“Oh, sorry, love”. Boske’s head appeared from behind the door.
“Erm, got a call from the label. Seems like they want the poster as soon as possible.”
“Got a call from the mental institution. Seems like they want these two lunatics back.”
“She’s the lunatic! Not I! She’s always saying mean stuff about me. I have some dignity…”
“Oh, you know the word. Wander if you know the meaning….” Adina replied before Bican could finish his sentence.
“Ah, no! NO! NOT again.” Nancy yelled. “I have a headache and it ain’t because of the door.”
“Didn’t we agree professionals will take care of this?”.
“Yeah, Boske, but… remember… We also reached the conclusion that we are… what is the word… artistic enough to handle every little thing about our career. And mature enough.” And saying that, Nancy walked out the door. She briefly came back. “Don’t wait up.”
“Now you had to ruin it all up!”
“I did it? You insane idiosyncratic bi...”. But yet again, Bican was interrupted.
Boske uttered a piercing shriek.
“Cut it out you 2 or I'll stop drinking beer for a week and then I'll see you handle some REAL problems! More real then your narcissistic Winston cigars!”
“I'm sick with your insane demands…” Bican said in a low voice.
“Oh don't go all quoty mood on me! I gave you the Allen Ginsberg poem, America”,
Adina said making a face. “You'll forever go to loser town always get drunk never get laid”.
“Had enough of this!” Bican’s voice covered Adina’s.
The sound of “Golden Skans” made them all look around the room. Boske saw Nancy’s mobile on the desk. Bican, who was closer, picked it up and answered.
“Hello”, he said dryly. “No. No, we did not settle upon a photo…. Yes, I know we had promised we’d e done by last week…. Yes, I will try may best…. Eh, no, I do not know where she is… Yes, thank you… Goodbye”.
“Label, huh?”. Adina said smugly.
“Shall we look over the photos again… Maybe we’ll find a better one.” Bican replied, but added in a lower voice “though I doubt it.”
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9:05:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see band fic
Nothing... Here'a a song I like
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6:46:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see not wolf
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
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9:57:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see spooky kids
As posted on the fuzzy wuzzy Horum (Horrors+forum=Horum)
We did dress up… (and picked Horrors names... Nancy Webb and Fagis Hotter... )
I think I quite nailed it … though, hell, I’m a girl and I do not have a pair of black skinny/tight jeans… I shall not comment his attire… as I said when I saw him “Well, I don’t wanna question yr decision, in my opinion, you’ve made an excellent choice” (yes, quotes were involved)…
I should mention that my boots had high heels and I can’t wear such things… so I ended up carrying them in one hand and walking barefoot…up and down a avenue and we acted all obnoxious and horrors-like, or at least I like to think so… (but then again, that’s what we do on an average day, no need for the day to be a Horrors one)…
I was thinking about baking some cookies, buuuut… I’m a lazy-ass… so we just bought muffins and gave them horrors names…”oh, noez, you ate faris…how does he tastes?”/”you want a tomethy, a rhys or a joe?” “I’ll have a rhys”
Then, we went to see the latest Harry Potter… at the mall (that’s the only place where they still showcase it…)… which was fun, cause we came up with stuff such as “Ginny is a parasite” and “Voldemort is the new thing”… and naturally “Potter!Rotter!”… (the movie itself was crap)… and that would be it…
Oh, and this photo is intitled "fingers grasping at popcorn" "
Also, here's a little something from ...THE MIGHTY BOOSH
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9:23:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see mighty, spooky kids
No. No. No. And no. This is just too much.... it is, I tell you.
Placebo have parted company with drummer of 11 years, Steve Hewitt, due to personal and musical differences.
Brian Molko commented "Being in a band is very much like being in a marriage, and in couples - in this case a triple - people can grow apart over the years. To say that you don't love your partner anymore is inaccurate, considering all that you've been through and achieved together. There simply comes a point when you realize that you want different things from your relationship and that you can no longer live under the same roof, so to speak."
The split is amicable and a sad time for both parties. Steve Hewitt replaced Robert Schultzberg behind the drum kit in 1996 whilst the band were promoting Placebo’s eponymous debut album and went on to record the following 4 studio albums ‘Without You I’m Nothing’, ‘Black Market Music’, ‘Sleeping With Ghosts’ and most recently ‘Meds’.
Placebo have just returned from the USA where they were part of the high profile ‘Projekt Revolution Tour’ alongside Linkin Park and My Chemical Romance. The band are now taking a well earned break.
Brian Molko and Stefan Olsdal will begin work on Placebo’s 6th studio album next Spring and are in no rush to find an immediate replacement for Steve.
source: PlaceboWorld
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9:54:00 pm
1 way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see c'est moche, molkoing around
So, yeah... I declare this the unofficial Horrors week... And here's a song for this Monday afternoon...
The Sonics - Have Love Will Travel.mp3
The Sonics are one of the many proto-punk/60s garage Horrors quote as a huge influence... just in case you were wondering...
Tomorrow, it's dressing-up-as-a-horror day *facepalm*... so stay tuned for more wonderful adventures of Nancy... cause apparently I have to give a speech or something at my university, having the biggest mark for the entrance exam...*facepalm again*
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6:19:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see sonic, spooky kids
Tomorrow...erm... is my first day of school... university.... oO
Also, I do not see what the whole fuzz around Kate Nash is all about. I thought her music might grow on my.... but.... neeeeaaaaah...I don't like her... she's boooooring... not original... sounds like everything else...(to quote Bican...)
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
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7:22:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, words of wisdom
This is a hate post. I hate Bican for his stupid answer to the question "How do you fing CSS?"... "Unoriginal, they sound like everything else. They suck"... I also hate him for the fact that he also said (when i said he is an idiot for saying that) "well, you said the same about Whomadewho"... which I did not... I only told him that I do not like Whomadewho...even better, the 3 tracks Bican send me... I might like other tracks by Whomadewho, the music might grow on me... the difference between our answers is easy to see... You, the reader, might like Whomadewho... (oh, by the way, good graphics on the site)...
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11:59:00 am
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see whomadewho
Bican's not around to stress... actually, given the fact that he loves Horrors like I do (well, almost), the trem used should be 'share with'.... anyways, here are two bloody good Horrors lives...
Jack The Ripper
Death At The Chapel
aaand... another one of a B-side I do not own (yet!).... if you do have it and happen to drop by, please let me know (yes, Nancy desperate... Nancy needs)
Sister Leonella
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10:05:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see spooky kids
Ah, after a long break (2 days is a lot in the world of blogs), I am back. With a band. Agaskodo Teliverek - that's Hungarian for 'roaring stallions". Hungarian/Japanese London-based trio. Recommended on Lastfm by Sebastian. Wonderful, noisy,electro, frantic and sick. Music for and by sick people. No, I do not have any mp3's, but you can check them out on their Lastfm page. And you can download songs off their myspazz page...
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
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8:29:00 am
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see stallions
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10:52:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see maximum
We joining... we wantz... I have a wonderful pair of boots from Zara which will be perfect for the occasion... will figure out the rest of me Horrors outfit for this wonderful day...
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10:31:00 am
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see dressing down, spooky kids
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8:13:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see weird is rave, yr name's down?
Simon amazed us with this little shiny thing and now we find James is quite familiar with blogging... yes, Klaxons variety hour time.
Oh, heard Simon and Lovefoxx got engaged and plan to have new-rave babies... Annoyingly adorable, reckon?
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7:37:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see james iz blogging, weird is rave, yr name's down?
Cica ne jucam leapsa pe telefoane... sau ceva de gen. La mine a ajuns de la Trifoi. ...
Aaaand... Proud to present Moto. Un Motorola V360 cu clapeta (de cand am descoperit telefoanele mobile mi-am dorit unul asa...), cu camera (asa, pentru poze naspa) si mp3 player (ca sa ascultam indie pe strada asa cum asculta manelarii... erm... manele.... adica fara casti, ca ale mele s-au stricat... la el ascultam eu pe holurile fostului liceu Sonic Youth si Strokes si Libertines si Lcd Soundsystem si Arcade Fire. Cu Bican, evident). Cica ar mai face si altele, dar avand in vedere ca am dat cu el de toti peretii de nshpe mii de ori, ma indoiesc ca mai e in stare de multe. Are multe zgarieturi. De la peretii aia. Si se ia vopseaua de pe el... E argintiu dar cand suna zice "Golden Skans". Ma enerveaza la culme acel 'Hello moto' care se aude cand il deshid. Nu il mai tine mult bateria (il am de un an jumate deja... si eu vorbesc muuult la telefon.... ). And... cred ca are tendinte suicidale. Nu de alta, dar cred ca vrea sa scape de mine. L-as tagui pe Bican, dar ma indoiesc ca e o alegere buna....
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5:40:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla
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5:23:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
De maine pana sambata o sa fiu la shopping (vai, fata!) la Lyon... H&M and stinky cheese. Plus adus back aaaaall my stuff. And not to make this post completely pointless, here's a vid...
and yes, i know what that is... ieri am ascultat in prostie... asta si Sober de la Tool... si niste Deftones... acum Bican ma sfatuieste sa pun in my perfect playlist (Tool, SOAD, CSS, New Young Pony Club, LCD Soundsystem, Digitalism, Justice) si niste Raku si Cheloo... eu am pus deja Raku... da' imi e frica sa pun Cheloo ca aude mama...
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8:12:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see systems
Bands moment... 3 juicy ones....
1. White Williams.
Diverse little fuckers from the US of A. Actually, don't really know much about them, just that they're touring with Girl Talk and Battles. Song that impressed me:
New Violence
2. The Florists.
Indie/reggae/ska band from Sussex. Good vibe and nice lyrics. Bubbly music.
Stolen Love
3. Elle Milano.
Cynical bastards from Leicester. They make fun of the shallow and full of cliches pop world and the waaaay too pretentious indie universe. Good vocals (yelling, singing and speaking... all included), sharp rhythms, even melodic pop parts. Darlings of independent music zines like ArtRocker.
Swearing's For Art Students
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12:39:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see mixed thingies
Sambata seara mi-am dat seama ca, vai!, nu am Placebo in calculator. OHMIGOSH! Asa ca mi-am luat frumos Placebo de pe unde s-a putut si m-am pus pe ascultat Placebo... this morning. Dar vai!(yet again) se pare ca si Bican asculta Placebo. Evident! Doar azi am fost la liceu (ne-am imbracat frumos, Bican might've washed... ). A fost deshiderea anului scolar. Ne-am intalnit cu pusti care erau a 9a cand noi eram a 12a, cu fosti colegi de generatie, cu profi, ne-am amintit ce tare era in a 11a, cand faceam cunostiinta cu aia de a 9a si ne pareau asa mici si noi ne simteam asa mari (acum aia sunt a 12a si noi ne simtim asa batrani)... Am baut cafea de la automatul de la cancelarie si ne-am amintit de cafelele dinaintea orelor de mate. Am stat la the infamous scarita. Am realizat ca liceul nostru iubit e plin de oameni hip si misto imbracati (ah, cate poze pentru the fashion blog am facut ... pacat ca's pe aparatu lui Bican si poate le vedem si noi pe la anu)... si evident ca am fost mega-emo si depremati gandindu-ne ca noi nu mai suntem al liceu. Si, ca sa fie totul si mai deprimant.... hai de la mine, one of my fav Placebo lives...
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3:29:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, molkoing around, when i was young
E o chestie sa auzi Supergrass si Ampop la Mobexpert. Hai, treaca de la mine, inteleg sa iti dai seama ca se aud Manic Street Preachers la Cora. Pana si peste Klaxons (in aceasi vesnica Cora) pot sa trec. Dar cand auzi Klaxons, CSS, The Cribs si Reverend And The Makers intr-un interval de doua ore (Cora yet again)... eh, this is too much to take... oO
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1:16:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, blagues, words of wisdom
look how nervous and shy Faris is ...
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
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9:56:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see iguanas, spooky kids
It all started with this:
bikn: cea mai tare frate! i used to luv it
nancy: cover dupa libertines
bikn: waster?
*nancy sends "what a water" to bican"
nancy: a fost their first single
nancy: interzis, frate
nancy: nu-i asa ca versurile sunt monumentale???
bikn: frate
bikn: u iz right
bikn: poate i missed out on libertines
nancy: sunt pe cdurile de la mine
nancy: doherty is a genius....!!!!
bikn: am downloadat 24 hour party ppl si mult indie...u were wrong : there are way indie ppl on romanian hubs!
nancy: nu in cazul in care cauti bands ca eight legs si blondelle
You have sent 1 file to biki.
The Libertines - What a Waster.mp3
bikn: baa...ce tare e finalu la jessica asta live de la vezi ce tampit e
bikn: adorable
nancy: seamana cu casablancas
nancy: the hair
bikn: da...pai se vede ca s-au copiat...e si normal la cat or fi impartit patu
bikn: love Libs!
bikn: well this song i do....
nancy: u see...
nancy: u see
and this is how, after almost 2 years (and some "Up The Bracket" listened on my mobile on the hallways of our high school back in 12 grade),Bican realized he should listen to The Libs
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7:10:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see greenish, what became of forever
Pe la 0:15, Nancy incerca sa faca nani... Se aude Golden Skans si Nancy se enerveaza... Primise SMS... "Daca e Bican, il trimit undeva!" , isi zice. Dar nu, e Smaranda. "Ai vazut?". "ce sa vad? teh darkness of the room while having my eyes closed?", se intreaba Nancy dar tasteaza simplu "What?". Raspunsul ii vine imediat: "The horrors pe MTV!!! cu she is the new thing!". Usor nervoasa ca a pierdut momentul, Nancy zice "Vesnica pomenire!" si se culca la loc.
later edit: I told you, I told you...
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
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11:54:00 am
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see spooky kids
will have to thank bican for this one...
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
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9:04:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see potthead
For about 3 weeks, I've been trying to get myself to write about Black Lips... Fuck that! Just listen to them.
Black Lips - Katrina
Black Lips - Veni Vidi Vici
Black Lips - Good Bad Not Evil
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11:31:00 pm
1 way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see lips
Being extremely lazy the last week, I never really got myself to write about some acts I like... Now's a good time (I'm wearing a fluffy robe and am very close to a cold while Bican's talking fabrics...oO)
First in line: Cricket Spin... I know these New York act for about half a year. Good stuff, really dreamy and light like a breeze. Kind enough to have free downloads on their lastfm page.
Next are Blondelle. Discovered them in Similar artists on the Eight Legs lastfm page. Fresh, mature (just like Eight Legs, they never show their young age), Blondelle deserve all the attention. Sure, they might look like 14 year-olds (they are actually 20) and , hey, maybe one of them looks like a girl... but we are all mature people and can get over the looks... and listen to the music....
Blondelle - Other Peoples Cars.mp3
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
8:28:00 pm
1 way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blonde on blonde, crickets
Dap, puteti sa imi spuneti tanti ziarista... (bine,mah, inteleg ca am intrat... Da' prima?!?! Dupa doar o luna de meditatii... altii au facut 2 ani... :|)
Music: The Horrors
Mood: Hyper
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
6:51:00 am
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, don't do this at home, words of wisdom
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
9:48:00 am
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see weird is rave, yr name's down?
nancy: melodia babyshambles e bloody brilliant *hearts!hearts!hearts!*
adine s: babyshambles are *hearts!hearts!*
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at around
9:11:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see nancy's songs to save yr life, shambles
Sunt momente in care imi zic ca ar trebui sa citesc zilnic sectiunea de news de pe This Is Fake DIY... now is such a moment.... Klaxons covered "No Diggity" de la Blackstreet pentru BBC... another clasic is on the way... Aici, lista completa cu melodiile de pe albumul aniversar BBC....
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
6:10:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see don't do this at home, weird is rave
imi amintesc si acum cum o faceam prin a 10a pe teenage housewife cu melodia asta pe fundal... those were the days...
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at around
10:05:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see
Mi-a trebuit sa merg la gig Razorlight (asta prin februarie)... I hated every bit of that gig... and plecat asa de despressed de la acel gig. And so my love for Razorlight's music was fucked... Nu am mai putut asculta Razorlight... not to mention the unlimited hate for MR. BORRELL!THE GREATEST ROCK STAR IN THE WORLD!...
Sambata am simtit ca vreau sa ascult Razorlight... and I did so... acum ascult Razorlight... I guess ca acum pot sa le ascult din nou melodiile (nu fara a face nitel misto de Borrell's egomania... )... Do not worry, I still wanna torture Borrell and see him burn in hell... The whole point is that it feels weird/strange listening to these song again after *counts* 7 months.. fara sa ma simt o ura profunda... hm
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at around
4:45:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see razorbulb
Gata! S-a terminat... azi am dat that bloody exam... I am free like a bird in the sky... Si pe urma am ars-o cu stil la Motoare (have some very cool pics of meself... will post on fashion blog when boske gets home... Boske sta la Branesti... long way home) si in Jack ( unde am stabilit ca my extremely worn-out sex pistols tee era de fapt cu motorhead...)... si Bican a ajuns la concluzia ca we and dogs are alike (aveam two eyes... two ears... fata de organismele unicelulare... ).. lame Bican... but so funny Bican...
Time for some music news... I got me Muse ticket... aaaaand... something that really amazed me... Peter, Bjorn & John cancelled some Canadian dates to preform at the VMAs... well, no Amy so we could at least get the other Europeans...lame MTV... and so not funny... read it all here
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
8:49:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, words of wisdom
Azi am fost din nou in Cora... si am auzit Reverend and the makers...oO
Maine am examen la Facultatea de chimie... life is, once again, mocking me!
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
9:18:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, don't do this at home, words of wisdom
The 6th Spoon album, Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga, sounds like Spoon: impeccable indie-pop with strong Motown bass lines (which make the album completely addictive at times). However, it doesn't have an edge, and though it might be Spoon's commercial breakthrough, it seems to be holding the band down. It is a great album because the details are sharp (a must listen is "Don't Make Me A Target" with its intro) and the lyrics are , as always, witty and bloody well written ("You've got to know what's on yr sleeves" says Britt Daniel on "You Got Yr Cherry Bomb", making this song the best moment of the album) .
You Got Yr Cherry Bomb
Another comeback comes from quirky Aussie group Architecture In Helsinki. Not much to say... it is weird, we are talking about AIH... it has great pop tunes... and it's a good listen...
Red Turned White
A Wilhelm Scream are the kinda band I don't usually listen to a lot. They yell a lot and you need to look up the lyrics to actually understand what they are saying. But their experimental post-screamo-whatever is fairly good and I do believe they deserve a listen...
Me Vs. Morrissey In The Pretentiousness Contest
This has to be the cookie of the week... I've discovered Eight Legs while doing some research on Hedi Slimane, the former chief designer of Dior Homme. He played used their music for one of his runway shows. Eight Legs are young (19 and 20), but that is nothing new. New is the experience and nostalgia, sometimes bitterness their songs have. Eight Legs sound much older than their really are...
These Grey Days
Erm... and this has to be the second cookie of the week... The Holloways are one of the many pop-punkish guitar rock bands out there... Erm,, actually, no. They mostly have fuuuuuun songs(the kinda songs that don't really make you... erm, think...), but "Reinvent Myself" is not one of those songs... It's immensely sad... "Why should I reinvent myself/When the world that I see/ It will not change for you and me?"
Reinvent Myself
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7:16:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see forks and knives, hel-arhitecture, screams. a holloway, two legs
In the news today:
motanul meu a mancat o conserva de ton... you kmow, catfood cu ton... idea e ca el in general (a se citi ALL THE TIME) nu se atinge de asa ceva... oh, well...
I hate Bican's ass and I will beat the hell outta him as soon as I see him... Asta e veche... Motivul e mai nou... TOT nu si-a reparat netu'... de vreo 3 weeks (cam pe atunci si-a reparat clacul dupa vreo luna si) tot zice ca isi face si netu'... daaaar nu... and now I want him to post those pics we made Monday in Green... pe that fucked up fashion blog we have... si sunt asa nice those pics... aaaaargh.. feeling frustrated.
I am working on two short stories... a Klaxons fan fic and band fic... was feeling creative yesterday dar se pare ca iar m-a parasit inspiratia... but hey, vorba aia... a cynic told me the best is yet to come... so cheer up!
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
2:55:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see blabla, words of wisdom
Nu mai imi e lene! Sa scriu, that is... ca in rest, am lene pentru aaaaall of you... The treatment? Vreo 6 ore de french electro ieri seara si o discutie about my exam (ala de luni) cu mama in Cora azi (in timp ce se auzea pe fundal Klaxons... aham, de la aia din Cora, nu din castile mele)... Asa ca I bring to you my fave tracks de aseara + azi... adicatelea... French house.... fuckery, ain't it?
Daft Punk - Something About Us
Mr. Oizo - Flat Beat *classic, classic, I tell you... and you must remember the video... *
SebastiAn - Ross Ross Ross
Cassius - The Sound Of Violence
Para One - Les soleils artificiels
Busy P - Chop Suey
Mr. Flash - Champions (feat TTC)
Surkin - And You Too
...and a bonus...
Teki Latex - Disco Dance With You (spank rock remix)
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
1:04:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see c'est top, electrickery, mixed thingies, on repeat shite
This happened last year...
and now, cunt boy expects us to believe him....
Last post on the bugle brought to you by
at around
6:28:00 pm
way(s) to suck an egg
tell me what you see watch me